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Everything posted by jet4571
Fallout 4 1.5 Update Public Service Announcement
jet4571 replied to SirSalami's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #36963370. #36980130, #36996150, #36999800, #36999885 are all replies on the same post. Bitdman, That's a bit of bad programming choice on the Wrye bash creators. It will automatically try to sort your load order without asking to do so or have a NO option. Load order is kinda important and BOSS or LOOT cannot sort it for your preferences correctly. They can do an OK job if you don't care how it's sorted or are willing to lose a preference because of the way they sort but they do give you the choice to set it up in any way while Wrye just sorts it on startup and can even fubar your custom load order. -
Witcher 3 is not an Open World Game
jet4571 replied to MasterAub's topic in The Witcher's The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The truth is the only porting issue is the GUI, the games themselves isn't made for console or PC exclusively. When they compile the executable it is nothing more than a setting to compile for either of the consoles or the PC and all that's needed is to change that setting between versions, it's the same build to be compiled and Gamebryo has had that ability since Oblivion was made if not earlier. The GUI is more console centric simply to save them money in not designing a different GUI for PC which is why in FO4 we are s#*! on with a lack of key rebinds and the GUI has been crap since Oblivion. So Bethesda isn't actually porting a console game to PC but simply not spending money to make a PC exclusive GUI. -
In response to post #36125380. #36126925 is also a reply to the same post. TLDR was that?
Everyone making an excuse for the beta patch disabling mods kindly explain why every single official not beta patch for FO4 has attempted to disable mods by clearing the plugins.txt. Please explain why all previous Bethesda titles when they released a beta patch did not disable mods but all of a sudden FO4 needs a %100 vanilla no mod state and all those other games didn't. Please explain why NMM has to uncheck and check the read only flag on the plugins.txt for every single not beta official patch. I do get the logic of needing a clean environment for a beta test but that does defeat the very purpose of an open beta. Bethesda has the ability to do a vanilla beta test in house. Open betas are to see if something outside can mess up the programing and since this game is to be modded then mods is needed to see if the patch wont be more of a problem than a fix. Take 3DS Max or Photoshop, when they do an open beta they are not forcing you to use the base program, they expect and want plugins for them to be used. Yes both Photoshop and 3DS Max can use mods, they are called plugins but in reality they are mods. Autodesk and Adobe want their software tested in a real world environment because they are making patches and updates for that very environment. If they only made patches for their programs without plugins they will miss a whole lot of problems only they can fix. A video game needing real world environment testing is no different than the very tools used to make that video game. Think before making excuses for Bethesda. Bethesda doesn't need you to make excuses for them because they don't care if mod users complain to begin with. My theory on why Bethesda is trying to disable mods is... duht dun duh.. Consoles. To make console mods possible and the nice little addition to the main menu I believe they are planning on doing away with the old way of enabling mods and have that all handled via the main menu. and they falsely believe that we will get stuck in the old way and not adapt. That's just my theory and it is the only one I can come up with that makes sense considering Bethesda's history.
In response to post #36109580. I doubt that. They disabled mods with the first beta patch and that is still done with patch 1.4. To prevent the game from disabling mods we have to set plugins.txt to read only because the game will erase it. NMM had to be patched to read only flag plugins.txt to be able to install and uninstall mods. Since we figured out how to work around the plugins.txt Bethesda has gone one step further and has the game ignore it instead. Will they enable mods again once the update is out of Beta? Somehow I don't think they will and I for one have my game backed up and will refuse any patch if that happens.
In response to post #36105510. #36107130, #36108145, #36111230, #36111695 are all replies on the same post. And wait until you get stuck between 2 static objects and cant get out. No TCL command to get unstuck. Good Job Bethesda!
"You can download any public mod list in an installable format which can be run by a script/application to download and install all tools, configuration files, and mods associated with the mod list. Mods will not be downloaded from the Mod Picker site - download will only be possible for mods which can be downloaded via NXM links." Sorry but as a mod author I don't want my mods downloadable from anywhere but here, as in they go to my mod page and download from it. I would think most authors would agree with that sentiment. I like the idea of another STEP guide or GEMS but not if it has the ability to download without them visiting my page.
