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Everything posted by Project579

  1. Post Modwhatch please: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640
  2. So its possible that installing a lot of texture has overwritten files from previous one try making sure that the mods that modify determinate textures don't get overwritten try using a dds file viewer to decide the textures that look better and then hide the one that overwrite so you can get the texture that you want. Remember to use ENB FixParallaxBugs=true and FixParallaxTerrain=true to make parallax textures really pop up.
  3. I think my previous setup would have been able to handle new games if the gtx 780Ti had more than 3gig of vram.
  4. Skyrim on Win10 can use up to a maximum of 4064mb of vram when vram gets filled the game goes from 60 to 0 frames with every video card the solution is decreasing the resolution of the texture using for example: 2k diffuse and 1k compressed or just 2k textures.
  5. Its better if you use modwatch to post the load order: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640
  6. if the links don't work follow this guide to make Skyrim vanilla again (it shouldn't touch mod organizer you will have to reinstall ENB, SKSE and plugin pre loader if you have it (d3dx9_42.dll)) Guide link: http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again
  7. Open/Download GPU-z; select the sensor tab launch Skyrim go in the place where the stutter happens and tell me the "Memory Used" value. (click the small arrow near "Memory Used" and select "Show Highest Reading")
  8. What textures resolution have you used? 4k?
  9. Perkus Maximus is not a mod for beginners if you are not already really good with skyrim modding using it will probably break your game. Now we can start fixing your mod pack post your Modwhatch please: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640
  10. SKSE launcher should appear in mod organizer if its missing add it manually. In case you don't know what i am saying: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE7DlYarj-DcLS9LyjEqOJwFUQIIQewcK
  11. If you post your modwatch i will be very pleased :laugh: Link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640 For merging plugins i suggest using: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69905 it has user comments on the plugins it can merge scripts works with mod organizer has build-in error check.
  12. I did the same even watched video from youtubers with skyui only and they all have it.
  13. Have you checked if other NPCs appeared from the mod? Have you installed all the needed patches? Help us help you; post your Modwatch: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640
  14. It was just to be safe in case there was an incompatible body installed.
  15. From the ENB archive (wrapper version or injector) you only need d3d9.dll and ENBhost.exe + enbInjector.ini and ENBInjector.exe if using injector version, the rest is inside Vividian ENB.
  16. If that doesn't fix it follow this thread: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3089504-fix-for-skyrim-crashing-instantly-with-enb-on-windows-10/ (go to the last page and do what darstyler says).
  17. you removed a .dll that comes with Skyrim you broke the game; you need to find that exact .dll or the game will not work again. If you lost the .dll on steam verify the game cache and it should download the missing files.
  18. was just to confirm you were not trying to put an high end GPU in a system with a dual core :tongue:
  19. you need Realistic ragdolls an force XPMSE and FNIS to use halo poser, install order: Halo poser > Realistic ragdolls an force > XPMSE > FNIS then run it.
  20. Have you thought about the RX 480 8gig from Sapphire (price shouldn't go over 350$ normal is around 300$) Link: http://sapphirenitro.sapphiretech.com/en/480-8.html or the RX 470 8gig from Sapphire (price shoudn't go over 275$) Link: http://sapphirenitro.sapphiretech.com/en/470-8.html Both of them can destroy an R9 380. What CPU are you going to use?
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