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Everything posted by cerebus23

  1. and there was free roam in fallout 3? seems to me we had to wait for the dlc to raise the cap and you had to pay 10 dollars for that cap to be lifted. granted broken steel dlc was better than the actual game imo. steam is fine, way some people act you would think steam is stealing all your porn and bank info off your harddrive while you are playing games. steam does collect system specs and etc but asks you to submit them, steam does do a good bit of data mining of game info, things like play time, what your favorite weapons are number of deaths distance traveled, etc etc but many games do things like that not to spy on your lack of having a life when you clock 30 hours of play time in a 3 day period, but to drawn some patterns of players habits and see if they can use that to make the next game better. rockstar does it, i am sure gfwl does it, bioware does it, more and more games are dating mining your game habits and developers collect them to try and spot trends and figure out things like way does 80% of people play soldier class or use guns and how can we try and convince them to try something else. but some people act like steam is the sole company out there to do it, which is near laughable. but even the whole well i dont want to have to be offline to play games and that can be an issue but standard steam can run in offline mode as long as the client has made an initial handshake you can offline game all you want. cloud based steam tho could be trouble, no worse then ubisofts efforts with online saves, but the issues with steam cloud and nv seem to indicate that these save system are no ideal at all even with steams relatively good networks. we know ubisoft abandoned it after two games because the vast majority of people hated it especially when their servers crashed incessantly when the games launched.
  2. yea but the bethesda fanboys jump all over the obsidian fanboys and then a fanboy slap fight insues. i mean i would think beth would be happy to have people trolling this game and their selective memories about how god awful fallout 3 was with the bugs and crashing. after all beth wants to make more fallout games and they want their games to be the best, hell i got to think that the relationship between obsidian and beth is not the best buddies type, especially since beth sued obsidian trying to rip the mmo out of their hands. and all the rangling over the classic fallout packs and beths concern that people might be confused about fallout 1 and 2 being a bethesda game. or buy them instead of fo3 etc. no i think you put these two companies into a steel cage and locked it it would get messy in a hurry. far as your flaming if you flame it right i got no issues, buy no bethesda game until it has sever patches and a community created mega patch that fixes all the bugs that bethesda will never ever get around to bother to fix. it is not just obsidian that makes buggy games.
  3. a 380 dps pulse rifle i modded in take standard ammo 10mm ammo 99 "clip" capacity find a death claw and start putting rounds into it it will take you several clips to kill it, does that sound at all right? i know it does not to me its like critters have uber resits to anything but the one ammo choice they weak to, now put on god mode and run up with a baseball bat and see how many swings it takes to kill it. if the game wanted to nerf ranged weapons, they should have nerfed melee weapons to be stuck with types, after all you got bludgeon, piercing, and slashing weapons, try to bludgeon a grizzly bear with a wooden baseball bat the bear would think you are trying to tickle it, now swing a katana, you would hurt it but probably not kill it outright etc melee needs to be powerful since you do not have time to decide when your getitng hammered on gee should i use the spiked knuckles, the brass ones or use a knife. so i do mind melee being powerful, but guns on the other had are entirely too damn puny and way too dependent on the right ammo choice, which can be a pain if you run out of the proper ammo for the mobs you have to kill. so gun dps needs to go up or the resits that mobs have to standard ammo need to be lowered a decent bit, not so much that they totally mitigate the proper ammo choice, but standard bullets should not be like shooting something with bb pellets should take you a good bit more shots to drop something but as it is the gap is too damn wide. standard ammo should be better in general, hollow point should be weak sauce vs armored targets, standards should be better and armor piercing should pure own them. but a standard bullet will hurt anything that a hollow point will, heck an armor piercing round will to, since it has no armor to go thu it should tear a hole right through the target and keep going, hollow points simply flatten on impact and cause more blunt force trauma, and more internal chaos where normal bullets might go thru a target or get lodged into bone, but they are not going to bounce off anything but someone wearing titanium plate armor. and yes i have 100 guns skill and playing hardcore mode. and still i say something is entirely off about guns period. and all the complaints about energy weapons ranged weapons short of sneak attack hits need boosted.
