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Everything posted by instyne49

  1. I believe that a mod called Place Everywhere, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9424 will allow to to resize objects. The page has videos and descriptions showing how the mod works. It's worth a look, even if it's not what you want.
  2. Where did you find these? If it's a valid site like Nexus or Bethesda, there should be a complete description of what they do, you shouldn't have to come here to ask these questions. Without knowing where you got these, it's kinda hard to research them. How about adding some more information, if you need help. I play on PC, but have no problem trying to help, but I need a place to start.
  3. If you play on a keyboard, go into game settings. One option should be " controller or keyboard " If you enter, it gives you the option to remap the keys. That is self explanatory once in that section. If you play with a console gamepad, say the xbox controller, usually all buttons are assigned, meaning you most likely can only swap functions. If you have a controller, make a screen shot so you can reset to original settings. Actually make aa screen shot first before changing the keyboard layout too.
  4. If you're interested, do check out Gopher on YouTube. Once on his channel go to his video section And search for FO4 tutorials. You can scroll through and see what he has and if you're interested. I was 65 when FO4 came out in 2015. He made it easy enough, that I could understand his directions. I've never looked back.
  5. Before attempting any of the following suggestions, you need to complete a new " Clean " game save. Pause game and hit quick save. You can do this from a close farm , to save travel time. Exit the game completely, then reenter. Pause the game again, maybe move to different part of farm first so you can tell the difference. This time hit save, not quick save. Now exit the game again. Now reenter the game. Travel to to the area where the robot battle is taking place. Do a quick save then Make sure only the Automatron quest is active. Open the console, and try any of the following console commands. If one doesn't work, go back to your last quick save and try a different command. At no point do you want start from that hard save, that's for resetting the game if the console commands bugger anything up. Please post again if you try this. I'd like to hear how this works if you try it. SetStage <QuestID> <Quest stage number> – Moves the quest in your quest log to the indicated quest stage. Recommended command for moving past bugged sections of quests rather than forcing the entire quest to become completed. This command can only set the quest to a further stage; it cannot return you to a stage you have already completed. Input for Quest Stage is an INT; 10, 20, 30, etc.GetStage <QuestID> – Returns the quest's current stage number. Return Value is a 4 digit REAL; 10.00, 20.00, 30.00, etc.sqt – Show Quest Target: Generates a list of current quest targets. Can also be used to find Quest IDs.CompleteQuest <QuestID> – Completes the given quest.ResetQuest <QuestID> – Resets the given quest.Warning: This command can potentially break a quest, with no way to move forward on that questShowQuestObjectives <QuestID> or sqo <QuestID> – Shows all current quest objectives. If called with no parameters, it will return all quests, completed or otherwise.CompleteAllObjectives <QuestID> – Completes all current objectives for the given quest.caqs – Complete All Quest Stages: finishes every quest, granting you all quest items and quest related achievements, Very buggy and may cause the game to crash.MoveToQuestTarget <QuestID> or movetoqt <QuestID> – Teleports the player to the quest target.ShowQuestStages <QuestID> or sqs <QuestID> – Used to display all the stages of a quest.ShowQuestVars <QuestID> or sqv <QuestID> - Show variables for a quest by its IDsaq - Start all quests, causes game to crash; unable to progress to beginning scene.
  6. Welcome to FO4. If you're only been on this game for a week, you're going to be overwhelmed with the choices available, for so many ways to change the game. You didn't say what your platform is, PC, Xbox, PlayStation. Some mods are platform specific because of size constraints for a particular system. I play on PC so that's what I will base my answer on. After you sign into Nexus, try the search box in the top right corner, type in anime and hit search. I did and got a return of 43 mods that are associated with the term, without having to dig. Use this as a starting point, post back and let us know if this was helpful, and ask more questions. I'll be around during the day, and sooner or later someone with more experience will show up that can answer more specific questions on the subject. I'm not familiar with your modding knowledge, if you need help with making sure your game is setup correctly, Go to YouTube and search for " Gopher, modding FO4 " He has complete tutorials on how to get set up completely. Sorry for the length, and again, welcome to FO4.
