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Everything posted by lichy123

  1. will there be any fps loss or will it demand more processing power?
  2. yes, thats the mod i was talking about.
  3. bump. i am considering buying 8 more GB of ram: http://www.amazon.co.uk/G-Skill-Ripjaws-Sandybridge-Platforms-PC12800/dp/B004HZG4ZO/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1323190775&sr=8-7 assuming the problem is lack of ram. tho, who knows if that is the real problem.
  4. i would gladly not use my helmet just to see my hair blows in the wind while i stab and burn my enemies
  5. i'll be more than satisfied with a mod that just lets you use shouts when you yell them to your mic. ...god knows i do that anyway :whistling:
  6. one thing im worrying about is the NPCs.. i remember in riften there was a "raid" of thieves and so i came to help the guards kill them since their aim was so bad they hit the NPCs and not the thieves X_X so i killed them all but i found out a beggar died!! 5 min later a courier came to me with some money saying the beggar inherited me 100g
  7. i actually saw ants and i was like "woah!!! ants!" and i spent like 5min just looking at them: http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/2176/ants1.jpg http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/4477/ants2.jpg http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/407/ants3.jpg
  8. driver version 285.62 i HAVE edited the ini files but the problem was there well b4 i did that.. so i rule that out as well. @deadspace, any way i can i can do that? i just don't know how. and would getting more than 4gb ram help? coz i can do that. question is will it solve it. after playing arkham city for a while, since i mostly finished skyrim and also since it became unplayable, i got this message: http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/3655/problemzb.jpg memory usage above 50% and cpu usage at 1%? i wish i understood what it means!! but i guess it all means something bad.. at least the first part.
  9. and add the eye symbol on the lockpicking game so you would know when you starting to get noticed.
  10. you have a problem that the dragonbone armor doesn't look like bones so you want it replaced with nightingale armor....? tbh if you make it more white and a bit more dirty it would kinda look bonish. also the only problem i have with the armor is the awful helmet.. need it closed!
  11. would like that too, reminds me of the mod for oblivion where khajiit finaly had proper beast legs.
  12. any chance of making the dragonplate helmet closed in the mouth area so it would look good?
  13. or at least make a character that looks like him :( not even dragons can oppose his techno powers
  14. the game needs more half armors in general.. in oblivion you could go pants only or shirt only.. skyrim prevents me from expressing myself :( can't feel badass with my shirt on!
  15. http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/4955/59113882.jpg makes one wonder, doesn't it...
  16. nah its pretty roomy.. think i can stick a headset there :P and its quite big.. one of those realtek headset that cover your whole ear and what not. maybe 2 if i get a better look at the inside of my pc (im just looking from the window on the side and the holes on the top) sigh, i just don't know what to do anymore.. more ram, more room, more cooling. acording to the intel website my cpu is either maximum 75 ish or average 75 i'm not sure.. but with the fan above the pc it doesn't reach that temperature... yet. i'll have to make a game session to see how effective sticking a huge fan above my pc is. edit: ITS NOT THE HEATING!!! happened again, the pc is actually cool. didn't even reach 50. the slowing down began once more. think its the ram.. looking now the skyrim memory reached near 1.5mil and the pc is using 2.95 memory and i only have 4. would doubling the ram amount solve it? who knows. strange but it also says my cpu usage is 2%.. maybe because i minimized skyrim? doubt it...
  17. i took the pc out of it's place (theres a cubic hole in my desk just for it, it has place to move but not much room ot breath.) din't help that much. so i took a fan and stuck it on the top of my pc so it would blow cold air towards the inside of my pc (there are holes there for a built in fan that isn't there coz i didn't buy one) well, my cpu still reaches sometimes to 40 when i'm only surfing with chrome on the web, and after playing a bit on skyrim it reached about 60 or more but it didn't go above 70 if i recall. so its an improvment, but i'm not sure what to buy to permanently fix it. a hydro cooling thingy or more ram or what ever if the problem is heating, but i don't know if its another problem or THE PROBLEM, i'll save some money (coz the army doesn't pay me muchT_T) and buy a cooling thing, doubt a fan will suffice. if its a ram problem i can buy more ram.
  18. sorry for the bump but im getting rdy to buy something to fix this issue and since im limited on my cash (since the army doesn't pay very well coz i am forced to serve not want to serve) i need to buy the thing that will solve the problem for sure. what i found out was that my cpu is overheating, but i don't know if that is the true cause of the issue. ram? cpu overheating? who can tell?
  19. i don't know how to overclock tho i wish to, same for my graphics card. since you have the same as me it would be easier for you to explain.. and i am sure its safe (unless i over-do it) took a pic of b4 and after, b4 is when the game just starts the after is when the bugging starts. b4: http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/2642/befor.jpg after: http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/8890/afterr.jpg
  20. windows 7. when i first upgraded my computer to a gaming pc i had to cut the edges at some points. so i didn't buy all the fans i needed to cool the pc, and i didn't buy enough ram coz i thought i'd just buy them later when i'd have the money. so at first i started with only 2gb ram. and it was ok for games but then came the witcher 2 and i needed more ram :P so i got 2more thinking 4 is enough. hearing that 4 might not be enough surprises me but i would be glad if that was the problem, its the cheapest part of the pc XD i run the game on ultra, i even got some mods to increase that like the tweak one that made no real difference other than adding some shadows when i am indoors and the hd textures mods. and i run the game with solid fps even with all the tweaks i made to make the game even more eye candy. if the trigger is the loading screen then it means its something to do with the cpu, ain't it... and i refuse to run the game on lower settings! got me a new video card just so i won't have to lower my graphics from ultra for the next year or so..
  21. i'm not sure what the problem is, i really don't :\ i play the game on ultra and it runs SMOOTHLY for a while, so therefor i conduct that my pc can run this game on ultra. the problem starts after a while, and i suspect the trigger is right after a loading screen, meaning moving a cell., or loading one.. the game starts to slow down. REALLY slow down. to the point i freak out and press the F5 to quick save and it takes like 5-10 sec till i see the quick save spear slowly. so you would assume the problem is the cpu overheating or something, right? i thought so too! but heres the kicker. if i alt tab to desktop then alt tab back to the game, everything is ok. no slow downs no nothing. i continue playing and again after a while everything slows down. i alt tab, alt tab back and everything is fine. now, i wouldn't mind doing this routine, but after 2-3 times i do this all the fires in the game become invisible but still emit lights. and the water becomes cristal clear. not invisible, coz they are still there.. i can even see ripples when i jump in the water and stuff.. but it looks like it is invisible. and then the slow downs become more frequent (i think) and i give up and shut the game down. more info: when i start the game the memory it takes is about 200k, and i guess it builds up after a while. when the slow down happen its at 1,200,000. so 1million more then it started. cpu: QuadCore Intel Core i5-750, 2800 MHz (21 x 133) motherboard: MSI P55-CD53 (MS-7586) ram: 4gb Power supply: aps -650c graphic card:GeForce GTX 560 Ti perhaps its a problem with the vram? i dunno.. wish i possesed some computer knowledge :( please help me, the game is really unplayable.. good thing i finished most of it but still!
  22. i found the mouse sensitivity a bit higher than b4 so i had to return it to 50%, and i find the mouse to stutter mostly when i move the y axis. any1?
  23. probably the most meaningless mod request, but i get annoyed at the low res smoke-mist at the start menu. any way to make it a high res one?
  24. i downloaded the patch and i can't even play the game! i start the game and all the options are gone T_T
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