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Everything posted by CyrusAmell
Contraptions is Out - First Impressions
CyrusAmell replied to RaffTheSweetling's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Yes yes, DLC & Paid Mods & etc. etc. Now - can someone please verify if you can use a vacuum hopper on a workbench so that you don't need to load raw material into the manufacturing machines? -
Anyone else has caravan guards airing their privates?
CyrusAmell replied to cossayos's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
That's an easy fix on the PC. Bring up console and click on them, then type disable (they disappear) and then type enable and then they reappear with all assigned armor equipped. If you're on survival mode you cannot use console. To fix this, I suggest turning off survival mode and never bothering with that garbage again (or, you know, using mods to re-enable it). -
Contraptions is Out - First Impressions
CyrusAmell replied to RaffTheSweetling's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Someone on Steam posted that you can use a "Vacuum Hopper" on a Workbench to get raw material out of it for the assembly line. Can someone here verify if that is true? I am 170 miles away from my gaming computer at the moment. -
Contraptions is Out - First Impressions
CyrusAmell replied to RaffTheSweetling's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
No. It is100% player centered as I understand it. If you don't care, it doesn't matter. It was made available with the idea of YouTube Videos in mind. -
Contraptions is Out - First Impressions
CyrusAmell replied to RaffTheSweetling's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
And it's already being modded too. I can't wait to see a detailed list of production items and their costs, as this may change some equations regarding the arming of settlers (for me at least). If we only had a shared inventory among settlements, or even a mass mail system, as that would really expedite the creation of properly outfitted settlements. As it stands, we are stuck personally carting this stuff around. -
Contraptions is Out - First Impressions
CyrusAmell replied to RaffTheSweetling's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
The fact that you need to load the raw resources into the manufacturing machine itself rather than simply draw them from the workbench is a bit grating, especially for old files where you may have resources all over the Commonwealth. For a new file I suppose you could make a point to stash raw resources where your factories are, though it becomes a greater strain on Survival Characters. As for me, my next character will be played on normal because 1) I've proven to myself I can survive on survival mode and 2) I don't want to deal with the stress and time-loss of the higher difficulty modes. So I should be able to make some use of these manufacturing machines later. As a settlement builder, I found the mention of an Auto-Loom interesting because that may bypass the need to get a legendary cloth merchant if you want to outfit your settlers with uniform attire. I am not home right now so I can't look at all of the new things available but maybe later I will be able to assess my options. The scaffolding on display sounds useful if I can use such to make effective turret platforms. Before I just used wood shack foundations. Also, does anyone know if 1) the power armor display requires a power armor frame to prop up the armor and 2) (if so) whether settlers can still steal your power armor off of it during an attack? Same with the weapon racks, can settlers steal the weapons off of them? My greatest disappointment, though not at all poignant, is that nothing is done with regard to legendary modifications in this DLC. You can't make legendary weapons, mass-produce them, or detach their legendary components. Which is fine, that is why we have good mods. But I always found the vanilla legendary system disappointingly narrow if refreshingly on the other end of the spectrum of Elder Scroll VI: Skyrim's overpowered enchantments. I suppose it's possible they will throw that into the last Nuka-Cola DLC just so players will want to have it for at least that reason. -
Having just realized the next "3" DLC's are the last...
CyrusAmell replied to JuJooGuppy's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I'll just laugh if that's the case, because it would be one hell of a screw-up in the messaging department. Then again, it wouldn't change anything. We would all still be waiting to see what's next. So... meh I guess. -
Having just realized the next "3" DLC's are the last...
CyrusAmell replied to JuJooGuppy's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
If that's the case then they really dropped the ball on keeping clear press releases. I suppose nothing is stopping them from returning later to add in additional content if they think it appropriate. But unless they released clarification on the matter then I will assume for the moment that Nuka-Cola World is their last planned DLC for Fallout 4. -
Play both. That's what I intend to do. I'll alternate until Elder Scrolls 6 goes one sale.
Having just realized the next "3" DLC's are the last...
CyrusAmell replied to JuJooGuppy's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Oh not this again... Fallout 4 was fine for what it was. I'll just be grateful if they refine the settlement system for the next Elder Scrolls game because you know it's going to happen. -
Having just realized the next "3" DLC's are the last...
