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Everything posted by Klipperken

  1. @ Evil D: whether uploading a human being, or running a program, what is the difference? It's all just data, in the end, no? And now with these Atom based chips they are working on, Quantum PC's... who is to say we are still superior of mind, in 200 years from now? Things seem to change drastically. What now is a fact, will be hopelessly old tomorrow. Who knows where things will be tomorrow. As for life: why would a dog be "less"? The further we go, and the more we learn about animals, the more we see we were so wrong: animals are not stupid, do not lack emotion, hell, there is a recording on YouTube where a spider uses LEVERAGE to escape his terrarium. That alone is... flabbergastingly insane. As I see it, every life matters just as hard. From a religious PoV, they share the same spark of life we got. Which would make them equally important to us. BUT! We need to eat, so, killing them for food is OK, I reckon. Things become bad when we kill them for sports, or fun. Then again, some scientists believe we're mere sims, in a giant "Matrix". Everything is relative, even relativity. heh... @Moraelin: I get that, but i asked: if my 'being' was to be put onto a chip,which would be installed on a synth, to say something, would I stop being me, or being alive? As i asked before, just WHAT is life? If you ask 1000 scientists, you're bound to get 750 different answers, some of them entirely contradicting the other. Some even seem to think we are not, we are a computer game, the Sims, but in a more elaborate form. This in turn begs the question: if we do not know what life is, or can't define life, then how can we assume "machines" (as in advanced Synths, think Roy from Blade Runner) are not-living? Let's ask another question, which still is to the point, I think: should Roy (and assume YOU are his maker, as he so eloquently put in the movie) come to you, would you help him extend his life? I would, if I could. Even though he came out of a test tube, that sucker was BLOODY alive, I think. Rachel was even a LOT further, having implanted memory and emotion. Would it be right to have killed Rachel? Not in my humble opinion. And i bet, she (and she did) felt the same about this. Then, so did Roy and his friends. As for "being programmed", well so are we, no? Let's go a tad gruesome: you claim to have freedom, in action and thought, right? Let's prove you do not: pick up an axe, walk into a classroom of 8 year olds, and begin to chop heads. Can you? If not... why not? We too are programmed. And some lack certain "bits" making them possible killers. Mere program, basically. Of course, VERY simplified, there is naturally more to it. Here's a jolly thing: lately you can put on this latex/silicon hat thingy, and use brainpower to work with a computer. Extremely simple still, but the idea behind it is truly baffling. And maybe, who knows, we will enter "the age of Shadowrun", where you can plug your brain into any computer. Having direct feed between man and machine. Hell, we ALREADY use chips planted in a brain, for example to battle epileptia. I always knew, our brain and a PC are compatible, simply due to the fact that our brain... is electrical. @Dante: Hell, Imma going to do just this, brother, thank you. :smile: @Evil D again: Sure you can learn ancient tongues, and breath fire. For the last, just visit a circus, for one. :tongue: @JujooGuppy: Why is this "dying"? Imagine, you have a clone body, which you can "swap" to, on the other side of the galaxy. Though being it a clone body, it STILL would be you, right? If it were like a Synth, you would not just die because it's an anorganic body, no, you would CHANGE, I guess, but not die. Imagine you were to be put into Data's body, sure, you would not longer be flesh and blood, but would you be any less? As I see this, swapping body is not that different from swapping underwear. And we all do this, right? Well, I hope we all do... :tongue: What makes you who you are? Your mind/personality? Your body? The whole? If you were to lose an arm (Godforbid), would you then be any less you? And if that would not be the case, and losing your limbs would not change the YOU, why not the entire body then? Merely thinking out loud, and giving something to think about. :tongue: @Morealin again: True, in FO4 it is badly approached, I fully agree there.
  2. I run quite a few scrappers, actually. So one of these should be the culprit? Seems I need to dive into this, then. Thank you.
  3. Yeah, some enemies truly are smart bastards. :P
  4. Should it ever come to non-born beings hopping around, then just this mentality will get us killed... It's no different than calling an African person "a thing" or "animal". I do not think, it would be wise to maintain such approach to our 'fellow' toaster buddies. *grins*
  5. OK: So, if I were to be uploaded (my brain data) onto whatever form of technology, I stop being "me"? If this piece of tech were to be used in a different body, would this affect me in my 'being'? Of course, all this is theory, sci-fi, but still. As for 'human brain' being better? We will eventually come to technology that will be superior. We already have simple forms of this, think the exoskeleton for one. Vehicles. Tools. All quite simple still, but it will not stay as simple. Technology will eventually surpass us, that is, if we make it that far into the future. Seeing just how dumb we are as a species... I doubt we will.
