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Posts posted by hoofhearted4

  1. i never once thought that. i kind of always knew those were just spin off games trying to do something a little different with the game name (even if it was just trying to cash in on the title)


    here is an IGN video.


    i for one cannot wait.


    also Vindekarr, the game only keeps getting better. i love how you can level up weapons the more you use them. i love the small RPG feel to R&C even though its a badass FPS Action Platform super awesome game!

  2. well disabling sticky/filter keys as shown in that link seems to have solved it. im not sure what was really the problem though. it may be that one of the keys on my mechanical keyboard is malfunctioning, and where you barely have to touch it for it to register, the computer thinks its being held down. though im not sure since i see no problems when im typing or using the computer now. but as i said, the problem seems to have gone away.


    thanks Thor, id give you a Kudos, but youve already received one from me a long time ago :P



    EDIT: spoke too soon. closed out my windows because i was done, and realized my Start Menu Bar didnt pop up, and i couldnt click on my desktop icons or make a Highlight Box. its funny though, bringing up the Task Manager solves the issue....


    EDIT AGAIN: figured outt he problem of my whole window closing thing. i had installed a thing that allows me to use multiple desktops. for some reason it was on the fritz, my windows closing was just it moving to another desktop. i uninstalled it and that problem stopped. now the problem of things not wanting to be clicked is still an issue. i tried a different mouse and that didnt seem to fix it. hmmm.

  3. also it seems that during the times i cant click anything, if i Ctrl+Alt+Del it gives me my clicking power back. sometimes only for a click, sometimes for awhile.


    also for some reason i have a "right mouse click dialogue box" frozen on my screen lol. assuming its a part of this whole mess im in.


    i also noticed that during the times i cant click, my start menu (which is on auto-hide) wont pop up from my mouse. which si when i bring up the Task Manager, and that usually solves that problem for the time being.

  4. ive heard the opposite. to scan in Safe Mode because many viruses disable themselves in normal windows when being scanned or trick the scanners themselves to make them think they arent there. but ya i guess i should scan in normal mode just in case.


    also, i already said, i used CCleaner to clean out thew junk and fix the registry (though not sure how much it really fixes)


    but yea, ill scan my PC again, in normal mode.

  5. Check for Virus's, sounds like you have some nasty virus. Do a complete scan before you do anything.

    it finally went into Safe Mode randomly. From there I scanned my computer with MSE, Spybot and Malware Antibytes and Cleaned out my crap with CCleaner. nothing found anything, and i made sure to return my PC to its normal boot. booted back up only to have the problems continue.


    yea i did that. as i said. scanning it was the first thing i tried.

  6. it just started the other day, im not sure how, it seems very random. i came back from not using my PC for a couple of days, turned it on, and the problems started immediately


    my mouse isnt registerying sometimes. ill go to click something and nothing happens. the item will be highlighted to show it registers my mouse hovering over it, but clicking does nothing. if i start up the task manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del method) i can close out the program no problem. it says its running just fine, and the program doesnt seemt o be using an abnormal amounts of resources.


    another problem that started at the same time is my windows will randomly open and close as if my mouse is hovering over the Windows Aero Button in the bottom right, but it doesnt matter where my mouse is. this has triggered when my mouse has been in the middle of the screen. ironically if i move my mouse out of this random hotspot then the windows open back up, but moving my mouse back to the hotspot closes them. its actually more that there is a hotspot where the windows wont close, and moving my mouse out of that little hotspot closes the windows.


    i tried booting my PC into Safe Mode and ran into another problem. it didnt want to. it would load the drivers for a second, flash the screen, bring be to the Welcome/Please Wait screen, reboot and log me into Windows as normal, no Safe Mode. so i tried forcing it to boot into Save Mode in msconfig, and all that did was get me into an infinite loop. after hard resetting my PC a number of times, it finally went into Safe Mode randomly. From there I scanned my computer with MSE, Spybot and Malware Antibytes and Cleaned out my crap with CCleaner. nothing found anything, and i made sure to return my PC to its normal boot. booted back up only to have the problems continue.


