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Everything posted by Zorkaz

  1. There is Frost and other Winter modifications. But do they alter the existing creatures such as radstags, yaoguai and such or are they left vanilla? Also does Frost feature Cryo damage more prominently?
  2. Should work but doesn't. The protectron still takes physical damage. Using: dtPhysical ==1 and dtEnergy&dtFire&dtCryo&dtElectrical==0 Using: SetValue = 0 or MulitplyValue = 0
  3. Okay I thought this would be something basic, sry. I do not know about 3dsmax, Maya or Blender and thus the flags to make an object passthrough with trigger effect. Only some workshop traps do have the feature
  4. I have a protectron which should be immune to all physical damage but energy, fire and cryo is okay. Now I've altered the existing immunity perks and made my own. The issue: It works perfectly for grenades, only plasma and electro can hurt them. But for weapons it doesn't matter. Laser, Plasma, Ballistic... they all won't hurt it. So it's only explosions that do damage since they have spells Now this are the basic conditions for Spell Damage (Similiar to the existing immunity perks) Those are the weapon conditions: (Setting all to "OR" doesn't change anything)
  5. Well continuous is a stretch with this technique but still... You could create an invisible dummy projectile (Harmless, no damage) and using a very short timed loop you could use the .fire() command E.g. that's how I made a projectile fire from the Player in "Grognak Quest" MissileLauncher.Fire (PlayerRef, MissileAmmo)
  6. So I'm using KidDummy.SetActorValue("Aggression", 1) and KidDummy.SetAV("Aggression", 1) (KidDummy being an Actor) but the CK tells me it doesn't exist. MODAV neither. What's the correct approach then, since the Wiki doesn't offer any clues Solved: In Fallout 4 you have to write it like this: KidDummy.SetValue(Aggression, 1)
  7. Actors can have various aggressive states, but how can I change them via script? Edit: Nvm, it's an Actor Value
  8. Unimportant because I did something different already but I recently made a Protectron that can die, but if you do not add an item in its inventroy it it will resurrect. Issue was that the protectron after using Resurrect() was stuck in the ground. So does anyone have a trick up their sleeves to make resurrections actually work?
  9. This is not a request for me but for the whole of humankind. Can someone please create a simple cylindrical trigger zone as a .nif? The Height can vary it's not that important. Just something that accepts for "OnTriggerEnter" I'm personally thinking of Spinning Traps
  10. Thanks. I just american flags on poles in my project
  11. I made this, hope it helps https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44411
  12. So I thought I could create an NPC who has the same inventor as the player. I created a copy of Player and put "Player" as the template for the inventory. While the face, the name and so on are duplicated the inventory does not? So is the Player in-game not "Player"? or is it just not possible?
  13. How is the peak of an american mountain signified? E.g. in the Alps you'd often have a giant cross as a form of signature
  14. So e.g. the million trees I put into my worldspace wouldn't count
  15. SKK50 once claimed to know that there's a certain maximum limit of unique IDs that this game can handle. Using worldspaces and large quest mods can overload the engine and subsequently bugs will appear. However I cannot find the original thread. So how much is it?
  16. Does anyone know if there's an event for when an object (MiscObject) touches or hits something solid? E.g. for when you drop something from above or shoot it with the junk jet. Destruction data isnt' affected by height as it seems
  17. Setting Health Percentage to 0 worked for me to set the explosion off
  18. I have an object that I want instantly destroyed as soon as you punch it with even a low lvl weapon. I've set the Health to 1 Health Percentage: 100 Self Damage: 100 but it won't work. Has anyone experience with this?
  19. Okay instead of removing the cola, maybe I'll send it to a dummy container. Using EventOnItemAdded() i could then determine the value. But maybe there's another idea
  20. Vending Machine: I want to have a bunch of items in a formlist (All variants of Nuka Cola) When a container is activated in which various Nuka Colas, Quantums and cold variants reside one of them gets removed and replaced with caps. Now I already made a script like this Event OnActivate (ObjectReference AkActionRef) If Self.getitemcount (NukaColaQuantum_Cold) > 0 Self.removeitem (NukaColaQuantum_Cold) TheValue = NukaColaQuantum_Cold.getgoldvalue() Self.additem (Caps001, TheValue) Elseif Self.getitemcount (NukaColaQuantum) > 0 Self.removeitem (NukaColaQuantum) TheValue = NukaColaQuantum.getgoldvalue() Self.additem (Caps001, TheValue) Endif EndEventBut I actually find this inefficient. I think I can put the Colas in a formlist. But how do i determine which object has been removed so I can get its gold value?
  21. In Nifskope: When you open the nif you can click on BSTrishape/BSLightingShaderProperty. That's where you'd find the reference for the .bgsm. (It can be empty though) A folder below you'd find the textures.
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