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Everything posted by cerebus23

  1. sorry but your probably boned :( if none of them will load. only thing i could usggest is uploading the earliest bad save to bethesda tech support with exaclty what you were doing at and around the time that save went bad and how long you had been playing. i was miffed when i lost 10 hours of my 40 hour game sucks when it happens and you been solving quests opening new locations and getitng gear and loot. if you got no good saves left your more than likley going to have to start over :(.
  2. i had no issues there and i am running a bunch of mods to boot. do you have any mods active? and if so did you disable them and see if that lets you past that part?
  3. lol yea not like there are bad guys running around the bunker hell no mobs at all. seems like they thought players would be shooting her it the back of the head for lulz or something. enough bugs in the whole bos line to make you want to pull your hair out, nevermind the fact that "the suicide vault" you get sent to by them if you clear the last room destroys victor in nv (even tho he should not even be remotely tied to that room) and bugs your game out there to boot. makes me wonder if the q&a testers actually played the game at all, i mean just playing the bos line you can run into 3 or 4 game stopping bugs that will mess your progress up in one way or another.
  4. 4 if you count my mod with the cheat book "power armor for dummies" :P dunno that the low health of the enclave armor really means much i mean armor decays very very slowly. even on hc i was suprised how long armors last guns will decay like mad but armors seem to barely decay at all, which i wonder if that is a bug. add to the fact that you do not get the enclave armor till very late in game, tho i did find an enclave helmet in a mine out near jacobs, but have not been able to find any suits outside of the one you get in the bunker. but either way at the point you get the armor seems like the low health would not matter at all. hell even getting it early with the very low armor decay rate and probably the fact you could repair it using bos armors, certainly with the one repair perk, there are tons of ways to fix the stuff up since just doing the bos missions you can rack up about 4 6 sets of the bos armors, really wish those guys carried guass rifles doing those missions :(.
  5. hmm not good as scripting in general i mean i am a total hack, but maybe you could add a condition where you can tell her to unlock the door so you can talk to the brotherhood, after she tells you she is one of them. it is nice that they added the open on death thing trying to avoid people getting stuck there lol but people get stuck there either way, the most common way is she teleports behind the locked door and then gets stuck at the intercom. think i also read you can pick pocket the key for the door off her might be the most legit way to work around the whole thing.
  6. i had several saves go bad about 10 hours worth, but lest i had saves back from 30 hours into the game that would load. the ghoul rocket quest is known to bug saves out and make the game crash, but mine happened well beyond that quest by about 10 or 15 hours, so i was never able to track down what exactly caused my several saves to go bad. one symptom i noticed was the game getting choppy, got really apparent when i exited westside vegas thought i had a memory leak or something going on and exited the game and then my saves would not load crashed the game just trying to load the saves tried one and two saves back same deal, disabled all mods repeated the process then i kept going back till i found a save that loaded and then started activating mods and knock on wood not had any problems after i went back and loaded the saves that worked, got a save not 60+ hours into the game after that and did most every quest in game visited all the placed i had visited before the corruption and no more issues. only advice i can give is create a bunch of manual saves, and hope you do not encounter the thing that starts to make them go bad and if you have a bunch your likley to have a few good ones remaining that will load. reminds me of the autosave bugs from fo3 where they would just go belly up randomly to the point that people were told to disable autosaves entirely and manual save the game to avoid the bug.
  7. y there is 4 easy way to pick the right one is if you fast travel to hidden valley turn around and head NW that is the BoS bunker right in front of you form that point. otherwise it is the one with the near unpickable door, you need 100 lp to even try it and it has an intercom you can use.
  8. you could just pull the console down select the door and type "unlock" you get in fine does not bug the game out tho they will be highly annoyed but they are annoyed in any case so it does not matter. could check the wiki also for the whole bos line and veronica lot of work arounds are popping up on there i just had mega issues with the whole trial loop thing and had to use the console to force the quest stage.
