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Everything posted by steve40

  1. You can build neon letter signs using the Wasteland Workshop DLC.
  2. Ah!!! And the other weird limitation is that the Papyrus function "OnHolotapePlay()" won't fire if the holotape is played on a PipBoy. Go figure...
  3. Afaik, you don't need to do anything special to port to Xbox. Just test the PC version thoroughly before generating the XBox version. Use the CK to upload the mod to Bethesda.net and tick the box that says it is for XBox and it should do all the processing for you. Edit: oh, about scripts, Don't use any Debug script functions, they won't work on XBox. I think that's the only limitation. When you upload, any Papyrus debug functions will get automatically stripped out (such as Debug.Notification() messages). Edit2: oh, one more thing. If any meshes have hidden marker objects in them, remove them. They become visible on XBox, iirc.
  4. Ok, now that I'm at home and can check the CK, I think I know what you mean. You can add a short description in the "Object Mod" form under "Desc". This is how the descriptions are set for legendary items in the PipBoy.
  5. OK, I've had a chance to check some of my mods, and Flipdeezy used "ActiveCompanions" in our mod See You Sleep. You don't need to add ActiveCompanions as a QuestAlias on your Quest tab. However, you should have a quest script attached to your quest. In the script, you can define a ReferenceCollectionAlias Property called ActiveCompanions and set the property using the CK. That way, it becomes irrelevant whether the alias is filled or not. RefCollectionAlias Property ActiveCompanions const auto I hope that makes sense. Look at how we used this property in See You Sleep, I think we included the source code, the quest script is AB_SleepQuestScript.psc and the quest ID is AB_SleepQuest. Cheers
  6. I don't know if you have tried this method for generating lip files, maybe it will help.
  7. No, aliases only fill when the quest is initialised. They wonât fill dynamically. Iâve seen some mods use a flip-flop approach, where another script is used to start/stop quests at regular intervals to force the aliases to refresh. The alternative would be to check the companion script data directly from your own scripts, instead of accessing it through an alias.
  8. Try the NAME field in the Armor form. The description field is deprecated, btw.
  9. Huh. All my mods worked first go after I ported them to Xbox. What did I do wrong?
  10. What about lip files, iirc those might be needed for the dialog to work.
  11. Did you even read the instructions/warnings on the mod page???
  12. You could try papyrus function ForceAddRagdollToWorld()
  13. All I can suggest is to check that you are saving the files in a compatible format using a compatible bitrate (e.g. mono 192000 Hz 32-bit float). Try WAV but also try converting to XWM. Where one format might not play in-game, the other just might. Also check that there are no conditions on the dialogue quest forms that might be preventing them from playing.
  14. Unfortunately the CK does not refresh BGSM files on the fly, you need to close and restart the program or they will appear as untextured purple. They will work fine in game, though. if you do make changes to BGSM files, it is important to right-click on the items that use them in the CK and choose "Update Model Texture Lists". if you don't, it can sometimes cause random CTDs when trying to view the item in the workshop menus.
  15. No, the collision has to be remade in 3DS Max, but I think I've already solved that problem for you :)
  16. OK, there's some way to clone another keyword with the same function :laugh:
  17. Tip: You can disable LOD on meshes in Nifskope. Open the mesh in Nifskope. Click on the root node. In the BLOCK LIST window, under FLAGS, click on the Japanese flag icon. In the pop-up window, uncheck "Bit 12: Mesh LOD" and click Accept. Next, look for any BSMeshLODTrishape blocks. Right-click on each one and select BLOCK->CONVERT->BETHESDA->BSTriShape. Win.
  18. This is where Debug.Trace(), Debug.Notification(), and your Papyrus log become useful :laugh:
  19. I don't think so. Lock-on depends on line-of-sight etc. Setting a longer range tends to have no effect beyond certain values, possibly because the range is further than what the game will actually render. You could try setting 'Penetrates Geometry', which will ignore line-of-sight and might give you a bit more range, but I'm just guessing. Changing fMissileSeekStrength is worth trying.
  20. I don't think there are any vanilla Papyrus or F4SE functions for manipulating head parts and overlays. You can query what head parts are present, but that's about it.
  21. Necro post, but... Just create a Constructible Object form for each item. Or alternatively, create a formlist and add several SCOLS to it, then make one Constructible Object form, then under "Created Object" choose your formlist. The latter method will use the same recipe for all the items in the formlist, which can save a lot of effort if you don't need to use a bunch of different recipes. Nb. the keywords in the "recipe filters" box determine which workshop menu categories the recipes will appear in.
  22. I have max and can make proper collisions. What do you need?
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