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Everything posted by TheReverendTholomewPlague

  1. I really want to see that data :'( Sometimes, I hate knowing the difference between right and wrong. XD
  2. Typical. There's me going on about "My passwords are safe, I don't use PSN". And then this >:O
  3. I almost crapped my pants when I saw my sig in that picture XD Anyway, back on topic: Yeah. People say they are going to boycott games, yet when they come out, they still rush to buy them after watching some gameplay videos. Some people do stick to it, it's just the majority that won't. :facepalm:
  4. Off Topic: It's a Skyrim countdown Indoril. You probably need to refresh.
  5. We can't be the only ones having this problem. The sites are usually a LOT busier than they have been today.
  6. I'm getting the same problems. Do you think the site is under DDoS attack again?
  7. I don't think you quite understand. Yeah, that's actually me.
  8. I win on the basis that I'm slightly insane
  9. It's a matter of personal preference. They are actually just as good as each other, depending on what you need. I prefer GIMP however, simply because of the tool window, like you said.
  10. To loot dead bodies, press 'Spacebar' (by default) while looking at the body. To discard items, move your mouse over them in your inventory and then press the 'left mouse button' while holding 'shift'. I may be wrong actually. You might need to hold 'CTRL' instead of shift. Try both
  11. WOOO!!! Rank 666 on the forums :D
    1. Zaldir


      Profile View 1337 nao! ;D
  12. I suppose that would be the natural reaction ¬.¬
  13. Hides-Her-Tail: Argonian Rogue thing Aelita: Elven Ninja. Yeah. That's right.
  14. I doubt that they will allow the player character (as a vampire) to do all the kewl stuff that Skyrim vampires can do. That might be too hard to implement. Instead, they might say something like "You aren't a pure born vampire so you don't get all the kewl powers". Still, would be sweet if you can do all that stuff
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