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Everything posted by Zorkaz

  1. Okay I used it on a movable static that has the workshopobjectscript attached to it. I want to place a dummy marker on a node, so the object has a visible marker when in workshop mode and otherwise not
  2. How do I properly write OnWorkshopMode() Event OnWorkshopMode(bool aStart) Astart = True If aStart == True TheMarker = Self.PlaceAtNode("SpawnPoint2", SMFMarker, 1, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) Self.setlinkedref (TheMarker, SMFKeyword2) TheMarker.Setlinkedref(Self, SMFKeyword2) Endif EndEventBecause this doesn't work. Even with our without Astart = True
  3. Is there a way in workshop to freely place an object wherever you want? So that is independent from the ground and can hover as well?
  4. Try giving it the projectile an explosion. Does only need to contain the Stagger value and maybe a small explosion radius so it can be applied
  5. Okay cool! I don't care about the workshop system but want to find a way to make a proper grapple gun, hence why I'm asking
  6. Btw this doesn't mean the world to me, it's really just to try something out
  7. Oh thanks. I'm trying to make working kitchen appliances as a "Proof of concept mod" and a piece of toast would be great to pop out of one of the toaster slots. (A way to cook without using the workbench menu) (Other things will include a realistic coffee machine, baking oven, grill...)
  8. I guess there's also no way to duplicate something right?
  9. No. As somebody who has published four big worldspaces (And eight in general) I can tell you: Don't use precombined messes in worldspaces, they will mess stuff up, and increase the filesize by some Gigabytes if the worldspace is big enough. Also the generation of Precombines/Previs can take multiple hours depending on your size. That's really something I wish I could revert with "The Forest" When it comes to automated navmeshing, make sure to disable "Autosaves" in the CK. After ten autosaves have been made the CK might crash during this operation.
  10. Is there a mod where random NPCs don't start talking to the player even though nobody asked them to? Edit: Found it here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3637
  11. I wrote this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/47183 You need at least XLODgen. Don't forget to package your stuff correctly when publishing it.
  12. I'm not profient with OMODs and weapons. But if you have an explosion (Can be invisible) on the weapon projectile it does seem to have a sound level too. Just something to keep an eye out
  13. Lol I meant here, wrong copy and paste https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3935-fallout-4-creation-kit-and-modders/
  14. Does someone have a toast model (.nif) lying around? I want to try a cool thing
  15. Don't wanna be this guy but better repost it here: Man I wish I could script ropes, then this would be possible
  16. Are there any good scripts or tricks revolving around splines, wires and ropes? For instance is it possible to spawn a rope into the game? With beginning and end spline points?
  17. If you replace the static cars yes. If you replace the movable statics no. Also if you're going via script solutions you can't use scripts on statics anyway. At least not properly
  18. Does anyone know if it's possible to define the size of triggerzones (E.g. DefaultemptyTrigger) via script commands?
  19. Only if you replace them with lookalike containers, using scripts or the CK-replace function
  20. Cars are not containers. They are movable statics. And sometimes statics
  21. Well I think the big leap was the introduction of compacted IDs, .esls... thus the needed update to install a Creation Kit that could do that too. And that's where this divide comes from but I could be wrong
  22. Okay, wow, thanks for the extensive info. Will put it into use
  23. Yeah i thought so. At least it's not done via perk or spell
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