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Everything posted by rjshae

  1. I'll be able to make use of your faerie dragon when you release it, so I'm looking forward to that. One question though: are you including a dragon sleeping animation in your set? For example, a proneB animation. It seems like the classic dragon position, resting on his horde of gold with his head tucked in and tail wrapped around.
  2. Dragons dodging? Does that involve a laughing motion followed by it eating your sword? :smile:
  3. Those do look rather good, especially for NWN models. The knee joints look seamlessly textured, which is also unusual for NWN. Looks like the clothing helps with the other joint transitions. You could have an Angry Birds module with that lot, especially if they were tintable.
  4. Yes, I normally just use the delay when there's some animation going on in the cutscene.
  5. Thanks 4760! No worries here, I just figured you've been busy. :smile:
  6. The duration can be set in the conversation: I believe it's the 'Delay' setting under the Node tab -- that tells the engine how long to wait before advancing to the next node in the conversation. If you want yours to differ, I think somebody would need to modify those values then provide a conversation override.
  7. First level north of Undermountain is finally a wrap, so now it's on to the south area. I roughed out the south area over the weekend and found a pair of additional tiles were needed. There's not much else that's new in this area; perhaps a few additional placeables required. It's mostly a matter of grinding my way through it and trying to keep it interesting looking. After that, it's time to start thinking seriously about the look I want to implement for the second level. With that in mind, I decided to revisit the Classic Dungeon tileset and see if I could find out why some of the tiles weren't loading properly (or in some cases not at all). I think I've got that resolved now; all it takes is a little manual massaging of the model files to fix duplicate trimesh names and packets with NULL bitmaps. Here's a sample image of a tile that previously wouldn't load: http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/rjh405/test_image2_zpslsemexru.jpg I really like the textures with this set -- they look very 'dungeony'. Looks like some work is needed on the UV mapping here and there. Even with a complete tileset though, I would still need to create additional tiles to include the pit openings. I'll see how it goes. Meanwhile, work continues on the south area. I've got the tile variants completed so it is now fully blocked out. I worked on a couple of new placeables that hopefully I can show you a shot of later on.
  8. Unfortunately we haven't heard much from 4760 of late. I could definitely make use of that Faerie Dragon and Cockatrice. I can slot them in once they're available. :smile:
  9. Yes, that is what I meant. Thanks for adding the clarification.
  10. Yes, and I also try to make the ground a little hummocky (from long decaying tree trunks) and add in fallen branches and logs scattered about.
  11. Mmm, you may need to get your hands dirty in the toolset and poke around.
  12. I'm borrowing from various packs in PJ's Cornucopia, for example. The bed is from Tchos' Witcher ports.
  13. I'm not sure how you feel about custom content, but there's quite a number of custom cloak packs available on the NW Vault. They could add some more distinctiveness to your factions. Just search for: cloaks nwn2
  14. It looks like you used a darker shade along the depressions to give it a baked shadows appearance. Nice. I'm sure it will be even better once you start blending textures.
  15. Thanks. I'm using Kallister's dungeon tileset, with some custom additions of my own. The fountain comes with that set. The effect was created with the Visual Effects editor in the toolset. I took the "arcane nexus" visual effect, stripped it down to just the glowing points, then fiddled with the settings until it looked decent.
  16. A quiet little monster's abode in some forgotten corner of Undermountain: http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a493/rjh405/NWN2_SS_111516_055315_zpsegnnrrvj.jpg
  17. I believe the system will turn off light sources to maintain the limit. Unfortunately you can't control which ones.
  18. Hopefully you know about the limit on overlapping point light sources? No more than 4, including those the characters are carrying.
  19. Do you mean like the RWS Pocket Ship Interior tileset?
  20. "Thief of Shadows" is the title of a book by Elizabeth Hoyt, so I'd avoid that one. Of the others, "Nightsinger's Bane" seems the most natural to me, and it rolls of the tongue easily.
  21. That scene looks very nice TheWilloughbian, like a screen shot out of Oblivion. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with.
  22. Welcome back, Sabranic. I did a little retexturing since then to try and fix that tiling effect. It's not perfect, but it's only a short corridor and is probably good enough for the task.
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