I think my arrow is too long for FO4
jet4571 replied to jeffglobal's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Weight painting in OutfitStudio is frustrating to say the least. I find exporting the mesh to .obj then deleting the mesh and last importing the .obj helps. Then add your textures and copy bone weights. Attempt to save the .nif so it creates the mask showing the unweighted verts. Clear the mask and paint the verts attempt save, clear mask paint the same or different verts, repeat 2 or 3 times before it properly saves. That only applies to mesh that's not close to the base mesh, Outfit Studio has no setting for weight all verts and it blends vert weighting after you painted. For something like that arrow or a backpack I would max out the brush settings and alt click to erase weights for every bone except the one you want then once all have been gone through regardless if you saw any weighting paint to the bone you want. You may still need to repeat a couple times but eventually it will save without the warning message. -
If you are using Max and making weapons, crates, soda bottles, basic statics, anything without skinning you don't need to use OutfitStudio. Create your mesh like normal with UVW mapping and textured then export as ,nif to your folder using the default settings. Then use Nifskope, open your mesh and a similar size and shaped one and copy the exported from Max mesh into the vanilla .nif, add your .bgsm info and alpha if needed and save as a new .nif. With that tutorial.. the strings part? Dafuq? Select your mesh and in the Block Details window there is Name, click the bold Txt next to whatever name Nifskope arbitrarily gave it to open a new window that has the arbitrary name highlighted. Type the name you want and hit OK or choose one from the list. Strings are now updated and your mesh is named. But that Strings editing part is very useful if you are making a generator that makes no noise, the sounds used are in the strings and if you delete that the generator will be silent or you can change it to your new sound. Same thing with changing the .bgsm info, hit the Txt to open the Strings window. Then when adding a new mesh to an existing .nif select the NiNode you want it under right click and choose Block Then Paste Branch. It will automatically insert the branch under that NiNode without having to set it after pasting. In Skyrim and earlier pasting to the trishape worked too but the FO4 .nifs don't allow that requiring setting the BS properties the slow way. As for the .bgsm and changes taking effect in the game or not. Wrong. Hit the Txt next to the name of the BSLightingShaderProperty and hit backspace and the OK button. Now the BSLightingShaderProperty works. The BGSM overrides it and is optional. If you are doing the OutfitStudio route you can set your textures there before exporting and not even need a bgsm or even deal with adding a BSLightingShaderProperty. Then there the ricght click on you mesh an hit Mesh then Update Tangent Space that's good practice to do. Glow maps may not work in the game until you do that and I always hit the Face Normals as well just before Update. If you can reduce the steps in your workflow it makes it far less tedious and far quicker to do.
Stand-alone/Nifskope help...
jet4571 replied to Deleted4363562User's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
If you don't use a material file and set the textures in Nifskope you also have to Update Tangent Space. That's also recommended with changing material files as well since sometimes the mesh wont update to use the new one like when I was making multiple colored reflex sight dots, every time I changed the material file even I had to update the tangent space for it to show in the game. -
What's with the 12-y.o. female textures?
jet4571 replied to r0tlisbrgr's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
There's more to it than just the age of the authors who are making younger looking female mods Brokefoot. There are allot of Japanese and Korean authors creating content and they see a white 24 year old female as looking like she is in her 40's because their mid twenties females look like a young teen to westerners. To westerners they look like teens but to them they look like an adult. As for those complaining about not having enough sluty male mods compared to female, I have one thing to say to you. Make your own. There are millions of tutorials for 3D modeling between 3DS Max and Blender, there's millions of tutorials for Photoshop and GIMP for the textures. Mod authors create what they want and if they are not creating what you want you have no excuse for not creating your own to suit you. The tools are available and even free ones, the tutorials are just a Google search away to learn how to use the tools. There's plenty of tutorials to get the models you created into being useable in a Bethesda game if you read tutorials made for the older titles. As for censorship... you have the tools to censor whatever you want. If you don't like sex or nude mods then use the tools you have to hide them. -
Use DXT5 Interpolated Alpha for textures with alpha channels. For the BGSM I have found Irma.BGSM works perfect for clothes and armor, copy that to your folder, rename and change the textures listed in it to your own for anything with alpha transparency. You can create normal maps and specular maps just like for Skyrim or earlier games and save with the 3Dc Normal Map setting in the NVidia DDS plugin.
