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Everything posted by lichy123

  1. I'm looking forward to the new quests and stuff, but what will they do without the voice actors?
  2. case solved, at least the inventory crash. it was requiem's new dragonborn patch made by the user Myewggs. took me a long story to realize the patch could be the one to blame, had to cross dates and stuff lol... i thought it would solve the crash to desktop thing but as soon as i press F5 it crashed to desktop, but i did press Esc so maybe thats why (optimistic thought, and i highly doubt it).
  3. well, i was wrong.. the bug still exist. went to that mage guy in whiterun to buy some spells and it crashed. so i actually got 2 bugs now XD edit: im 99% sure this is caused by a magic item.. a tome or scroll or something. im putting the pieces together now. the mages of the jarls who sell magical items, a mage NPC that i killed, belathor or w/e his name is who sells sells stuff from all sorts, including magical ones. i checked via the console on the items contained within the storage chest of the vendors but there were to much items to pinpoint it. guess im gonna take a trip to an npc i killed that crashes my game when i loot him, he must be holding the same item. edit: checked all the places i could remember, all the bodies that had it are gone. this is beginning to be very frustrating.
  4. got hearthfire, got my mansion that i spend tons of time building and got 2 children beds (both say owned for some reason but i guess its saved for the children of the future or something..) and i got 2 children chest thingies. went to rorickstead and killed the abusive father, went to sissel and she just goes "(sigh)...) and "what am i gonna do now?" but it doesn't appear as if she is talking to me, just says it outload, i can't tell her "whats wrong?" and the follow up "i can adopt you" thought it was weird, so i went to her abusive sister and OH THE IRONY, i can ask her if she wants me to adopt her. so now im stuck with only the bad sister :( how can i fix sissel so i can talk to her normally. i don't have an older save of me b4 killing the father :\ TL;DR - can't talk to sissel but i CAN talk to her twin sister, how do i fix sissel.
  5. i haven't touched them YET other than checking for any dirty edits. they are pretty minor stuff that either add music or armors, so i doubt they conflict with anything. guess im being slightly lazy but ill get on it sooner than later. for the moment i have moved the bashed patch to the last load order, that way nothing will override it, at least.
  6. i just went "meh.." and downloaded it anyway, worst case i would delete the esp, right? no crashes. guess i read it wrong or it was referencing a different mod. so far i haven't experienced any crashes from inventory or trade stuff. i have gained the new and improved random crashed when i press F5 to quicksave, guessing it draws too much from my machine after more than an hour of playing? who knows, its a minor bug i can deal with.. i see it more as a "hey, go rest a bit or do something else" kinda bug ;)
  7. there is a warning on the compability mod, tho, saying that i should use the old mod until i make a new character or it will crash my game, unless i understood it wrong.
  8. ok here is the list: recognized plugins: unrecognized plugins:
  9. well, i suppose i can just save the current load order b4 i attempt to use BOSS just incase , give me 5 min ill provide a log edit: the one on the nexus has been removed, guessing it rlly was outdated o.O edit2: so i downloaded it from the beth forum. 5 min and ill provide ze logs ;)
  10. well then, where can i find the latest version? because last time i used boss it gave me an error and messed up my load order beyond recognition :(
  11. but i don't use boss.. thought it was outdated as hell edit: i put the image on spoiler tag
  12. fairly new bug but i don't recall any new mods that i added, only updating current mods :\ here is my mod list and order, hope this will help :S sorry if its too small, i can't get it any bigger :( also, if you have any suggestions to fix my load order in anyway that would be nice :P edit: another crash, this time trying to loot a specific body. now that i think about it there was a similar thing only with a chest once. maybe a certain item that crashes the game?
  13. im thinking of opening a new character soon.. things are starting to take a turn for the worse and i find myself naked in a dwemer ruin >_> anyway im leaning between skyrim redone and ACE.. but leaning more towards skyrim redone coz i got the impression from gopher its..better? i dunno.. he switched from ace to skyrime redone during a lets play...
