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Everything posted by lichy123

  1. i do like that line of thought but i do wonder why do those patches even exist if the reproccer does a fine job on its own. and about the bashed patch, do you think its even needed? because when i started the playthrough i didnt use a bashed patch just to test if things work and they did and then i enabled a bashed patch to see if there are changes and i didnt notice any visible changes.
  2. sure do, but lately sometimes i get a message when i redo the bashed patch. will try to get it again and post it. edit: right, there error is this: "CCOR_IA7_Patch.esp: Unexpected subrecord: 'COBJ.CIS2' Error loading 'COBJ' record and/or subrecord: 0306AA09 eid = u'IARImperialKnightCape' subrecord = 'CIS2' subrecord size = 17 file pos = 290793Error in CCOR_IA7_Patch.espCCOR_IA7_Patch.esp: Unexpected subrecord: 'COBJ.CIS2'Error loading 'COBJ' record and/or subrecord: 0306AA09 eid = u'IARImperialKnightCape' subrecord = 'CIS2' subrecord size = 17 file pos = 290793Error in CCOR_IA7_Patch.esp"
  3. i know i shouldnt complain when i have above 200 mods but i think atm the only problem here is the load order and all the bugs in the game are from that. bugs like: 1. random NPCs that missing armor (so far its only 2 ppl from whiterun) 2. NPCs that should be attacking me sometimes dont. like vampires that are disguised as vigilants are calling me as part of their trap but i didnt get attacked. 3, CRASHES. the most annoying bug of em all. random crashes. the game used to be stable for me and i didnt really add any new mod (perhaps only updated some) but from playing a good 5 hourrs without a crash i can get one pretty quickly now or not. random bug is an annoying bug. so yeah, heres my load order: http://textuploader.com/ojgb was wondering if i actually need the bashed patch now that i think about it.
  4. my apologies if the tone of my message showed any sign of disrespect, it was not my intention i assure you, and was purely out of frustration from trying everything to my limited knowledge to fix it to no avail. i did what you asked but it didnt work, and i looked around the forum and it says something about a mod conflict with requiem and mods who use detection spells or something like that causing spell absorption aura effect on them. however after checking mods like enhanced blood and footprints they released an update to fix that issue a while back so it shouldnt happen and it must be some other mod. my fear is that if i have a visible conflict like that i might have a hidden conflict that may be more problematic but i can't notice it until its too late.
  5. its a "common" thing that happens to ppl who, from my understanding, use mods like footprints and enhanced blood and overhaul mods like skyre or requiem. i tried disabling a bunch of mods but it seems to be stuck and i fear simply disabling all the active spell effects on an npc like that may break a mods.. only guessing tho edit: dispelallspells didnt work, just gave me a message but the spell effect remained. besides, its not rlly a fix if ill have to disable all spell effects on every npc with that bug
  6. started a new game and decided to go the requiem path but i encountered an old bug that i forgot how to fix (assuming i ever got it fixed) and that is that some NPCs have a weird aura around them, swirling blue nebula thing, kinda looks like a spell absorb maybe? anyway it seems to be around important NPCs like general tullius, ulfric, that head of the dark brotherhood chick.. granted, once i played a bit with the load order and tried to take a pic of it the effect changed from spell absorption and blue swirly thing to just swirly thing.. or maybe its all in my head because its so late... anyways, if i recall its a problem with requiem and another mod like enhanced blood or the footprints mod or even the unofficial skyrim patch but i cant seem to fix it and i dont rlly see any conflicts with mod organizer or what ever. i mean, there are conflicts with the blood texture mod and the unofficial patch but i cant seem to fix it. pics: http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag198/lichy123/ScreenShot3_zps82f8d922.png http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag198/lichy123/ScreenShot4_zpsa8ba6eff.png http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag198/lichy123/ScreenShot2_zps22cd802b.png
  7. beyond dynamic.. i like that :P i do wonder how hard exactly it actually is to make such a thing. i would imagine that other than the fact you might have to edit individual NPCs which would take forever you would also need to make it so it doesnt break other parts of the game like other quests and stuff or even other scripts. still.. one can hope!
