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Posts posted by ArtMurder


    I've been wondering: Since Steam offers a 24-hour refund policy with paid mods, what's to stop someone from purchasing a mod, copying the files, and then getting their money back within 24 hours?


    Hypothetically speaking, of course.

    Because you don't get your money back. You get what would be considered "store credit" to be used against your next purchase.


    I personally only buy things off steam with steam credit... It's easier then buying things individually.

    I think most people who use steam as their main source of gaming would agree.

    So yeah, it is still getting your money back if you use steam... which almost every person who plays skyrim on the PC should.


    I agree, he brings up a good point, as that's what I've always done to workshop mods.

    Install them, copy them, then uninstall them so I can install them later manually on my terms.

  2. Should probably work. Not gonna b as smooth as actual controller. How's Skyrim on the Oculus?

    Minus feeling like a 3 foot tall guy with insanely huge arms, pretty neat!

    I only tested it for like 30 minutes though. It needs a lot of modding and tweaking to give you proper presence..

    If I can get this to work, I'll get to see how fun it actually is!

    But one of those immersive first person view mods and a mod to totally disable killmoves is needed


    Half life 2 with the oculus beta patch has been the most fun to play in the rift so far. Actually my first time playing half life... I highly recommend it.

  3. Its not possible while your PC sees the XBOX controller as a controller. However there is a way.

    Turn off controller in the Skyrim menu settings. Then download Xpadder and map the controls from keyboard to controller.

    That way, you're still technically using a mouse and keyboard config, but actually using the controller to input commands.


    Lookup Xpadder and ways to set it up.

    I already use a similar program called Jot2Key, do you think it will work?

    I'll try it at the very least, if it doesn't then I'll look into xpadder

  4. I recently got a DK2, and I've been having trouble getting the head tracking to work with SKSE... I think I've cracked the issue.

    The 360 controller being plugged in disables the mnouse, which the program I am using (vireio perception) uses to emulate head tracking.

    For some reason it worked fine with vanilla skyrim, but I am pretty sure if I can get the mouse to be detected while I'm on my xbox controller I can managed to get it working again!


    I am using an xbox1 controller that is using a driver that makes my computer see it as a 360 controller, if that matters.



  5. I personally have to agree... I have been visiting the site less and less over the past few months, and it's largely because like 40% of the featured mods are pretty followers now... combine that with like, 40% of the mods being slooty armor mods, and it just becomes a hassle to find anything decent.


    I honestly feel this is more nexus's fault then it's users. They should have a much more costumizable and interesting hotfiles systems based on what the user likes, instead of "whatever random new mod happened to receive a lot of endorsements these past few days"


    I mean, the way it works now unless you get featured on a youtube channel or get in the hotfiles within a few days after uploading your mod, you have basically no chance of your mod being well known and popular.


    It just bugs me that there are hundreds of amazing mods on this site I cant find because the search system is so shallow you basically have to know what you are looking for to find it, or just get lucky. And then the hotfiles just shows me overly attractive lifeless followers and slooty armors that all look exactly the same.


    Yes, I know I can change my filter options and have these mods not show up, but I dont want to block them all outright. I have no issue with these sorts of mods, I in fact download some of them from time to time, I just get tired of seeing NOTHING but them. >_<

  6. I don't know anything about that mod, but the other armors might require specific ingredients you don't have, and might be set to be hidden if you don't have those ingredients?

    That is USUALLY why an armor doesn't show in any sort of crafting table, unless it has a perk or skill level requirement.

  7. Just wonder if any mods exists that add more shipwrecks or underwater structures to the various lakes and Sea of Ghosts region> This could also include ruins or object on off shore islands?


    (I remember in Morrowind there seemed to be so may submerged caves and shipwrecks, and little hidden areas off-shore, it really made the underwater areas feel alive. Stock Skyrim, while fun, seems to be very dull in regards to underwater structures.)


