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Posts posted by ArtMurder

  1. All of requiems changes may sound off at first, but they compliment the game nicely. Enemies feel balanced for there level, if you are level 5, a level 20 troll will kick your butt, but if you are level 20 it's a very fair, balanced fight with the same troll. It goes great with realism mods, like frostfall and RND, and makes for a great "classic" RPG feel. I have spent probably 6 months perfecting an install based around requiem, and it makes the game insanely fun and challenging, but never makes it feel annoying. I to dislike mods that make the game "harder" by just increasing enemies health and damage and/or spawning a dozen more enemies in every room. Many of these get harder as you progress, making you feel weaker as you level up, playing requiem you feel your character level up, you really feel stronger by the time you reach level 20.


    Also, almost all of requiem's extra features can be turned off and on in it's mod menu! it's highly costumizable. if you do no want to make a complex a load order yourself, and just want to install a couple mods and have an entirely new, challenging, RPG experience, I highly suggest requiem!


    But, I am slightly bias towards, being that it is one of my all time favorite mods. ^_^


    Don't get the Erekeil dungeon mod if your a sneak type character.


    He just places NPC's in a dungeon that just stand there and stare in one direction. Annoying and stupid.


    That's a problem with your installation not the mod


    Most likely not, the NPCs added by his mods are very basic. I use his mod in one of my installs as well, and I can clearly see some NPCs that just stand there doing nothing at all. As he said though, unless you are playing a sneak character, you will NOT even notice this, because they will react to your presence once they detect you and start moving around.


    If you are looking for something that just adds in more spawns to smash over the head, it's no big deal at all.


    Also, it is basically impossible to install the mod wrong.... it's just an ESP and a BSA...


    yeah, skyrim literally explodes automatically if you hit 256 mods, so avoiding closing in on that number is suggested. I usually find that running about 175~ish mods is a good "butter zone" for having lots-o-mods and not causing to much stress, though if you are running a lot of non stressful mods you can get up to 255 with no issues, it's still risky to push your luck, and a lot of your mods are complex.


    If you can't track down your CTD, I would try removing and resintalling Shlongs of skyrim and see if it does anything, as it's a challenging mod to install 100% correctly. The time I had serious issues with it I was trying to combine it and UNP BBP + the option to have both active on my character at once, which caused my game to glitch and melt down like crazy despite it being advertised as working fine. BUT if your issue was skeleton related you would get CTDs constantly no matter where you were at, when you equip certain clothing items, removing clothing, etc. If you can literally stand in place and do nothing in certain areas and get a CTD, and do whatever the hell you wan in others and get no CTDs, then this issue is most likely not related to your skeletons or body mods!

    EDIT, also, make sure you install this, or the pure SKSE version, this is a bit easier to install



    This increases skyrim's memory ceiling dramatically, when combined with ENBoost it will stop all memory related patches as long as you have NOT changed uGridsToLoad. If you change uGridsToLoad you basically have to uninstall every single other mod in your load order to get it stable, it SAYS you can, but I would personally never, ever, ever touch that option, as even if it works perfectly, it can cause quests to explode.

    Oh great, thanks for the link! I'll go ahead and install that right now. I have something called Safety Load already, could I possibly use both Safety Load and SSME?


    I also I noticed that SSME implements 'Sheson's Memory Patch'; there is a thread here that was giving great testimonials about Sheson's Skyrim Memory patch, and how it greatly reduced the amount of CTDs; since SSME mentioned implementing Sheson's memory patch, should I not bother with the link I mentioned above? Thanks again for all your advice!


    To my knowledge, SSME implement those features itself. There is not likely to be any negative effect of using them with it, but also not likely to be any positive effect. ENBoost and SSME (or one of the other means of accomplishing the same thing, SSME is just the simplest) is basically all you need. I only use these two, and I use around 170 mods, LOTS of very high def textures for everything in the game, increased spawns and NPC amounts, lots of script heavy mods, absolute max graphic settings, ini edits to further dramatically increase the graphics settings, an ENB, SweetFX, I really couldn't push my system more, and I still get a solid 45~55 FPS and no CTDs, so in my opinion anything else added with the soul purpose of improving stability is just unnecessary. Try looking up the "skyrim stability guide" I dunno if it's out of date or how good it is, but some people swear by it, it basically just gives you tips on how to not destabilize skyrim with certain mod combinations, or ini edits!

