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Everything posted by Undeadbob666

  1. Well Amazing Following Tweaks (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26976) allows you, at least for companions, to do just that. You can choose outfits for standard, combat, city, home, camp and swim I think. It also adds outfits for Nick and a bunch of other features companion-wise. However there must be a way to do for the player with modder wizardry, since a guy figured out to do it for companions. I would use it, be cool if it worked with True Storms so when a radiation storm kicked in it would equip your best radiation gear.
  2. Well thats cool, I had no idea you could do that! Be a cool way to port the mechanics of frost over to F4, if your not into the pure survival experience.
  3. Just had an image of my character on survival with hook hands and two peg-legs, haha. I feel like a way to implement this is to create a mod that drags you back to your nearest settlement when you die, and has a sort of cost you get a lost limb or somesuch as a result of the life saving surgery (perhaps add a trauma center as a settlement workshop), now your one legged pete. Then the scope of the implants you could create depend on your Medic, Science & Robotics perks. Anyway, sorry just an idea guy.
  4. You should check out NPCs Travel (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16987) and Fallout Commander (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14946) if you haven't already. NPCs Travel has a holotape that allows you to customize which factions travel around and in how many groups. Fallout Commander allows you to choose a faction (you can freely change it) and depending on how many settlements you have allows you to call various level faction members. FCOM is actually really cool, and can be used in conjunction with the flaregun. Though I have yet to use it, War of the Commonwealth (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12395) also allows you to increase the exterior spawns of NPCs, with the ability to change various settings for each faction/npc (i think, its what the description says anyway). Though you might want to check out a less intensive spawn mod, if you system can't handle it. Anyway hope this helps.
  5. Two good mods were already mention so I'll throw in a few I'm using. Gas Masks of the Wasteland (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17491) is a good one if you want a more hardcore radiation storms, and dust storms (it has a holotape so you change it all around). If you use allot of mods (like I do) and don't want to use horizon (I do recommend it though), then try out these mods: Survival Re-balance (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13680) it re-balances the health model for everything including the player. It also rebalances armor & weapon weights to more realistic numbers. Survival Overhaul GenMersion (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15807) is cool it has four mods bundled together: McDonough Must Die which allows you to enable death for all npcs and/or companions, Martial Stance gives diferent fighting stances (don't really use it though), Far Barber gives hair loss chances, and Scavenged Wastes gives 90% of the loot to 10% of the wastelanders (mostly brotherhood, gunners and institute) so there is less stuff on the ground (try playing with Luck 1 for a while lol). Advanced AI Tweaks (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27763) just gives more realistic behavior to NPCs, they have a wider search range (vannilla NPCs will only search 1 floor above or bellow them or something like that, this changes it to 3 floors I think) and also tweaks the stealth system so NPCs are less aware in certain states (resting, sleeping etc) and realistic lighting effects (works well with darker nigh mods). And Some Assembly Required (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12050) is a power armor overhaul, making T-45 more common but also not giving you full complete suits of armor (most places that had a full suit just have 2-3 armor pieces) and there is only one X-01 Suit in the commonwealth. Also forgot about backpacks, I like to use Backpacks of the Commonwealth (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29447) it adds to bags to the level list, and I can give them to my companions (I use Amazing Following Tweaks, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26976, so I can have five companions) so they can carry all my loot. Anyway those are only some of the mods I use, but there are plenty. Check the Overhaul, Gameplay and Immersion categories those are gold minds for hardcore survival playthroughs.
  6. I will have to check in game, but I think this could be achieved with Extended weapon mods (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8276), coupled either with the Factor (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32908) or Ak5C (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28418) maybe?
  7. Well there is a AK74M (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21466). As far as the AR-C its based on the AR-10 in .308, could'nt really find an AR-10. But there are two I think are somewhat close, the Factor (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32908) or the Ak5C Rifle (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28418) look the most like the AR-C. Then coupled with New Calibers to get the .308 round for the Factor/Ak5C. I'm sure there are more mods I'm not aware off, these are just ones I have used.
  8. As far as WWI weapons, no I could not find any. But the Thompson 1928 & 1942 sadly are represented by the broken as all hell vanilla SMG - though with different magazines, use the Stick mag mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12871) and An Actual 50-rnd Drum magazine to represent these types (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28712). There is a Luger P08 (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15180) mod, though I've not used it as I used weaponsmith extended which has way too many weapons for me to even find yet at level 52 - but I did use a luger early on. As I could not find any of the other weapons on your list, I thought I'd put WWI Weapons here (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17571) as a consolation prize. It was not on your list, but it adds some WWI melee weapons to fallout so I figured if you didn't know about it you might use it dunno. Sorry if you already knew about it.
  9. I second that, not like I have anything else to do lol. It'll give me something to look forwards too.
  10. For sure I think there should be a base foundation of things you could build. Like For weapons maybe the pipe pistols are the "base" foundation for the other schematics. And it might breathe some use into pipe weapons at the earlier levels, perhaps you could say the same for leather armor? I use Mojave Imports so I bet allot of those items could be considered base level, like the healing powder for chemistry?
  11. Must be in the air or something, I was thinking about how to best word a request just like this one. Except I wanted this extended to every craftable item in the game, just draw out the game a little bit more on survival I guess. Anyway I would definitely add this to my essential mods list if such a thing existed.