  4. deathclaws. i mean seriously especially if you do not spot them before they spot you. evil basterds. .
  5. there are damage mods that mod the global damage modifier, i think the general consensus is that many of the ranged weapons, energy, guns etc are a in fact underpowdered, especially due to the fact that unarmed and melee weapons are so pwn and you do not need to shuffle anything to kill stuff with them, while the right ammo does make a world of difference early on in the game HP and AP ammos are rare as heck. But my shovel or brass knuckles can be bought and used blamo. ranged weapons need more dps to be brought in line with melee stuff, yes you should have to use specific ammo types for the hard stuff and it should kill stuff faster, but the damage is just too damn low when shooting stuff in general. setting the global modifier is a band aid fix and doing that would buff melee that needs no buff, so we really need a full scale weapons overhaul especially in the light that the game punishes you of you go for a shooty type character with the availbility of the good ammos and the lack of dps to boot in comparison to the other choices. fo2 seems to my fuzzy memory guns were killer at high level, mean you would one or two hit most anything with a gauss rifle, even normal guns seemed far more effective.
  6. interesting find, i would like to think the current radio is bugged cause the stations after a few hours of listening in a 50+ hour game are unbearable playing the same 4 to 6 songs over and over. course on a long list of bugs i would like to see them fix the quests and junk that bomb your save games, and the crash issues first, but if they could fix this along with some of that stuff next patch i would not complain. or if someone could figure out why those are in but not playing that would be great to :).
  7. yea i got 3 pms out asking for permission for the mod i made for classic armor and aliens pulse gun, and got 2 returns to say you can use it just give credit. one more pm and i can release the thing bundled into one plus this year the pulse gun will have 99 ammo and its own "caseless" ammo to use and be in stores and some npcs using it, saw one today sporting it while playing the game. only thing i would like to do else to it is make caseless ammos craftable for it.
  8. RTS was darn great, cept the overabundance of raids on your settlement that would pop up whenever you were out doing a quest or something. too bad about the time i installed it my fo3 just went belly up and was unplayable wo it crashing every 5 minutes to the point i just gave up and uninstalled it. so what is the point of no return for the story anyway? getting on 40 hours in and got all the factions bugging me to meet with them, still teetering between house and the ncr dunno which i trust, legion is not even a option, and still a ton of stuff in the world i not explored or been in for all the junk that is on the map.
  9. this does sound rather epic :) good luck thats going to be a ton of work to get all that put together. one thing i would love to see is a dune buggy. know that is probably impossible but you got a desert whats more perfect than a dune buggy. :) one big plus for fo nv is the fact that there are roads to all the towns something that fo3 lacked so a vehicle was of real limited use. but a vehicle would be handy as heck in vegas sice you could actually use it to get places or lest close to most places.
  10. create a mod and open the armor in the editor and change the DT stat in the item info window save done.
  11. bleep the legion only way i raised my rep was by killing every legion i found and then ceaser himself :P. they bad guys i mean what would make them happy? rape, murder, slavery and killing ncr and vegas people, maybe toss in a few crucifixions i imagine would do the trick. think your one of the small minority that wants to raise rep with them.
  12. i used the science option in the release game and completed it fine. still only had a minute to find the thing despite using it. so maybe that was bugged thought the science option was to buy you more time. way too many bugged scripts and misfiring ones nm the handful of quests that corrupt your save games. makes it hard to know wth your supposed to do that isnt not going to wipe out hours of gameplay, especially since some of them there is no indication things just went belly up.