CyrusAmell replied to JuJooGuppy's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I think it usually comes down to Studio Politics (which sounds like a poli-sci class). For instance take Skyrim, they likely stopped making DLC at Dragonborn because it was such a pain in the neck to adapt the DLC to all platforms due to tech issues. Frankly I wouldn't have minded if they only made 1 DLC for Skyrim if that DLC was "Destroy the Thalmor." With Fallout 4, I think the simple answer is resources. Bethesda has 3-4 other games in the pipe and they probably want to divert staff and money into those projects. There is probably a flow-chart in one of their offices that tries to pin-point the exact time DLC become unprofitable and, for whatever reason, they decided that time was about 1 year out from the game's release. This probably has something to do with the fear that modders will have already crafted DLC level mods by this point, so there is that to factor. I don't like this idea because I firmly believe the community has come to expect more from a game's post-development cycle. Still, Fallout 4 has given me a ton of hours of play. Were there problems and quirks? I think so. But once the final DLC pops out and everything is on the table I will probably start up a full Minuteman character as for my final playthrough so I get to use everything the DLC give us on top of the new mods coming out. That said, I am also feeling like starting up a Skyrim Stormcloak character this winter in-between classes so we'll see where that takes me. -
It would be strange to allow a fifth faction to be used for the main game at basically the 11th hour of this game's DLC lineup. I mean, I haven't checked, but is there a way to ruin a game by being hostile to the Minutemen, Institute, Railroad and Brotherhood? Would the option of a Raider Faction fix such a messed up game if possible? And we all know that they would just bow up the nuclear reactor and teleport us to watch from the same building.... Whether from Nuka-Cola World or from the two incoming workshop dlc, I really want two things. The first is the ability to craft legendaries or at least swap out legendary attachments (modders did this already so maybe who cares). I would also like the ability to quickly hire unique settlers when I start up a new settlement (again, maybe modders did this already or will). I wouldn't mind being able to hire 5 or so high level mercenaries for patrols along with a legendary merchant that does not need to be chased across the feking Wasteland (that would be nice). I hate the standard boring settler, what with the same dialogue and no combat skills to speak of.
Do you think they will remember to sneak in the save slot functionality from Fallout 4? My brother and I both want to start new Skyrim games later this year but we only have 1 good computer.
I would like if, in whatever way we gain control of the raiders of Nuka-Cola World, we could reapply them for our main factions in the core game. A Minutemen General might be able to sort out the riff-raff and make a force of Minutemen out of these Raiders (Definitely a 10 Charisma Check there). A Brotherhood player might able to, I don't know, make them an auxiliary army the BOS Leadership will occasionally admit exists? The Institute and Railroad probably wouldn't have much use for these people so they would just defer to the Minutemen in this matter. Wait for it...
Contraptions- how did Beth go so wrong
CyrusAmell replied to zanity's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I quite agree with CiderMuffin. Let us wait for the DLC to come out before passing judgment. (If you can call some of these rants we see judgments) -
Nuka-World DLC on Steam: Raiders & $20
CyrusAmell replied to CyrusAmell's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Thank you. -
We finally have Fallout 4's newest DLC up for Pre-Order on Steam: Nuka-Cola World. As expected: We will go to a new local centering around an old theme park. Unexpected: We now get the option to lead a Raider Gang, perhaps even back to the Commonwealth! Here you go, everyone who wanted to role-play Immortan Joe from the new Mad Max movie. Additionally, the DLC will be even cheaper than Far Habor ($25 > $20). Which is strange because the devs had said it would be bigger. So what gives? As for the all new Raider faction we get to join, I find myself conflicted. Sure, it is interesting to flesh out one of the center-piece minor factions of the Fallout universe (in this case Raider). However, what settlements would we be conquering exactly? The one's we made already? Or do we now get to go into Diamond City and run the place? Also, can someone get a link up for the Steam page because my copy and paste tools are not working.
You know, I have to say this is the best reasoning to not join the institute, besides when one thinks about it, all of the more recent "institute is bad" things happening in the wasteland are directly Shawn's fault. Which brings me to a general problem of Bethesda games. Good storytelling would offer the chance for a turnaround. Even more so, since you're made part of the directorate. But it's only take the ride or anihilate. I quite agree with the last sentiment. In Far Harbor, we should have been given a chance to tell the Institute to only observe Acadia for the time being and offer aid if necessary (charisma check?). Instead our only two options are tell the Institute and get Acadia enslaved or don't tell the Institute at all. Hopefully in Nuka-Cola World we will get one more chance to try and validate any belief that the player has that he or she can command the Institute. As it stands, we get only vague impressions as to what we can accomplish as Director which is a shame because it is the type of posting that deserves to be fleshed out a little. I always hate betraying the Institute because they roll out the welcome mat for us. Not to mention the vast infrastructure they've created and the untapped potential for good in the long-term if the Institute would share its beneficial technology with others (even if for profit). As a faction, the Institute lives and dies by the idea that the ends justify the means. I just wish we could get a glimmer of those ends before the credits roll. Mama Murphy's visions foretold that as Director we would not be loved but that we would save humanity, however we choose to define it. What did she mean? What could it mean? Is the Institute truly capable of performing such good after so many heinous acts against humanity? Only time (by which I mean fan fiction) will tell.
Thoughts on Fallout 4's DLC ending in August?
