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Everything posted by vashts1985

  1. its actually the crappy-est part of the process. you should be patting yourself on the back for doing it cause your the one putting in that hard work that goes on behind the scenes.
  2. best of both worlds! ;) Lhammon, i will hold off releasing the one i shown. dont wanna steal your thunder :thumbsup:
  3. indirect fire would be the fatman and the missile launcher. direct fire is defined as any weapon that you have to sight in to hit your target. other word anything you have to be able to look at to hit your target. artillery, mortars, launchers, all indirect fire. bozar =/= m82
  4. you can put it wherever you want i think. but if you look at the big guns they are all indirect fire weapons (granted the minigun should not be, but in this game it is >.>) my vote is small arms. thats what it is.
  5. ive already suggested a master ammo file that will alleviate issues like this
  6. yeah they have alot of firepower, but because of that massive muzzle brake it is controllable. however trying to precision shoot from a standing position like that is about futile.
  7. well it is possible to make new animations but it does require alot of in depth expert manipulation through a 3d app. basically you gotta import the skeleton, import the body mesh, then create your own skin which is a long a tiresome process
  8. im not sure what the polycount is. i just uved it for a friend and i didnt really look. its high i know that. the bullet does not need to be a separate group, because there is not a node that controls it, however if you wish you could copy it and break it up between the case and the bullet and use those meshes to add to the projectiles (there are 2 separate ones for the ejected brass and the projectile that is seen in vats, the latter being controlled by the PROJ record) also im not sure the scope has to be separate from the gun as well, i just left it on there for the TRG and it works ok
  9. yeah, no animations for either the p90 or the g11....or the jackhammer for that matter
  10. you wouldn't have pictures of a certain bike.....i cant remember which book it was in, but it was like a chopper with a big ass cannon on one side. i totally want one of those
  11. and on that note: http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff58/vashts1985/m82.jpg i make no promises, as i have yet to ask permission and it still has not been textured, but i will try if it does get textured
  12. i have given this tread my endorsement. been years since i played >.<
  13. ive never had to include a "1stperson" copy for my textues, then again i never had to re create the shaders either.
  14. somewhere in the process of recreating the the BBs shaders the nifs were getting screwed up. however im willing to bet it may have been an error of my doing. i can say with certainty thought that its not needed anymore. ive been able to get shaders working properly without that process most likely due to the fact that they have updated the way nifskope handles the binormals and tangents for the new version
  15. extra what? :huh: seriously yeah you could do that. and if you wanted to more power to ya, but i just think adding it to the loots so it feels more natural works better. that's just me though ;)
  16. yeah it is possible. you would add a new model the same way you would add a firearm, just paste it over to one of the existing rounds nif. and give it a different name. adding a new ammo type to the game is a little harder though and involves alot of LVLI editing. Jaysus: i dont know how you got your method to work, i could not duplicate it successfully. when i tried it just crashed the game =(. the official Nifskope 1.0.16 has been released and i dont think you need to go through the process of re-adding the shaders anymore ;)
  17. placing items in chests is easy actually. well sort of. you can directly place it in the GRUP(CONT) record for the chest (you gotta find the name of the chest though. its not that hard.) when you open the (CONT) record, you should several [CNTO] sub-records. thats kinda the universal "point to item" subrecord. basically copy it and paste it, and point it to the FormID of the item you want to be in the container. the same goes with adding items to (_NPC.) they do throw you a loop though. [CNTO] can also point to (LVLI) which is the leveled loot lists. thats where things get fun (LVLI)'s can do several things, they can determine what an object contains at what lvl, but at the same time, point directly to objects. example: for the desert eagle, i set out to have random high level raiders spawn with it. so i go to (_NPC) and look at some of their loots. i find serveral (LVLI) records that control what weapons they _CAN_ spawn with, but they dont point directly to (WEAP) formID, rather they point to another (LVLI) for each weapon that they can spawn with. (there are records for melee and firearm with or without ammo) i chose to copy and modify the (LVLI) record for "withammoscopedmagnum", which contains more (LVLI) records, "condscopedmagnum" and "ammo44". following that, finally, i get to the (LVLI) record that points to the (WEAP) itself, it actually has several entries with a [COND] subrecord for each, controling the condition of the spawned weapon. if im sure of whats going on with chests, you can use (LVLI) records like that to give certain chests "random" loots. i actually did something similar to get flak and shrapnel to randomly have a desert eagle available for sale. i hope that makes some sorta sense :happy:
  18. great work Jaysus. outa curiosity when are we gonna see some new content from ya? :happy:
  19. so far we have had wonderful success using this process for static meshes and weapons. unfortunately i myself have not tried stuff like hair and character meshes, and i think others who have tried have not had very much success either. i think the closest thing ive seen is some armor edits, but i could not even begin to translate their process for you. wish i could be more help
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