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Posts posted by ArtMurder

  1. Yes, you can, I use it with ENBoost! ^_^ It's somewhat simple, and just requires a bit of renaming and ini editing.


    1) Change the d3d9.dll included with whatever SweetFX mod you are using to SweetFX_d3d9.dll. Do NOT change the name of the dll included with ENBoost! (do this BEFORE installing ENBoost)

    2) Install ENBoost exactly how it describes on it's mod page, downloading the d3d9.dll from that one site it links to, then open the enblocal.ini included with ENBoost and change the Proxy section so that it looks like this; (don't change anything else outside of the proxy settings)







    // And that's it!!

  2. The plant that it is harvest from only grows in insanely hot conditions, a very, very long way away from Skyrim(in fact, pretty much as far as possible without leaving the contitent), there really is no remotely immersive way to get moons sugar easily in skyrim. you could pretty easily edit the khajiit caravans to sell MORE moon sugar though, I mean, they all like it a lot, and they traveled a LONG way, so they logically would have taken a LOT with them. XD
  3. So, I've recently decided to try this mod out, and it looked very interesting, but after spend 3~4 hours installing it, other mods to go with it, and just trying to get it to work, I've given up. I installed XPMS, and an animation mod to go with it that will not be easy to uninstall, so I am looking for something that is similar to it, if possible, that DOES NOT USE A SKY PROC PATCHER as this was the main issue I was having with that mod. For some reason, Sky Proc Patchers hate me, they constantly throw up false positives for missing masters, and these just leave me at a dead end, because I can't use the mod without the patch, and I can't fix what isn't broken to make the patch work... so, is there an alternative to this mod for people who can't/don't want to use obnoxiously unreliable Sky Proc Patchers? =3

    A lot of people swear by ENBs, because they do make the game look fantastic... when they work right. I personally don't like them very much, because they are glitchy and hit your FPS hard, so I'll suggest alternatives that aren't glitchy and don't hit your FPS! It's based of using SweetFX instead of an ENB. I get an average of about 50~55 FPS with these mods, including using high def texture mods, like 2k Textures lite and book of silence. ^_^


    I suggest Ultimate Lighting Overhaul as your SweetFX mod it is very realistic in it's design.


    To get a very ENB like look with a SweetFX mod is possible, but a little hard.


    Download Climates of Tamriel and Enhanced Lights and FX - These two together alter the lighting of the world to be super realistic and breath takingly well designed. Also, try Realistic Nights! This fixes the effect caused by CoT, where light sources barely give off any light at all, at least to some degree.


    Dynavision gives the DoF of ENB, I suggest setting it to "static" as this serves to blur our just very distant things, and doesn't have the nasty "snap" visuals of most DoF you find in ENBs.


    Also, I have a preset for ULO, that makes nights a bit darker, that is designed around these mods. I am actually mostly just linking you this for the screenshots, as it shows all these mentioned mods in action.

    ULO - Dramatic Cinematic


    Realistic Water Two is my personal favorite choice for water mods, I suggest you give it a shot! it is very realistic and pretty looking.


    And one last thing, if your shadows bug you, then look into this mod. It's actually an edit to your ini file, not a mod, but it's not to challenging. Improved Skyrim Shadows has many options from low end to high end.


    also, if the nights still don't look right, simply open up "Sweetfx_settings.txt" and look for a section that looks like this;


    / Lift Gamma Gain settings /


    #define RGB_Lift float3(0.995, 0.995, 0.995) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust shadows for Red, Green and Blue

    #define RGB_Gamma float3(0.975, 0.975, 0.980) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones for Red, Green and Blue

    #define RGB_Gain float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust highlights for Red, Green and Blue


    Edit the text in red to edit the lights and shadows.

    The top line (Lift) is shadows, the bottom line (Gain) is lights, and the center line (Gamma) is neutrally lit areas, or midtones. It's best to keep each set of numbers in a line the same, or very close to one another, or you could end up making everything look really funny colors. This comes from mine, and my blue is slightly offset because I use a mod that replaces my sun with a blue sun. ALSO, don't change the numbers insane amounts. Stick to 0.01~0.005 intervals, if you go up to say, 0.5 changes you can really make your game look freaky and weird.

    Thanks I will try these and just making sure all of these are compatible?


