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Everything posted by instyne49

  1. I just checked for a mod I have used called Fallout 4 Seasons. It has the 4 seasons but must be manually changed. Sadly it's been hidden or removed from Nexus. It's still available on Bethesda.net if you have access. It looks like it's available for PC and Xbox. I didn't look for other consoles. Bethesda.net also has other weather mods you might like. My games (PC) are all on Steam, but the Bethesda mods are still playable. Sorry, that's all I can think of.
  2. I know you don't want Preston around, but he seems to be the only way to trigger Old Guns. As a work around you might use him and Ronnie long enough to get artillery access, then ship Preston and maybe Ronnie Shaw to some settlement you never use, and leave them there. Not what you asked for, but better than waiting for a mod that might never get made.
  3. In my games when I enter PA, FO4 and FO76, it automatically removes any combat armor I might be wearing. Yes I realize it doesn't use real-time for these effects to register. I know this from looking at my inventory before and after donning said PA. If I'm wearing a vault suit or other under-armor it still shows as equipped when in PA. I'm still not happy that you can't climb a stupid ladder, and I won't even get started on the lack of real drivable vehicles, with out a cheesy mod. Are you maybe looking for animations to show what the game normally does.
  4. I haven't seen anything like that for Fallout (any version). Heck the only games that I can think of are the Tomb Raider series, and I think all of those had some version of a torch. If by chance you find something or even make your own mod, I'd give it a try.
  5. Halfway through your hibernation you are woken up and see your spouse killed in front of you. Your only child is kidnapped while you watch, then you go back into hibernation. When you do wake up, the official start of the game, your only thought is to find your son. That is literally the storyline for this game. Every other storyline in the game is secondary. If you casualty remove Shawn from the game, you are now officially playing "Fallout, What should I do now?" Preston's actions at the end are as you said, based on what you do with the synth kid. Technically someone could turn Shawn into a zucchini, but then Preston would be pissed because you're wasting food. I don't see a solution unless you never go to the institute. I'm not trying to make fun of you or your idea, I just don't see anyway to reach your objective without rewriting the entire game. Someone may have an idea that you can use, but I'm pretty sure the synth has to stay.
  6. Download and save a copy in your downloads folder. I do that now on Nexus because many modders are unhappy with Nexus making mod packs or whatever term the use now. They have been deleting or hiding their work because they have lost control of their work. You can find articles about it if you want more info.
  7. These are all I know about. Snappable junk fences, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9000 and No more gaps under junk fences https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13744 and Graf's Security Fences https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39252
  8. Have you seen "Mutant Menagerie-Big Game Hunting, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/53550 , this was only released on August 4, 2021. It adds what you requested plus much more. I even saw Racoons have been introduced. It's more than your request, but it's the Only new mod I know of.
  9. Nexus is working on a project called Mod Packs, or something similar. They aren't letting mod authors opt out except by making the mod hidden. Many authors are removing the access because of that. There is nothing stopping you from manually downloading a mod thats available now and keeping a copy for future use. Some of these mods have been moved to different platforms for use with a different mod manager. Some might be available on Bugthesda's mod pages. I'm sure this is covered on a forum.
  10. Many mods have been hidden on Nexus because of a new policy of issuing Mod packs, Grouped mods that play nice together. I believe that mod may still be available on Bethesda's mod pages. It does require an account to access, but once in game can be accessed by pausing the game and hitting a link in the categories shown which include settings, exit and several other options. Sorry this is the only way I know for you to maybe find it.
  11. I'm going to suggest you search Nexus FO4 for Valdacil's Item Sorting, Use just " Valdacil " as it will bring up about 66 items, most of which are patches. I use this particular one, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3877 , This sorts items into separate categories, guns under guns, armor into armor, with listings for food items with separate aid like stim packs at bottom in a sub heading, junk, ammo, and several others, each with it's own icon. The patches are mod specific and I think color coded. Not sure on that last. Some mods require this. This is used by most people. There is also Valdacil's KeyNuker, which places all keys found into their own category. Happy gaming.
  12. Downloaded, installed and very much appreciated. I'll be looking at it in a few minutes. Incredible, You first posted on this July 30, 4 days later I install your solution. This after questioning your own ability. I am so glad I responded to your first post. Thank you.
