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Everything posted by korun

  1. open cities + jk + Etac + Warzones = Cpu & Gpu hungry, Claralux was dead for almost 2 yrs, didn't know MrGoodEye was back, you have few of the biggest scripted mods. Frostfall + Convenient horse + RND + + +, you must know this, those mods are doing routine in the background to check every mods and everything related to them or the game in the specific area = script lag so here you go Convenient horses »»mcm»»main»»gameplay script lag»»running, close the menu and in the upper left corner it will show your average lag, go in overloaded area, if »100 ms you're in trouble Open cities was a heavy mod for long as explain Arthmoor because of the memory, it's cool to go in Whiterun or Windhelm on your horse, but it's stressed a lot the rig, even more if you have overhaul , Warzone had been a hasle for many because of it spawn rate, JK really need a good rig to be handled, when you install big mods, think first if your system can handle it. you have only 4GB ram + 710 M . do you have a Skse.ini with the memory patch? if not open Notepad, create Skse.ini, copy past the line below, save and put this in Skyrim/data/Skse file [General]ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 [Memory]ScrapHeapSizeMB=256DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=512 DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 EDIT to clarify in accord with the post below DL memory.log, a plug in for skse which check your memory block, it goes in the same place as the .ini @@
  2. Duel is a must have and in my load order by default now :) + Asis + Deadly Dragon in legendary lvl, you need followers or you're doomed i've used Duel + Skyrim Unleashed (really underrated mod)+ deadly dragon unleveled + DCO which is really a good combo as well, you have really hard time since every enemies became unleveled, my first bandit was a Orc with steel armor and a glass sword right at the Stones before Riverwood and you will remember your first Dragon as well, took me 20 mins to kill him with Irileth and the guards:) Perma and skyRe , i didn't really start with it, take a break from Skyrim so i've never discoverd more than lvl 10+ so.. @@
  3. oops load order: RSSkyrimChildren.esm X other esps RSchildren - complete .esp Stranger danger.esp RSchildren_patchStrangerDanger.esp AdditionalChildren clothes.esp RSchildren_PatchUskp.esp @@
  4. you can use all the mod you've had , but install as per RSchildren mod author says with the installer you have a menu right? so install these: RSchildren default + all dlcs option = Uskp only nothing else extra options = any of them except may be bigger head :) result = RSchildren.ESM RSchildren - complete.esp RSchildrenUskp patch.esp install Stranger danger + the patch for RSchildren (optional file) install Dovakinder install additional children clothes V2 which work with Dovakinder instead of the last one V3 don't use the eyes i've build a profile to install all your child mods see pic below without eyes mod http://i.imgur.com/TZdXmEZ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/wiG2sTi.jpg with the mod http://i.imgur.com/0CuWUMq.jpg
  5. there is a few mods which works together but still even with patch they are ''fragile'' do you have removed mods recently? what are your specs, cpu vram ram @@
  6. go back to the basic, 1 overhaul »»»»What this mod does currently... Modifies the existing child races in the game to use custom assets: textures, head meshes, body meshes, etc.Changes the faces of all children in the base game, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn1 face (eyes) mod 3 clothes mods go there POST 1847 it's the same problem and the solution @@
  7. Skse mem patch and SSme are the same, the patch is what ssme was delete your .inis and start skyrim launcher to make brand new one, launch the game with Skse memory block max must be 768 and min 256, i'm sure it's not related anyway, 6 gb vram + 8gb ram are overkill to run skyrim even ultra modded, if you don't have 4k/8k all over the place, the log says crash WHEN you were using 256mb not because it used 256mb do you repatched when you've intalled and uninstalled every thing , where are the patch for PerMa? uninstalling every thing doesn't make your game Vanilla^^, all scripts are still running and worst if you unchecked the DLcs. @@
  8. RSkyrimChildren.esm ««««««« Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp «««««««« NonEssentialChildren.esp RSChildren_V.esp RSChildren_HF.esp RSChildren_DB.esp RSChildren_PatchUSKP.esp «««««««««« RSChildren_PatchNEC.esp RSChildren_Override.esp «««««««««(if you have issues with the faces appearing properly) load order for RSchildren, install it first as per mod author load order then all the other mods which overwrite it or not. @@ Edit: you must use Additional Children Clothes -V2 -with Dovakinder
  9. SSME no longer needed if you use the last Skse you just need to have a Skse.ini with these lines [General] ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 [Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768»»»max memory block size use by skyrim ScrapHeapSizeMB=256 and you get the same as SSME then a Enb is just there to enhance graphics and lighting, even it's not compatible with a mod , usualy any weather mod, it works anyway you just have weird colors and weather behaviour. do you used overhaul for npcs, animals kind of mods? if you have a CTD as soon you kill anything, it's because it trigger something which was modified or, not in your game anymore. post your old mod list and load order if you can, Vram + Ram @@
  10. no keep those + add the display part, it's better, you will show HD warpaint, scars, skin IG and install the plugins. then go in game, play and when you'll shut down, go to Skyrim/data/skse/ and read your log, it must show how much memory your block is using if it's : «512 you're good, »512 you're still good but increase from 512 to 768. 256 is the less never go under this @@
  11. good news :smile: where you're comming back from chasing dragon look for this: 1/ in your data folder you must have a Skse file create a ''skse.ini'' with notepad, copy paste this in it save and put in skse file, then install these : Safety load + Memory blocks log + Cell stabilizer they are all Skse plugin and definitely help to stabilize your game for good when stressed, no more crash :smile: @@
  12. i'm not using Sharpshooter now, you are good to go , but 4/ install, 0.279 instead + enb boost from binary file (enbboost is an executable which handle the memory lines from your Enblocal.ini) so use the last one as well. if 0.279 doesn't fit , there is still 0.236 and 0.262 available for Rlo try it with the Enb, if it don't work nicely just uninstall, when i'm testing preset, i save specially in dragon reach for interior then just go out and fast travel for the outside, i'm using mod organiser which is really usefull for testing, load or un install mods related.
