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Everything posted by M48A5

  1. Take a look here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/287-fallout-3-mod-talk/.
  2. @Panzersharkcat From the Forum Rules and Strikes by Dark0ne(site owner): "What is porting? "Porting" is the act of transferring one game's assets in to a different game in the form of a mod or plug-in. An example would be taking a gun from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and "porting" it in to Fallout: New Vegas so you can then use that gun within Fallout: New Vegas. Mods that enable this are called "ports"."
  3. I've had that happen a couple of times, but it would straighten out eventually.
  4. Did you by chance happen to hit your caps lock? This will put you into sprint mode.
  5. You need to read the BOSS report and make the changes. You have reports of conflicting mods that you have not done anything about. Read the load order and make the corrections, than try to run the game. You have mods there that require other mods that you do not have, ie: Fallout Remastered - FWE + EVE (PI Merge).esp Requires: Paradox Ignition Merged version of Energy Visuals Enhanced, Mart's Mutant Mod - FOOK2 - DIK.esp Requires: FOOK2 - Main.ESM, etc. Do not try to run FOOK and FWE, it is almost impossible.
  6. FOMM will not help with Dimonized Type 3. You have to choose which body style you want to use and install it manually.
  7. The best is Brisa Almodovar. She can be found here: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=14448. She has hacking, lock picking, medical, repair and fighting. She will start with you in Vault 101 and continue through the game leveling with you and increase levels with skill books. And there is amusing dialoge.
  8. If you have a multi-core CPU, like the Quad, and you experience a Fallout 3 crash when loading interiors (Specially in closed spaces): - Open the folder My documents / My Games / Fallout3 - Edit the file FALLOUT.ini. - Inside FALLOUT.ini look for a group called [general]. - Inside the general group, after all the configuration parameters, just copy and paste the following 2 lines: bUseThreadedAI=1 iNumHWThreads=2 Now close and save the Fallout 3 configuration file. Make sure you Fallout 3 files are loaded in a place other than program files. Installing the game directly onto you hard drive works very well.
  9. Do you have ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated? And if you do, did you turn it on than off than on again? From the screen shot of the armor, it looks like you did not use the ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated!
  10. From the screen shot you provided, it looks like you are not using ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! As far as I know, all of your Fallout .esms should be loaded together. I would move CALIBR.ems down with CRAFT.esm I have never seen Mart's Mutant Mod.esm loaded so high in the load order. I would move that down below the DLCs. I would also suggest that you uncheck everything except fallout3.esm and the DLC esm to make sure your game will run properly. Than add one mod at a time and check that it works without a problem. That way you will know for sure what works and what doesn't.
  11. Did you limit your CPU to use only two cores? That would effect your performance. Is the game loaded into Program Files? What is the model of video card do you have? Which plugin is not activated?
  12. You would probably get a faster answer by going to the mod file page and posting your problem in the comments section. There is more of a chance that someone who knows the mod will see your post and have an answer for you.
  13. The problem with using projectile or energy weapons for underwater foes, is that of refraction and resistance. In order to be anywhere realistic, you would have to be able to adjust for the change in actual position as opposed to viewed position. Water bends light waves so that where you see something is not where it actually is. It's hard to explain without diagrams. The other is the loss of kinetic energy of projectiles. Water being much denser than air results in significant loss of energy when the projectile enters the water. Energy weapons would just spread across the service of the water. Using some sort of explosive is about the only way to damage an underwater foe. That is why the navies of the world use torpedoes and depth charges.
  14. Thank you very much! And happy St. Valentine's Day.
  15. Is there a location where one can find the benefits of subscribing, other than general support of the site? I looked in the subscriptions section and saw that there were different levels available, but what are the advantages to being a premium member?
  16. For myself, I would rather wait for the enemy to come out of the water instead if subjecting myself to the radiation in the water. Depending on your health, it would be possible to be killed by radiation or drowning while trying to kill an enemy that you probably could not loot.
  17. Before you start working with FO3 Edit, get this and open it alongside FO3 Edit to help you : http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8629. I always have this windowed while I'm using FO3 edit so that I don't ruin anything by mistake.
  18. Did you change the .ini file that is located at "hard drive"\users\"name"\documents\mygames\fallout3\fallout.ini?
  19. Use either this "FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp" or this " FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp" You might not need the Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC individually because you have this "Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp" You indicate that the game worked before you added the mods. Uncheck your mods, toggle archiveInvalidation Invalidated!, than one by one re-activate your mods and start the game. When the game does a CTD, the last mod you added is causing the problem. When adding mods, you should do them one at a time to make sure each one works.
  20. The year the timelines diverged was never stated, but it is believed to be after 1945 and sometime in the 1950's. There is reference in Fallout 3 that would indicate the divergence was not complete until a little later. One of the NPC's at Megaton says something along the lines of "don't believe all their hippie crap....." Since that movement didn't come about until the 1960's, it appears there wasn't a complete split until sometime in the 1960's.
  21. Are you using the latest version of the mod? http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6170 There is also a fix: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12800
  22. You can't move the weaponsmodkit any higher in the load order. It is an .esp and should load after all of the .esm. Nexus mod manager is still in beta test, so you should expect some bugs when using it. What version of Mart's Mutant Mod are you using? I don't think the MMM .esm is supposed to load so far up in the load order. And, I think you can uncheck all the MMM DLC and just use the MMM-FWE Master Release+DLCs.esp.
  23. There must be a conflict with one of your mods. If you don't have FO3Edit, what you can try is to make a hard save and exit the game. Disable all of your mods and see if you still have the problem. If every thing is good, enable your mods one at a time. When the problem returns, the last mod you loaded will be the problem. Don't forget to toggle ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated each time you add a mod.
  24. You do not have the mod installed properly. Recheck the read me and the other information provided by the uploader. There are other body replacers available. You can tell which ones are nude by reading the descriptions.
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