    Yes, this is based on my current graphics set up, and I currently use all these mods together. ^_^ I think some of them MAY require patches, CoT, but I'm not sure.
  5. A lot of people swear by ENBs, because they do make the game look fantastic... when they work right. I personally don't like them very much, because they are glitchy and hit your FPS hard, so I'll suggest alternatives that aren't glitchy and don't hit your FPS! It's based of using SweetFX instead of an ENB. I get an average of about 50~55 FPS with these mods, including using high def texture mods, like 2k Textures lite and book of silence. ^_^


    I suggest Ultimate Lighting Overhaul as your SweetFX mod it is very realistic in it's design.


    To get a very ENB like look with a SweetFX mod is possible, but a little hard.


    Download Climates of Tamriel and Enhanced Lights and FX - These two together alter the lighting of the world to be super realistic and breath takingly well designed. Also, try Realistic Nights! This fixes the effect caused by CoT, where light sources barely give off any light at all, at least to some degree.


    Dynavision gives the DoF of ENB, I suggest setting it to "static" as this serves to blur our just very distant things, and doesn't have the nasty "snap" visuals of most DoF you find in ENBs.


    Also, I have a preset for ULO, that makes nights a bit darker, that is designed around these mods. I am actually mostly just linking you this for the screenshots, as it shows all these mentioned mods in action.

    ULO - Dramatic Cinematic


    Realistic Water Two is my personal favorite choice for water mods, I suggest you give it a shot! it is very realistic and pretty looking.


    And one last thing, if your shadows bug you, then look into this mod. It's actually an edit to your ini file, not a mod, but it's not to challenging. Improved Skyrim Shadows has many options from low end to high end.


    also, if the nights still don't look right, simply open up "Sweetfx_settings.txt" and look for a section that looks like this;


    / Lift Gamma Gain settings /


    #define RGB_Lift float3(0.995, 0.995, 0.995) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust shadows for Red, Green and Blue

    #define RGB_Gamma float3(0.975, 0.975, 0.980) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones for Red, Green and Blue

    #define RGB_Gain float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust highlights for Red, Green and Blue


    Edit the text in red to edit the lights and shadows.

    The top line (Lift) is shadows, the bottom line (Gain) is lights, and the center line (Gamma) is neutrally lit areas, or midtones. It's best to keep each set of numbers in a line the same, or very close to one another, or you could end up making everything look really funny colors. This comes from mine, and my blue is slightly offset because I use a mod that replaces my sun with a blue sun. ALSO, don't change the numbers insane amounts. Stick to 0.01~0.005 intervals, if you go up to say, 0.5 changes you can really make your game look freaky and weird.

  6. Basically it comes down to this. Do you want to go with realism or freedom? Requiem is much, much harder then SkyRe (yes, you can mod SkyRe to be almost as hard as Requiem with enough effort, but you can mod requiem to be MUCH harder as well)


    SkyRe is a 'freedom' mod, and is MUCH closer to vanilla, it's basically vanilla 2.0, shifting around everything in the game just a little, to make everything a bit more balanced, and to make any character build viable, but still keeping the game feeling a LOT like the vanilla game. There are a lot of fun add in's to SkyRe, and in general it makes the game a bit easier then vanilla, but kills any 'exploits' that let you become god-like. Some people insist SkyRe is harder then vanilla, but by level 15 in SkyRe, if you know what you are doing, you can become totally untouchable, even on higher difficulties. basically, everything in SkyRe revolves around you, and letting you do what you want, and not putting up much resistance to your choices. Even if you try to make a character based of speechcraft, alteration, and smithing, you can probably do it.


    Requiem, is very far from SkyRe, and is the ultimate realism overhaul, and goes amazingly with mods like Frostfall and Realistic Needs and Diseases. It unlevels everything, and takes you from the center of the world. It has a "classic RPG or MMORPG" feel. Some enemies are simply way to powerful to fight at lower levels, some skill trees are simply not to viable for keeping yourself alive. It all has to do with logic and realism. Speechcraft will not help you kill a dragon, giant hammers and heavy armor will. Requiem makes you put yourself in your characters shoes. If you only have iron armor and weapons, trying to kill a hoard of the undead will likely end badly for you. But if you get full ebony armor and weapons, there is very little that can break through your massive skin of armor.


    it really comes down to what you find enjoyable.