In response to post #33341565. #33341655, #33341810, #33341940, #33357640 are all replies on the same post. It only says if they are assigned to a job and has a symbol for what the job is. If you assign all settlers to a bed(so they wont use yours) it wont tell you that and it wont say what food they are assigned to just farming in general. Though I don't think assigning them to a specific crop matters but it would be nice.
Problem solved, use the Irma.bgsm for your template and change the name and textures. Works correct then.
Trying to add some lace stockings to an outfit but they look like crap in FO4, they look great in Oblivion and Skyrim. I tried not using a BGSM and they just don't show at all and spent about 4 hours mesing with them to try and get a decent alpha channel. Is there some magic setting to do or is the garbage alpha channels Bethesda saddled us with? Top is in Nifskope, bottom is in the game. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f257/JET-WTF/Image2_zpsfvxexgw7.jpg
Zilav, I never said it wont do that, my point was based on preferences. If you want Change B over Change A specifically you order your mods so that B is the one the game uses and LOOT or BOSS cannot know that's what you want. Another point was BOSS used to be to prevent your load order from crashing the game like Skyrim used to be when it was originally released. An esp master out of order would cause a CTD and if you didn't know the new mod you installed used it as a master you may not set the load order correct and then not know why you get a CTD when the game loads. BOSS worked wonders for that. It isn't needed for Skyrim or FO4 for that function anymore. Khormin is correct we are arguing 2 sides of the same coin. Load order wont cause a CTD anymore which is good and one of my main points, but users need to know what's being changed in mods so they know how to set the load order. BOSS and LOOT make changes according to their programing which may be in contrast to the users preference. Is it needed to use so the game wont CTD? No. Is it helpful to get a basic load order? Sure. Is it required and absolutely needed to have a stable game with 200+ mods? No. Can it set a basic load order if the user is an idiot.. well that's half its job. Fun thing you want to know what's bad advice? Telling people to use a mod manager to install without first telling them how to do it manually. Telling people to use BOSS or LOOT without first telling them why load order matters and what happens when a mod is lower or higher in the order. Telling people to just use the tools perpetuates the idiots between the keyboard and chair that routinely screw up mods and demand the authors figure out the problem. Teach them how it works and how to do it themselves first then use the tools for convenience later is good advice. "just use NMM" or "Run BOSS after installing" is terrible advice. *Edit, It was 96 in the earlier beta patch regardless of load order several days ago. If it isn't now then Bethesda made a change.
I never said the game wont crash with missing masters, I said if the masters are out of order. That's a complete different ballgame. Skyrim used to crash if you put Skyrim.esm at the bottom even if it was hardcoded to load first regardless. And you didn't explain how it will know which mod I want based on the three .esp's that are not mastered. Does LOOT know what magazine capacity I want? Theres 2 downloads, 1 is just the 10 mm pistol magazine capacity and mastered that proves the game doesn't care about load order when it comes to master files C always wins no matter where it is in the load order. The other download are not mastered and the make the same changes to the 10mm pistol. A changes the magazine cap to 24 and doubles the magazine cap for the assault rifle. B changes the 10mm cap to 48 and changes the minigun magazine cap. C gives the 10mm a mag cap of 96 and changes the mag cap of the hunting rifle. Which one of those mods is the one I prefer for the 10mm magazine cap? Can LOOT or BOSS determine that? If the game doesn't care about load order when it comes to masters and LOOT or BOSS cannot determine preferences then it is not really needed. It is irrelevant, that's my point it cannot determine what I prefer and the game doesn't care what order they are so it is irrelevant to me. You can love the program and swear by it, I don't really care if you do, for me it is useless.
Does this have any effect on the game? (FO4 Edit)
jet4571 replied to NexusFiles's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
One is Speed and not weight so no it wont cause an issue, it's just changing what the receiver buff/debuff is. 20% faster instead of .025 heavier. Speed my not actually be used and just wouldn't do anything though. -
Saving existing .nif files works with Nifskope 2, Though I am not sure that skeleton will work right with the way it is but my Nifskope 2 may not be the most up to date.
