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Everything posted by Oubliette

  1. Have you had steam verify your game files? If you can't start vanilla that's usually because your files have become corrupted or steam has decided to uninstall something. Have it reacquire the files and things should go back to normal.
  2. There will likely not be any such thing until the official tools are released. Most of the current mods that require a plugin file will then likely become invalid and buggy.
  3. I think a lot of people like to complain about the problem rather than reporting the problem to begin with. Which is why they talk about something being removed without ever bothering to push the report button themselves. Though you're also probably right in that the report buttons are sometimes difficult to find for the various different places on the site (since each one is different in location and shape).
  4. There are currently 492 files in the save games category so my guess would be: yes it's possible.
  5. Yeah, I just checked by enabling my own. Seems to work and seems like you can also buy them premium this way.
  6. No they don't. I believe they actually released a teaser version of the OS for Oblivion before the games release though I was a little late to Morrowind modding my copy of the CS came with my MW disk.
  7. Yes, you can change your download destination. It has nothing to do with Nexus mods and more to do with your browser, you'll have to google instructions on how to change your download directory and set it to ask you what location to use before starting any download. This way directory is still set but if you want to move only certain downloads to a different location you always have the option to do so.
  8. Either way posting about it on the forums is not the course I would suggest taking.
  9. you can not pay people to work on mods. I don't know, seems kind of gray. As long as the final mod released is free it doesn't conflict with the Fallout 4 TOS as I read it. Then again I could be remembering wrong, but I can't be bothered to look it up. Nope it's pretty clear in the site TOS:
  10. Since you read the thread I'm assuming you clicked the link and read this part too explaining why they don't allow users to change their name. And there's no guarantee that a "common" username will not already be snatched up. So if it bothers you that you've got random numbers in your username and want to go with just "Sean" that's likely not possible to begin with.
  11. It would help if you had an image of the problem in question. But at a completely blind guess, no there's likely nothing you can do in the CK to fix it. You might be able to do something with nifskope if you could figure out what properties are different in the helmet than the other armors.
  12. Woah there, you're "donating" to modders not "paying for mods." Yes there's a difference and yes it's important. One is voluntary the other, not so much. I don't know how contributions work for mods with several authors, I suppose that's something that's up to them if they decide to accept donations at all it's certainly not in our hands and likely will never be.
  13. You'll need a clothing and armor replacer that supports HDT physics to see it on NPCs.
  14. To be honest I've always loved alchemy (I'll sit for hours in game crafting potion after potion just because I like them whereas not a single character will ever spend a moment at a crafting rack or cooking - because B-O-R-I-N-G) but you're right, vanilla Skyrim is quiet easy compared to MW. Still, when you add in a few enemy overhauls things change quickly.
  15. Conflicts don't corrupt your save. Dirty edits and orphaned scripts do. Either of which Wrye can probably fix for you the rest you can easily avoid by saving fully and often and being careful in which mods you use. I'm not sure what you mean by GM but I do know that many mod users like to roleplay their games so it's nothing new, just requires finding or making mods to facilitate that play style. Good luck.
  16. 1. Don't type in all caps or use cursewords. Caps translate as shouting online and people tend to hate being shouted at on or offline. Cursing is just rude. 2. When asking for help you need to always be clear and concise. State your exact problem, the name of the mod you're having problems with and your methodology of trying to get it to work. Clearly and with appropriate detail. We can't see your pc so vague informationg (alternate start bullshit for example :dry: ) doesn't help us help you. 3. OBMOD - I don't believe there's any such thing in Oblivion (again, concise is important) but if you meant OMOD - that's a specific type of file that's meant to work with a mod manager like NMM or ObMM (Nexus Mod Manager or Oblivion Mod Manager - ObMM was integrated into NMM years ago, so just use NMM). You can either download a mod for your manager by using the "download with manager" button on the download page or by manually dragging and dropping the zipped mod into the manager after downloading it to your computer. One of those videos or tutorials that you claim to have looked at should have explained to you the basics of mod installation including simple structure (like that a .esp file is a mod, the simple kind that you can install manually even at n00b level) and where to install them (in your data folder). I highly suggest calming down and looking at them again for your own sake. Using mods isn't like waving a magic wand that makes everything awesome, it takes work, sometimes quite a lot of it, patience and research. If you're unwilling or unable to do those things on your own or even learn how to ask for help, then you might be better off without applying mods to your game.
  17. The latest fallout beta update specifically disables mods. Some think it's Bethesda's way of keeping mod users from bricking their game with bad mods before they release the editor but either way there's no fix for it except to uninstall the update.
  18. Ah it's always a joy to see people complaining about what other people like in their games. Remember: don't like it? Don't use it, don't knock it, just move on.
  19. In Skyrim purple textures are not a bug. It's the game's way of letting you know that you're missing textures. This is nothing like that however, because a missing texture is flat and detail less. Somehow this looks like only your normal map is rendering. Are you only getting this type of image with certain objects, always? For example dogmeat is always weirdly white every time you switch cells? Or is this only happening for brief periods of time and on different objects? For example: dogmeat is white one second but then you switch cells and he's fine but some random lamppost is white instead? If the first it's a texture issue. If the second it's probably your system not being able to handle the graphic demands on it properly. You can fix the second by lowering your graphics settings in most cases. The other you'll probably need to allow steam to reacquire files or install a texture pack that includes the missing textures.
  20. Please report the file on it's mod page, posting in the forums like this does little but sew panic and doesn't ensure that the problematic mod is removed in a timely manner.
  21. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3382165-cant-change-avatar-on-nexus/
  22. First - it's never a good idea to post your email address directly on message boards. Second - for which "fallout" did you mean? There's a lot of them and Nexus has mods sites and subforums for all of them last time I checked. Third - please make sure to put your post in the correct subforum for that game not in general pc gaming where it is likely to be overlooked. You can find the subforum for the game you want by going to that game's mod site ( for example http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/? ) and then clicking on the "forum" button in the upper right hand side of the page. Fourth - if you did indeed mean to offer your services for Fallout 4, I'm afraid it's likely way too early for anyone to undertake large quest mods yet since the editor has not yet been released and there's no confirmed eta on its arrival.
  23. No. 90% of mods is not infringing copyright. Any radio station mod that does not have the rights to the music or doesn't use music in the public domain will be taken down as soon as the staff is aware of it's presence. If you find one feel free to report it and it will be taken down. A lot of Fo4 radio station mods have been removed, more every bloody day because people don't seem to get the point and keep doing the same thing. This is also about the fourth post I've seen in as many days asking what copyright is or complaining about something being removed while hinting at some other thing that's just as bad. If you find one that's genuinely full of copyrighted content then report it. As for what copyright is see my the link in my sig, where it's broken down to 10 easy to follow points.
  24. Some users have been having this problem. Try the suggestions in this thread http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3463200-changed-profile-picture-days-ago-but-it-wont-change-on-main-site
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