  6. There is the question: what is life, what is existence? Star Trek - The Measure of a Man: Lt. Data has to prove whether he's alive or not. Data, y'all know the awesome android that so desperately wants to become a man, is being debated upon if he is alive or not. The question rose: just what is life? Data meets most, if not all, requirements to be seen as alive, however... He can be turned on and off by a flip of a switch. BSG new series *shivers*: The latest models (the Numbered) are basically human in all forms, with a tad of technology (remember when Six her spine lit up when she 'wrestled' Baltar?). But there were a few of these toasters that were not even aware of what they were. Now, that, of course, is not of value, but the fact that they performed as humans, actually being humans, never proven otherwise by others, what does that tell us? Is a machine merely a machine, or could it become alive? FO4 Synths: These are made (later gens) out of biological matter, which would further than still points towards life, just as with the Cylons. Would it be justified to kill a Synth? Sure, there can be so many reasons that could justify killing a Synth. But should we pull them all over the same line? I think, the situation has to be taken in thought here, see them as per individual. But, that's my thoughts about it.... And even today, some are married with a car, or a... toy... :tongue: So why not a synth? Well, why would a technological brain be of less quality than a human brain?
  7. I am running Home Maker, but no avail there. I'll try Spring Cleaning. Thank you, good Sir.
  8. Hell no. I like for instance Black or Death Metal for killing. Or Beethoven. Or the Von Trapp fami.... no wait... :tongue: As to answer your question, well, not that long really. I knew what i wanted, and add still to it. It's a potpourri ranging from Baroque/Classical over 40's to 90's, a very few later songs, Metal, Punk, to bagpipe, Japanese Drum, Didgeridoo, .... About bagpipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsxjXArvdXU
  9. That's quite an extreme thought, ain't it? Think Blade Runner: Roy wanted to just LIVE. Having a 4 year lifespan was not enough for him. But here's the thing: in the end, Roy was FAR MORE human than Deckard ever was vs the Replicants. So, a "machine" is just a machine? I beg the difference, bro! Nothing is as inhumane as a human.
  10. Use Settler Bugspray? Or throw a few nukes around? Unless they can't be killed, of course. But then Disable could be your friend.
  11. Actually, I abhor the music in FO4 (and many, if not ALL, other games. Game music is so dead, lacks of every and all form of life, IMHO. Now, my personal solution is: YouTube. Made my own playlist there, with, I think, about.... 3K songs? And played on Shuffle, meaning that I won't hear a song twice soon... But, that's me.
  12. So, FO4Editor has the option to combine Mods. But most mods do not want to leave their "parent ESP" behind. I wonder, what is the use of combining mods, if i cannot drop the respective "parent ESP". Is there a way to actually integrate all my 600'ish mods into one single esp, and not need the 'respective parent esp'? As long as an esp has a single type of group, but once a second group is in a 'parent esp' everything suddenly becomes quite a problem. Now, i combined already a heap of simple single-group mods, but I am stuck on the multi-group mods. Is there a way around this? Thank you beforehand.
  13. So, I entered this building, lot's of potential, black marble floor, nice fire, overall darned nice spot to claim, or so i reckoned. Killed everything in there, place workbench, scrap EVERYTHING. Wanted to place my first part of furniture... but it falls straight through the ground, seems. I can't clip it to the ground surface, no matter what I try. I tried the CLIP/UNCLIP mod, for instance, but to no avail. Any solution here? Or do I have to look out for another location to make my own? Thank you in advance.
  14. About the damage to settlement items: these die out even not under attack. The last few days I've been hopping settlements to fix stuff that seems to break as soon as I leave... Quite annoying.