Exactly what I was saying! But Nooo I am wrong and spreading false information even though I fully tested it out in both Skyrim and FO4 plus providing test esp files that prove I am correct. Load order is now based on preference and not a requirement and until BOSS or LOOT will be able to read minds then they wont be able to set it up for personal preferences of each and every user.
Bounding box anyone? Supermutant behemoth skeleton... http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f257/JET-WTF/BoundingBox_zpsbw7ynrss.jpg Oddly it is laying on its side in Nifskope2. Not sure if that's the way it really is or that's a bug, you can try it and see if it breaks them.
Seriously not going to test to see if I am correct or not? Just going to double down on outdated knowledge that's isn't relevant anymore and then tell me I am an idiot who knows nothing about mods and making them while you are the uber knowledgeable all knowing mod author? It works for everyone but you wouldn't know that because you refuse to even listen. I even explained a simple test on the FO4Edit comment section that proves that you can rearrange the load order however you want and the game wont crash and the mods worked as intended using both .esp and .esm masters. That was 100% verifiable by you or anyone. The issues for Skyrims load order when the game was released are not the same today. I have been making mods for games since the late 90's, and no I didn't publish many of them and some are no longer on the internet because the host they were on is gone like for my Battlefield 2, 2142, and 1942 mods. None of my mods for Half Life 2 were published and roughly half of my Skyrim mods are published, a tiny amount of my Oblivion mods are, almost none of my FO3 or FNV are. I happen to know very well how Bethesda's load order works because I use that to set my game up exactly the way I want with hundreds of mods of which most I made myself. I may not be a programmer able to make tools like FO4Edit but that doesn't make me stupid and not understand how the load order works. Yes there are trillions of possible mod combinations for Skyrim and no tool is going to be able to setup everyone's load order how they want because it is personal preference now that should dictate the order, dependencies do not matter anymore. Here's a set of test files for FO4: http://www.mediafire.com/download/58zjc8jy56j9wix/10MM.zip Inside are 3 .esp files named 10MMA, 10MMB, and 10MMC. C has B as a master, B has A as a master. The magazine capacity has been doubled with each mod with C at 96. Install those 3 .esp files in a random order and not alphabetical and see how the game treats them. Tell me that's the same as Skyrim when it was first released. Because I just tested it with C at the very top of my load order with B at the very bottom and my magazine capacity for the 10mm pistol was indeed 96. The game doesn't give a rip if the master is lower in the load order, that is fact. Those 3 .esp files prove that is fact. *Edit, Heres the same 3 .esp files without mastering. all 3 change the 10mm Pistol Magazine capacity and they also change one other weapons magazine capacity. These will conflict and the lowest in the load order is the one that will change the 10mm pistols magazine capacity. http://www.mediafire.com/download/ts7adkwro7x7e35/10MM2.zip Please explain to me how BOSS or LOOT will know exactly which one of those I want at the bottom of my load order. Does it know if I want a 24, 48, or 96 round magazine? How is it possible that BOSS or LOOT will know which I want? Please do explain to the masses how a program can read our minds.
Did you try it in the game? No? because what I am saying was fully tested in the game in both Skyrim and FO4. 200+ mods in Skyrim and the game worked fine no matter how the load order was set. Try it.
There are texture and mesh files for all NPC faces/heads. "\Textures\Actors\Character\FaceCustomization\Fallout4.esm\" is the texture folder and "meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\fallout4.esm\" is the mesh folder. Textures for each NPC will be named the same as their EDID. If you want to modify Curie you would look for files named 001647c6. Changing the textures will have an immediate effect in the game, meshes may be an issue.
Meh, simpler to make the plugins.txt read only, No surprises when Bethesda makes a patch and doesn't say anything forcing you to redo your load order and change the .exe. Plus NMM should be getting an update that makes the plugins.txt read only so you can use it to add or remove mods and not manually change the flag.(cant believe I just suggested using a mod manager lol). Funny thing with one of Gophers vids he suggested starting the launcher then re-enabling the mods in NMM after and that is more steps than just making plugins.txt read only. If the NMM update allowing a read only plugins.txt isn't real then the only time you would need to change the flag is when adding or removing a mod. If that's a once a week occurrence then its not really a hassle, if it is daily then yeah that could be an issue but if that's the case starting the launcher then re-enabling mods would be a pita and "Surprise" update from Bethesda would be a catastrophe.