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Everything posted by ma1025

  1. I've replaced that charge up sound file with a blank audio file so I've solved the problem temporarily but it'll be silent if I choose to use that weapon too.
  2. I gave a companion a gauss rifle quite some time ago and noticed that even when the gun wasn't drawn, the charge up and fully charged idle sound would loop when i was near them. I've since taken the gun from their inventory but all the time I can still hear those sounds playing and I can't find a way to stop them. I've found solutions to this happening to player characters but I haven't found a fix for this problem on NPCs. I've tried having him draw the weapon, fully charging it, then firing it, then I open the console and use unequipitem to remove it and it has no effect. I've also had him use the gun until it runs out of ammo and still the sound loops.
  3. The way you're describing it, it sounds like you're: Launching Fallout 4 through Steam It's opening the Launcher You're hitting "play" Instead of launching Fallout4.exe it's launching another launcher instead So it sounds like Fallout4.exe got renamed or moved somewhere and you have two copies of Fallout4Launcher.exe, one of which got renamed to Fallout4.exe If that's the case you could just delete whatever file is Fallout4.exe and have Steam verify the files which would force it to redownload that file.
  4. Did you ever install anything like Better Fake Reflections? It makes chrome effects a dull grey instead. You'd have to remove the archive file and the cubemaps it installs.
  5. You can try turning godrays up to Ultra to see if it's not so pixelated but there will be a performance impact.
  6. When you look towards the light, the squares are that godray thing.
  7. In Fallout4Prefs.ini, under [DISPLAY] there should be (or you can add) some settings for your resolution. Here's mine: bTopMostWindow=0 <- Fallout 4 always on top / set to off bMaximizeWindow=0 <- Bordered windowed mode with window fully maximized / set to off bBorderless=1 <- Borderless mode / set to on (use this plus your monitor's resolution below for Borderless Windowed Fullscreen) bFull Screen=0 <- Default fullscreen / set to off iSize H=1080 <- Resolution height iSize W=1920 <- Resolution width
  8. Use the Configuration Tool and under Gameplay, uncheck AI Uses Ammo.
  9. Or rename Fallout4Launcher.exe to Fallout4LauncherBACKUP.exe and make a copy of Fallout4.exe and rename it to Fallout4Launcher.exe
  10. Well, in your Fallout4.ini, bInvalidateOlderFiles is set to 0. Change it to 1. Also remove STRINGS\ from sResourceDataDirsFinal. Do this in both Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Custom.ini. (or remove the line about Invalidation in Fallout4.ini and make the following changes in Fallout4Custom.ini) So it should read: [Archive] sResourceDataDirsFinal= bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 Set the .ini files to Read Only afterwards to keep them from getting changed.
  11. Should probably backup the Local\Fallout 4\ files too. But I dunno. I did it for FO3 and NV with FOMM and since all the paths were the same, everything still worked fine. Maybe wait for someone else to reply though. I haven't done it with NMM.
  12. Try: completeallobjectives MQ204 this should complete Shattered. Then: SetStage MQ203 310 that should give you the "talk to Dr. Amari" quest stage. Make a backup of your save or something in case it makes it worse though.
  13. I'm lazy so I always dragged my entire Data folder onto my other drive.
  14. I recreated this problem on one of my old saves and I might have a solution for you. I set my timescale to 0 and slept in my house in Diamond City and when I went outside it was black like how you described. Do: set timescale to X (your choice) set gamehour to X (between 1 and 23) this made it so I was able to see my Pip-Boy when I brought it up, but everything was still black. After this, use: player.moveto NPC ref ID (your choice) and this will teleport your character using a load screen. Use a NPC that is inside a confined building (I used Elder Maxson). You'll be able to see again. Exit the building and you'll notice that everything is fine except now the sky is glitching out with some weird overblown white dragging effect. Save your game in a new slot, then exit the game entirely. Relaunch the game and load an old save before you had the black screen problem. Make sure you're outside. The sky should be normal. Open the menu and load your "fixed" game with the glitched sky. Everything should work now.
  15. Never quite had a timescale issue like this. Did have some sort of timescale issue that would mess the time of day up in 3/New Vegas. It caused the Pip-Boy to display a random series of numbers and time would stop passing. In the console, enter: set timescale to 20 set gamehour to 12 enableplayercontrols and see if that corrects the time of day.
  16. You can give Dogmeat Distance from Player and/or Move (Get Out the Way) to see if it helps.
  17. In the launcher, hit the Low Settings button, then manually change every setting in Advanced to their highest setting, but leave Godrays alone (should be on off). Also try launching the game using Borderless Fullscreen.
  18. There's another user having this problem. Here's the link in case someone finds a solution there. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3712160-weird-visual-lighting-glitch/ EDIT: It's version 1.9 of the Scrap Everything mod. Uninstall it an try using version 1.8. Fixed the problem for the other user.
  19. Have you used the Fallout 4 Configuration Tool? Backup your .inis in Documents\My Games\Fallout4 and load up the F4CT. Under the Gameplay tab, see if the AI Uses Ammo is highlighted.
  20. Can you post your full system specs? Also, you mentioned having an nVidia card and using the godray fix but have you also tried the fix for AMD cards? Probably couldn't hurt (just back up your files).
  21. I finished the main quest and traveled with Deacon to get his affinity up. After having his final talk about his past, he will no long run when he's a companion. He always follows me with a walk similar to how the characters approach you when they have something to say. When he does finally reach me he only gives one of his generic greetings. I've tried rolling through all his chat dialog and dismissing him and rehiring him but nothing works. I finished the game using the Minutemen workaround with the three factions alive.
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