  8. whats so dynamic about games these days? i'll tell you what, nothing. but you can get a fake dynamic world that in a world big enough, a random thing once in a while based on a thing you did once might seem like an actual dynamic world for a moment. still, its a lie. but if you are really good at lying, it might as well be the truth, right? riiiight? well, lets say the whole world of skyrim has a fixed gold amount. all the big cities like whiterun and solitude and all its citizens have a fixed gold ammount at the start of the game. hack, might as well put a range of starting gold amount and just randomize that sh*t. now, the only way those citizens can earn money is through trading and selling and what not. what next? taxes. give the jarls an npc that collects taxes every week and take some amount of gold from the NPCs and give it to the jarl. this is where things get fun. when NPCs get to the point of being poor and unable to live like a decent human being or what ever they can give you a quest. a small quest. a dynamic quest! give them money, kick them in the ass for wasting your time, steal the tax collector's money and give it back to the people or just convince him to give them a break. not dynamic enough? no? i thought so too! lets continue. so what does the jarl actually DO with all the money? he builds stuff! pays the guards and all the boring stuff games don't have because who cares about realism. but i do. the more money the jarl has in his vault the more guards he can hire. the more guards he has, the less likelihood of the town being raided and even if it does get raided, you have lots of guards so they can take care of it. ahh... dynamic game. still.. not enough player interaction. lets continue. you are a thief, right? what do you do? no, you don't go to the store that sells potions and trading goods, you go to the jarl's castle and go to the vault like a smart thief! now that the jarl has a tax collector the castle actually has some income now which means the castle has a vault filled with gold that the jarl sometimes jumps in and swim in like scrooge mcduck. and as a thief you cant steal it! sounds fun but since im all into dynamic stuff this might go sour. so you steal all the gold and go back to your hideout or what ever. what now? well, the jarl has no money now! raise the taxes! NPCs will run out of money quicker now and ofc since the jarl doesn't have that much money the amount of guards it has is lower so the town might get raided more. not to mention that you might get a bounty on your head because i feel like it. its a game so i can make it so. hack, you might even go to the tax collector himself and intimidate him to give you a small cut of the tax collection. next we need another source of income otherwise the game will be broken quickly by players. and so, we have the mines and the miners. they mine for gold, smelt it into septims or whatever the coins are called (its been a while) and the amount of gold existing in the world increases. still, you can be evil and take over the mine and get all the gold for yourself, make the workers work for you and give you the gold, or be good and invest in the mine to make the gold flow increase or what ever. if you wont be evil then the bandits of the world sure will! bandits from time to time will try and raid the mines (and the cities ofc) to get the sweet ores and since were all into dynamic stuff you will get a quest to stop them! no? fine then let the guards deal with it. and ofc if you took over the mine then you will have to protect it from the guards and the bandits. king of the mountain, baby! also, there are ofc trades between the strongholds of skyrim with caravans traveling between cities to make the trades. trades mean money, varied supplies, and caravans means another source of gold and items for the thieves. thieves you say? ah.. i smell dynamic quests! these caravans can hire you to be bodyguards to protect the caravan to reach safely to the other city and fend off the thieves and wildlife and i guess any other hostile npcs (good luck with the dragons), while you might get a quest from the thieves guild and get into a randevu point and attack said caravan with a bunch of other thieves from the guild and steal the money. or just do it yourself. dynamics. you could even get both quest at once and act as a double agent to either side. or accept the job of the body guard, kill them all when they are not prepared and walk away with all the loot. not enough, we need more dynamic stuff! as NPCs become poorer and more desperate for money they try different things. why not give them the option to go to a tomb or a dungeon and try their luck there and get some money off it. so you might find traveling NPCs out there in your journey that you can team up with to get the loot and maybe split the money with (depending on your social skills tree thing you can decide the cut.. doesn't have to be the boring 50-50 split), or find them dead.. or find them