    Knowledge of any mods would be appreciated. Thanks!

    http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34961/? - Sunken treasures might be what you are looking for as well
  8. Scripts mods, in my experience depend more on the quality scripts, then the quantity. Big, complex scripts are a problem, poorly written ones are a problem, conflicting scripts are a problem. Really, about all you can do is try it out and see. I run a LOT of really big, script heavy mods, but they are all very well made, expertly scripted mods that do not conflict, so I experience very minimal issues. if you install several mods which script things revolving around magic, magic will likely start to bug out, if you install a big complex script mod that is not made by someone who knows EXACTLY what they are doing, you will likely have a problem. If you install multiple mods that fires scripts non stop all the time, then you will likely have a problem.


    Balance and tuning is key. Papyrus is very finicky and picky. If you are very smart about it, you can actually install quite a few script heavy mods. I wouldn't say there is a 'limit' to script mods by any means, or if there is, my massively complex load order of over 200 .esps and something like 400 mods hasn't managed to hit it yet!

  9. Hi


    When npc's kill each other they dont pick up any loot from the dead. After battles and encounters I can walk around filling up my inventory without even killing anyone.

    This feel like cheating and break immersion.


    I think scavengers do this already but I have not seen many of these in the game.


    So Im looking for a mod/tweak/fix that make npc's pick up/loot things, or a mod/tweak that create more scavengers that can go around and pick up stuff from dead bodies.


    Any help to mods/tweak/settings that can help is appreciated :smile:



    This mod makes all NPC loot the dead bodies of anything they kill, and is customizable, it has some other interesting features as well! ^w^


    still waiting for someone to use this on khajiit tails.... The vanilla ones are just awful. The argonians are alright, cause they should look more rigid, but the cat tails are so riged and lifeless it's depressing. XD

    I dont think the current HDT will help make a tail like that look good, after all cat tails have bones in them. I have never seen a cat running around with its tail flailing in the wind, they are twitch and move but are held in a position.


    That is true, but hem just flopping around randomly would look a bit better then them being glued to an invisible sheet of metal xD Considering khajiit are designed around sneaking and their tail freaks out when they are sneaking, that alone would make it better.


    I would love to see a properly animated one, but I don't know how possible that is. Something close to what I've seen with the hair, where it whips around if I turn really fast, would be pretty awesome, if far from 'perfect'.

  11. still waiting for someone to use this on khajiit tails.... The vanilla ones are just awful. The argonians are alright, cause they should look more rigid, but the cat tails are so riged and lifeless it's depressing. XD
  12. I've actually been working on the idea of merging Skyrim Redone and Requiem for a while, I got permission from both modders/mod teams, and made some progress, but kinda stopped after i lost all my work do to using a faulty 3rd party program to do it. >_>


    I've recently made a quick concept mod to get a feel for perks, and have been strongly considering diving back into this project.


    I personally agree with you on the comparison, as I see skyrim redone as "funner" but requiem as "incredibly immersive" and really making skyrim feel... alive. So my goal, was to transplant Skyrim Redone's perks into Requiem. Basically, SkyRe gameplay, but with the requiem, hard core gritty world feel. Leaving requiem intact enough for you to still be able to manually control the difficulty from the MCM, but being able to use Reproccer to balance in new items. That, or just use a different method of re-balancing armor and weapons then either of them that doesn't require a patch, something I've already experimented with.



    Once I've played with this some more, I'm going to review it on Skyrim MW. Are you cool with that or do you want me to hold off?

    Sure, that would be cool! ^w^ Minus one tiny typo and a possible CK derp with smithing I need to investigate, this mod is generally in perfect working order. xD


    I'll let you fix that then. I need to update my mod Simple Taxes.


    Alright, all my problems should be fixed! ^w^
  14. I have been working on a perk mod these past few weeks, kind of practice for eventually picking back up Requiem Redone.