  4. generally,skyrim guides are going to be useless for modded skyrim period. You can't have your cake and eat it too in this situation sadly. Personally, I don't see where skyrim needs a guide, it is a very simple, user friendly game out of the box, just avoid mods like Requiem if you are not an incredibly skilled gamer!


    I have personally never used CWO, as mods that mess with the civil war quest line usually glitch out sooner or later, so I can't actually tell you if it has a very dramatic effect on the game. ^_^ but the best answer is "probably"

  5. yeah, skyrim literally explodes automatically if you hit 256 mods, so avoiding closing in on that number is suggested. I usually find that running about 175~ish mods is a good "butter zone" for having lots-o-mods and not causing to much stress, though if you are running a lot of non stressful mods you can get up to 255 with no issues, it's still risky to push your luck, and a lot of your mods are complex.


    If you can't track down your CTD, I would try removing and resintalling Shlongs of skyrim and see if it does anything, as it's a challenging mod to install 100% correctly. The time I had serious issues with it I was trying to combine it and UNP BBP + the option to have both active on my character at once, which caused my game to glitch and melt down like crazy despite it being advertised as working fine. BUT if your issue was skeleton related you would get CTDs constantly no matter where you were at, when you equip certain clothing items, removing clothing, etc. If you can literally stand in place and do nothing in certain areas and get a CTD, and do whatever the hell you wan in others and get no CTDs, then this issue is most likely not related to your skeletons or body mods!

    EDIT, also, make sure you install this, or the pure SKSE version, this is a bit easier to install



    This increases skyrim's memory ceiling dramatically, when combined with ENBoost it will stop all memory related patches as long as you have NOT changed uGridsToLoad. If you change uGridsToLoad you basically have to uninstall every single other mod in your load order to get it stable, it SAYS you can, but I would personally never, ever, ever touch that option, as even if it works perfectly, it can cause quests to explode.

  6. "sands of time" might do what you are wanting, but it has a TON of random confusing features, and populates the dungeons in a sorta cheap way that is not fun for sneak characters at all.


    ASIS is one of the best, which does what sands of time does with generic spawns, but better, without all the other features(which may be good or bad), basically just adding in more vanilla spawns based on a configurable spawn system. You can have it spawn more similar enemies, or just spawn totally random enemies. It also has a wonderful feature that will add mod added spells to enemy NPCs and make them use them! Skyrim Immersive Creatures is my personal favorite though, which adds in lots of new, interesting enemies, as well as increases the number of spawns in general. it makes tombs pretty challenging. It has a lore friendly version if you are into that, but the non-lore friendly version is still pretty lore friendly, nothing "feels" out of place, like some of the enemies in the Monster Mod which just feel really really our of place in the game. I personally suggest not even skimming through the new monsters added, and just let them be a surprise.


    Also, if you have Arachnophobia, or just really dislike those gosh darn frostbite spiders, SiC has an option to turn off ALL spider spawns, as well as turning off many of it's more annoying spawns. I suggest setting reiklings to "solsthiem only" as they are very high level enemies and will whip your butt if you wonder into the snow below level 20, their spawns are WAY to abundant. (my only complaint about the mod really) SiC also has a very costumizable cell reset system, allowing you to make cells respawn very fast, very slow, or manually respawn every cell in the game by just waiting 1 hour, which is GREAT if you use mods like frostfall and RND and can't wait 30 in game days to reset everything without disabling half your load order XD

  7. WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esm - is a VERY broken and unplayable mod, and is infamous for causing mass CTDs outdoors, sadly. I suggest uninstalling it, rebuilding your bashed patch, and making a new character. There is no salvaging a save that has used this mod.


    You need to use ENBoost as well as the SKSE memory patch fix if you are running that many mods. I also suggest removing the HD texture packs and replacing them with the lite version of 2k textures, as those look better and have lower res textures. Book of silence is great for the armor, but I don't think it comes in as low res a version as 2k textures lite. The HD textures require special steps for removal, you need to deleted the ESPs and the BSAs, adn then edit either your skyrim.ini or skyrimprefs.ini (I forget which one) to remove them from the list of BSAs skyrim should auto-load.

