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Everything posted by vashts1985

  1. its CBBE. i had the same issue when i first installed it. it cleared up after i disabled it. the mod is fine so far everywhere else, so i would leave it off until you leave 111 just to be safe.
  2. http://i.imgur.com/NP7rVpf.jpg one of the first screenshots i took of the game =)
  3. you know asked myself that very question the first time i played Metro. its an awesome game, but what DID happen to US, and the rest of the world for that matter. same with fallout i dont see any harm in seeing what actually did happen elsewhere. though i think frankly the rest of the world went on with their business like, oh look, usa and china are gone now, too bad for them, and the countries are completely ignored because they are fallout infested wastelands, but what do i know im not the fallout writers.
  4. i am trying to add a crafting workbench to make coffee with. i have added a keyword for the new crafting type, added a furniture item to activate the crafting menu, and a constructable object to build the furniture item. when i go into game, the constructable object does not show up in the workshop crafting menu, and im lost as to why. i copied from the cookingpot station and all the previous keys are intact. is there anyone that has gone through this before that can help?
  5. Yea, it is =] yep i got no greaser jacket folder under meshes this is because all the vanilla files are stored in compressed files called .ba2. you either need to extract them or just use the latest version of nifskope to pick through them.
  6. Agreed. Someone made a thread like this and someone basically said, "If you don't like a screen full of vaginas and boobs, you're obviously not over 18 years old and should not be playing a mature game." Mature means more than bouncing tits. Mature can mean adult concepts without being adult porn. Mature includes addressing issues of the nastier side of humans - stuff you don't want to expose kids to. You don't want 12 year old Little Timmy playing a quest-line where you break down a slave trade ring where they sell off slaves 'past their use-by' for medical experiments, for example. Problematic when my entire front page is VAGINA PUBIC HAIR BOOBS! Yes, I have the mature content allowed - for stuff like body textures and nude bodies, realistic stuff relating to the human bodies. Not for thong-armor, latex vaultsuits and strap-on Dildos. I didn't expect all of the "Top Mods" to just be screenshots of naked (or near-naked) women. I get it, they're popular. But maybe NOT have my entire splash page filled with CBBE armor and tits? Thing is, I like some of those 'mature' mods. As in, I like being able to adjust the figure of my character to something that suits the world, giving her a texture that implies that she's actually got some muscles under there, instead of being made of clay. I like improved textures. I'm eagerly waiting for when I can give my character scars and marks from fighting through the Wasteland. I just wish that maybe there could be some sort of way that stops MATURE flagged stuff landing on the splash page, so I don't feel like I've accidentally landed on RedTube when I check for mods. lol the front page not as bad as it was a few days ago..... :laugh: the bodysuit is kinda tasteful....
  7. CBBE just came out and everyone is going crazy over it. im sure it will pass, or at least others will help round out the ratio. until then there is an adult filter, not telling you to use it, just putting it out there.
  8. im not seeing it in the Vanilla clothes mod. im pretty sure it is just a texture for the greaser jacket and jeans, which is meshes\clothes\greaserjacket. in the meshes.ba2. you can get that through nifskope
  9. im currently working on some tweaks and improvements to vanilla weapons, starting with the 10mm. http://i.imgur.com/yHdqTLT.jpg stuff im implementing: (? means thinking about it) new Receivers: .50 cal conversion - massive damage, reduced fire rate, increased recoil. .45 cal conversion ? ???? new sight options: all sights have a recon version Match sights - add crit chance based on perception Scopes ? ??? New grip options: Carbine Stock - vastly improves recoil. improves sighted accuracy. ??? new attachments: longer barrel ? Bayonet ? Face Puncher ? Tactical Light ? have ideas to improve the 10mm pistol with additional crafted modifications? feel free to share. if it seems feasible i will see about implementing them.
  10. it sounds like you overwrote the original. if you are on steam, id delete the .BSA and then verify integrity and let it re-download and see if that helps.
  11. ive seen the bandana on them, it is rare though. cant really say about the helmet though.
  12. i came across a editor id for a grenade launcher in the esm....
  13. i want to make a weapon mod that auto carges the capacitors.
  14. ffs not another Kuratas post... oh hey wait a second. as a mechanical designer, i think that is really cool. what softwear are you using?
  15. is that stuff completely hardcoded? i have an idea but it would work best with its own unique skill tree.
  16. the sighting node is attached to the individual weapon and not its animations. the camera will just snap to it. only thing you got to worry about is having it perpendicular to the sights. tip of the front post or what not. btw i like where this thread is going.
  17. sorry, ive been working the past couple nights. ill prolly be on like monday or tuesday.

    i seen your post though. awesome. i couldn't figure it out.

  18. looks more like a result of the accuracy calculations rather than positioning of the sighting node. actually from here it looks like you got it dead center. all thats needed with the sighting node is to be perfectly in line with the sights
  19. just to clarify, while they have not announced the PC (or Ps3) version, that is a timed exclusive. like the DLC with fo3 it should eventually make its way over here. basically they want it to hit the money maker right in time for christmas
  20. "in 5 yards turn right at rusted out car." "in 40 yards you will come to the smoldering remains of a village." "turn left at boarded up house." "your current route is inaccessible due to radiation. please use detour."
  21. iirc i had a similar problem. iirc i actually inserted a new TriStrip node then renamed and reorganized it, then copied over the tristripdata. if i had to theorize, copying branches as such does not work, there are so many little links and what not that it just does not know how to deal with the foreign branch and craps out on you. building your own branch from scratch in the target Nif lets it figure out all the little details. just a theory.
  22. Nifs are nice when the transfer goes smoothly but yes, if something doesnt it is a pita to track. i figured id try again from scratch after work. if it is still giving me problems i will post a screencap. thanks guys.
  23. yeah, its still vashts1985, or should be.

    ive been logging on recently but i have not in a while i know.

  24. no i didnt, (save update tangent space....after the first crash) then again ive never had to in the first place. i will try it though. edit* yeah no go.
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