    Anyways, I've hit a bit of a snag. The values "Skill Improve Multi, Skill Improve Offset, Skill Use Multi, and Skill Use Offset" for every single perk have gone totally nuts. Even loading up use the Skyrim.ESM for me shows these values with insane amounts (like, 300.0 Skill Improve Offset for Smithing and 0 for Archery" ) All I really need to fix this is to know the values to put in, so is there any way someone could tell me what these values are SUPPOSE to be? Because as is, creating one iron dagger levels me up about 10 times in smithing.


    To get to what I am talking about is easy, just pull up Skyrim.ESM in the CK, then;

    Character > Actor Values, then check the little red box for each thing that shows up as "skill"



    The screenshot was taken with no files loaded, which makes it shows though exact values for every skill.



    This looks very interesting. Thank you for sharing it!

    Thank you! Hey, that "screenshot hotkeys" mod in your signature, could I use it to map the screen shot button to my controller? :blink: If so I've been looking for exactly like that for ages...


    No, afraid not. It doesn't control how you take your screenshot, but it does have hotkeys for functions commonly used when taking screenshots (i.e. free cam, no HUD/menus, set weather, etc.)


    This mod does it though.


    Ahh I still might give it a shot for the weather change hotkeys, I have a really complicated weather system and everyonce and a while it derps out, having hotkeys to set the weather would be a wonderful solution to that problem, cause normally using the FW command is the only thing that fixes it when it starts like, raining with no clouds in the sky or it sounds like it's raining, I'm getting wet, but there's no visible rain at all. :blink:


    And that other mod makes a lot of really confusing changes I really don't like. xD thanks for the link though!

  16. Maybe something that lets you turn invisible for a very brief time in a balanced way? considering you can just jug the potions, that doesn't seem to broken.

    maybe have it so it turns you invisible if you are totally undetected and are in a very dark area, but it fades away the second you do anything like normal invisibility?


    This would make for fun assassinations, but wouldn't break combat.


    I personally have always had the same gripe with the "unbreakable" perk in lockpicking... =/

  17. I've put a lot of thought and effort into this, and my personal favorite, right now at least, is Vividian with Climates of Tamriel


    This combines CoT, with Supreme Storms, the CoT weather patch, Expanded Snow System, and a lot of complex lighting and weather mumbo jumbo to get it all working brilliantly together.


    I use the vivid version, and it looks quite a bit like the screenshots, very pretty. I personally don't use any of CoT night options (really dislike the "sunglasses" effect) and use Realistic Nights and Darker Dungeons for ENB instead.


    Makes days look pretty but "normal" dawn and dusk really bright and colorful, and nights and dungeons all dark and creepy.


    if you are looking for the "really intense rain and snow storms" this works great.


    Sadly, it's almost impossible to get realistic shelter to not have a "jarring transition" I've tried so many combination of weather mods, it's either way heavier, or way lighter. As much as I love the mod I've stopped using it, cause the rain coming through things is less of an issue then it going from an intense downpour I can't see 3 feet in to a light drizzle. >.<

  18. Skyrim Immersive Perks
    Unlike most perk mods on the nexus, this one is designed with simplicity in mind.
    Outside of mods that edit perks directly as well, it should have no conflicts and should require no patches.
    It re-balances armor and weapons, yet does not and will not ever need patches for armor and weapon mods.
    So long as they are properly tagged with light/heavy, one-handed/two-handed and material type so they work in Vanilla.
    Installation and Uninstallation is a breeze, it is nothing but one single ESP, no clean save is required, totally risk free!
    This mod is still in 'beta' because it has not been tested much, if you notice ANY problems please let me know.


    What does this mod do?
    It changes around all the perks in Skyrim to feel more, well, immersive. Rather then saying "increases heavy Armor by 10%+ it will say "I am a Novice at Heavy Armor and can use it to defend myself with a decent bit of skill". A great deal of thought has been put into assuring that it provides as much information as possible about the perks, but at the same time prevents it from being a mathematical calculation. It is designed so that it seems more as a list of actual skills and traits your character has gained through effort and training, rather then bonuses you've unlocked through spending level up points.

