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Posts posted by hoofhearted4

  1. ok, my last argument. if having 8gb meant you were going to use it, then PC games would have started using it a long time ago. having 12gb minimum only means youll have like 6gb to spare.

    also getting 12gb would be stupid unless you have a triple channel memory board. if you have duel channel, like most boards, you should get 16gb. unless you have 3gb sticks. otherwise your neglecting a feature of your mobo. and since you are all about performance (hence the need for an extra 4gb of ram on top of the 2-3gb extra ram you already had) youd be contradicting your own need by only getting 12gb.


    so in short, get 16gb if you are that worried.

  2. oh i agree on 8gb being the minimum. i was disagreeing with people saying youll NEED at LEAST 12gb+.


    i read something where they are guessing that 3.5GB of PS4 ram will be unusable. leaving only 4.5GB Free. though thats unconfirmed atm. but the XBONE uses a confirmed 3GB, leaving only 5GB Free, so i would imagine the PS4 isnt too far from that.

  3. idk about your home situation, but thats not nearly enough to buy a laptop that can play Skyrim with ENBs and HD Texture Packs at Ultra settings. thats something a good PC does. to get a laptop that does that, youre looking at a couple grand id assume. you can get a laptop with a good CPU and a GPU that could play Skyrim at decent settings and also be able to do your rendering and stuff for probably $1000-$1500. but thats not with ENBs and HD Packs and probably at High Settings maybe less. laptops just arent great at playing games. they heat up too fast (too much stuff in too small a place) plus the smaller you make things, the more expensive they get.


    if you can, build a desktop. then you could do everything you want, render models, play Skryim Ultra with mods, etc for the same $1000-$1500 price range give or take.

  4. nothing as of yet for it being on PC. i plan on getting a PS4 anyways, just for the exclusives.

    and you need to look into it. as i said, i use Origin, but some people are paranoid. then some people hate it just to hate it. some people are Anti-AnyThingSteam, and some people hate it just to fit in with the others who hate it. to be the person who says "oh no Origin, nope the game is dead to me now because of Origin" regardless of the reason, a lot of people dont like Origin, and the most common reason is because of its intrusiveness and people being paranoid.

  5. reread the last line in my paragraph. i said that you could buy the cheapest one available and be fine, or the most expensive one and get f*#@ed. it happened. but i would still place my money, extra money if needed, on a good PSU with a good rep over some random chinese brand or what have you any day.


    I was too, until I heard the "O" word. Then I decided it can get stuffed.

    If a free distributor really is so much of a deal to you why do you do PC gaming? Steam and Origin is like Xbox vs PS for some reason, and it shouldn't be.



    looks pretty good, but i probably wont get it. the only console game i saw at E3 that i was excited about was Destiny. granted that one is PS4 only. but yea, Titanfall looked good, and where its on PC it may be something i look into, but still, probably not.

    I thought Destiny was going to be multiplatform?

    idk how to split up quote anymore, as inserting the quote tags doesnt do anything except show up in the quote itself, so here is my response to both



    its notthe "free distributing" part. its the Origin part. some people dont like it because of the fact its basically spyware. i personally use it for a couple of games, but other wont touch it with a 39.5 foot pole



    apparently it is. i actually thought it wasnt, though it seems to be a console only game. its because when it was first announced, it was only announced for PS4. then later PS3, saying PS was getting exclusive content. then later it was revealed it was going to be released on both xboxs.

  7. looks pretty good, but i probably wont get it. the only console game i saw at E3 that i was excited about was Destiny. granted that one is PS4 only. but yea, Titanfall looked good, and where its on PC it may be something i look into, but still, probably not.

  8. if you want to be playing on the best settings your going to want either a GTX 670/80 or an AMD 7950/70. i personally have a Gigabyte 7950 and have had no problems playing anything at max settings. it was the best bang for buck card out when i bought it, and i still highly recommend it to anyone buying a new build. i will eventually be buying a second one for xfire....another user on here (Thor) has two in xfire already, and loves them.


