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Everything posted by lichy123

  1. Sounds like you need a difficulty increase. I find that Master difficulty is the most realistic difficulty you can find with Skyrim right now. When I see a dragon, I sh*t my virtual pants and run like there's no tomorrow - at level 20 those things can still one-hit me and I have heavy Dwemer armor. honestly, when i played with my dual wielding warrior i never understood what people like you were talking about. whenever i saw a dragon (and i was playing on master difficulty) i looked at it as if i saw a skeever or a wolf.. let him come to me and then one hit him. then i changed to my assassin and dragons just kick my ass.. i had to use the help of a giant to help me kill the dragon. which reminds me, why the hell can a GIANT kill a DRAGON 1 on 1?!
  2. hmm.. maybe start at 3 or 5. thats because at the start of the game you tend to spend carefully your souls for the good shouts. once you exchanged your souls once the price gets higher. maybe 10? then it gets higher and higher. so you can't rlly exploit the system, but it will still be pretty user friendly... for lack of better term.
  3. i wen't to each option on my nvidia control panel trying turning it off or to the max and w/e and they remain transparent. what option am i looking for? edit: switching back to the non-beta driver version seems to fix it, tho i doubt its a bug rather than an option changed.
  4. had a neat idea.. how bout you can exchange like 20 dragon souls for one perk point? that way you don't feel like cheating when you give yourself a perk point coz you feel like you achieved something and worked hard for it, and i guess it would be used for later levels too because at the lower lvls ppl still searching for power words. i call it dragon soul insight! you fuse all the souls you collected from the ancient and very knowledgeable dragons to gain yourself a perk point.. ok it sounds kinda stupid but you get the idea doesn't have to be 20 tho.. could be higher, could be lower, whats your opinion?
  5. ffs who cares if its a big spoiler or little spoiler im talking about the weirdness of imperials vs riften guards
  6. never said they took control.. only stated that there are guards of both factions fighting in that city. theres still mystery *shifty eyes* but seriously, is this a bug or what?
  7. think it was moved to the spoilers forum.. i'm pretty sure i opened it at the general talk one. tho i still don't know what exactly did i spoil?!
  8. tho i still didn't revel anything.. or is reveling that you can do a civil war quest a spoiler.. or maybe that you have to chose a side between the imperial legion and the storm cloaks.. i better not say there are dragons in this game.. might spoil it to some1 who never gone past the first min of the game :O
  9. i tried my best not to revel much o.O "i have completed the civil war quest line and sided with the imperial legion." don't rlly give away any details.
  10. won't it make the leveling process harder.. since it takes you more time to level as you get higher in levels so you could start with level one stats with level 15-20 difficulty and it will take you a lot longer to actually level up. ...unless.. is it harder for me to go beyond level 41 because most of the skills i use are already maxed out?!
  11. it seems that the riften guards and the imperial guards are fighting each other for some reason.. don't recall they were doing that b4 so it started recently.. and they fight to the death. it got to the point where the beggers died (and inherited me 100g o.O) and the entire city is covered in arrows. i have completed the civil war quest line and sided with the imperial legion. any way to fix this or is there at least a reason for this?
  12. seriously, anyone? i remember seeing after a few hours that i made this post a mod called something along the lines of "original fus ro dah" or something like that.. i click on it and the mod was gone.. no longer exists.. made me sad. and i am not alone! i saw a lot of other people who were disappointed they changed the epic FUS RO DAH! from the trailer to FUS...RODAH!
  13. using it myself.. got a daedric helm in my back unused ever since i made it coz i can't give up on the +70 stamina.. tho with time it gets easier to do so.. now i just look for the right enchant to replace it with and then GOOD BYE RAHGOT!!! tho i kinda like the model of it.. gives a creepy feeling to my character :P and its in a pretty high quality, too, compared to some other items.
  14. is there a way to make the game's fus rodah shout (unrelenting voice) into a shout like in the trailer (fus ro dah) and not just replace the shout with the trailer's one since it has lots of background noise and music and stuff. i know this is rlly picky but i just like the trailer's one more.
  15. aye thats what i meant when saying smithing above 100 makes better armor through upgrading. but enchants and potions for one handed don't say they improve damage they just say they improve the skill itself.. so, again, once you reach 100 what will it do?
  16. i meant to make another daedric set and enchant it. and while i know blacksmithing or alchemy gives you bonus for going over 100 (i know for sure that blacksmithing does, at least) i wanna know if it rlly does make a change with one handed i got 2 pieces with +one handed which brings me to about 40-60 i think.. they are both above +20 one handed.
  17. i am VERY sorry for bumping after being told not to, but this is starting to move pages and i think no1 has seen my topic.. and i've seen a lot of ppl do it, so after a few days of waiting for a reply i have 2 options, make a new identical topic or bump, i chose to bump. any1 got some info on this? i wanna re-enchant my gear and i want info on this.
  18. i know how you feel.. im a warrior too and i use dual wielding.. usualy i kill everything with one hit but occasionally there is some over powerred mage that shoots lightning bolts that one hit me.. pisses me the hell off but rlly satisfying when i get to decapitate them.
  19. i know that if you raise your smithing above 100 via enchants and potions/elixers you can improve your armor even more, but i wonder if there is a point to do so for other skills. for example, raising one handed above 100, makes any difference, my daedric armor has a few pieces with + one handed enchants, and now i reached 100 so are the enchants useless to me or they improve something? if so, it would be a b#%^& to make a new daedric armor :( Please don't bump threads. Thanks. -Vagrant0
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