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Everything posted by Gambit77

  1. Probably did check your profile, as it shows 0 mods on Nexus. That said, the handful of people backing the patch ban are for the most part, people that contribute very little to the community, so there's probably some projection in their attack on you.
  2. This rule sucks. This rule damages the free modding ecosystem. If I want to patch another modder's creation to work with my free Nexus mods I should be allowed to. This rule is clearly an attempt to divide the mod user community, which damages the free modding ecosystem. If a mod user wants to buy a mod, let them. There is no reason for you to punish them for doing so, and that is exactly what this rule does, because it is preventing creations from being properly integrated into modded game builds to the same extent as free mods.
  3. In response to post #67202751. http://memecrunch.com/meme/7V7LW/cold-blooded/image.jpg
  4. I just hopped in game and I'm not getting featuredItem popup CTDs
  5. try the current version of VIS-G Item Sorting, we changed the DEF UI code for featureditem popups to increase stability. If that doesn't work for you then use VIS-G Legendary Modifications v1.2 as it removes the featuredItem keywords from legendary mods. There is nothing different in regards to usage of the featureditem keyword between v7.4 and v7.6 of AWKCR.
  6. In response to post #56081996. #56082276, #56082736, #56082851, #56104651, #56106911, #56107726, #56108276, #56109611, #56109726, #56109881, #56110486, #56111056, #56112401, #56113291, #56113516, #56113836, #56113921, #56114506, #56117001, #56118371 are all replies on the same post. Isn't the difficulty of porting the mod a moot point when Nexus is giving the porter the ability to automate sending the majority of the port's earned points to the original mod authors and keeping a little off the top for their trouble? I know that that kind of thing would be optional to do, but it would obviously be the right thing to do. And if the porters act in that manner I don't see why anyone would have an issue with other people porting their mods over. Keep it classy San Diego :)
  7. I have a better idea for a pissing contest. Dave Chappelle vs Del The Funky Homosapien vs The Coup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw8CxyQx4zE VS. VS. Whose stream is longer and stronger?
  8. In response to post #47383425. #47385720 is also a reply to the same post. Well compared to most slaves on the planetation, the massas and their ovfficeers consider me pretty uppity
  9. For a name how about Muse? It works on two levels. One, Muse is short for Mod use. Two, the Nexus community is a source of artistic inspiration.
  10. Just an addendum since this interview happened a while ago. I want to give a shout out to my Merc crew: L0rd0fWar, RaffTheSweetling, AmaekilShath, OhDeer, and Thirdstorm. The Mercenary Pack is another cool project I'm glad to be a part of. This week I did the Skyrim SE plunge and spent a few days doing my mod build, and I gotta say, you Skyrim modders have made some awesome stuff in the past couple years, I'm lovin it! I gotta give props to another handful of modders that I forgot the first time or whose work is new to me and is blowing me away. Arthmoor, damn man, Cutting Room Floor and all these expanded settlements, where'd you find the time to do all that and fix the game. Enai Siaion, I used Apocalypse back in the day, but I'm new to Ordinator and that's some damn fine work, super creative. Jonwd7, thank you for your work on NifSkope, and I can finally use Footprints in my build, woot. Tonycubed2 and the SoT Team, thanks for keeping a bunch of crucial mods going, I love the difficulty. Isuko, the water is so beautiful, I can finally use Wet and Cold in my build, and I switched from RND to iNeed and I'm digging it. MyGoodEye, I'm so psyched to see Warzones be all it can be now that memory limitations aren't a roadblock anymore. Kajuan, you are killing it with your textures. Gamefever, keep it up with the cool mashups, I love the variety, and nice work on your leveled lists, I got a good look while making my leveled list patch, top notch.
  11. Man, there are some serious haters up in here. I'd like to chime in and say as someone with a fairly good amount of interactions with Eli that I find her to be quite pleasant, helpful, kind, and funny. I consider her friendship material, and I'm picky. Chances are, if you have a bad relationship with her, it's all your fault. These pathetic examples of her unacceptable behavior: her FAQs, disclaimers, and comment closure stickies. Are you kidding me? If you have an issue with that stuff, guess what, you have an issue. Or when you do a test where you criticize someone just to see if you'll get banned, you have an issue. Complaining about a lack of a bug report section, when the mod is fairly straightforward, and is thoroughly tested and known to be bug-free, you have an issue. When you complain about a closed comment section, because you feel entitled to ask your own question (which has probably already been asked and answered, probably many times, you're just to lazy to look or learn how to use search engines) you have an issue. People who brag about their philanthropy to use as a shield from criticism, you have two issues. First, if you're bragging about it, you're doing it for the wrong reason. Second, it doesn't excuse your behavior. People who want to complain about other peoples personalities, you have an issue, and let me save you a little money on therapy, it's probably projection.
  12. In response to post #46292345. me neither, thanks :)
  13. You might want to check out Weaponsmith. We basically made pretty much all the same changes you have planned, except we didn't replace vanilla guns, just added new ones. Not sure how far into this you are, but if you're still on the asset creation stage, maybe consider joining the WSE team. I have a lot of respect for your work, and we'd be happy to work with you guys.
  14. In response to post #45051570. #45055660, #45064125, #45092390 are all replies on the same post. I actually found the info on how he has to hack some games to control his composition quite interesting. Neat stuff. In a non Beth rpg without toggle freecam or something similar I wouldn't even bother taking screenshots. I think it's cool the extent he goes to in order to create those possibilities in games that aren't screenshot friendly.
  15. Hey Paul, if you're still looking to kick up the visuals for Skyrim, you really ought to try K ENB Pure Light by Kyokushinoyama, it's stunningly beautiful. I've never come across an ENB/ReShade for any game that I felt was as well done. And as far as guides for picking out mods to use, you really gotta check out S.T.E.P. and GEMS. Use S.T.E.P. to make your game better looking and more stable then incrementally add gameplay mods from GEMS to customize your game.
  16. I get a great amount of enjoyment from your mods Chesko! Thank you for making such an awesome contribution to this community :)
  17. Anybody know what WorkshopResourceObject [AVIF:00129A8C] controls?
  18. This looks awesome!!!!!!!!!! :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
  19. The profile sharing feature sounds awesome.
  20. Yeah you're right. People have a tendency to make them OP. I usually tone that back in my versions, or make the the crafting requirements high to make up for it. But I don't see an issue with a +2 on outfits, that's pretty common in vanilla. I'd be more apt to further buff the few outfits that are only +1, to seek balance.
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