    Do you enjoy doing whatever you want, and not being punished for anything, and having only a decent challenge posed by a world that revolves around your character? Then go with SkyRe

    Do you enjoy having to fight for every big of progress, and earning every piece of armor and weapon you get, in a brutal unforgiving world that is effected very little by your progress? Then go with Requiem




    Good mods that go with either of these are;


    Immersive Armors, Immersive Weapons, and Immersive Creatures for a huge variety in everything

    Locational Damage and Revenge of the Enemies to make combat realistic, hard and MUCH faster

    Warbugs Paper Map (no player cursor option) + Realistic Needs and Diseases + Frostfall + Dynamic Things + iHUD - these combined make the world feel 'alive', and are amazing for immersion and roleplaying. iHUD & Warbugs map make navigating a challenge, and RND & Frostfall make it so that you have to prepare for adventures very intelligently. it basically makes it so that 'adventuring' actually involves, well, adventuring. lol Dynamic Things just goes amazingly with Frostfall, I mostly enjoy the ability to actually wack trees with my axe to get firewood. it fully supports frostfall, and is just awesome. it also makes it so that training on dummies and target boards actually increases your skills some, which is very handy in requiem.


    People try to say requiem is hard to add mods to, but I have over 120 mods installed alongside requiem. ^_^ I have used both, and can say, they are both a ton of fun, but I prefer requiem, simply because it makes everything more challenging.


    i am currently working on a patch to combined Requiem and SkyRe, so keep your eyes open for that when it's released! =3



    This is, by and large, unintelligible. The linked page is unintelligible. I'm sure it's all well and good for people designing ENB mods and professional screen shot/YouTube video producers, but the fragmented, jumbled "directions" could be translated for the rest of us. All I gathered is that these are tweaks specific to the quad-SLI ENB crowd, and not anything 99% of the community could use.


    "I was wondering, how do I check to see if this is working." That sums up my concerns rather succinctly.


    Now the pro modders can start with the flaming....

    Well, eventually this should be worked into SKSE HOPEFULLY, as a feature you can easily turn on and off at will with a simple ini edit, until then, if you aren't capable of deciphering that page yourself, all you can do is hope and wait it seems. The user behind it has been known for basically refusing to let people use anything done by them, unless they do it in the completely unnecessarily overly complicated confusing way they insist on it being done, and I totally agree, that the page from the modder trying to describe how to do it is basically gibberish, and the actual steps you have to take to do it are buried deep in a massive wall of crap that is barely even relevant... The user behind ENBs is very bad about this kind of thing, they are very intelligent, and know how to make some amazing edits to skyrim, but they seem to thoroughly enjoy making things as awkward and inconvenient for everyone else as possible, and it is very... annoying to say the least, and a major reason behind why I 'boycott' ENBs... I'm lucky I was able to download a precomplied version someone uploaded before it got taken down, because otherwise this patch, while useful, is no where near worth the effort or trying to decipher that massive page of ramblings. x_x Basically the only difference I noticed at all is allowing me to set uGrids to load from 5 to 7 or 9, which has very little actual effect on the game at all... Though nothing else has been able to make uGrids editing stable, so that one thing is impressive to some degree at least. Other then that, everything it does can be accomplished by simple mods that require nothing more then downloading them. xD


    Well....it really isn't all that difficult if you are hoping to read. But since no one will compile it for themselves, use this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50305/?

    It does the exact same thing as the memory patch without editing the skse files. Some antiviruses went a little haywire but just exclude the file from scanning.

    And before you say "oh is dis l3g!t$?????1//?" This is by the author of the memory patch from Fallout: New Vegas. So just go try it.


    My point is that even if it was worth all that effort to compile it myself, what could be explained in a simple step by step guide, is instead made ten times more difficult for no reason whatsoever, instead they hide each step randomly, in an utterly massive wall of text including large amounts of information that simply doesn't matter. I simply do not have the time to spend two hours reading an insane wall of text talking mostly in jargen I don't understand, requiring me to download programs I don't use, and filtering through tons and tons of information that simply holds no relevance to me or my skyrim modding experience whatsoever.