  7. Workshop Menu Missing Tabs Fix https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22205
  8. Best I can think of is go to Nexus and type scrap in search box. I know you want something simple, but I don't think someone will make a mod just to remove those stairs. It could be that they are some part of the Homeplate House mesh that can't be removed. I've tried to mod Homeplate before, but Diamond City has so many quests tied to it that some mods can drop your framerate to single digits. I use Scrap everything and place anywhere myself. Sorry, best I got.
  9. I'm still mad at myself for planting that damn tree.
  10. Take a look at " Amazing Follower Tweaks " https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26976 It allows you to recruit and then assign NPC's to different settlements. It does much more so read the entire description. It may help you.
  11. It would help if you gave a better description of " Non-lore friendly music "
  12. I don't know the exact process but no, you can't just add a mod to the VR version. I think it requires special encoding. An example would be for totally different controllers. You can't use an xbox controller in VR, you need the special paddles, and you can't use the VR paddles in the standard version of the game. Do a YouTube search for FO4 VR. There are several videos that explain how it works.
  13. You need to add in automatic VATS, maybe have a chance of critical hits falling percentage wise the farther the distance from target. I'd use something like this in a heartbeat.
  14. I've never seen a mod that generated random buildings in Fallout 4. There are mods to generate enemies, they should be easy to find.
  15. Can you find some pictures online that you can post, to show what you're looking for? The description you gave is pretty vague as to what you want to do. You could also search Nexus for "Atom Cats". They are sort of biker types, although they do Power Armor not bikes.
  16. I don't believe there is, even ASE only goes into the water so far on that side. While on the other side of the buildings, the space available is way more than I need.
  17. I've been playing Fallout 4 since it's release, and have never seen a level 9000 enemy. Just where did you encounter this enemy?
  18. That is basically what happens when you dismiss an NPC that you have as a follower, or some of the NPC's you can recruit, like Bill at Diamond City, or the Vault Tec Rep at the Rexford Hotel in Goodneighbor . The problem being that you can only send them to discovered settlements. When you do that they will travel to your set destination, and you can follow them the entire walk. This changes the problem to finding a way to lay down a custom map marker, then being able to assign that location as the destination. In theory that's possible for someone with knowledge of the creation club. Sadly I don't have those skills, but after hearing your idea I really like it. Maybe someone will pick this up.
  19. Just completely ignore the settlement. In true Bethesda fashion it will do nothing. Here I am, half an hour late for dinner. I can't believe that this wasn't the first answer for this post, it's the most obvious solution.
  20. Fallout 4 also has a mod called " Fallout 76 C.A.M.P. " https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32772 , this will let you set up a workshop in almost all locations on the map, worth a look.
  21. Vortex already lets you do this. Once set up you can change characters in about one minute. If you need help YouTube can show you how to set up different profiles.
  22. If you're still having problems, open the folder options and make sure that the " show hidden folders " option is checked. You can then use the search box in lower left of the screen to search, Fallout 4. This should show any files left over from your install. Something to remember is that if you use Vortex to manage your mods, use the Purge Mods button located at top of the Vortex mod page before you uninstall anything from the game. Since you have already removed and reinstalled everything, I suggest you try a program called " Glary Utilities " It's a pretty safe program that can be removed after use if you don't want to keep it. It will scan your registry for empty or unnecessary file fragments it will show you what it finds, before you tell it to clean the files. it also cleans out useless junk. You decide what gets cleaned up. I think it's easier than cccleaner. Have you made sure you added f4se back into the data folder and made your .ini edits. I'm sort of going through the same problem after not playing fo4 in 5 months, problems starting the game that I need to check out, hopefully something simple I'm overlooking. Good luck, and when you get running again, post here telling what worked. It could help someone else in the future.
  23. There is a mod on Nexus called the " Workshop missing menu tabs fix " Check it out, and follow the directions exactly. Should have you up and running correctly.
  24. What exactly are you asking for? We aren't actual mind readers.
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