CyrusAmell replied to Deleted4363562User's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Look on the bright side: Nuka-Cola World might actually be pretty good. The premise is certainly great, a theme park turned raider encampment with possibly the surrounding region to explore and inevitably build settlements on. The Devs would have to try pretty hard to screw this up after such a good showing in Far Harbor. While dreary, and with a ridiculous minecraft brain game, Far Harbor was otherwise everything I would want in a DLC of medium size. If Nuka-Cola World improves upon it then we are in for one heck of a ride. -
Remove some stuff from the leveled list?
CyrusAmell replied to Raxia's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I would like to find a mod that removed pipe weapons from pre-war containers such as locked safes. It makes no sense because pipe weapons are clearly post-war scrap guns that were made by desperate scavengers rather than something you would find in the Pre-War World. You should not be able to open up a safe that has clearly been locked for 200 years and find pipe weapons. 10mm Pistols and .44 Pistols and ammo I would understand, although regrettably there is no .38 pre-war pistol that could take the place of pipe weapons very easily. Then again, maybe a modified Deliverer with .38 ammo use could be used to take the place of pipe-weapons in safes. I think I have even seen such a mod on the Nexus, so maybe the author would be kind enough to consider such. Edit: Ok, the pistol does exist on the nexus (a revolver) but I would still prefer a pistol already in the game. Perhaps Nuka-Cola World will supply such? -
Fallout 4 DLC news actually makes me sad
CyrusAmell replied to gunslinger6792's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
In this moment you and I are brothers. Same boat myself (sort of), except I'm 26 with an unpaid externship while going to law school. And I am currently in the middle of Fort Lauderdale Florida. And I am thinking of making another Railroad character just to use all of the new settlement assets, and hook up with Curie. Or possibly a new Skyrim character, if the mood strikes me. So yes, I have problems. I really hope Nuka-World ends up being good. Don't get me wrong, Far Harbor did a lot of things right. We event got to see how our decisions from the Main Game played out when it was all over. Namely, how the Institute and the Brotherhood can be absolutely horrible (provided you tell them anything). I'd like to see another such instance of interaction with main game factions in Nuka-Cola World. Even if not, then I will settle if they make a great place to hang out in the main game away from the Commonwealth. Far Harbor was too dreary a place to want to stay, although it was good for a visit. -
Thoughts on Fallout 4's DLC ending in August?
CyrusAmell replied to Deleted4363562User's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Well, it appears that Todd Howard revealed in an interview that Nuka-Cola World will be the last DLC the team at Bethesda does for Fallout 4. This is a shame to me because I wanted to go to the Canadian wilderness to intercede in a war between the Enclave and Zetans whilst fighting off mutant moose and using radioactive maple syrup to power a green flamethrower. However, I will hold out hope that Nuka-Cola World will be a good final hurrah for the game rather than a sudden halt like we saw in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. If, as it is claimed by the team, this DLC will be bigger and more ambitious than Far Harbor then perhaps it is likely my hopes will be fulfilled. I think the best thing for the team to do to make Nuka-Cola World truly great is to jump over to Fallout: New Vegas (an Obsidian game) and take some notes about how to make a local both vibrant and interactive with player choice woven throughout. -
Thoughts on Fallout 4's DLC ending in August?
CyrusAmell replied to Deleted4363562User's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I kinda wish these DLC had come before I had decked out most of the settlements in the Commonweatlh, but at least I get to make Homeplate one heck of a pad now. What I am looking forward to is Nuka Cola World, which seems to be a Post-Apocalyptic Coca-Cola Disney Land. This actually makes a lot of sense for the franchise, because the idea of going to a former theme park inhabited by rough raider types perfectly meshes with the Fallout aesthetic. I loved the story depth of Far Harbor and I will be eager to see what they decide to create in the new area. I don't know how to feel about Vaults. It was already a little logic bending that we could create large cement structures in the Wasteland, but the technology and infrastructure to make Vaults just should not exist outside industrious organizations like the BOS and the Institute and even then they should take a while to make. Although, the idea of building underground storage to complement my settlements does sound pretty cool. -
I actually liked the soundtrack, whether it's the music I hear while loitering in Goodneighbor or the odd crescendo as I wander the Wasteland. And I also like it when it's quite, allows for some introspection. What I hate personally are all of the music stations, because they each come with that one super annoying soundtrack that grinds my nerves such as the "It's a Man!" song on Diaadid City Radio (ugh....). The only time I hear any radio stations is when I am in a town, and I am quick to get out when I can because that crap is never on my PipBoy.
While the Institute is quick to congratulate itself (thoroughly), they are not the only human group to create a working teleport system. That honor also belongs to the scientists of Big MT (New Vegas DLC), so this tells us that such technology is not completely beyond the ability of mankind in this setting. So it is unlikely that the Institute absolutely needed the help of Zetans to create their molecular dematerializer unless both they and Big MT received aid from the aliens.