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Everything posted by TheReverendTholomewPlague

  1. You bought a beta? The free beta that came out in 2008?
  2. That would appear to have been done by Zaldiir. Clever. :biggrin: Didn't find anywhere I could delete mods (Again, bad design!), so I had to do something! ;D Epic, Zal. Just epic.
  3. If it's an issue with GOTY maybe an original, non-GOTY Oblivion.exe would help? I can send you mine if you like?
  4. Unfortunately, the game speed is tied to the FPS for some strange reason (to keep the physics synced?) The fix for this is to go into your Fallout.ini and change the line 'iFPSClamp=0' to: 'iFPSClamp=60' (or whatever your average FPS is.) Also try changing the line 'iPresentInterval=0' to 'iPresentInterval=1' (assuming you have changed it at some point)
  5. Things like this cause me to lose faith in humanity. They are claiming that: So essentially, if somebody does not want their work on the site, all they have to do is ignore it? Great plan to get members.....
  6. This item is perfectly normal. It is just the settings for the UOP. If you click on it in your inventory it will bring up a menu when you exit the inventory with all the UOP settings.
  7. Nobody knows. Skyrims hasn't been released yet.
  8. Kaspersky Internet Security 2011. It's a full internet security and anti-virus package. It's annoying at first but when you've had it for about 1 month and correctly configured it you'll hardly notice that it's there. I use it and I haven't had one single PC issue while it's been installed.
  9. Oblivion.ESM should be on. Skyrim isn't out yet. Steam should update Oblivion to the latest version automatically.
  10. And don't use an M2 Flamethrower to ignite it.
  11. KD and fire......**cue scene of great fire of london with KD claiming "I was just trying to make some pies"**
  12. Reverend Tholomew Plague. 3 This one
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