  9. well i thought just because of the northern passage area of interest there would be dlc, it is covered by rocks but you can noclip thu and it leads to a tunnel door that has a exit (non working) that seems to lead to the other side of the mountains up north. so assumed just by that we would be getting new dlc or a full blown expansion that adds a whole new area or something up there in the future. far as yes man goes the end credits do not seem to indicate that he goes rogue. i think he is just taking out the yes to anyone programming. odd bit of all that and the part that bugged me about yes man is he parks himself on the street so anyone can talk to him...yet noone does. but whenever you go talk to him you get warnings from the legion and the NCR that they are annoyed by you working with yes man. i would have told him to go hide his butt back in the hotel room where we could talk in private.
  10. khans are drug dealers tho drugs r bad mmk? that and they are pretty slimy people to begin with i obliterated them in my game ;) kinda funny when there is only a few left they will be non aggro even when you are vilafied by them, unlike the powder gangers and others that will just ask to be exterminated.
  11. disguises only work to a point, any guard type of npc will see thru it and if you start shooting the place up they will definately see thru any costume you are wearing. sniping can be your friend. or stealth boys and landmines, killed a few rather rude npcs wo a faction hit by stealthing in dropping a few landmines and hiding out of sight when they went off. the scientist at the NCR base was just begging to get capped so i helped him out and then hid in the base and BOOM no faction hit.
  12. ^ you get that speech just by talking to him. also the H&H tools factory the hidden computer logs shows that, i believe it is house, was bat crap insane at some point. also if you talk to cowgirl ghoul she knew of house before and after the great war, and when he came back he slaughtered a ton of people. anyone that would not side with him got obliterated. also freeside being on his doorstep he could do a hell of a lot more to help that place out considering he can spend 800,000+ caps looking for that chip. granted he made a pretty safe zone and some of the factions he united are not too bad, others are just utter slime. considering they were all tribals tho i guess you got to give him some points for domesticating them to some degree. he does not want the rest of the world to burn tho it would hurt his bottom line. he wanted the NCR there so he could take their caps he did not necessarily want them gone for good as in dead, why he tasks you to save their president at the dam. but the rest of the world that had no caps to take, well they could all burn. house is a bit short sighted if he helped renovate the whole of the desert and got trade routes protected etc, it would improve the lot of the people, with his new army and with the help of some of the factions he could have done a lot to make the roads safer and control the more evil gangs. then put his grand plan into practice with only a few years delay. i dunno if that bit is bugged, if you take him offline it opens the thing which supposedly will kill him anyway, seems you should have been able to disconnect him wo popping his bubble thing. to have him around to advise on his renovation projects. otherwise you might as well put a bullet in his brain else he will just die of illness given time. but the whole BoS thing i hardly see how the brotherhood is much of a threat, there are not that many of them, and their ranks are closed so it is not like they are gaining any new followers and they have no super robot of eternal patriotic duty to obliterate his robot army. They do mention that they want to investigate his robots but none of them seem inclined to start a war over them. Nor do i think they would have a shot in hell of getting into vegas if you locked the place down. comparing him to the ncr they are alike in a lot of ways, both want power ncr seems a tad more inclined to help the common people as long as there is a percentage in it for them or something to gain as in power water food etc. but then the vast majority of people in the desert do not want the ncr there and the other ones that kinda do think the ncr is too spread thin to actually do much good. house will let people live the way they want to live, within reason. if you join the ncr you play by their rules and laws and there is no debate. any of the factions are rather whats in it for me, tho. the NCR probably would never have been in vegas but for the dam and then for the potential cash cow that was the vegas strip. so none of the parties have any particularly lofty goals they are aspiring to.
  13. most armor are pretty easy to port over, just a matter of making new mod in the nv geck and attaching the models and textures to the new entries, only bugs are sometimes the hats come in sideways but that can be fixed, cannot use the old esps tho so you have to fill out the stats names spells etc etc as entirely new, but the models textures and sounds all should port over fine.
