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Posts posted by hoofhearted4

  1. hmm. i wouldnt consider myself into that type of game, exploring and reading lore (except for FO3 cause i love the lore) but this might be something id be interested in. its sort of like minecraft in that you just explore and live (and occasionally fight) but obviously much different then it too. i might just back this. for $15 i get the game, seems like a good deal, even if i dont like it not much lost.


    ill keep an eye on it. once its near the end i might pitch in the $15.

  2. it doesnt void warranty?


    and the rate it causes the chip to decay is much slower then the rate tech progresses. by the time youd lose on the chip from an OC reaches you, your probably several generations behind at that point anyways and need to update your hardware.


    but as i said, the numbers dont matter. not if you buy good hardware. you should be asking "is this specific CPU ok" or "is this specific GPU ok". not are the numbers ok. even more so because an old GPU at 800Mhz is not the same as a new GPU at 800MHz, same with the CPU. (and RAM clock speeds dont matter at all. thats just for enthusiasts really)

  3. I'm fine with that. If it looks like games are making use of the eye in a fun useful way ill buy it myself. I'm glad we aren't forced into that. I'm into simple gaming. Not all this motion gimmick stuff.
  4. Honestly none of it really matters. Buy a good CPU and you won't even see the difference when you OC it. RAM same thing. Buy 1600 RAM 8gb and be done. GPU is the one thing you might notice a difference if you OC it. But even then the difference would be small. Noticeable really only in benchmarks. Again just buy a good GPU and you'll be fine. Most can OC a little just by turning up a slider in the software. Do this and leave it. No need to mess with voltages unless you enjoy doing that stuff :P
  5. The one thing I'm curious to see is how Sony handles games that you already have. To me, this will be one of the biggest things they can do right/wrong. Obviously there wont be backwards compatibility, but are they going to have some sort of unlock system when you have the disk in? Seems easy to do; put the disk in, have it read, and download it off PSN. If they are worried about people just giving the disk to friends to have everyone unlock it, then just have the game only playable with the disk in the drive. I'd be happy with that. I just don't want to have to re-buy the game. That was the mistake they made with the PSPGo where you had to re-buy all your PSP games to play on it.


    I am a huge Playstation fanboy. I was one of the ones who wanted to see the Xbox fail and flop hard (though not considering how it would effect the gaming market, with monopoly and all, but just from a pure fanboy perspective), and while I plan on getting PS4, if not at launch then shortly thereafter, I'm slowly realizing that I'm not as concerned with the consoles as I used to be. I've been on my PC more and more and on my PS3 less and less. I still have several games on my PS3 that are brand new that I haven't touched, and others I haven't finished, and others I've told myself I'll go back to and I haven't.


    Also, on the note of Torchlight 2. I've had it since launch (pre-ordered it lol), and I just started playing it. go probably 12 hours into it, and I'm having a blast. Didn't expect any less, since I loved the first one with like 60 hours into it , but yea. That's what I'm off to play now! haha

  6. I think they are trying lol. I myself just can't get into it. Had a PSP and barely touched it. Have a 3DS and dont use it. But I'm never in a situation like riding a train or having downtime outside of my house lol. If I did though I'd probably get a Vita yea. Handheld gaming has been around for awhile. And has been trying to hit that hardcore market. But I think it's been unsuccessful. I don't see it being hardcore any time soon.
  7. though, all the xbox fanboys who were on the fence are now thinking "oh good. microsoft does listen to us. they do care. now i can get an xbox blah blah blah"


    as i said, even if they keep the changes, i wont buy an xbox one simply out of principal for them trying to pull that junk in the first place....this move however, will undoubtedly help their sales.

  8. haha oh M$. i wont buy one just purely out of principle. they already thought they could pull that stuff over on us. they even tried to act all tough about it. now they are back peddling up their own butts. they can even drop the price down to $400 or less and i still wouldnt get one.

    there is still the Spynect they have attached.


    besides, this could all be a ploy to boost sales, then put all that DRM back in in patches. theyve already thought they could pull that crap off. nothing is stopping them from trying again in different, less noticeable ways. if they truly listened to and cared about gamers, they wouldnt have tried any of this in the first place. all this proves is that all they want is money, and realized they were about to not make it. which again, goes back to my point on them just trying to sell the consoles, then put all the DRM back in, where its the same type of DRM or other.

  9. LOL yea i figured it would be like that. the article just specifically mentioned Japan so thats what i took. but i assumed it would be all/most of Asia.


    the funny thing is that the console will still sell (probably ahead of the Wii U) here in America. then all the fanboys here will still think its the best console of all time. they all think it about the xbox, i tried telling them that the PS3 beat the 360 in every other region besides the 360, but they still argue it sold more, which it did. it sold enough in the US the even with the PS3 leading everywhere else, the 360 was still ahead. however that wont be the case this time. the PS4 will beat the Xbone everywhere. but fanboys will be fanboys, and im just not sure im ready for it.

  10. they dont have support for Japan? i mean i know Japan is Sony/Playstations biggest fanboys, but to not support Japan at all is stupid, though nothing surprises me anymore


    but thats ok, those beloved in the military will have a better time on the PS4 anyways.