  13. well the whole premise of fallout 1 2 etc is not a real depection of a post apocalypse world, yea you would have a long term nuclear winter that would last maybe a few decades of those 200 years but the resulting fallout spread around the world would probably irradiate a good chunk of the planet even in the places that were not directly hit. these are games, if the game was about well noone can live outside and we live inside small bunkers and cannot go anywhere for 500 more years there would not be much game to be had in that. nm the logistics of living inside a bunker and having enough food, water and oxygen and power systems to live several hundred years isolated from the outside entirely, nm inbreeding with only a maybe 30-50 people per bunker/vault over several hundred years. but if you take the game at face value for the aftereffects, then gangs roaming bands of thugs small isolated communities just trying to get by and living more or less as tribes, makes a ton of sense. clean resources would be incredibly rare and just by their rarity make any survivors very protective or aggressive of their territories. it would be a simple matter of survival we got x amt of food and water to handle xx amt out of people wo starving to death or running out of water so we have to protect our own or take others to save our tribe. i got no problem with the dam the story explains that ncr engineers fixed up the dam and maintained it,admittedly that would be a huge job after 200 years of lack of service. my bigger problem is with that massive lake that is rad free, that seems more to stretch the bounds of suspension of belief wo a deus ex machina to explain how the lake avoided any and all radioactive fallout over the last 200 years. even with vegas being protected from the majority of nukes that were launched its way, simple weather patterns would spread radiation to that area via winds and the rains that the desert gets. but meh its a game and i think fo2 had a good bit of cowboy to it. heck small towns, tribes, limited resources would make a surviving world more like max max or cowboy style just out of the logistics of resources.
  14. lot of work your putting in sounds promising. posted this in the request mod forum but how about junking the pistol powder, rifle etc and just making it one catch all "gunpowder", since in all reality there would be little or no difference between the powder you put in a pistol round or the powder you put in a rifle round, you would just use more of it. maybe more unique blends for explosives and whatnot or a mix of gunpowders and another ingredients to make explosive grenades and whatnot. that way you could break down ammos you do not use for materials for other rounds, breaking down large ammos would net you more gunpowder to make a ton of smaller rounds or break down a ton of smalls round to get enough gunpowder to create a few larger rounds. etc.
  15. hmm i had a 37 to 39 hour saves go bad and only one i could load was 31 hours into the damn game. have to check if i had that fly me to the moon quest going on or what. nope never had that quest all all or solved or failed it. checked all my mods to since i player all last night hardcore made no changes or edits to any of my mods nor added new ones, and i went through and unchecked each mod then all mods and nothing would get the damn last 3 or 4 saves manual or auto to load. so saves are going corrupt... what version are people running anyway i got the latest update and wondering is that is causing more issues than it solves and if i should rollback to the first update where i seemed to have 0 issues?
  16. was one posted today, actually not tried it yet since i am taking my time with the actual main quest. but should be one in the files section or on the released mods board if you look back a few pages.
  17. dunno i just killed him to, and boy that was a fight cept i was there to do a job for mr house. he sends you there to do a mission, but it is not mission you could not do for him even if you slaughtered the entire camp and ceaser, heck i even mentioned to house after my trip "ummm...you know ceaser is dead right?" house replies something like, it makes no difference at all his troops will still come, they will turn him into a martyr a god etc. shame you do not get to talk to him then put a bullet in his brain or a fist, he is a real peach of an asshat, that is a vicious battle with those explody fist things all his guard got and your trapped in the damn tiny tent and they take your medical items as well as your weapons if you hand them over. holdout weapons ftw. still had me popping food and nuka colas and anything in my bag that had + hp bit of a panic when i noticed wth i got no stimpacks....no damage reists meds no good drugs any any kind, geko steaks plus nuka cola quantum tho cure a world of hurt, glad i saved them for an occasion like that fight instead of wasting them on death claws or something silly. think if you specifically ruined something the ncr would have had you do should have been a notification, i was waiting for one when i decided i really needed to kill that guy right then and there, but i saw none lest none that i noticed i was busy trying to doge his 6 or 8 guards and not get my brains bashed in. so i do not think one popped up at all. i would think that maybe obsidian had an idea that a ahole that leads a bunch of murderous thugs trying to recreate rome with him at the head nm the slavery and the extermination of civilians, quite a few people would want to kill that guy and planned ahead.