    Also, I am highly insulted by your "is it legit" comment, for one, anything that has over 100 endorsements is obviously legitimate, anyone with a brain can tell you this, that file has more endorsements then every mod I've uploaded to this site combined, and for another I use correct grammar and spelling to the best of my ability, so your totally random, over the top, insulting method of typing that statement is just flat out unnecessary and rude, and does nothing at all to help make your point. And lastly, I have seen that file before, in fact, multiple times, and is not really relevant to anything I was talking about whatsoever. Mostly because, I already clearly stated I already downloaded a precompiled version of this patch, so what do I have need for a version that will likely cause issues with my overly protective virus scanner when I have a working version installed already, and for the most part I was talking about the page that user was talking about, and the user who posted it in specific, not the patch itself in any way, shape, form or fashion.

  8. This is, by and large, unintelligible. The linked page is unintelligible. I'm sure it's all well and good for people designing ENB mods and professional screen shot/YouTube video producers, but the fragmented, jumbled "directions" could be translated for the rest of us. All I gathered is that these are tweaks specific to the quad-SLI ENB crowd, and not anything 99% of the community could use.


    "I was wondering, how do I check to see if this is working." That sums up my concerns rather succinctly.


    Now the pro modders can start with the flaming....

    Well, eventually this should be worked into SKSE HOPEFULLY, as a feature you can easily turn on and off at will with a simple ini edit, until then, if you aren't capable of deciphering that page yourself, all you can do is hope and wait it seems. The user behind it has been known for basically refusing to let people use anything done by them, unless they do it in the completely unnecessarily overly complicated confusing way they insist on it being done, and I totally agree, that the page from the modder trying to describe how to do it is basically gibberish, and the actual steps you have to take to do it are buried deep in a massive wall of crap that is barely even relevant... The user behind ENBs is very bad about this kind of thing, they are very intelligent, and know how to make some amazing edits to skyrim, but they seem to thoroughly enjoy making things as awkward and inconvenient for everyone else as possible, and it is very... annoying to say the least, and a major reason behind why I 'boycott' ENBs... I'm lucky I was able to download a precomplied version someone uploaded before it got taken down, because otherwise this patch, while useful, is no where near worth the effort or trying to decipher that massive page of ramblings. x_x Basically the only difference I noticed at all is allowing me to set uGrids to load from 5 to 7 or 9, which has very little actual effect on the game at all... Though nothing else has been able to make uGrids editing stable, so that one thing is impressive to some degree at least. Other then that, everything it does can be accomplished by simple mods that require nothing more then downloading them. xD

  9. Well, to be blunt, because you are doing it wrong! Requiem is kind if incorrectly named, it's not so much a "roleplaying" overhaul, as a "realism" overhaul. If you think about it realistically, undead hoards and 8 foot spiders would be freakishly hard for anyone but the most skilled combatants to face. And besides, bleak falls barrow HAS to be hard. Why? because it's the quest that kicks of dragons, and dragons are INSANELY powerful in requiem, and you don't want them to start appearing until you are around level 25. I have been playing my requiem based install for around 65 hours, and I am level 15, and only just recently got good enough to start taking out dungeons full of the undead. It's probably a good ida to increase the damage dealt/received to 125%


    Oh, and by the way, no, the author of requiem likely never make an unleveled system, this is the core of requiem, and would basically make it an entirely different mod.


    Also, by the way, I am working on a mod to combined the best of requiem and skyre. It is based on requiem, but uses SkyRe's perk, magic, and weapon system. ^_^ So keep an eye out for that!



    Check this video out.

  10. I'm really confused by this, every time I encounter a lock, the area that unlocks it is ALWAYS right at the top, basically making the locks not locked at all... I don't really understand what is causing this, nothing else I have installed touches locks =[


    Active Mod Files:

    00  Skyrim.esm
    01  Update.esm
    02  Dawnguard.esm
    03  HearthFires.esm
    04  Dragonborn.esm
    05  ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
    06  Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
    07  SPIKE.esm
    08  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 1.2.3a]
    09  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp  [Version 1.1.1a]
    0A  Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp  [Version 1.0a]
    0B  Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.2]
    0C  Isharas_HearthfireLogUpdatePatch.esp
    0D  Chesko_Frostfall.esp
    0E  Equipping Overhaul.esp
    0F  _001_StashSacks.esp
    10  AOS.esp
    11  Thundering Shouts.esp
    12  mintylightningmod.esp
    13  MintyLightningMod_COT_Patch.esp
    14  FantasySoundtrackProject.esp
    15  StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
    16  fine goods from morrowind.esp
    17  Dead Body Collision.esp
    18  SkyFalls - Distant Waterfall Overhaul.esp
    19  Dragonborn HD Ultra.esp
    1A  EnhancedWetnessandPuddles.esp
    1B  HARODATH_ImmersiveSoulgems.esp
    1C  HoldBorderBanners.esp
    1D  hqsnow.esp
    1E  Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-2.esp
    1F  Long lost smelters by Hyralux.esp
    20  Point The Way.esp  [Version 1.0.2]
    21  Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2.0 non glow.esp
    22  SDO Full-LOD - Giant Campfires.esp
    23  Skyhighrim.esp
    24  Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp  [Version v6.1.3]
    25  Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp  [Version v6.1.3]
    26  Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
    27  WetandCold.esp
    28  WetandCold - Ashes.esp
    29  DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp
    2A  Footprints.esp
    2B  RaceMenu.esp
    2C  SkyUI.esp
    2D  iHUD.esp
    2E  TKDodge.esp
    2F  Cloaks.esp
    30  Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
    31  1nivWICCloaks.esp  [Version 2.3]
    32  1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp  [Version 2.3]
    33  hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
    34  aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp
    35  Immersive Weapons.esp
    36  ImmersiveArmorsNPCs.esp
    37  Requiem.esp
    38  Requiem - Resources.esp
    39  Requiem - Hard Times.esp
    3A  Requiem - Potions Weight.esp
    3B  Requiem - Vanilla Torches.esp
    3C  Requiem - Immersive Weapons.esp
    3D  Requiem - SIC Patch - ARMOR .esp
    3E  Requiem - Dragonborn.esp
    3F  Requiem - Immersive Armors.esp
    40  Requiem - SIC Patch.esp
    41  Requiem - SIC Patch - DLC2.esp
    42  Requiem - HearthFires.esp
    43  REQ - BCS Patch.esp
    ----> Delinquent MASTER: Book Covers Skyrim.esp
    44  OBIS.esp
    45  OBISDB.esp
    46  Book Covers Skyrim.esp
    47  Book Covers Dawnguard.esp
    48  Book Covers Hearthfire.esp
    49  Book Covers Dragonborn.esp
    4A  ImmersiveFP.esp
    4B  Invisible Body Parts.esp
    4C  Rebirth Monster.esp
    4D  SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp
    4E  dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
    4F  dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
    50  EBT- Dg - Db - SIC.esp
    51  wizDynamicThings.esp
    52  Dont_Steal_My_Crops.esp
    53  SoS - The Dungeons.esp  [Version 1.23]
    54  SoS - The Wilds.esp  [Version 1.13]
    55  SoS - Civilization.esp  [Version 1.02]
    56  Aetherius.esp
    57  EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
    58  ELFX - Exteriors.esp
    59  ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp
    5A  ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp
    5B  AOS_CoT 3.1 compatibility patch.esp
    5C  Locational Damage.esp
    5D  ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hardcore.esp
    5E  ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp
    5F  ClimatesOfTamriel-VanillaNights-Lvl-2.esp
    60  Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp
    61  ELFXEnhancer.esp
    62  NoEyeAdaptation - Climates of Tamriel.esp
    63  SoS - The Dungeons-PatchCoTHardcore.esp
    64  SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoT.esp
    65  SoS - Civilization-PatchCoT.esp
    66  RealisticNights+COT+DB+DG.esp
    67  RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp
    68  RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp
    69  RND_HearthFires-Patch.esp
    6A  RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp
    6B  RND_Requiem-Patch.esp
    6C  RND_USKP-Patch.esp
    6D  The Dance of Death - Dawnguard Edition.esp
    6E  Sit Anywhere.esp
    6F  Animations.esp
    70  Beards.esp
    71  Brows.esp
    72  DeadlyMutilation.esp
    73  Requiem and Deadly Mutilation - Hard Times.esp
    74  AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
    75  Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp  [Version 2.3.3b]
    76  Gri_BeastFeet.esp
    77  No More Glowing Edges.esp
    78  RealisticWaterTwo.esp
    79  RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp
    7A  Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Texture 2.esp
    7B  warburg's 3d paper world map - dawnguard.esp
    7C  Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Dragonborn.esp
    7D  Bashed Patch, 0.esp