    Also, you are using a lot of very complex incredibly script heavy mods. if you want to focus more on the "sexy" mods, cut down on every other script related mod you can, like footprints, frostfall, wet and cold, etc, cause skyrim can't handle tons and tons of scripts all at once. In addition these mods are very finicky, and can cause a lot of issues if not installed 100% correctly, it is a good idea to install them one at a time and get them working correctly and then move onto the next one. I have had CTD issues caused by Schlongs of Skyrim before as well I could never track down or fix them except by totally removing it, and other times I've had it work flawlessly.
  8. Alright, I found it! apparently the error was in the Immersive WEAPONS patch for requiem. it had the "null reference" error that I constantly see with patches made using TES5Edit for her outfit, I just copied over the requiem outfit and it's fixed..


    But now my game still hangs on the main menu screen when I use the IA for requiem add-on that adds armors to NPCs... I wonder if it requires the immersive armors for NPCs mod, despite it being incredibly outdated, not being mentioned anywhere in the mod description or download section and not being a master?... That seems very inconvenient if that is the case...

  9. I do have a save file right before I enter for the first time... until I can gt my game to launch again though I can't really test it anymore though. The resetinventory command will be handy to know though, thanks!

    I have tracked down the issue, the esp Requiem - Immersive Armors - Addon.esp from this mod


    seems to be causing it somehow? removing it makes my game run normally... it does not mention or require that mod in any way, it's quite confusing...


    EDIT; Okay WOW, so she's still naked even with the above ESP disabled and the other IA patch, so apparently it has nothing to do with the IA for NPCs mods... I tried the reset inventory thing, I loaded a save before ever entering dragonsreach, I tried disabling and enabling her, nothing worked.

  10. I do sometimes use TES5Edit to make manual patches, but I am pretty sure i have not made one for anything involving weapons/armor do to the finickiness of requiem. I ran tes5edit with all mods selected accept the IA patch in question, and it gave no errors.


    I'm gunna try and disable immersive armors related mods/patches see if I can get any response, but seeing as I updated every single one of them just yesterday i don't see how they could be causing the issue... I've skimmed through every one of my mods and can't find anything that should be reliant on that patch. And as has been mentioned, if it was a dependency thing, it would be a CTD, and it's not.

  11. Okay, I can't figure this out. Removing the esp for the outdated immersive armors for NPC's mod makes my game stall on the main menu screen. it shows the skyrim logo, but doesn't play the music, and doesn't pull up the "load/new game/etc" options. It doesn't CTD, and my task manager says skyrim is still running, not frozen. Nothing lists it as a master, I have rebuilt my bashed patch, I can not track down what is causing this. Re-enabling it makes it launch normally.... It's just baffling.


    I would get if it wigged out on me loading a save, but that's not what it's doing. I've honestly never had this happen before, I've gotten plenty of CTDs on launch, and gotten freezes on loads, but this is just baffling, especially considering this mod is basically just a patch to an existing mod that isn't even there, it's totally baffling that removing it would break my game more then having it in.... I can't just continue with it enable either. x_x

  12. Could you do a more high def version/update of the Deadmau5 helmet?


    I have NO mesh experience, and the blockiness of the ears bugs me, also, the eyes are kinda funky


    A basic texture in one color is all I need, I can do the rest, but I can't fit textures to the mesh. As I said, zero mesh knowledge XD


    Also, sticking it on a stick and making it into a hammer would be awesome...


    I would love you forever if you did. @-@ I know you said no "edits" but this is more of a fix, and is probably something different and fun to work with, also, probably not to hard. XD

  13. Anyone know of a good, low impact ENB that will NOT make nights darker? I play a werewolf, and so I spend a lot of my play sessions running around at night (and many of the more popular ENBs make that rather difficult). Don't have a powerful computer, but would love to make my Skyrim nights more colorful and vibrant, you know? If not an ENB, and other suggestions on how I could accomplish this?

    Try a SweetFX mod, those use up a lot less resources then ENB, and can be edited very easily to have less dark nights or more vibrant color if you can't find one that suites you!

  14. Yeah, trust me I know to check the upload fate of the file itself, not the dates on the description page. XP


    And no, those are not the patches I am using. I am using the ones designed for requiem, because, at least to my knowledge, those patches do not work with requiem, being that they edit NPCs directly, which would conflict with requiem which touches every NPC in the game. I am using the ones specifically designed for Requiem.


    I am using this patch, plus the additional option it has to add IA and IW items to NPCs.


    both files were last updated april 29th, 2014, quite some time after the 7.1 release of IA


    Though, that makes me think, I will double check and make sure the patch you are talking about hasn't worked it's way into my load order by accident, I am 90% certain it has not. if it has, that is likely the issue, I will remove it right away.


