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Everything posted by Klipperken

  1. Hail. I made me a bigger Argonian Male character (setscale 1.3) but he keeps the same height of sight, making it that I see from his chest rather than his eyes. Is there a solution to fix this, please? Thank you.
  2. Darn. That would make my Lizard feel like the average Brit, Frenchie or Hollander, invading America, killing of those "redskinned animals" (Indians), which is so not my Lizard... :( I hope they'll add the possibility to actually take the Forsworn side.
  3. With no spoilers here, just a simple Q: can one join the Forsworn Faction? Thank you.
  4. Like any other game from Bethesda, I find myself wandering around "for hours", not encountering a single NPC/mob. I head into a Dungeon... 4 bandits. FOUR!!!! Come on... I want a mod that increases the NPC's with 300 to XXX%, preferably respawning after X days. If anyone would be so kind? I would be VERY grateful... Thank you.
  5. What has bothered me in EVERY TES: the VERY few encounters. I can walk for hours not encountering a living soul. And in every version I said this, only to see it here, again, as well. Very sad....
  6. Oh... right! Thank you... Tried to refrain from prison, but yes...
  7. Been playing few hours now, and somehow (do not ask me how, I truly do not know) I managed to get a 10+K bounty on my head. I do not steal, or kill folks, so i am clueless on the why I have this bounty. I cannot pay it, I do not like to start over, and worst: I cannot near Whiterun without guards harassing me, so I cannot move on in the quest line. My older saves were accidentally deleted. Only option: to get the bounty off me through console. If only I knew the Whiterun faction id... EDIT: according to my crime state, I killed 36 men????? Bug?
  8. Yesterday I encountered for the first time shifty graphs in Crysis 2. Now, you could say, "Dude, this is NOT Crysis!", BUT!!! I just had installed this new vid driver for my card, which I later killed, and reinstalled the previous one, which got rid of the shifty graphs. Might be a vid driver thing....
  9. There is a tactical hud out there as part of an armor (or in the works at least). I came across it a while back but forgot it's name. I will look into this and edit this post once I find it... Now, either I miss it (looked five times over the armor mods), or it has been removed, or.... But I fail to find the mod I was talking about. I hope someone else knows this one?
  10. Well, I was just thinking. Thank you. :)
  11. Pass the files and I get on it. I KNEW my RP-background came in handy someday... ;) Let's continue in PM, shall we?
  12. If I am correct, this is the FONV section... ;)
  13. Is there a mod out there that allows you to sneak up to someone and, if successful, slit his throat? Asking this simce my current fella is a Commando... thank you.
  14. Lolita, though you meant well, and are a nice person, that link is dead. Once someone gets banned, so does his stuff.... ;)
  15. I know, thank you. But too many silly things in there as well, tbh... I was hoping for a more down to Earth mod... :)
  16. I was thinking, there's a heap of mods out there, but no spider creatures. Rad Spiders would seem to be logical, I figure. Thoughts?
  17. Requesting update on SkyNet. And if you can, maybe reply to my offer? Thank you.
  18. Another way is to simply ignore the faces, period. 90% ingame ARE freaks (look wise), entirely not aesthetic at all. IMHO: radiation got to them....
  19. Or not adding Charisma, rather, giving penalties... The filthier one gets, the more penalties... Resulting in death (disease) if it goes too far. Giving bonuses seems wrong... One already is pretty strong.
  20. But of course! Now, do know, that in the time he is scouting the world, he MIGHT have learned to ignore this feature, and begin normal conversations. However, I DO like this, a lot. If you need a hand there, I am game. Tell me what you want and how you want it and i will do me utter best for ye...
  21. Thank you VERY much, brother. Beginning to explore... :)
  22. Tssssk... And then one wonders why all is such a mess... What an example they make.... :D
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