  11. Yeah, requiem nerfs anything remotely abuseable, alchemy is still very powerful, but the alchemy/enchanting/smithing loop is very much dead, they are intentionally designed so that alchemy can't assist much at all in enchanting or alchemy, enchanting can't help much at all with alchemy and smithing, and smithing obviously can't help at all with alchemy or enchanting XD


    I suggest getting the patch that reweighs potions so that potions weigh more/less based on how good they are. ^_^

  12. I don't find realistic unfair, but then again, I play my game 'super hardcore'. I use requiem, with the damage turned up 50%, and Locational Damage, and Revenge of the Enemies for the basic core of my game as is, so "to hard" isn't in my modding language XD Also, most enemies don't trigger an attack until, say, ten meters away, and if you are carrying a torch then they can see you from like, 100+ meters away easily. It's like, a giant glowing beacon screaming "HERE I AM COME SMACK ME OVER THE HEAD WITH A HAMMER AND TAKE MY GOLD" ... Now a mod that realistic adjusted how enemies see you in the dark would be an awesome idea though, but again, the game already kinda does this to a slight extent, while it doesn't care about the ambient light, if there is basically no light being cast on you, then enemies are less likely to attack you because you are 'hidden', BUT skyrim's sneaking/hiding system is far from perfect, so an in-depth overhaul of how enemies target in dark situations would be an awesome mod idea. Some enemies, like khajiit, vampires, werewolves, etc, should logically be able to see you just fine at night, regardless.


    Sadly, this would require scripting, and my skills end at the ability to make and edit textures and patch and combine mods. =[ Scripting is way out of my league.

  13. I've been working on getting 'perfect' nights for a while. I personally use CoT level 2 for outdoor lighting, Enhanced Lighting and FX for indoor lighting, the ULO preset I just linked you to, and Realistic Nights. If I don't have a torch I get maybe 2~3 meters of visibility at night, but 5~ish meters of decent visibility with a torch, in dungeons, if there are no light sources my screen is literally pitch black (I was going for this though, I like making skyrim a survival horror game, lol) but pull out a torch and I get a good 5~ish meters of good visibility.


    The only issue I have with this is, anything that's solid white, like snow, or some trees, has a slight 'glow in the dark' effect to it I'm not to fond of.. This seems to be caused by Realistic Nights though I believe.

  14. well, your question is kind of oximoronic... "realistic" dark night in a world without electricity kind of implies pitch black if there are no lights present... have you ever gone far from a city and walked outside in the middle of the night? It's pitch black. lol

    ANYWAYS, you probably want something like ULO. It's a sweetfx mod, which is an after effect shader, so it won't work if you have an ENB (but it's nothing like an ENB, it keeps your FPS intact and can run on low power machines perfectly fine)

    Here is a link to it;

    Here is a link to a preset I made for it that is specifically designed for realistically dark nights

    also, if the nights still don't look right, simply open up "Sweetfx_settings.txt" and look for a section that looks like this;
    / Lift Gamma Gain settings /
    #define RGB_Lift float3(0.995, 0.995, 0.995) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust shadows for Red, Green and Blue
    #define RGB_Gamma float3(0.975, 0.975, 0.980) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones for Red, Green and Blue
    #define RGB_Gain float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust highlights for Red, Green and Blue


    Edit the text in red to edit the lights and shadows.

    The top line (Lift) is shadows, the bottom line (Gain) is lights, and the center line (Gamma) is neutrally lit areas, or midtones. It's best to keep each set of numbers in a line the same, or very close to one another, or you could end up making everything look really funny colors. This comes from mine, and my blue is slightly offset because I use a mod that replaces my sun with a blue sun. ALSO, don't change the numbers insane amounts. Stick to 0.01~0.005 intervals, if you go up to say, 0.5 changes you can really make your game look freaky and weird.