  14. supposedly if you put haden into the BoS seat you can get them to make a deal with NCR, but my games bugged with the BoS trial stuff, so i get to blow them up or just kill house and kick everyone out. i mean i kinda agree with BoS in some ways, i mean i would not want khan or NCR to have nukes or something along those lines, etc. But they go about things the wrong way by treating everyone like morons and pissing people off rather than helping people like the followers of the apocalypse does, but then the followers also go about keeping really dangerous tech out of the hands of people that would use it. Heck if i had a really free reign i would put the followers in charge of things cause they seem to care about people, granted their numbers are small but with the resources of vegas and whatnot maybe some support from the brotherhood they could really afford some change to the world for the better. I lest would drag the brotherhood into a meeting with the followers to see if they could come to some sort of agreement to work together to keep bad tech out of the mainstream but to also develop good tech that can help humanity.
  15. The ai is just too dumb for hc mode. nm when they go soliong on their own while your are preoccupied. didnt companions in fo3 use stim packs and whatnot on their own?
  16. someone really needs to code in texas hold'em poker course i am sure amaking the ai play decent would be a nightmare, but some no limit hold'em would be a hell of a lot more fun then black jack which seems with high luck you have to be a complete moron to lose. and make it so you get banned from black jack you could play poker which the house does not get a huge cut of anyway, it is mostly player vs player money with a small rake going to the casino.
  17. i think the temp skill books should give a permanent +1 to skill and the +9 or +10 temp effect, just cause it seems kinda odd that you read a book and get + 10 out of it for a minute or two but retain nothing past that. like you got amnesia 2 minutes after reading it. other than that maybe someone can add a quest for pre wars books, say some geeky librarian or the followers of the apocalypse hand in x amt of books for caps and rep or items maybe take your pick of the lot. should take a good amount of books to turn in, considering that pre war books are plentiful. speaking of the followers how do you get a key to their safehouse? is that quest bugged. i am exhaulted or whatever with the followers, and that girl you meet on the nv strip mentions finding her at the mormon camp later but she never leaves the strip. kinda assume there is supposed to be more to the whole followers thing but there is a broken script somewhere or it is future dlc so hard to tell these days what is broken and what they are going to charge you for down the line. bit of a ramble i know but curious.
  18. fallout wiki has a bunch of the ids for items perks skills npcs etc etc, make it easy to sort through and find if you need em also almost all of the fallout 3 console cheats work lest i not found a one yet that did not.
  19. still begs the question why does the suicide room kill victor 100 miles away, and why does victor kill himself upon one of your visits to the penthouse, and why none of the q&a testers at bethesda or obsidian catch this since it is a hard bug to miss.
  20. That fits what happened except the guard was talking about how I killed Benny like a year ago >.> and the door was just an express elevator. It just takes you from the suites to the main floor, theres nothing secret where it comes out. I cant go back now cause ive done a few hours of missions... There has to be a variable set that shows that the Gamorah sub-faction is hostile towards me. No one else on the strip. Does anyone know how to find a complete list of console commands? I bet theres one to reset the gamorah's hostility. Oh, in that case, it could be similar to the problem I've having in my game. Victor was dead outside the 38, and if I go inside, he is hostile to me, and when he shoots, all the other Securitrons shoot (but they ain't hostile until Victor attacks). So I basically need a way to make Victor not hostile as well. That pretty much screws up my game progression since I was working with House. That is a HUGE bug, victor will explode at some point outside the lucky 38, and then you cannot speak to him to gain entry, so when you skip that part when you enter the 38 they all shoot you on sight. Incidently if you do get inside the normal way at some point victor in the penthouse randomly explodes, but that one exploding does not effect the game in anyway since you can just use the elevator to get up and down, and it does not set anyone off to be aggro on you. Only way i have found around the outside victor bug is to load an earlier save, some 9 hours earlier in my case, dunno if it is related but my victor went boom and i got the notification of the failing of the house always wins when i was doing the final room in the suicide vault where you get one of the components for the brotherhood, i had a save just before i did that room and soon as i started shooting the robots and junk in that room i got the fail notice, exited and went to vegas and victors corpse was outside the 38, reloaded that save and went straight to vegas and victor was fine i entered and noone was shooting at me. Only way around that is go to vegas before victor goes booom and talk to him, so he opens the gates of the 38 for you and lets you in. Seems skrewing around too much and he will ruin your game for you, odd bug tho he seems to be the only securitron that has a habit of exploding on his own, and in his case it can fubar your game progression.