    EDIT; WOW, it seems that the mod you linked to DID end up in my load order and I had no clue it was there. I wonder how that happened... Let's see if that checks out. I also noticed that immersive weapons released another updated I didn't realize, which explains an invisible bow I found, being that I am using the newest requiem patch.


    Pretty sure that is what is causing this issue. I feel so silly now.


    EDIT2; Now this is odd, removing that esp makes my game freeze on the main menu screen... I can think of no reason that should be happening, nothing has it as a master, I rebuilt my bashed patch... >.< Nothing lower then it in my load order even has anything to do with immersive armors.

  15. IA NPC patch is no longer supported. A few records in IA changed in 7.1 and IA NPC patch has not been updated for a long time so some of it's records no longer conform to IA (it should be uninstalled, unless you want to repair the error records yourself). The error record in the IA NPC patch could cause NPCs to show up naked. Having said that, I am *fairly* certain that it does not alter Irilith's outift. The best way to determine if any of your mods changes Irilith's outfit is to load them all up in TE5Edit 1) check to see what outfit Irilith is wearing (found in her NPC record) and if any mod has edited her and gave her a different outfit, and if not, 2) check that outfit list and see if any mod has edited the outfit assigned to her.

    Hmm, but all the various patches I installed have been updated more recently then IA itself? How do I tell what outfit she is wearing? I'm not particularly skilled at that kind of thing. Also, TES5Edit is not a program I enjoy using, apparently it hates me, as everyone else insists it works great, but it corrupts the hell out of mods I try and edit with it about 1/3rd of the time, so I tend to avoid using it unless I absolutely have to.


    also, I had IA 7, and updated to 7.1 hoping it would fix this issue... it did not, so I can confirm this issue existed in both 7 and 7.1. So far I have noticed no other NPCs with this glitch, but I have only been running this test character for about 45 minutes, I have seen at least 5~7 new suits of armor on various NPCs, though a number of them were added by Inconsequential NPCs with the IA enhancement pack.


    i would much rather manually fix my the issue then just remove IA for NPCs, as that would throw off my immersion quite a bit to have those armors exist in abundance, but have no one of importance using them.


    Are you sure the issue couldn't be cause by failing to update her outfit after updating the mods? As I said, I was using version 7 of IA and the patches for it, I updated it and all the patches hoping it would fix it, reload a save before she was ever loaded, disabled and renabled her, I can't think of anything else I could do, but I suppose it's possible that is cuaisng the issue


    Also, I remember an issue existing in one of the old versions of one of the patches that made one of the armors sets equip nothing on the NPC, like what I am experiencing.

  16. So, ireliteh, or however you spell it, the dark elf who guard the jarl in dragonsreach in whiterun, is naked. She has weapons, but no armor on. I've tried updating Immersive armors, the IA NPC patch, IA requiem patch, but nothing seems to fix it. it's really quite annoying. I've tried disabling her and re-enabling her, and other various things. Do I have to restart my character to fix this glitch? I can't tell what type of armor she has on, because killing her doesn't kill her, just knocks her down to her knees.


    I honestly am at a total loss as to what is causing this if not immersive armors. My load order is WAY to finicky to try the "disable everything till something works" especially sense it seems that the item is just not in her inventory, so that even if I hit the right mods are I wouldn't be able to tell...


    Active Mod Files:

    00  Skyrim.esm
    01  Update.esm
    02  Dawnguard.esm
    03  HearthFires.esm
    04  Dragonborn.esm
    05  RaceCompatibility.esm
    06  daymoyl.esm
    07  Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
    08  ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
    09  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 1.2.3a]
    0A  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp  [Version 1.1.1a]
    0B  Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp  [Version 1.0a]
    0C  Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.2]
    0D  _001_StashSacks.esp
    0E  Brows.esp
    0F  ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp
    10  ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp
    11  AHZmoreHUD.esp  [Version 2.1.1]
    12  Animations.esp
    13  TKDodge.esp
    14  Chesko_WearableLantern.esp
    15  NoEyeAdaptation - Climates of Tamriel.esp
    16  Dragonborn HD Ultra.esp
    17  chfshPlayerVoicesets.esp
    18  SkyUI.esp
    19  AdditionalMusicProject.esp
    1A  PumpingIron.esp
    1B  Beards.esp
    1C  Footprints.esp
    1D  EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
    1E  You Hunger.esp
    1F  Requiem.esp
    20  ELFX - Exteriors.esp
    21  HARODATH_ImmersiveSoulgems.esp
    22  ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hardcore.esp
    23  ELFX - Dragonborn.esp
    24  ELFX - Dawnguard.esp
    25  Dont_Steal_My_Crops.esp
    26  EnhancedWetnessandPuddles.esp
    27  FantasySoundtrackProject.esp
    28  Unique Grasses.esp
    29  Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
    2A  hqsnow.esp
    2B  Sit Anywhere.esp
    2C  Immersive NPC in the dark.esp
    2D  iHUD.esp
    2E  JZBai_CrossbowManualReload.esp
    2F  No Secunda.esp
    30  ImmersiveFP.esp
    31  Isharas_HearthfireLogUpdatePatch.esp
    32  ImportantInformationOverhaul.esp
    33  SMIM-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp
    34  WSCO - OcciFemaleVNL.esp
    35  WSCO - OcciMaleVNL.esp
    36  Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-2.esp
    37  Locational Damage.esp
    38  MintyLightningMod_COT_Patch.esp
    39  BFSEffects.esp
    3A  No More Glowing Edges.esp
    3B  RaceMenu.esp
    3C  Requiem - Resources.esp
    3D  SMIM-DungeonsCliffsIceSkirts.esp
    3E  Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
    3F  AOS.esp
    40  FireAndIceOverhaul.esp
    41  dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
    42  dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
    43  AOS2_EBT Patch.esp
    44  AOS2_CoT3_1_patch.esp
    45  Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof_DG_DR.esp
    46  Requiem - Hard Times.esp
    47  RealisticWaterTwo.esp
    48  AOS2_RealisticWaterTwo Patch.esp
    49  Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2.0 non glow.esp
    4A  Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
    4B  Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp
    4C  Requiem - CCOR Patch.esp
    4D  Book Covers Skyrim.esp
    4E  Book Covers Dawnguard.esp
    4F  Book Covers Hearthfire.esp
    50  REQ - BCS Patch.esp
    51  Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp  [Version v6.5.2]
    52  Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
    53  Requiem - Dragonborn.esp
    54  RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp
    55  RND_HearthFires-Patch.esp
    56  Requiem - Dragonborn - CCOR Patch.esp
    57  Requiem - SIC Patch.esp
    58  ELFXEnhancer.esp
    59  Rebirth Monster.esp
    5A  Requiem - ROTE and Hard Times.esp
    5B  Requiem - WAF+Clothing and Clutter Fixes Patch.esp
    5C  DigitigradeKhajiit+ArgonianRaptor.esp
    5D  AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp
    5E  SkyrimCoinReplacerRedux.esp
    5F  Book Covers Dragonborn.esp
    60  RealShelter.esp
    61  RealisticNights+COT+DB+DG.esp
    62  RevampedExteriorFog.esp
    63  Requiem - Hard Times - SCRR Patch.esp
    64  Requiem - Vanilla Torches.esp
    65  Immersive Weapons.esp
    66  AOS2_Requiem1.7.3 Patch.esp
    67  AOS2_FIO Patch.esp
    68  Requiem - FIO Patch.esp
    69  Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp  [Version v1]
    6A  Requiem - SIC Patch - ARMOR .esp
    6B  Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp  [Version v6.5.2]
    6C  Requiem - SIC Patch - DLC2.esp
    6D  EBT- Dg - Db - SIC.esp
    6E  Requiem - SIC CCOR Patch.esp
    6F  SMIM-DragonbornTernFix.esp
    70  SoS - The Dungeons.esp  [Version 1.23]
    71  Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim - Merged - Deep Immersion.esp
    72  SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp
    73  SkyFalls - Distant Waterfall Overhaul.esp
    74  Supreme Fog.esp
    75  Supreme Storms.esp
    76  The Dance of Death - Dawnguard Edition.esp
    77  Thundering Shouts.esp
    78  TradeBarter.esp
    79  wizDynamicThings.esp
    7A  vSCM_SmarterCombatMusic.esp
    7B  WetandCold.esp
    7C  AOS2_WetandCold Patch.esp
    7D  WetandCold - Holidays.esp
    7E  Further Dark Dungeons for ENB.esp
    7F  Killable Children.esp
    80  Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
    81  aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp
    82  AOS2_WAF Patch.esp
    83  Requiem - Immersive Armors.esp
    84  Requiem - Immersive Weapons.esp
    85  Requiem - Immersive Armors - Addon.esp
    86  Inconsequential NPCs.esp
    87  Cloaks.esp
    88  1nivWICCloaks.esp  [Version 2.3]
    89  Dead Body Collision.esp
    8A  ImmersiveArmorsNPCs.esp
    8B  SMIM-FarmhouseFlickeringFix.esp
    8C  StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp
    8D  SoS - The Dungeons-PatchCoTHardcore.esp
    8E  1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp  [Version 2.3]
    8F  Inconsequential NPCs - Enhancement.esp
    90  RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp
    91  RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp
    92  Point The Way.esp  [Version 1.0.2]
    93  Long lost smelters by Hyralux.esp
    94  Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim City Edition - Merged - Deep Immersion.esp
    95  Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp
    96  DnnUniqueBorderGates.esp
    97  fine goods from morrowind.esp
    98  Requiem - Populated Towns and Cities Patch.esp
    99  REQMOD.esp
    9A  SMIM-ShackRoofFixesDragonborn.esp
    9B  SMIM-ShackRoofFixes.esp
    9C  Chesko_Frostfall.esp
    9D  Requiem - RND - Frostfall AiO Patch.esp
    9E  Requiem HT - Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and Boose Patch.esp
    9F  RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp
    A0  Morning Fogs.esp
    A1  Requiem - HearthFires.esp
    A2  Requiem - Trade and Barter.esp
    A3  Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
    A4  HoldBorderBanners.esp
    A5  ClosedBorderGates.esp
    A6  Requiem - ClosedBorderGates.esp
    A7  SDO Full-LOD - Giant Campfires.esp
    A8  Equipping Overhaul.esp
    A9  WetandCold - Ashes.esp
    AA  WhitePhialReplacer.esp
    AB  WSCO - Better NPCs.esp
    AC  Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp  [Version 2.3.3b]
    AD  Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Texture 2.esp
    AE  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
    AF  Warburg's 3D Paper World Map - Dragonborn.esp
    B0  warburg's 3d paper world map - dawnguard.esp