  12. While not the exact gun your looking for, the Laser Cannon mikemoore by (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19246) is a shoulder fired heavy laser that uses fusion cores. So maybe a resourceful modder could make a new model for it? I don't know how mods are even made, its like magic too me, so who knows how easy or impossible such a task would be. We need a wizard.
  13. Gas Masks of the Wasteland (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17491) has a setting where the NPCs will don Gas Masks during radiation weather, but I am not sure if they will go indoors. I do recommend that if you play with that mod, due to the other mods you mentioned, you play on the immersion setting. I do not think there is currently a mod that does what you ask, but I hope this helps.
  14. Not exactly what you requested, but Lasers Have No Recoil (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9417) would increase your damage in that they would no longer be jumping around so you can get more hits in; also has plug-ins for Less Missile Launcher recoil, and gyro-stabilized miniguns - off topic but I think its cool lol. It may not seem like it on paper, but when you use it in game lasers are quite different. And there is also Institute Electrolasers Redux (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31337) it makes it so that institute lasers also do EMP damage, and regular lasers also do incendiary damage (vs organics only). Again not what you requested, but with both those mods lasers are way more useful Hope that helps in some small way at least.
  15. I've thought about this, you could make the Ammo with: Cloth/Leather, Fertilizer (might be something way better) and Lead to craft one shot. The reloads would be horribly long, but it could be counter-balanced with the ease of crafting the ammunition. I'd like to see something like the Pipe Pistol, you can add stocks and a longer barrel to make it a rifle, but the base weapon starts as a pistol. That way you don't have to make a billion weapons to cover a wide variety of weapons. Could even add shotgun-like barrels to get your blunderbuss-on. Wanted to try my hand at modding with a weapon like this, but maybe I should start with rocks and work my way up lol.
  16. Can't quite remember the quest name, but in Diamond City Abbot wants you to get green paint for him from Hardware Town. I feel like Chemist could get the job done, instead of doing the fetch quest. Also (again can never remember quest names) when you help out Danse at the Cambridge Police Station, Scribe Haylen has you run all over the commonwealth for radio tower parts. I think progressively high ranks of Science could negate the need to go walking all over, especially for survival. Very cool idea. Always thought it was cool how you could repair that radio in Goodsprings back in FNV
  17. Hah I had no idea it was new vegas, probably why I thought it should be in fallout! I think making it deadly accurate and, like you said, really high rate of fire could balance the crap damage it should do.
  18. I think this could be cool, not sure about adding real world effects but I think having visual effects for the existing fallout drugs would be cool, that way any other mod that alter's those drugs (like the Drug Overhaul, which changes the normal ones into real world equivalents). Also cool Agony style animations for taking the drugs would be cool. If anything you should make that jerk that tries to sell you the charge card a dealer, I think it will save that NPC from being shot in the face all the time. It would be cool if NPCs actually approached you to buy, and only giving a go away (like from the start when your talking to the vault-tec rep) or a barter option and I don't think it would be too much trouble to attempt that. Also having different NPC animations/behaviors when they approach you depending on what they are looking for would be cool. Then progress from this "foot dealing," you could somehow unlock new settlement objects that would allow you to place drug dealers in your settlements and established places with a chance of turf wars and being arrested (like in Diamond City chems are controlled by the government, maybe a special licence type quest). Then maybe when your doing real well (starting to become a kingpin) that's when vigilante types might hunt you down, No Place is Safe style. Lots of potential in this mod, really cool idea.
  19. Was watching this video, and I thought "man that would be a cool gun in fallout." Its pretty lore friendly as it was produced in the 60s, and its a .22LR SMG (it was originall semi-auto, but full-auto came out in the 70s) and in full-auto has 1200 RPM. It has a 178 and 200 round drums, and in the video it looked to have very little recoil. New Caliber's has the .22LR, sorry I know nothing of mod creation but it doesn't seem hard but maybe it is. You definitely would have to make new animations (seems hard lol) and sounds (it sounds really weird on full auto in the video). One side-note is that it seems to take a really long damn time to reload, you could nerf it and make it easier but whatever a modder seems immersive works for me. Seems like a cool early level SMG, and the SMG category is really lacking in fallout 4. Also 178 round drum dude! Thanks to anyone who takes this up, or anyone that could point me in the direction of an existing mod.
  20. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6769702-anyone-else-forget-to-set-to-no-update/?hl=f4se There is a reply by Xuiryus that explains how to do it. It works great for me, with no issues. As long as you follow the video's instructions.
  21. Cool! I've been wondering how to make my own overhaul mod, just like horizon, of course I know nothing of modding or programming but man I've run into this 250+ limit allot. Really annoying. I hope you do plan on offering this service still, if you build it they will come.
  22. Try loading Looksmenu and all your preset plugins at the bottom. I was having the same issue, and one where raider's showed up all purple (funky but not really what I was going for). I trimmed my mods down to 180 (which made the game run much better), but still no presets. So I loaded CBBE at the top and Looksmenu (and all attached plugins) at the very bottom (above Start Me Up). Now I have no issues and I can easily tattoo Nate up like the punk rocker he should have been.
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