  13. i've understood, your char is safe, BUT npcs use Xp32 skeleton now, so use the patch from mod author
  14. auto quote myself, Ningheim get there own skeleton, if you want to change anything to them, you must go in there files, but all npcs use Xp32 now @@
  15. the best for you is , you are using the Ningheim which is a custom race, it means there is a specific file for them with texture, meshes etc... so if it's Seven Base, only your char is, the rest of the game is vanilla, so choose mesh pack vanilla AND the patch for your skeleton @@
  16. the 1st time i've read your post, i was sure you were using ''joy of perspective'' a anim who change the camera to see your char in 1st view from the top of his head and enjoy the boobs perspective or his/her foot.. :P i've tried it once and it did exactly what you've explained, camera out of control, ''giant PoV'' etc.. if your mods aren't scripted go for it, texture, anim etc.., if scripted take care, orphan script will stay in your save and doomed your game. then re install one after another to find the culprit welcome in skyrim modding :) @@
  17. no need to re install a full game for a glitch :) run the ''verify game cache'' in your steam pref instead, it will DL all damaged files if there any @@
  18. you have 2 options: full RLO or full ElfX, they change lighting in worldspace, interiors the most, if you install them, re run the installer, it won't hurt at all and you have to, it will install specific meshes for one or the other. if you choose ElfX, there is an option called ''ext. enhancer'' it will be more dark outside, really dark :tongue: i'm not using RLO since long now so i can't recall. but it's only for interior cell. @@ ps: you should try again Sharpshooter, it's splendid and if your rig can handle it, it's worth the try, use the EnbLocal.ini from RealVision, follow the setup from mod author and you should be good :smile:
  19. are you using : custom skeleton? Fnis if not, you must, to handle the animations correctly, Pretty combat works perfect, but there is a workaround to do before, Skyrim wasn't set to run customs animations, that's why we have to use Fnis. i have multi animations from different pack running without a problem so: install: realistic ragdoll and force »» required by the skeleton any animations pack you want Xpms skeleton »»standard one, no need for the full customizable one (Xpms3) Fnis »» follow the setup ''by the book provided'' by Fore and you'll be good :) run Fnis as explained by Fore, it will patch your game, when it's done »»play without a glitch @@
  20. Envision and Rans headmeche are made and works only with EcE, if you use Racemenu by Expired they won't even Racemenu is more friendly now with EcE,(for ex. you can import head from EcE to racemenu) it's better to not use both, choose one try to reinstall the preset, it's the kind of mod which must work straight out of the box @Cranky did you put your preset in there? My Document -> my games -> Skyrim ->CME_Save @@
  21. if you want Real vision, go on the description page, RivaTuner made the most usefull page for user, there is everything to set .inis and use his .Enb , even you'll use another one preset check it out. just copy past , the binary 0.279 + enbboost from the wrapper file in you skyrim folder (where Tesv.exe is) download RVision file from nexus with your manager, it's a fomod instal, meaning you will have a menu with a few options to choose from, when it's done, go to your data file, check for Real vision, open it, find and use the installer RV.. if i recall , it will install all necessary files + how it'll set your enblocal.ini say ok, done»»play @@
  22. right 100%....... i've build a setup with Immersive armor WiC Jaysus sword Ghosus sword AbT rebuilt the patch, create my mod with the overwrite in MO and..done, no dummy :( @@
  23. EnbLocal.ini, must be different from a setup to another, so that's why more and more modder don't give one with there preset, just use one from another preset or the one from the binary's wrapper file, set it specifically for your setup, memory etc... if you use MO, install the enb manually, it's the only mod which works the same with any profile you have except few Enb's, Vividian, Real Vision, Dahaka etc.. they have a fomod installer, but you still have to go in your master file to copy past few files How to install Sharpshooter classic @@
  24. if you let MO manage the archive, the bashed patch is inefficient . i'm not using Wrye bash anymore, but, i don't have much mods which need to be leveled etc.. ex. Winter is coming works as attended with Mo without WB, cloaks are ig leveled. Wet and cold as well can manage leveled list in it's McM menu and works perfectly. you can check your saves aswell in MO like in WB, it will tell you if masters or .esps are missing, reload them etc.. move you load and install order at will like ..WB at the end i was using WB only to tweak .ini's ... more summon, cell reset. well not sure if it answer your question ;) @@
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