  17. Have you ever died in skyrim? I would imagine so. Are you pleased with simply reloading a save file? Well, I'm not. I hate having to repeat stuff, and I hate doing the same thign 15 times in a row until I don't die to continue sometimes! Have you looked for every death/save mod you could find, and never found one that was just right for you, cause it simply did to much, made things to hard, or that worked right with Requiem and SkyRe? Well, I did! And I never found one that was perfect, being that I am supper picky, some of them have silent dialogue, some of them punish you too much, being that I use requiem, deaths just HAPPEN, if you loss your gear in my current set up, just walking a few hundred yards can be life threatening. My ultimate goal with this mod, is to make a mod that prevents reloading, replacing it with a realistic in game alternative, without adding to much difficulty to the game, because I don't like dying to be annoying, I just don't like skyrim's save/load feature at all! This is also designed so that you never loss progress... If you killed some enemies, looted some cools stuff, then died, you get zapped back to a shrine with the stuff you got. This way, you can't play like a bimbo and slam yourself into the same group of enemies 15 times till you magically make it out alive one time! But you don't have to worry about losing your hard earned gear!

    I also enjoy mods that make being the dragonborn MATTER. I mean, your a mortal with the immortal soul of a dragon basically a GOD, so it's reasonable to think the gods would help you out when you die. I mean, someone's gotta save the world.

    What this mod really does, is overhauls Shrines of the Divines to serve as save stations. In addition to changing the buffs around a little bit (don't worry, they will be very balanced) they add a new type of blessing to you, being that you are a dovahkiin, and have an immortal soul. When you die, if you have an active blessing of the divine, you will be respawned back at the nearest alter for that divine. This is designed to be a mostly lore friendly and immersive way of respawning! It is also designed to make the gods and shrines matter. Of all the mods I use, none of them make the shrines do anything cool...

    General run down of planned features;

    - You will receive a small debuff each time you are resurrected this way, which will last about half a day, so that if you die over and over in the same day, the debuff stacks, but just dying once isn't to big of a deal. I would also like to include an option for the divine to require "tributes" of gold to resurrect your character, the amount for which can be set in the menu.