    Windows also ran its own little Windows check and apparently "fixed it" or whatever, but ofc it didnt do anything. actually ended up running it a couple of times. to no avail (not that i expected anything)


    at this point im just considering wiping Windows off my C and reinstalling it. i have Windows on its own partition and keep a clean backup of it so i should be fine, but i was just posting here to see if anyone had any further ideas of stuff i could try before i got to that point. it should be relatively painless to do it, but id still like it to be a last resort.


    running Windows 7 Pro x64 btw


    thanks for your help and suggestions guys! :)

  7. I disagree with that completely. Unless you are buying a Ghz edition or some other special edition they don't just stop making cards. If you get a regular card like a gigabyte card it'll still be available for a long time to come esp after only a month. And even if say newegg stops selling that card it can still usually be found on eBay or something.


    I bought my card almost a year ago (not quite yet) and its still for sale.

  8. I chose AMD because it wAs equal/greater performance for less price. If nvidia gets better pricing or the performance is that much better then I'd get them or if I just had money to spend.


    The same goes for intel. Their products are just damn good even at higher pricing. Bug I'd easily switch to amd if their chips didn't flunk. I do love their pricing and use them when a build needs to be cheap

  9. if it doesnt already support mods, then it wont. Brink is already an old forgotten game, loved only by few. it was a failure in the eyes of many and a laughing stock. as i said, this game was only loved by the minority (myself included) so if it doesnt have modding already, then it wont.

  10. ive played on PS3 (only for a few hours) and i just mute everyone except the friends im playing with lol. i swear, and this may be very stereotypical, but everyone who plays on PS3 is an unintelligent black person. they all have horrible slang English, and cannot speak for crap.

  11. Titan Fall does look pretty cool. i will admit, Xbone had a couple of cool games. that ones coming to PC, but the Insomniac one looked fun as well. sorta reminded me of Brink. granted, if Xbox's history remains true, these will be the only few exclusives it has for its entire life :P

  12. You don't know how ssd's work right, they have the potential to boot any pc faster then any hard drive thats Mechanical because its memory based vs moving parts, in standard HD's there is a slight delay when it fires up. Even Hybrids can't compete do to the fact its mechanical through and through, the only thing that the hybrids do is have a cache which saves data for a short time.


    Any bottlenecks can greatly reduce performance doo to lack of latency, the higher the latency the faster it responds, more memory helps a lot when it comes to stability, anything helps. The Processor speeds up data processing while the HD caches that data, ssd's there is no bottleneck so in a sense you can get amazing performance even with a older system. One thing that slows down most machines is the HD.

    you still never mentioned your GPU. i have an SSD. i know how much faster an SSD boots up a PC then an HDD. i know why it boots up faster then an HDD. but the boot time was the same in my laptop as it was in my desktop. GPU and RAM had nothing to do with it.

  13. I agree the price is what i was looking at and size, i am not looking for out right load times, but with my 8350 and 8gb of ram plus 2 radeon 7950's i could see 1second start times either way with my current setup. Fresh install of windows 7.


    Skyrim would surely benefit from it as well, its stuttering is driving me mad.

    ok first off, what do your GPUs and RAM have to do with your boot time?


    also 1 second boot time? highly highly doubt it. probably wouldnt believe it even if it were caught on video.


    i dont notice any stuttering in Skyrim, and i only have one 7950 and with a bunch of texture pack mods (no ENB) and i get a consistent 60fps everywhere, caves, towns, big battles, etc. i think they only thing youd really notice by Skyrim on an SSD is slightly faster load times (its not much) and slightly less pop in rate (from what ive heard)



    im looking at getting a new one someday. 128gb is just too small. would like to get at least a 256gb, and put my VMs on it.


    that said, this is a hell of a deal. and ive heard good thing about the OCZ Agility 3s. better then its predecessors. though i have a Crucial M4, and i love it, so thats probably what id stick with for myself in the future, even if it ends up costing a little more.




    even cheaper on Newegg!!

  14. the only reason i havent dished outt he $15 is cause im not really sure if the game is for me. adventuring does sound like fun, but it also sounds like it would get boring (for me) pretty fast. like i said, i compare it to minecraft, but there is no building stuff, which kinda stinks. it would be fun to gather wood and mine, then build your own house or lair. im temped to just pitch in the $15 as a "oh what the hell, just go for it" but part of me is holding back, even though its so cheap, just because im so unsure. then again, maybe ive over thinking it. haha well i got 19 days to decide anyways. maybe by then they will have reached some more stretch goals and it will help me decide.

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