  18. probably be enough left over guns and ammo in bunkers and junk, not sure the shelf life of a bullet, but even so the actual ingredients to make decent grade gunpowder is not that complex, heck they had it in china what 200 years before europe etc caught on that hey this stuff makes stuff go boom. but then agian fallout was never about reality i mean it was supposed to be around 1950s tech and culture, and yet they are building super vaults and robots and have suits that make a guy a walking tank, nm the gauss rifles and plasma lasers. sides barrett 50 cal is so much fun, love that gun in arma 2 :). loved my gauss rifle in fallout 2 loved my power armor. just the design decision to have pistol powder and rifle powder and shogun power, makes me facepalm literally. when i go why can't i craft any damn thing i can use, oh the powder...... also would like to add some ammo recipies of ammo i made for a mod, and etc. i mean i love the idea of the craft system in fo nv, but i give them a C for implementation. lest they far ahead of beths fo3 effort in the rpg areas and game systems, but then some argued they just ripped off mods out of the community and crammed them into nv.and hey that is not necessarily a bad thing, after all if they taking mods and ideas that made fo3 better great mod communities are a great way to see what people would like to see in a game. more companies should allow for open modding and seeing where their communities go with the mods. and with the crafting system in place it should be a heck of a lot easier to add stuff like craftable odds and ends new ammos new items, wo having to wait for script extenders and compatability projects etc etc. now if only we could find the actual files and junk we need to look at in the geck to mod this stuff.
  19. Why is it that every type of gun has its own powder? isnt gunpowder called gunpowder for a reason? handy little mixture you put it inside enclosed things and use some external force on it goes boom. I would like to see a mod that ditches all the small guns, med guns large powder junk and just replace everything with one thing, gunpowder. Then take small ammo gun you need 1 unit of gp to make 1 unit of ammo and more units for larger ammos cases are fine as are firing pins. THen you could rip apart the junk ammo get the powder to need to make it into any size ammo. But as it is now seems to have to rip apart ammos i would use in the guns i would use to get the junk i need to make the ammo i am already using. with a overall one for all gunpowder less clutter in your bag you could rip part large ammos to make a ton of small ammos for your pistol or you could rip apart tons of pistol ammo to get the powders to make ammo for your assault rifle. So is anyone game to tinker with this? Or point me in the direction of what scripts and yadda i might need to be looking at to start trying to do this. cause for looking thru the geck i cannot seem to find any of the crafting stuff. Any thoughts comments flames or whatever welcome.
  20. eve online can be great or bad its up to the person that plays it. if you need your hands held for you and need arrows to tell you were to go and what to do all the time then eve probably would be horrible for you. eve is a huge sandbox with few rules, you make of the game what you want. kinda like the x3 games, but mmo style. but on the other hand, x3 you get to fly your ships real time. eve o is point in click flying, people drag it down saying its a spreadsheet game in some ways that is accurate, a lot about eve is numbers and math and having the right setups, if your a pve perosn then eve o will probably bore you to death since pve is a afterthought and the core of the game is pvp in just about every area. but pvp lest smaller scale pvp is a ton of variety, different ships different setups, different weapons and counters, there is no one ideal setup in eve, nor is there a setup that cannot be countered but if your a jack of all trades then like the saying goes you will suck at all of them. eve o on the combat side is more about choosing a path and sticking with it. but its not all combat. you can be a miner, one of the most boring, but hell you can do it while you watch movies or porn or daydream about being in the bahamas, but it is one of the most necessary trades in eve, no miners no ships get built, fewer miners ships get more expensive. but the pay is not the greatest it can be about comperable to pve mission running. unless you use multiple accounts to run your own private mining fleet, and ccp does heavily encourage multiple accounts, pad them subs! but payout dpends a lot on the size of your op and the market value of minerals at any given time. then you got the traders, can be one of the best time vs isk reward on a fairly regular basis, but takes a ton of study to get it right, and can easily loose your shirt, but high risk high reward or if you know what your doing low risk pretty damn good reward. industrialists do pretty well via invention, and selling rare parts needed for ship construction and research. and when new ship types get put in game, assuming you can invent and get the parts to build the things first, you can become rich overnight cause when new ships are added people will pay silly amounts to get the things the first month or two they are out till things level off, but usually to get that train you need to be in a good corp with tons of resources to help pull in the materials and junk that will be needed to build this first run ships. bototm line eve is purely what you make of it, but x3 ship flying vs eve o ship flying is like apples and oranges you might find eve o ship flying boring just clicking around and hitting buttons to align and orbit etc.