    and yes, thats what im talking about. though you dont need the 4770k, the 4570k will suffice. unless you plan on doing video editing, coding, or photoshopping (large amounts), you wont need the extra power (hyperthreading) of the 4770k, and can save yourself some money (~$100)


    as for a mobo, well i have an Ivy Bridge CPU (3570k) and i have an ASRock Z77 Extreme 4 board (You said Asus Rock, which isnt entirely wrong, since ASRock is a subsidiary of Asus, but yea, im assuming you mean ASRock). so i would recommend the ASRock z87 Extreme 4. just doing a quick look it has 3 PCIe3.0 slots, which is always good for future upgrades, adding cards, etc. and at a modest price.


    as for the rest of the build. HDD, people have certain brands they like, swear by some and disown others. i personally have a 1TB Western Digital Cavier Black. a nice high performance HDD, but really nothing different then most others offered. WD has a good reputation, as does the specific HDD i purchased. however, the 1TB is almost full lol. will have to buy another one soon. Steam fills it up faster then id thought......also i would highly recommend an SSD. 64gb would be enough for your OS and a few applications (but probably no games) i have a 128gb myself, with OS, Apps, and a few games. however, i really wanna upgrade to something like a 480gb. so i can mess around with Duel Boot, VMs (on SSD) and have plenty of space for Apps, and non Steam games. if you got the money, get the 128gb, so you dont have to worry about Space. windows likes to bloat and can take up 64gb fast, even when taken care of. i dont install anything on my C: Drive (which is just my OS) and i keep it clean, and Windows 7 x64 Pro still takes up 48gb. i have a Crucial M4 128gb, so thats also what i recommend.


    RAM, is simple. you wont see any difference between brands, nor any difference between speeds. i have 16gb G.Skill Sniper RAM 1600Mhz. its a little overpriced honestly, but i like the look. youll want a minimum of 8gb. i have 16gb cause i like to use Virtual Machines. some people are saying youre going to need 12GB+ of RAM once the new consoles hit. i still think 8GB will be fine, even after they hit, but RAM is relatively cheap, so if you can, there is no reason not to stick 16GB in there, and never have to worry. but 16gb is overkill for any sort of gaming right now.


    cant help with sound card, as i dont have one, however there have been a couple Threads recently with the discussion revolving around the sound card. take a look. 1 and 2

  9. i havent been on GW2 in such a long time, not since Halloween last year. the community was wonderful back then. has everyone really gone to crap since then?


    i really keep wanting to get back in the game, but i get side tracked by other games lol


    i still doubt youll see 8gb being used anytime soon in gaming. 8gb will be more then enough for a while. at least untill ddr4 comes out i bet.


    Next gen consoles are a matter of months away, ports of games for those platforms will need significantly more RAM, the days of games using 2GB will be gone. 12GB will cover it and doesn't cost much.

    i still dont see consoles using all 8gb of RAM. first off, 1-2GB will be in use for the OS and whatnot, so that leaves only ~6GB max for games. like everything, only a handful of games will actually utilize the full amount of RAM. most games will still run on 2-4GB of RAM. i think 8gb will still be plenty. im not sure why everyone thinks these new consoles being released are going to make current PCs obsolete unless you upgrade them. yea if you have an old PC with 4gb RAM or something and some old GPU thats barely keeping up, then yea, an upgrade is in your future for sure, with or without new consoles. but any PC built in the last couple of years will be fine for some time to come. even if games regularly use those 6gb+ of RAM, it wont be right away. except for that one game Sony and Microsoft push out to show the power of their console, but then nothing comes out close to it for years (like Metal Gear Solid 4 for example)

  11. sorry, i was replying on my phone, so i couldnt look things up. i couldnt remember the socket number.


    but no, Haswell is LGA 1150 and the mobo is z87. the reason i say get this is because the chip you want (the 3770k) is the last one that was made for the 1155 chipset. while its a good CPU, when its time to upgrade you will HAVE to upgrade your mobo as well. however, if you get the 1150 chipset, when it comes time to upgrade, there will be another two or three generations of CPUs to have come out on it for you to upgrade to without needing to grab a new mobo.


    the reason people havent been to happy with the new chips is because their performance increase over previous chips is only a few percent increase. while their overclocking abilities are much worse (because of their smaller die size and thus they cant cool themselves off as fast and whatnot. idk specifics, but its because there is less silicon in the dies or something like that). the older Sandy Bridge chips are still the best at OCing, allowing them to stay up to pace with these newer chips, and those who like to do some heavy OCs prefer those chips. the difference between the old chips and the new chips is really only noticeable in benchmarks. but i recommend the newest stuff because of the reason i listed above.