coming back from a successful pillaging where you can buy the loot they found from it, or just kill em or rob em. why not? or maybe they will try to rob you? ooh.. i'd like to see them try. so in conclusion, what would such a mod do? make the player be able to affect the world in a major way that would decide how NPCs behave and act, make the choices they do open up dynamic quests and basically make the world feel alive. by making the world have a fixed ammount of gold with limited sources of increasing it's amount gold will be more scarce which will be both realistic and harder. with that in mind, prices in shop will vary and so will the supplies in it, making it truly dynamic depending on how well the caravans are protected, which the player can affect as well. with this in mind the speech tree or what ever its called will be useful and more enjoyable since bartering, intimidating and all the stuff you can do to interact with NPCs in the world will be important. alas, such a mod is hard to make or maybe even impossible.. but if a person or a team can make such a thing, they can make skyrim a truly dynamic game with player choices affecting the world around them in a noticeable way. all these ideas are just examples and you can take this concept into any direction you wish. thanks for reading all of this if you took the time to read it all :smile:
  9. The only kind of freeze i get is the kind thats lasts until you ctrl alt del and force it to close. Other issues were fixed after uninstalling and reinstalling the game a billion times over the years. As an engineering student, tho, i learned to embrace the freezes as a reminder to stop playing.
  10. good mods require scripts most of the time i cant help it XD
  11. i see.. anything else to improve script issues?
  12. got it, thanks :) so what are the risks i might get? you know.. just so i can know its because of it if it would happen and i see it...
  13. well, what can i do specifically against script lag?
  14. you mean start a vanilla games and see if the problem continues? it would probably fix that, tho i wouldn't wanna play it :P
  15. still having the issues, guys :( what is it? a script lag? papyrus stuff? i dunno.. someone can help me solve it?
  16. anyone? i dont wanna start a new save and it might be pointless if the same issue would remain :\
  17. well this is new, i enabled both bEnableLogging and bEnableTrace to get some logs to show you guys and suddenly the game crashed to desktop with a "stopped working" error. heres the papyrus log tho! i hoped to get one from when the game freezes but might as well post it for this bug maybe it would tell you guys something... edit: happened again.. i assume the CTD is caused by the papyrus tracking? mmm... edit2: guess the save is gonna die on me.. it CTD now randomly instead. help!
  18. i already have fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0 in my settings tho.. i guess i can try different settings that the chesko page suggests but something tells me it wont work :S how do i get papyrus log or what ever to show you guys the moment it freezes so you might determine what the issue is, if that makes sense?
  19. the 3.1 limit is vram? i thought it was ram. i have no idea why SoS went to the top of the esp list, tbh, its something quite new. it also ignores my user rules so i need to remember doing it manually.. not only that, but it said that an error was made while making rules about SoS so it wont let me edit my user rules now because the window won't show up. god damn SoS.... anyways, the load order still works according to Tes5Edit, if i understood you correctly about "Tes5edit it" edit: while putting my whole mod list on tes5edit and clicking on apply filter for cleaning i did notice pretty much everything has conflicts.. i don't know how to tackle it and where to begin with.. and some mods even have those on purpose from what i hear.. look at it!! its more red than rudolf's nose T_T edit: game still freezes.. edit2: the sound of skyrim ESPs are actually masters so.. can't load them after the patches edit3: the freezes are not combat only.. had a good run outside then suddenly froze when i discovered a new location.. so much progress lost *sob*
  20. i opened it in the mod troubleshoot but tbh i think it suits better here, no? so heres a copy paste with some additions right off the bat, i have too many mods and i know it.. naturally that means the game will run into problems at some point but hey, that's life.. BUT! if i can do anything to make it better just a lil bit, why not? problems: 1)random freezes - i believe that mostly happens during combat but if memory serves me correctly it happens randomly too when i just stroll around. but yeah, mostly in combat. and once the game freezes i need to restart it :\ 2)too many scripts?