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Everything posted by Project579

  1. Just don't exaggerate with texture size especially in Win10/Win8.1/Win8 keep your textures at 2k, 4k for really big ones.
  2. There is no limit in textures amount/size (i have around 400 texture mods the majority are 4k all together they weight around 13GB) the limit is on the plugins and is 255 from 00(skyrim.esm) to EF(last plugin loadable) FF is reserved for dynamic stuff in the game.
  3. In theory you should install mod/mods to make dragons more difficult; (like Ultimate Dragons; Dragon Combat Overhaul; Deadly Dragons ecc.) as well if you want your game to be balance but then you would get destroyed by everything in it....
  4. Look on XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended MCM menu to change weapons positions.
  5. place 4.[JmV]LTTF.esm after Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp; 9.WM Flora Fixes.esp place it after all the .esm; SMIM doesn't seem updated; make sure your USLEEP is updated; The error seems to refer to the body clean up script and it might be cause by the fact that you have [JmV]LTTF.esm before Dragonborn and USLEEP.
  6. the mod the id are referring to is birds.esp coming from birds and flock and is outdated use Birds and Flocks Hearthfire Edition link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25280 instead. All the unofficial patches are outdated use this instead: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214 Wyrmstooth.esp should not be in top of the load order place it under the .esm
  7. Can you please post your Modwatch: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640
  8. some times the search is not able to find some mods if you downloaded it the mod should be listed in download history.
  9. thanks all! curious tho...i'm not tech savvy so why would i need to get a motherboard if i upgrade my cpu? i have a Z77 Sabertooth now. so if i want to upgrade to cpu 4970 or 6700 i have to buy a mobo too?! Yes the chipset is completely different... we are at Z170 now and the Skylake desktop processors won't even fit in your mother board with LGA 1155, the new ones are LGA 1151.
  10. It feels to me an incompatibility with Reshade.
  11. Use Modwatch to post your setup information: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640
  12. It might be a functionality of one of your mods post ModWatch please: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640
  13. From what mod does arrowsstick.esp come? try moving those at the end of the load order just before DynDOLOD: 11.dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp12.XPMSE.esp13.FNIS.esp 14.FNISSexyMove.esp
  14. Maybe FNISSexyMove is causing some problems try disabling it an re run FNIS only with skeleton arm fix
  15. there is a list of compatible/incompatible mods with Enderal maybe try removing some of the mods that are similar to the incompatible ones: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1H-z3QUA_IB8Kr1JUXyewSW0xVz0y40ic0tpqhtzAiIw/edit#gid=0
  16. It might be caused by the outfit have you tried stripping her to see if the bug disappears? And use Modwatch because the problem might not be caused by the load order: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640
  17. I think is normal, 2 handed bandits with warhammer or waraxe are suppose to one shot you at least they do the same to me in Expert difficulty using Perma, ASIS, Combat Evolved (modified with some settings from SkyRe EnemyAI), Duel Combat Realism, SkyRe Enemy Scaling, Perma Zones Balanced.
  18. Post your Modwatch please: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640
  19. What button? What are you trying to do download a mod? Are you not able to install a mod?
  20. you need to try cleaning your save to remove the orphaned scripts. /// Save game : Don't uninstall mods at mid-game, there are no clean save in Skyrim but using save script cleaner can help removing orphan scripts.New SkyrimTools, (corrupt saves topic).
  21. Post your ModWatch so that it is possible to see all of what you have installed and not only the load order: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640
  22. Use Modwatch to post your mod details: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56640
  23. You are missing realistic ragdolls and force and you should put XPMSE after it. XPMSE position is wrong put it right before FNIS. while running FNIS you selected "Gender specific animations", "skeleton arm fix", xp32's "new animation for running with bow", xp32's "new animation for 1h weapon" and xp32's "momo acrobatic jump" right?
  24. Making Body Slide Presets work is not easy but u can try when you are inside outfit studio set one slider at the time to a value 20% higher then your body preset so that clipping will be reduced the process may take a while (i normally take 1 to 2 hours to make a preset that works with every bodyslide preset).
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