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Everything posted by flipdark95

  1. I've got a concept going for this about the player encountering renegade Brotherhood soldiers calling themselves the Order of Lyon with a focus on chivalry and idealism. It's a long aways away though.
  2. Hey, if you need some 3D modelling for outfits or weapons done, just message me. I've only got a few months of experience actually modding outfits for Fallout 4 and I'm branching into power armor and weapons now, but if you need a 3D modeller, just give me a shout here or on reddit.
  3. Does anyone know how to fix weightpainting issues? I managed to import my own Hellfire Armor remake into the Creation Kit, and all the pieces work correctly and don't cause the game to crash, however the problem is that the weights are off and I'm not sure how to fix them. Can anyone give me some pointers? Here's some pictures for reference. http://i.imgur.com/Axr5amP.png http://i.imgur.com/YP0g0qo.png
  4. No, that's all fine. One of the material swaps shows up just fine, but the rest of them don't for some reason. I think I'll redo them by copying that material file.
  5. If it helps, I'm working on Hellfire Armor and the Institute Power Armor http://i.imgur.com/7O5Fl9gl.png http://i.imgur.com/MiIukLl.png http://i.imgur.com/CnMcLoml.png
  6. I'm having a issue where I've made several material swaps of a outfit for a upcoming quest mod, but for some reason all of the material swaps show missing diffuse textures in the preview window. They point to the correct material files, and the material files have the diffuse and normal textures linked inside, but I'm still not sure what the problem could be.
  7. So, I like a lot of these ideas. I do have the model lying around, but I do need to texture it, so while it is not my focus at the moment, I have plans on putting it into the game as a standalone power armor. And I like the idea of it having unique mods as well. Although I'm not that great with scripting new features for a weapon mod such as replacing jump with a short range teleport that can always be added in later, possibly by someone who knows how to do that rather than me. I also like the idea of cryogenic vents and synthetic bracers being mods for the arms and legs. And since I've had plans to make models of the vanilla power armor mods anyway to bring some visual change when you equip them, I can definitely make a variant of the explosive vents that has a chance of freezing enemies. Also I've had plans in the works for a Institute weapon pack anyway.
  8. Just so you know it won't be released here. I recently did a port of Tracer's outfit, hair and weapons and the mod has been taken down because it breaks copyright. Just thought I'd let you know before you get your hopes up.
  9. This is on me. I've seen plenty of port mods in Skyrim and Fallout 4 that haven't had any issue, so I figured that there was no harm in making my own and putting it on the Nexus has well. Honestly if the mods only took half a hour to take down my mod from the minute I uploaded it, then that says to me that obviously any mods that port objects from Blizzard games in particular aren't allowed. Although I do question why mods like the lightsaber mod are left up even still. Still, the mod itself still has plenty of issues for me to fix, so I'm going to take down all download links of it until I can get it fixed and ready for release elsewhere.
  10. I've actually been looking to make a riot armor unique to Boston and Maine that is similar to the Ranger armor and how it is made from LAPD riot armor.
  11. I can make a weapon mod for the lever action rifle that extends the barrel. I can even make it part of a larger mod I'm planning that expands vanilla weapon mods.
  12. One of the many things I'm working on is a remake of the Chinese Stealth Suit and the Stealth Suit MKII.
  13. ^ Because to do that requires knowledge of 3D modelling and knowledge of converting your mesh to work in Fallout 4's engine. That's not common knowledge. And in any case, I'm already working on Batman's power suit for Fallout 4, so I'll probably throw in the duster and his normal outfit as well. And the Creation Kit is out as well in open beta.
  14. Possibly. She's actually part of a mod I want to make that expands the Institute's weapons, sidequests and available followers. That one is farther off than my armor port though.
  15. The outfits are working fine and I've made a version for each CBBE body. I'm just working on her gun right now. I'll probably be releasing it around sunday or something.
  16. Got some coming. A couple are remakes, and a couple are new. http://i.imgur.com/aUD6lR9.png http://i.imgur.com/dz6P70d.png
  17. You need to redo the weights and convert the meshes to the Fallout 4 NIF format.
  18. I'm doing a couple of remakes of weapons and armor from FO3 and FNV, so the M72 Gauss Rifle seems like something I can do.
  19. Well, I have plans to include a Chinese power armor, which makes more sense to me than a japanese one. There's no information about Japan having power armor, but with China they were working on a prototype when the bombs feel. That and that armor is incredibly hard and cluttered to look at. It's a absolute jumble of materials and textures that is confusing to even understand the shape of. Personal gripe aside, here's a picture of what I intend to base my Chinese power armor off of. This isn't my concept art, by the way. http://i.imgur.com/5KUbgpt.png http://i.imgur.com/a5IYDE2.jpg
  20. Can anyone help me out with figuring out this problem? I'm running into a issue where all of the NIF files that my standalone armor mod is using show up as invisible in the Preview Window when they have their materials assigned. To my knowledge, I have all of my textures linked properly in the material file, all of my textures are linked to the mesh in Nifskope, and so I'm not sure what the issue is. http://i.imgur.com/igDpwv5.png
  21. I think it's done that way to make animating guns easier, I'd imagine.
  22. Working on it. I have a redesigned version for a quest mod I'm planning and a remake of the outfit from Fallout 3. http://i.imgur.com/0GHXbnM.png
  23. I'm in the business of remaking many outfits and weapons from Fallout 3 and New Vegas, so remaking the NCR Trooper armor should be simple to do. I say that now, yet I'm currently working on a million other things for Fallout 4.
  24. A mod I'm working on significantly expands the amount of weapon mods in the game for most vanilla weapons, and for the power fist I'll be adding a industrial saw attachment amid a few others.
  25. I'm actually making several superhero costumes for Fallout 4, and the AntAgonizer is definitely on my list.
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