- just something i noticed that sometimes stuff don't appear until i restart the game, or quicksave and quickload. ill explain: let's say i talk to vilja and i wanna look at her inventory. i ask her to trade with me and then i wait and wait but the window doesn't appear!! so i quicksave, quickload and after about 2 secs the window appears. weird. i was also at that aesir hall from the aesir armor mod which has some scripted stuff like the blood seal. sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't and i had to revert to my earlier save to try again to make it work. so its like stuff just don't trigger because of some script block or something, i dunno.. im not savy enough to even pretend i know what this issue is... not one bit. 3) shadow striping outside- i hate you, skyrim shadows!! 4) cave stutter - its weird because normally the game is silky smooth at 60fps but even with 60 fps when im in caves the camera keeps stuttering. both annoying and weird. im sure i have more issues but i got my mind on other things atm so i can't remember them :\ heres some pictures! one is boss log and one is a pic of skyrim performance monitor during a run that i picked up right after a freez that forced me to restart the game in some dungeon, which stuttered at a lot of points. (also i stopped playing when i ran into an infinite loading screen once i finished the dungeon and wanted to go outside ><) im suspecting having both vilja and Cerwiden follow me at the same time might make things extra buggy for my game, with vilja being visibly buggy, as mentioned above, and cetwiden being script heavy methinks. plus they both have quests and if i recall quest mods can't be trusted :tongue: what do you guys think? note1: after another play-through i had a weird bug where the game crashed and each time i tried to load my quicksave the game would turn to black screen b4 i get to do anything. after a day of trying to fix it i loaded a previous game and wondered if the quicksave would work now.. and it did. no idea how i could load it again after loading a previous save. note2: some caves dont stutter at all. weird. so its caves and druager tombs and stuff but not all of them.. note3: the freezes are combat only from what i can see but i might be wrong. edit4: im wrong, freezes out of combat too. so yeah, thanks in advance. hope i didn't do a horrible mistake somewhere and have an egg on my face
  21. im suspecting having both vilja and Cerwiden follow me at the same time might make things extra buggy for my game, with vilja being visibly buggy, as mentioned above, and cetwiden being script heavy methinks. plus they both have quests and if i recall quest mods can't be trusted :P what do you guys think?
  22. right off the bat, i have too many mods and i know it.. naturally that means the game will run into problems at some point but hey, that's life.. BUT! if i can do anything to make it better just a lil bit, why not? problems: 1)random freezes - i believe that mostly happens during combat but if memory serves me correctly it happens randomly too when i just stroll around. but yeah, mostly in combat. and once the game freezes i need to restart it :\ 2)too many scripts?- just something i noticed that sometimes stuff don't appear until i restart the game, or quicksave and quickload. ill explain: let's say i talk to vilja and i wanna look at her inventory. i ask her to trade with me and then i wait and wait but the window doesn't appear!! so i quicksave, quickload and after about 2 secs the window appears. weird. i was also at that aesir hall from the aesir armor mod which has some scripted stuff like the blood seal. sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't and i had to revert to my earlier save to try again to make it work. so its like stuff just don't trigger because of some script block or something, i dunno.. im not savy enough to even pretend i know what this issue is... not one bit. 3) shadow striping outside- i hate you, skyrim shadows!! 4) cave stutter - its weird because normally the game is silky smooth at 60fps but even with 60 fps when im in caves the camera keeps stuttering. both annoying and weird. im sure i have more issues but i got my mind on other things atm so i can't remember them :\ heres some pictures! one is boss log and one is a pic of skyrim performance monitor during a run that i picked up right after a freez that forced me to restart the game in some dungeon, which stuttered at a lot of points. (also i stopped playing when i ran into an infinite loading screen once i finished the dungeon and wanted to go outside ><) so yeah, thanks in advance. hope i didn't do a horrible mistake somewhere and have an egg on my face
  23. In response to post #8053952. #8054481, #8073382, #8073405 are all replies on the same post. ironically i get more fps in the witcher 2 on highest settings (without uber sample I THINK, was long time ago) than i get on skyrim highest setting.. might need more ram on my end tho.. but the witcher 2 isn't that bad really.. beautiful game but it doesn't need high end computers.. maybe with uber sample hehe
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