    OH, and lastly, CoT has a LOT of options for darker nights, they are by FAR not all the same, I use CoT combined with the above mod and ELFX to make my nights super realistic (though they are very dark, you can easily edit that with the SweetFX mod I mentioned above) I highly suggest you give it a second shot. ^_^ Realistic Nights also goes great with CoT, it makes the light sources look more like they actually emit light again. lol

  15. This would be somewhat simple, minus the need for voice acting. Simply have certain characters run a check on the character for the mask, and if the check comes back positive, then kick of the quest. making sure they don't send you to a dragon priest you already defeated would be the trick. ^_^


    This would likely require most of the work to be in scripting and quest work, as well as some voice acting.

  16. Well that has never happened to me before, maybe you turned on some weird setting? I constantly change files around in wrye bash and and rearrange my load order, and I have never experienced anything like that before. ^-^ it has always been super reliable and it's never done anything remotely like that to me!
  17. I'm not sure your issue is what you think it is; I have a gut feeling there's something else going on to effect light sources like that, but I can say for sure that I would troubleshoot ELFX before COT, as... well, it's Enhanced LIGHTS and FX. I have COT and had for a long time, then installed ELFX and I noticed a change, but all my light sources behave properly, unlike yours.

    The issue is a known issue of COT's darker night options. Also, COT is indeed a lighting mod as much as a weather mod, it modifies outdoor lights a lot, and ELFX modifies mostly just indoor lights, and I am experiencing this issue only outdoors and not indoors, so it is pretty clear it's COT. ^_^ if you aren't experiencing it, then I would like to know some other mods you are using with it so maybe I can fix it as well, if you are using the darker nights options. If you are not using dark nights, then you are simply not going to experience this issue anyways. XD Also, I have only started using ELFX on my most recent play through, and have always encountered this issue, though as I said, ELFX does seem to make it worse.
  18. I've been using WryeBash for a long time and NEVER NEVER once had it do ANYTHING to my load order without me directly telling it to. Wrye Bash is actually super super good for load order management, and I highly suggest you use it over NMM. I personally hate NMM exactly for the reason you are talking about, it does a lot of confusing things for no reason and without being told, and doesn't work right half the time lol Wrye Bash is super reliable and all around awesome. I generally really dislike mod managers, but Wrye Bash is different. ^_^ If you know how to use it right, it's a godsend! If you don't know how to use it right, it can be a bit of a pain though, it does have a lot of weird options, and clicking the wrong one by accident will make it do some weird stuff, and this can be the result of people thinking it does weird stuff.. which it does... if you click the wrong button! lol
  19. Alright, I did a total re-install of this patch, and also added in ENBoost, removed safetyload, and made a few tweaks to my ini as well as a few other adjustments here and there, and it seems to be working now. before, setting ugrids to even 7 was a CTD within about 5 minutes. now, 7 is no different from 5, and I was able to run around for about 20 minutes with it set to 11 with only a few 'soft freezes' that unfroze after about a two seconds. BUUT then I got near windhelm... I started getting softfreezes every 30 seconds or so, terrible lag, and then suddenly, when it unfroze one time, form nowhere THIS happened. o__O I've never seen anything like this before.








    I changed it back down to 9, and will see how that goes....

  20. So, I am using CoT (level 2 nights) and ELFX, my game looks stunning, with very realistic lights and darkness, BUT, light sources at night in exteriors are not bright AT ALL. I can hold up a torch, and it doesn't even light the ground under my feet. Objects about 3 feet in front of me become SLIGHTLY more visible, but it's barely even worth it, considering hoe INSANELY dark it is at night, this just makes being outside at night impossible. Being in dungeons is perfectly fine, torches light up about a 10 foot radius around me just fine, and can make a room go from pitch black to clearly visible. I have tried tweaking the torch itself to make it as bright as possible, but it's still basically casting no light at night. Does anyone know of a mod that can make exterior lights with CoT not so blotted out without effecting the actually level of darkness? This issue has become so problematic, I'm considering uninstalling CoT just to fix it, because it makes night time travel a physical impossibility... I'd like to point out, it's not just the torches it's all light sources, some, like my campfire set up by Frostfall cast decent amounts of light, but I can still only see in about a 6 foot radius around my campfire, which is considerably less then the light cast by just a torch in interiors...


    by the way, ENBs are basically not an option, I have tried over a dozen of them and all of them have dramatic visual glitches that way outweigh any positive effects they give, maybe other people are okay with this, but I am not. I do however use SweetFX, my own slightly tweaked version of ULO, so if there is a way I can fix it with that then that's great.

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