    to be honest, thats not a lot of games. a few big titles as you mention. but thats about it.


    imo, its not reason enough to by nvidia specifically for Physx, not when you can put it on the CPU and be fine. (that doesnt mean you should buy nvidia, im just saying Physx alone isnt enough reason)


    That's not a lot of games, but it's almost every high-graphics game from 2012-2014. The point is, it's getting more common, not less. I expect it to replace Havok.

    no previous Witcher games, no Battlefield, no Skyrim, no Crysis, no Total War, no Far Cry, . i understand you said "almost every" but those are some heavy hitters in Graphics. we can include all the AAA games that arent on that list as well, games like Fallout and Dragon Age, CoD, WoW, GW2, Mass Effect, and the list goes on. as i said, Physx alone isnt a reason to grab an nvidia card. when i was buying my card, i looked into Physx. and the list of games on it or coming on it, and there wasnt enough that supported it to warrent the price increase of nvidia over AMD. any new build, thats going to grab a shiny new CPU, can handle Physx on its CPU. my argument is only that Physx is not as big of a hitter as you argue it to be.

  13. get Haswell CPU. socket 1155 is done now. a new build shoukd b using the newest socket so you can upgrade in the future.



    and i doubt you'll need Blu ray. i don't see pc games coming to Blu ray as that would limit the market plus with everything going digital and steam even more of a reason that they won't go Blu ray

  14. I don't think you need 600W, 550 should be enough but it'll definitely work on 600. When it comes to PSUs, my recommendation is always the same - take the cheapest one, that's how I do it and I never had a problem.

    thats like the complete opposite of a recommendation you should give with a PSU. there are many areas you can skimp on in a Custom PC, but the PSU is not one of them. now if by cheapest you mean you dont need to get a 1200W PSU then yes. you dont need to overkill on Wattage. 600W is usually enough for most PCs. however, if you mean to actually find whichever one is the cheapest, then i hugely disagree. the PSU runs your entire PC. a cheap PSU could potentially ruin your entire PC. a cheap 600W PSU might only really be able to put out 500W. a cheap PSU is probably horribly unefficient. a cheap PSU will explode if pushed at all, and a cheap PSU wont be able to handle a power surge or something....on the other side, a good quality 600W PSU could probably handle up to 700W (not saying you should do that, but they can) and by handle i mean they are stable and usually still very effience at those loads. efficiency is also key. when buying a PSU you should be looking for something that is 80 Plus certified. it just means its efficient under load, and is at least a decent quality PSU..a good PSU also will not explode if pushed to its limits, and can handle power being cut off abruptly or being surged. ofc there is always exceptions and whatnot. you could buy a crappy Chinese PSU and never have problems, or you could buy a quality Seasonic PSU and have it die in a week. but tis the world of computers.


    good PSUs are Corsair and Seasonic. i personally have a Seasonic...

  15. 7950s are a step up from 7870s. they are what i have, and eventually ill get two for xfire.


    also a 6GB card would probably be closer to $1000+. 6GB VRAM is only seen on flagship GPUs. when Crossfiring (or SLIing in the case of nvidia) the VRAM doesnt add. two cards with 3gb VRAM still gives you only 3gb. the cards can just share the data and make it faster. the horsepower you get though its added together (for lack of a better term)

  16. i like Command and Conquer but StarCraft (2) is still the best. C&C releases their games and thats that. Blizzard is constantly updating it and changing things and trying new things to try and make it an ever better game. plus the campaign in SC2 is amazing. reason enough alone to buy the game imo.

  17. it all depends how good the 800 series is. but my guess is that a second 600 will benefit you more then a single good card. most of the time 2 > 1 but again it all depends how good that 800 series is and what kind of power games coming out then need.



    also you can run Physx with an AMD card through your CPU. ive been playing borderlands 2 with a 7950 and a 3750k set Physx to high and it runs perfectly.

  18. the extra 8gb still be completely useless in gaming. i have 16gb but only cause i like to run virtual machines. the CPU will be fine. at this point CPU are far ahead of games. upgrading CPUs only leads to a few fps increase. more cores don't do anything as games don't utilize then and more GHz is what leads to those few fps more. your GPU is still very good. if you want more power you're better off buying a second GPU and putting it in xfire. upgrading won't get you the increase that a second gpu will and getting a second one will be cheaper.
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