    - When you die, nothing is taken from you, this is not a death simulator, it is a way around the reload system. (unless you turn on the option for the divines to require tributes)


    - If you have no active blessing of a divine, you will be respawned at the nearest shrine of talos, with a much larger debuff. I would also like to include an option to sacrafice a dragon soul to respawn on the spot if you have ACTIVE blessing of talos, but I think there is a mod that does something kinda like this already.


    - I intend to make it so your character goes through the death animation, and the game waits about 10~20 seconds, then goes through an animation like your absorbing a dragon soul and respawns you, instead of reloading the last save.


    - I would like to add an option for daedric blessings as well. How these would work is, if you are wielding a deadric artifact, you will be respawned at the nearest shrine of that deadra, do to this being more restrictive, this will debuff some stats, and buffs others more.


    - I would like to include an option to "anchor" your soul using black or grand soul gems. These anchors would break after 3~5 uses, but would allow you to recall to a specific spot multiple times in a row.


    -Maybe, if I can figure it out, make it so that you can only save near shrines as well. I may decide to not touch saving at all, as this mod kind of implies you won't be using saving at all, except when you are going to turn the game off. Though, It is probably a good idea to make emergency saves when you complete something you don't want deleted my a glitch, even if you never intend to use. Just in case.

    The author of another death mod that uses a method of respawning with arkay shrines that should work perfect for this mod has the resources from their mod open for me to use, so I don't have to work from scratch. That mod also has a way of making 'anchors' like I plan to do, meaning my to do list is as follows;

    1) Change the effect to apply on all shrines, and the shrine effect to end when the blessing of the divine ends; Maybe increase the duration of the blessing and give an MCM menu option for that.

    2) Change the 'default load' to the nearest Shrine of Talos, instead of Throat of the World.

    3) Figure out and add the effect to the Deadric Artifacts.

    4) Make the 'anchors' require Grand/Black Soul Gems instead of Amulet of Arkay; Make the 'anchors' break after 3 uses for Grand Soul Gems and 5 uses for Black Soul Gems.

    5) Make it so it doesn't take everything from you when you die; Add an MCM option for the Divine to take a preset amount of gold in MCM and be able to set that amount in MCM.

    6) Make it so that each time being revived stacks a "debuff" on your character for a preset amount in MCM (12 hours/ 24 hours / 48 hours); Have an option to turn off debuffs in MCM.

    7) Make it so your character goes through the normal death ragdoll, instead of the "bleeding out" animation.

    8) Make it so that you can only SAVE near a shrine. (No idea how to do this)

    9) Ensure compatibility with both Requiem and Skyrim Redone.

    If you can help guide me on how to do any of this, or help outright, please post here or PM me, as I am basically figuring out how to do this as I go along. I mean, I know how to use google so I'm slowly figuring it out myself, but help would be nice. XD

  18. Sands of Time + SkyTEST with patch already does random generation of NPC enemies in vanilla world though.

    um... okay? o.O You must not have correctly read my post... That's not what I was talking about at all... I'm talking about randomly generating cells, as in areas you can walk around in, not NPCs ._.
  19. I have n idea for a mod, that would involve a massive desert, instead of actually having a huge land mass, this desert would randomly generate a new cell when you go a direction, 90% of these cells being mostly empty, everything that would spawn in them would not be static objects, but things like NPCs and animals.


    Is something like this remotely possible?

  20. Is there a mod that lets me plant hearthfires plantable items anywhere outside? I am working on an install of skyrim based around survival, and being able to grown my own garden without buying a hearthfire house would be awesome! =3
  21. Thanks, that helped me track it down! Oddly, the glitch was in the mesh, not the texture. :blink: All my textures are perfectly fine, and I deleted "cavegcliffs03ns.nif" from my data folder and it fixed the issue, even if the vanilla mesh for it is pretty ugly it worked so I am happy!


    I don't even remember installing anything that edits caves that has meshes like that! It's very odd.

  22. The purple shape/texture is along the terrain? Looked like some kind of 3 dimensional root that starts at the health bar, gets thinner to the end and wraps around the stone pillar :D

    I examine dit closer after I took the screenshot, it's actually a ledge XD you can even see the tiny bit of the ledge behind the tree in your image, it's just freaky and giant looking because of the missing texture. But yeah, it's part of the terrain, it just looks 3D because it's glitching out I guess.


    I'll get a shot of it a better angle here in a bit. ^_^

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