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Everything posted by Klipperken

  1. Hail all. Now, in the mean time I got me quite a few Blueprints. They need item X, Y and Z to complete, I have none of these, so I exit this found BP screen. I get me the needed parts from exchange, and... not a bloody clue what to do from there. It also happens, that I find BP X1, an upgrade to another one that I run, but nothing as exchange nearby, so close screen... look for an Exchange... forgot what I need, let's look this BP up. Wait, how do I do that? Where can I see my found or gotten BP's? And what from there on??? God, this game is such a mess for noobs...
  2. Oh come on, "Psychopath"? He's just human. :P With a tad of Supermutant.
  3. I do not want to sound like a prick, but in reality, no army would make such. No point in it. That would be the same as having female tanks or fighter jets.
  4. Bloody moronic to disable the console. Not for cheating, but from a debugger PoV. That they disable cheating, PERFECT, but stay off the rest, please!
  5. Could be me, but I do not think He can be bothered with you hacking games... That would be the very last of His concerns, I reckon. XD
  6. Are you using a Scrap mod? If yes, remove, and revert to a save BEFORE you installed the scrap mod...
  7. Hmmm yes... XD Then again, more companies pulls a Beth now and then.
  8. You need a new game upon removing that scrap mod... It's affecting the save files seems.
  9. Do you use Scrap mods? From what they told me (having the same s#*!, sadly) it starts right there with the Scrap mods.
  10. Depends: if a mod just uses texture files and such, it will use them, regardless of you modded the ini or not... ESP mods should not be used...
  11. And here I thought we were not going into politics, don't get me started. :(
  12. I dislike cheating a lot, for a ton of reasons, for one, immersion. Last time I cheated was 7 years ago, I think, when I got stuck in a game, a bug putting an obstacle in a doorway, that I needed to get through. Had to use a game save editor to get me past that doorway. But yesterday I had such a f*#@ed up day, that, when I got home, I fired up FO4, loaded my V111 exit save, cheated me a minigun and about 100.000 rounds, OF COURSE overweighed, so I cheated that one as well, went out, and killed anything that moved. One cannot believe how good it feels to go nuts like that, while blasting some Death Metal or Black Metal. XD
  13. Not all mods, but many. Remember, a lot of people asked for mods that were for Vanilla game.... Seems not all had the needed patches/mods.
  14. Never known modders to be shy of the new stuff, I've seen mods being released the SAME day requiring the latest of stuff.
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