  15. Ah I get it. So you can't use Work benches when you are still in combat. Some NPC probably aggro you and you are stuck with it. In that case, all you have to do is to run as far as you can to lose this aggro (probably from a mob stuck underground). If they get unstuck and follow you then you just kill them. I thought you can delete stuff. I deleted a good amount of skeletons around my settlements. I haven't attempted on other rubles yet, but I am sure it works the same way. Or maybe we do not know until we confirm with tests. Scrap mod just makes it easier to scrap stuff. Why is it so hard to deal with the confirmation? Yes it's annoying that I have to move a mouse to click OK. But confirmation box is there for a reason. Well, if i am in an instance, and i want to 'clean it out', I go stand in a center, and begin to 'erase'. Some however have so much clutter, it's ridiculous. Now, I have to click R followed by Enter, which, with one hand (other is on mouse) which takes time. What I love to be able at, is to steer left (mouse) and speed-kill everything. If that be possible. I think it's more of a targeting system. Like trying to target your companion, how many times can you get their real id instead of somehow targeting something else in between? I did delete a tree recently outside the world via markfordelete. No mod. Just to test the theory. The trick is ..... target something, then don't click anymore .... type disable to see if it disappears .... if it does, you know you target the right thing. Regardless, type enable again (as we don't want to leave things invisible). And finally markfordelete. Fast travel and come back, it will be gone. Sadly, a LOT of stuff has a hidden ID. Like houses. Those become 'uneraseble' either by WB, Mod or even Console. Which then again leads to frustration on my end. :(
  16. Indeed good Sir. Is there a way to get rid of the scrap confirmation dialog box, please?
  17. Can I get rid of the confirmation requirement? It's quite time absorbing...
  18. Hmmm, annoying, I thought, seeing that the WB has a reach limit in which it works, would have that same range in detection? Is there a way to kill the sensor?
  19. So, I can use workbenches. These however are severely limited: one can't remove everything (like grass, houses, ...), but some mods are on the way to fix all this. Then, if I spawn a WB in Where-ever-istan, I keep getting a line like: please kill all enemies. But the places i spawn them in... ARE clean... On top, what is "salvageable" in certain areas become not-salvageable in other areas. Question: is there a way to overcome this? Mainly the error message, so that I CAN open the WB in "non-WB-areas"? The reason is: I actually scout each and every corner, no matter just how silly, and then I want to clean these out, so I know where I have been, and where not. Also, containers seem to respawn their stuff, salvaging these solves this problem (I am autistic (Asperger-Savant) with ADHD, and a 'clean OCD', if you like, I am not a compulsive cleaner, but I 'want' (read: need) to tidy up the spots I've been at). Thank you beforehand.
  20. The black one on the right, clean, no insignia. I've always thought this type was the most impressive of looks, and ONE leveled a Rebel contingent in the SW (non-cannonnical?) books. Just ONE. http://www.rebelscum.com/TLC/Basic/BD56DarkTrooper/LC-2048.jpg BUT! I do NOT want it to be Uber, the same as an X01 stats-wise. Just these looks. Can it be done?
  21. I hope this is a fairly simple one: the Do'D has rooftop light beams, but they aren't operational. Could someone please enable them? It's a tad insane to have the light installation on your roof, not working. Maybe, if possible, allow them to change when going Xeon lights, to have them Xeon as well. Is this doable? Thank you beforehand. Klip
  22. I was trying to make a Module, with some content from a previously made .HAK, but I do not get how I add the .HAK into a Module with Toolset. The stuff I made in the .HAK (some basic stuff) was to be imported in the module, but I fail to understand how to just do this. Been looking on Google, tons of sites, but not what I specifically need... Some help would be appreciated. Thank you kindly,
  23. If only I could turn it into a working mod... Still, that leaves me with the others. Thank you very much, sister. :)
  24. Greetings: I have a dual part request. Being a lover of classical art (in which I mean female nudity, not-pornographical, straightforward, classical styled (thus not-modern in ANY form, hate it)), and the current statues in Skyrim are simply butt-ugly. Henceforth I am looking for statues in this style: http://thepoolmanonline.com/sitebuilderImages/5%20female%20statues%20for%20home%20page%20smaller.jpg http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/v0v/v0v1210/v0v121000027/15597537-female-statues-in-the-athena-fountain-pallas-athene-brun-nen-situated-in-front-of-the-building-of-au.jpg http://miva01.nyi.net/graphics/00000001/lgbrz10female01806.jpg. Thought is to have statues which are very detailed (not necessarily nude, note) in marble, Onyx, bronze, Tiger's Eye Stone, or similar... A nifty add-on would be buy-able statues (mini and large ones to decorate a house and/or lawn). Based on Buyable Pictures and Paintings I was hoping to find slightly more nude portraits a la Pieter Paul Rubens, Jacob Jordaens and similar great masters of the past (en present, if they are in the style of previous mentioned (as in detailed (semi)nude, not pornographical) to dress up my Draco castle. Anyone wants to do this, please? Thank you beforehand. EDIT: feel free to comment, but keep it nice. Thank you.
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