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Everything posted by Zorkaz

  1. Does anyone know if it's possible to play a video (.bk2) via a script command?
  2. Is there a way to make an interior wet from the start. As if it has rained or it's very steamy
  3. Does anyone know if there's a good mod with free to use (Credits are given of course), pool assets out there, like a ladder or a jumping board, maybe a slide?
  4. I think it is because I already had to put it through the SCOL process. And you can't reprocess an SCOLed .nif again. Best to use it as movable static so it won't be affected
  5. Just as a general rule, precombs do not only mess with external texture swaps but also sometimes fences and stairs can loose collision. So always check this out and create a backup before doing this
  6. If you have VLC Player installed you can also export audio from a movie itself (Forgot how exactly)
  7. Conversion is done via Rad Video Tools. You choose your video, then click on BinkIt!. Rename the file to .bk2 Remember that your audio for main menus needs to be separate and it's under "Music/Special/mus_mainmenu.wav" As for the tools there are many out there but it depends on what you want to do, etc... so I can't give a proper answer
  8. If you use .nifs and textures from other mods but not the static object/actor/... themselves you are ok. As long as you've created an object in your own mod.
  9. I already looked through the console commands but wanted to ask, because maybe I've overlooked something: Does anyone know a cheat command to show markers in-game? Or an .ini setting
  10. Does anyone have a good tool / tutorial on how to convert a .nif from Fallout 3 to Fallout 4? (Excluding the tools where you need to pay something for their usage)
  11. I don't quite get what you mean but maybe using an INT is a solution instead. Or do you mean multiple ObjectReferences, both are included Int Property Into Auto ObjectReference Property TheLIght Auto ObjectReference Property TheLIght2 Auto Event OnActivate (ObjectReference AkActionRef) If Into == 0 TheLight.enable() TheLight2.enable() Utility.wait(0.1) Into = 1 Else TheLight.disable() TheLight2.disable() Utility.wait(0.1) Into=0 Endif EndEvent
  12. This is the most noobish question I can ask after all this time but how can I make sure a quest starts after leaving Vault111, since StartGameEnabled doesn't work when adding items. I always provided an optional construction recipe but it feels unncecessary
  13. One of my ways 1. Create a marker (Maybe movable static, persistent) 2. Attach a script on the Marker, OnCellLoad(), that adds the item to the original vendor chest, maybe to the vendor NPC as well. OnCellLoad() doesnt' trigger at first, when loading a safe in the respective cell but will so after you walk around
  14. You can do it easily if you download the upgraded Creation Kit https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/51165
  15. Upon decompiling other mods, forget about it... it is way too complicated as it seems
  16. Using Unequipall() seems like a bad idea in Fallout 4, since it will remove the pipboy. But has anyone found a good way to unequip all clothing, except for weapons and pipboy items? And has someone found a way to force equip any clothing that has been stored in a chest? I thought this was easy but... ;)
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