  21. one thing that fo nv thumps fo3 over the head and beats them to a bloody pulp is the consistency of voice acting. fo3 and oblivion all suffered form the voice director having the actor record their lines over the course of a few weeks, hence you get accents and voice tones that were way off for the character that they are voicing and may only be for one of two lines of dialogue in a entire conversation. fonv you do not get that much only the 'Hellos" and "goodbies" seem to wander off the proper tone for the convos, "later" and the old womans teary "goodbye" seem to be the most glaring examples you can find in the game of dialogue lines that seem way out of place for the chracter or the context of the conversation. another thing this game thrumps any bethesda game over is the fact that your choices matter, you cannot run around in new vegas being a homacidal mainiac and not exepect that the vast majority of normal people will not shun you or shoot you on sight. were fo3 it did make a spits difference other than the radio chatter and slightly different voice over at the end. nv feels more like a real world, where fo3 felt like characture of a world, where your behavior did not matter, where npcs were just rock stupid. and any number of endless things that took me out of the game world at any given time. and nv has some nice touches that really add to the belief in the world, when you wander into freeside you see the kids chasing a super rat around, you shoot it they start eating it raw. later you do some of the quests in freeside and improve the streets get food and medical going in that part of town, the rats will return but the kids do not have to chase it for food anymore so it just scampers around. little things like that that you might miss if your not paying attention is way make nv really shine. and count me among those that hated sewer diving to get anywhere in fo3, gods we had dynamite and high explosive clear some of the gdamn side streets.
  22. Well i think the ncr is far from the good guys anymore, they took the dam cause they wanted its power and the clean water, they attacked the brotherhood cause they wanted the weapon at that facility, thank god they hired a complete moron to make it work for them, the would have attacked vegas but caesar was too much a problem, the ncr congressman is harassing jacobs town trying to rile up the mutants to start a fight so he can wipe them out get political points in an election year. None of the main factions seemed to be a great choice, only plus for house is he did not care what people did to each other or to themselves, outside of cannibalism, but all he cared about was making caps, nothing else mattered, he wanted the ncr out but he wanted the tourism and the money they would bring in, Noone in the region wanted the ncr there really, i mean you talk to most of the "common" folk they all wanted independence. There was not a lot of ncr troops that wanted to be there. You find a few former ncr citizens and they tell you that life is ok and better than ever back home but the taxes and fees and junk you got to shell out to the ncr constantly really keep people down. People on the strip complain about the fees house takes, but claim they make enough to eat and can live in safety on the strip, just anyone outside the main strip can skrew off according to houses inclinations, how he was going to get a high speed railway built with limited skilled workers and nm the logistics of just keeping the workers safe.
  23. lets not forget that ranged weapons being nerfed to hell and back and requiring you to load the proper ammo and maybe having to cycle thru several ammo types till it loads the one you need so you do not have to empty 500 rounds into the thing. is probably why the reload animas are hyped up.
  24. the july 4747 @2:34 pm is just lultastic tho i mean they got to have a sense of humor about the thing or that is some funny goof. so 2000 some years from now at 2:34 pm you can login again bet you cannot wait!
  25. nope needs to be reworked to work with nv eps and and esms etc.
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