  11. my build was in your price range and this is what i got:


    Fractal Arc Midi (Arc Midi 2 is out now)

    128gb SSD (though id recommend a 256gb)

    1tb HDD

    i5-3570k CPU

    ASRock z77 Extreme 4 mobo

    Corsair H100i

    8gb ddr3 ram

    Gigabyte 7950 2gb GPU

    Seasonic 650W 80 Plus Gold PSU

    Corsair K90 mechanical Keyboard

    Dell U2312HM 23" IPS Monitor

    Asus CD/DVD RW player (though you want Blu Ray)


    though i was able to get Win7 Pro x64 for free through school, so youll have to figure that (~$100) into your build as well. also i bought my GPU a little later, couldnt afford it at the time of my build, so i think it came a month or less later. take that into concideration too. is there stuff you dont need right off the back (such as a second HDD?)....including replacing all the fans in my case with Corsair Air series ones, and adding some RBG lights, i think the total build came up to around ~$1600....but you dont need a monitor or keyboard, so theres $300+ saved right there. replacing fans and adding lights is non essential so take another ~$200 off. and now youre looking at ~$1200 to build what i have (i think lol. im going off the top of my head and memory for prices)

  12. i doubt Bill had much of anything to do with the xbox in general. its like a completely different section of the company. its like Sony, the people behind the console have nothing to do with the TVs or Stereos, or phones, etc. they only crossover would be to have certain things work between the items, but the CEO of Sony is different from the CEO of Sony America and there are different heads for Sony Entertainment and Playstation and whatnot. as far as microsoft goes, Bill would have had nothing to do with the Xbox One (or those before it).

  13. So i just recently bought Skyrim, a few weeks ago. played about 30 hours now. ive had a CTD a couple times, few and far between, random, and it would be a one off. would restart the game and be fine. all in all ive seen very few glitches....i havent played in about a week, but i went back on today, and as soon as i enter Volenruud (as part of the Dark Brotherhood quest) i get a CTD. start it back up and about a minute later, another one. i kept just restarting for about 5 times, managed to talk to the Quest NPC and explore for a couple of minutes and then it CTDed again. so i quickly hop on here because i remembered seeing a bunch of threads about CTDs. i looked at a couple, but it didnt seem like any of them were similar to mine. none the less, i tried a couple of the tips. i ran BOSS and TES5Edit (which i had done previously, this wasnt the first time) i made sure my NMM was up to date, and updated the mods I had. but none of it worked. hopped back in and got two more CTDs in just a couple minutes. the last one (before i hopped on here to write this) happened literally about 5 seconds after the game loaded, which was by far the fastest one.


    as i said, ive had a couple of CTDs in the past, but this is insane. nothing has changed in the week i didnt play. no new mods, settings are the same. no new PC hardware or changes to it, hell im not even sure if ive downloaded any new software since then.


    i hope someone has some more advice on these random new CTDs im getting.


    i doubt its my mods since ive been fine this whole time but here they are:




    Better Landscape Textures

    Complete Crafting Overhaul

    HiRes Legible Roadsigns

    Ishs Respec Mod

    Longer Sprinting

    Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel

    Pure Waters

    Realistic Lighting Overhaul

    Serious HD Retexture Skyrim - Landscape 2048px

    " " " " - Landscape 2048px Update

    Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Dungeons

    " " " " - Landscape

    " " " " - Misc

    " " " " - Towns

    Skyrim Project Optimization

    Smithing Perks Overhail

    Static Mesh Improvement Mod

    Unofficial High Resolution Patch

    Unofficial Skyrim Patch

    Weapons and Armor Fixes

    Wearable Lanterns




    as well as my .esp order:






    Skyrim Project Optimization.esm

    Climates of Tamriel.esm

    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

    Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp

    Static Mesh Improvement Mod.esp

    Wearable Lantern.esp

    Ish's Respec Mod.esp

    Lost Art of the Blacksmith.esp

    Smithing Perks Overhaul.esp

    Weapons and Armor Fixes.esp

    Complete Crafting Overhaul.esp

    Rich Merchents.esp

    Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp

    " " " - Major City Exteriors.esp

    " " " - Major City Interiors.esp

    " " " - Minor Cities and Towns Interiors.esp






    and my system info:




    Windows 7 Pro x64

    8gb DDR3 Ram (1333)


    7950 2GB

    1920x1080 @ 60Hz


    played on Ultra Settings



  14. its only 5$ for the online requirements

    but the fee is 5$

    5 dollars for Online pass

    Psn per month is 5$

    PSN is 5$ a month


    Yes, youve mentioned this once or twice. I never once said PSN wasnt or isnt $5 per month. i do not know why you must keep reitterating this. All i said was that your number for Xbox's per month was wrong. it isnt $15 a month, its $10. as of right now, as far as we know, a yearly Xbox Live is $60. buying PSN per month would also equal in $60, so right now they are the same price. until Sony releases official numbers and package deals, the only evidence shows that Xbox Live Gold and PS+ would both equal the same amount on a yearly basis.

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