  21. rep seem to be generally buggy as it is i was slaughtering legion across the east side of the map and checking off interest points yet after i had gotten a few notifications about my ever plummiting rep with the legion pukes.when i reached a bunch of outposts they were all orange and not red on my radar. compared to the powder gangers when i slaughtered 6 of them to protect the town every powder ganger in the entire region was red and wanting to blow my brains out. then i got the main ncr hq and shot the doctor just because, well he is a raging bleep. And the girl in the next room did not react, noone in the actual hanger there turned red or gave me a second glance, but the moment i stepped outside ohhhh boy.....the entire camp immediately opened fire and that is like 50 guys shooting at you and chucking grenades. like god guys he was a bleep that i am sure anyone that knew the guy did not like him and your all trying to kill me over it? :P. the whole system needs some major fixes period.
  22. so i finally go into new vegas after messing around doing side quests for people, exploring and generally putting off the main after the first two noob towns. go up there to confront the guy and victor tells me to goto the lucky 38 and meet house guy, but the second i set foot in the place all the bots open fire on me including victor..... did i miss something or have i hit one of those game breaking glitches cause i went back and reloaded a earlier save not once but twice and same deal.google search been 0 help and read bits about house gives you a ton of info, but something is wack cause i can not even set foot in the place and not have everything shooting at me. thanks. well lost 10 hours of game time but rolled back and went to the lucky and boom victor was there let me in took me to the top etc no shooting. but one of the brotherhood vault missions i was on the "suicide" vault one and if you do the end of that vault and kill everything soon as i did that in the end room i got a "the house always wins" failed mission doing that, guess it is handy i had a save game right before that trigger fail. still lost a ton of damn progress, just heads up for us people that like to clean up quests and yadda some of the triggers in this game are pretty sketchy.
  23. Think part of the issue is the bethesda mentality of scaling mobs as you level. now that obsidian is doing the game those high level mobs are not scaling up they are just hard as nails and you need better skills and better gear to take them down or you have to avoid them entirely. people are low level with junk skills and junk gear and thinking it is fallout 3 or oblivion and you can go anywhere and do anything right off the bat, well you are in for a world of hurt now and the game seems hard cause high level mini boss mobs are there to tell you wrong way fellow, go get some skills and come back this way later. yea at level 7 your are not going to have access to ap rounds and whatnot, you need to buy them which means you need to find places that actually sell them or raise your craft skills and create the things. which is a hell of a lot eaiser than fallout 1 and 2 since most of the good stuff was only in the very far off places and totally random weither or not you would find ammo for your gauss rifle in the shops of san fran or not. course running away was much esiser in fallout 2 just the way the turn base system works also, now you have to scout plan ahead and if you see a mass of red dots on your radar you better proceed with caution or turn back. where fo2 you could never see what was on the map they were just randomly generated encounters. at low level most of those encounters outside the noob areas would be just start running for the encounter exit cuase you will die. and if you got a bad spawn and they had they won the initiative and had good move bonus then it was game over and reload. hence the speed runs to get power armor at the start of the game in fo2 were a trial and took more than a few reloads to make it to the base to steal the stuff.
  24. it was whatever the latest i could find on the site, and the updated xml prefs file someone posted here that was supposed to be updated for fonv. every time i tried saving the model if i had done nothing or had tried tweaking it when the game imported it all it showed was a big pink ! so i deleted it entirely and put the org file back from the fo3 mod and when i loaded up that time it somehow worked and been working ever since dunno but somehow it just sorted itself out.
  25. good question since all the games armors just use the damage reduction values and i think all the defensive perks add dr to your body, think it is safe to assume that by obsidians cannon dr is the way to go. ar i am guessing is armor rating? hard to tell if that is even coded in at all since they do not use that value at all on anything far as i can tell.
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