    It also rebalances some of the perks as well, some, like Two-Handed Weapons and Heavy Armor now boost those respective skills more, but the perks are unlocked at a slightly higher level and they level up slightly slower. Some of the overpowered/over abusable skill trees such as Light Armor and One-Handed Weapons have been slightly nerfed, but are still very viable to use as it takes less time to get to the good perks in these skills. Some trees, such as illusion and alteration have been buffed as well to make them more viable. In fact, illusion probably got the biggest buff of all, as I thought it was basically useless in the vanilla game, even playing a as a vampire with illusion buffng enchantments on my armor, it only effected enemies of such a low level it felt pointless to even bother using illusion spells on them. Why even bother frenzying a skeever? If you feel illusion is now overpowered, please let me know, but it should not be.

    Perhaps most importantly though, this changes the layout of the perk trees, making it so you should no longer be forced to get perks you don't want to just to unlock the ones you do want. Perks linked together, are get this, actually related perks, rather then say, speechcraft requiring "persuasive" perk to unlock the "intimidation" perk, or alchemy requiring the "benefactor" perk for the "poisoner" perk, if you are playing a character that is not nice, or does use healing, these perks are not only a waste of a valuable perk point, but unimmersive to have. Now, perk trees branch out based on the different "skill paths" your character can take. Though they don't make "shapes" as well now.

    Lastly, it changes up the Destruction and Enchanting tree, making Fire, Shock, and Frost mutually exclusive. For example, the fire spell and fire enchantment perks will lock out the shock and frost enchantment and spell mods respectively, and make your frost and shock spells/enchantments weaker. However it now buffs the spell/enchantment you pick even more. This is meant to be more immersive, as you basically never see NPCs in the game swap between elements. This does not prevent you from picking say, fire enchantments and frost magic, though I don't know why you would do that, and it also doesn't prevent the summoning of any kind of atronach nor does it weaken any of them based on what you pick.

    Check out the video for this mod in the video section to see all the changes made to the perks and perk trees.


    What doesn't this mod do?
    It doesn't add any perks. It doesn't remove any perks. it doesn't edit ANYTHING outside of the perks and perk trees. It doesn't add scripts. It doesn't add textures, meshes, or anything else. It doesn't bake anything into your save file, it doesn't require a clean save to remove. It doesn't make any of the perks do anything dramatically different. It doesn't need a patch for Armor mods, it doesn't need a patch for Weapon mods, it doesn't need a patch for Creature mods it doesn't need a patch for NPC mods, it doesn't need a patch for Spell mods, if it works with the vanilla game and does not directly edit perks or perk trees it does not conflict or require a patch with this mod, period.
    (as far as I know)


    What does this mod conflict with?
    Skyrim Redone, Requiem, ACE, SPERG, Stealth Skills Rebalanced, and anything else that edits the perks like this mod.
    I MAY come out with a patch for some of these mods in the future, but Requiem and Skyrim Redone dramatically edit every perk so it's not likely I will try those, I also have never used and know nothing about SPERG so that one isn't likely. ACE and SSR.. maybe.


    To Install:
    Download and drop "Immersive Perks.esp" into your Skyrim/Data folder
    To Uninstall:
    Delete "Immersive Perks.esp" in your Skyrim/Data folder

    Uninstall/Install Late Game?:
    If you uninstall/install this mod late in a play through and have a bunch of spent perk points, it might have odd effects as this mod changes the placement and level of some perks, so I actually suggest Ishs Respec Mod, this mod is compatible with it without the need for a patch. You can use it to reset and repick your perks if you do choose to install/uninstall this mod late in a play through.


    Art Murder - Author/Creator.


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