  14. added it now, can't remember them all im afraid :P
  15. just asking people, mainly people who tried at least some of the overhaul mods out there and know what you get from each. which do you prefer and what do you like about them? i realize there is no "this is the best overhaul mod because X and Y" and its a matter of taste in the end but still... don't really need to explain a reason anyway on why i ask a question, its all fun :P
  16. pic 1 pic 2 pic3 (first person view if it matters..) looks like spriggan but it isn't its an orange version of it :o any1 know the id? because it doesn't even appear in the spell active menu. edit: after a few minutes of searching for spriggan matron stuff in console i found out the spellid is 1090f7
  17. edit: managed to find myself the spell id by searching for the spell on console (took me a few minutes) but i did it and now the bug is gone, thank you steve. the spell id is 1090f7
  18. i went outside some cave near riften, doing a vilja quest, and suddenly as i was walking some golden leafs came towards me and started to swirl around me. i thought it was a spriggan's attack or something since its basically the same aura but no enemy was around. i thought maybe it was some curse or buff but no new buff or curse appears on the list.. its just THERE.. its been like an hour or 2 (in real life, mind you) and its still there. after a while it gets very annoying and immersion breaking. how do i get rid of it? pictures: click the links below. pic 1 pic 2 pic3 (first person view if it matters..)
  19. i've got tired of running after moders so i'm doing it here. we are looking for skilled professional texturers for our armor project. tbh we only need one. right now its just me and heizer, who does the models, to complete the group we need some1 who will do the textures. so.. looking for dedicated person, who actually answers when we talk to him :P and ofc, awesome at doing textures. so far we have the helmet, you can see it here: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/images/3192039-1326320552.png we try to achieve the highest quality of awesomeness as we can possibly reach, and make it one of the best looking armors if not THE BEST in skyrim. a very ambitious project so we hope you will share our ambition :) edit: professional as in really good, not as in do it for a living..
  20. taken from my bethesda forum: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1329025-the-maze/ you go to a tavern and find a man who would like to talk to you, he orders you a drink and you sit down to talk about an idea he has. he says he wants you to be dropped in the middle of a maze and you will have to find your way out b4 a huge monster (Minotaur?) will find you and kill you. you ask him what will you get for doing such dangerous task? he says "your life" in an eerie voice. then everything fades and you wake up in the middle of the maze. the bastard drugged you! well nothing to do now but escape b4 the monster finds you and kills you. to make things worse all you have in your inventory is a note and a stick. the note says: "if you want your stuff back, and your life, get out of the maze before the monster finds you. your stuff are in a chest. to show you i am not a bad man i gave you a stick to defend yourself in case the monster finds you first. ...also, keep an eye out for a chest that is located somewhere in this maze, it contains a very powerful artifact that might even save your life" so you have two choices.. look for the exit, or look for the artifact first. if you find the chest that contains the artifact all you find is a note. you read the note and it says: "here lies the best of all. it doesn't power you, or make you tall. won't make you smarter, or teach you math.. ...theres nothing here, and it makes me laugh!"
  21. more ideas: 1) a MAGICAL CITY IN THE SKY!!!!!! ruled by the higher circle of mages or w/e it is in the lore.. maybe even the psijic order? 2) as a random encounter you stumble into a lamp, you rub it and it breaks, collapses into dusts and blows away in the wind. then from the dusts that is carried by the wind a magical genie appears. the genie says he wants to be freed and if you will free him he will reward you with either powerful armor/weapon or lots of money! so you agree, and the genie sends you to horrible dangerous places like a dwemer ruin, some dungeon underwater, another world withing a magical mirror, and the home of a daedra lord withing oblivion. when you do all he asks of you, you find out the genie is no genie.. its a daedric lord! and he pranked you! and for your hard work (and for making him laugh) he gives you a reward.
  22. does anyone actually have other ideas?
  23. i bump this for greater justice.. and a chance someone will make a mod for these things.
  24. i don't even recall any vampire quests
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