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Everything posted by TheReverendTholomewPlague

  1. You know, I've tried for five minutes to find that words that describe what I'm feeling right now after reading this post. It's like a combination of shame, nausea, and disgust all rolled into one big ball covered in rage thats sitting in the pit of my stomach. Please tell me your joking man. I agree, but in a less rude way. What would be the point of this? You pay for a game to not play it? That's like buying a sandwich and then throwing it away.
  2. If the white van somehow 'pirated' all my belongings, hell how could I possibly be pissed? I'd wake up and not even know. Ok, nice strawman there but Thandal was stating ethically - how about if they replicated all of the belongings you had spent your own time and effort creating for the express purpose of selling and earning a living from? If you actually enjoy digital media and want to see it survive this is not a position you can continue to stand by. Except for the fact that none of the pirates gain money from what they do. The point of piracy is that it's FREE. Most of them probably only do it as a hobby. I don't doubt that some of them are professional programmers for legitimate companies, just looking to practice. Although the rest of your post is right. Piracy will eventually bring the industry down.
  3. Jeff Beck, next. While that is correct, he was not the first. 1 point for Dante 2 points for who can tell me was the first. google probably won't help ya here. Hint: Yes, it was a musician. It was a blues guitarist. I think....
  4. I wouldn't say it's the move of a coward more of people getting bored with your little self important crusade against the supposed evil dictatorship of the website. The fact that you're still kicking a dead horse tells me your more of coward then any on this site, afraid to let go of your 10 seconds in the light? So trying to play the hero of the none existent down trodden, face the facts that you agreed to the rules to this site, you don't like them the only option you have is to leave. On another note everyone complaining about this place being dictatorship, go travel around the world and see what an actual dictatorship is. A bunch of people enforcing the rules on a privately owned site, does not a dictatorship make. Very well said Grimm. Kudos.
  5. Can we just let this thread die? It has no purpose anymore.
  6. Pfft. They can try. **prepares spiked knuckles**
  7. Hmm....I wonder what BlackBaron and Nysba were on my profile for...
    1. AurianaValoria1


      They're watching you....
    2. Flintlockecole


      War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

      Big Brother is Watching!

  8. XD No problem DW. Hot pokers? Yeah, why not.
  9. Dernit, hit the edit button instead of the reply button again.... :psyduck: LOL I think that my email inbox might agree with you there! I'm sure glad I don't pay by the kb! BTW- sorry to be the bearer of bad news Rev, but your sig is outside the preferred size limit :( http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/1721-avatars-and-signature-limits/ Get out the hot pokers, we got a sig violation!!! Just kidding Rev, tho yeah.... if you wouldnt mind trimming down the sig, that'd be awesome ;) How? Is it too wide? Too many images?
  10. You know what the best thing would be right now? To just let this thread die. He's apologised. There's no need for further discussion.
  11. The best thing for this thread would be to let it die. Don't feed the animals.
  12. You know what the best thing would be right now? To just let this thread die. Don't feed the animals.
  13. Look up Archive Invalidation. That's the only thing I can think of at this point :P
  14. Flip to the last page and click 'Done'. :facepalm: Then press 'z'
  15. Install the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. It fixes this exact problem.
  16. The -only- childish thing about this entire thread... is the fact that it actually exists. Then again, I think it only exists because of folks like you... who seem to think that because we Americans decided to BS up some story that our Lord and Master gave us all these arbitrary rights and freedoms created not by divine power, but largely taken from a prominent author whose name you should be familiar with if you have any grasp of U.S. history at all... the rest of the world operates on those principles. Let's put it to you in the most blunt terms possible: You have no rights. None. Nadda. Zip. You aren't even entitled to BREATHE. You are a worthless, squirming sack of meat and bone... one of billions on this planet whose pathetic little brains tell them to keep on living despite the fact that the universe is pretty steadily attempting to crush you out of existence. It's not just you, either. We all are... thus the wonderful 'Human Experience' folks go on about so often. We suffer, we laugh, we cry, we triumph... but the only thing we are GUARANTEED in this life... is that one day, it's over. Death. That's your only right. Anything else, you have to take for yourself... or hope to whatever God you might pray to that someone will stand up for you instead. That's how countries are born. That's how civilizations are founded. You are dependent upon someone else to grant and secure your 'rights'... which by all accounts are nothing more than shallow promises which can be broken at any time on the whim of persons corrupt enough to do so. Now take into account that the rights you are claiming to possess, those pseudo-rights granted not by virtue of existing but rather the blood sweat and tears of your given nation, in NO way grant you the right to do any of the things you are claiming. You have the right to speak your mind. You have the right to enjoy yourself. You have the right to seek out your fortune and success and live your life to the fullest. But there's a caveat... written right there into the Bill of Rights... that states that your rights may NOT infringe upon the rights of others to do these things. That is to say that even if you are a 'Free Citizen' of the United States... you still don't have the right to go into other peoples' places... take what you want... insult them... and then wait for the government to back you up. What you have just done is in fact VIOLATE the rights of someone else... in this case an entire website full of someones. And the owner of that site, by virtue of being given the 'right' to own property... is well within -his- rights to ban the crap out of you just for looking at him wrong. And if you don't like it, tough. That's how the world works. And your childish beliefs to the contrary contribute to the reason that a LOT of folks don't like us Americans. We think our 'God-granted' rights (granted not by God, of course, but the Constitution of the United States of America... in turn an article which ripped off popular philosophy of the day) apply to all the world, and so we walk around never knowing when it's best to just 'Do as the Romans Do.' When -is- it best to toss Christians into the pit to fight against Lions again? I always forget. -Cheers! What you have just done there, my friend, is dropped this kid in the most brutal manner possible and therefore ended all debate about this site being a dictatorship. Anything that anybody has to add after this is obselete. Kudos to you sir.
  17. O.o Bear this in mind: An apple doesn't become an orange just because you say it's an orange.
  18. No, you did it all fine. HGEC is a mesh replacer so it doesn't need an .esp. The data files window only displays .esp files. Just to make sure though, check that the box next to the mod in OBMM is blue. If not, select the mod and then click 'activate' on the bottom of OBMM.
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