  13. Pre-War Sanctuary is it's own worldspace, and you can get to both in-game (using the console) and in the CK. But unfortunately no, you can't just do a texture swap in this case. The game fence pieces are "fence" and the pre-war pieces are "prewarfence". Hmmm, might be possible to just do a swap. I mean that is harder than a simple copy/paste, but at least I know how to do it effectively lol Ah, except the post war fence is missing pieces, or parts are halfway down the mountain, etc. Would you please update this if you do find a solution. I think the original fencing would be cool to use, especially if the second gate was also reproduced.
  14. Can you access those textures in the pre-war Sanctuary section of the CK? I've previously seen mods that let you explore the pre-war area including Vault 111 so I know they exist, but I don't have a clue on how to actually use them. There must be some way to swap them out, but that would probably reset everything to pre-war. Also not sure but thought someone explained how to enable and disable all boundary markers, possibly in the CK.
  15. If you haven't seen this one yet, it may help. The mod is called " Fallout 76 C.A.M.P. placeable " https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32772 This acts as a portable settlement workbench. It can be tossed like a bomb most anywhere and lets you place settlements. I'm bad at explaining, the mod page has everything you need to know. But coupled with Spring Cleaning, it should remove fences. Whatever you do, make a save file to try it, don't do it on your game without Testing.
  16. I also enjoy the month of October as a start date. On the 13th of Libra, I turn 72. Because I have a roughly 40 year advantage on you, I offer one tidbit of dubious wisdom. Growing old is mandatory, sometimes especially when younger, this process seems to take forever. Other times we remember something and say, did That really happen "so long ago" ? Then we come to the flip side, actually growing up, this as it turns out is almost completely optional. We do have control of this to some extent, with the curious ability to learn new things. Using that metric I have barely started. I've been told by several foretellers that I'm a New soul, the life lines on my hands don't seem to end, they continually branch out into smaller pathways like a fractal reflection. I've come to the conclusion that I am pupa, I grow closer to my first cocoon stage, but am in no hurry, content learning some of the things that will be valuable in my adult life. I do wonder what I will be like in my future incarnations.
  17. This is the only mod I know of, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46251 , Black Powder (Flintlock) Pistol. You didn't mention it, so I have no idea if you have seen it.
  18. Go to the Nexus mods Fallout 4 page and type Lock D , in the search box. I only used the D instead of Doors because the results are better. That gets about 55 mods pop up. Click the search button. There are a bunch of mods that do what you want, although most don't. Some work better than others. But it gives you choices.
  19. There is a work around that may help, it does require you to be on a PC to use console commands. I do not know the ID form number which should be easy to track down on the Fallout 4 wiki. This allows you to make any group friendly or on the flip side hostile. I believe that if you pick one group of ghoul's or raiders or settlers and enter the hostile option, that it applies to all in game. It can be used on things like Deathclaws and other creatures as well. Sorry but off the top of my head this is all I can think of. Your search term would be "Fallout 4 console commands" These are links to several that may help. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_console_commands - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=564770571 - https://falloutcheats.com/ I hope this helps.
  20. This answer won't be of any use to you unless you play on PC. If you are on PC, your enemies are only a console command away. The I.D's for different enemies are readily available on line, and bat. files are easy enough to make.
  21. Alrighty then, back to the drawing board. Thanks for letting me know that.
  22. We all forget little details on what's available for FO4. I know I've seen your Tag in the forums for a long time. I just got back into fo4 a bit after Kinggath and Team put out Sim Settlements 2. Pure magic from my point of view. I've been trying out the build system in FO76, 1000+ hours in game and I'm really slow at it. No console to sneak a bat file of materials int the game.
  23. Not only that, you can scrap the CAMP workbench and it will continue to operate, as in you can leave, come back, press the "V" key, and you are back in build mode. I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to work that way, but for some reason it does for me. Thanks aurreth, I was not aware of that at all. I'll have to give that a try.
  24. I did a quick search and found this page on " www.Carls-Fallout-4-guide.com " https://www.carls-fallout-4-guide.com/special-stats/perception/perks/penetrator.php . This gets into the mechanics of that perk, showing what does, what doesn't work and an explanation of why. It cleared up some things I didn't understand. I hope this helps a bit. I found another a page of his that contains a complete list of all specials and all perks under those specials. This is better than the first link, but I left it so I don't have to retype this whole page. https://www.carls-fallout-4-guide.com/perks/
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