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Posts posted by rkelly

  1. I can't even find the original mod to compare to, not showing up anywhere 'cept for a retexture on the FO3 Nexus and a port on the NV Nexus. Wasn't that guy banned from here a while back anyway?

    here is the mod although its a repost and i dont think he was banned. he uploaded a mod here for fo4 a few weeks ago. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/41208/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D41208%26preview%3D&pUp=1


    also look at the fo3 version http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/11999/?


    Nvidia already showed us that they don't know a thing about modding. I am about 90% sure that the Nvidia support will be the winner teaching THEM what to do...

    Those are the PR people. I doubt the engineers that work hard and unknown wouldn't be able to help quite a lot. Now I'm curious if they could help with new weapon animations though.


    its really the only shot we have currently. other options are we as a community make a gofund me page for hitman and donate for that havok anim software OR we posting as a modding collective on beths twitter asking for new animations? at the very least a animation tutorial from beth. should prolly list what animations you need first before you post anything. what specific reload animations, what specific holding animations, shot gun pump and reload animations and etc...

  3. i still think that modern firearms should win. ONLY because that if it does that means we can solve the weapons animation issue we have. assuming if its true the grand winner will "-have NVIDIA engineering support for their Mod creation.

  4. i just got permission for fallout modders to use these assets which is his plasma weapon models http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=707170261


    the modders name is claus. so if you use his assets REMEMBER to credit him (i cant stress that enough). also proof of the permission is in the comments section in the link. rkelly1 is my steam name and it show him (claus) responding to me.



    next on my agenda (unless someone else does it) is to get permission from long war studios to use there assets, capnbubs permission for his assets, and then finally the makers of xcom 2 permission as well for there assets.

  5. What happens if Pew wins the grand prize? Since it states the grand winner will "-have NVIDIA engineering support for their Mod creation." Does that mean they will offer up NVIDIA's services in helping him to further build the pew pew mod?



    Lol. This whole thing, is so god damn stupid. I am actually glad that I ran into health issues and didn't complete what I wanted to enter, as it wouldve lost to this horse s*** and caused me to get really, really mad.


    wait a min. modern firearms needs to win then. think about it for a sec. they (nvidia) can help with the weapon animations. it would solve our weapon animation issue pretty effectively.

  6. In response to post #24572719. #24572849, #24573089, #24573569, #24573724, #24573869, #24574054, #24574099 are all replies on the same post.

    doomdoging wrote:
    phellen wrote: second this.
    shaithlis wrote: Now that is not a bad idea.
    phellen wrote:
    nathanj wrote: Fiftheded.
    danjal wrote: Advertising, or even a subscription system through a platform that works directly with the mod creators or even in a joint venture with Bethesda would be far superior.
    And probably provide superior customer support aswell.

    Just ask anyone who has ever had problems with Steam Early Access on how good Valve is at providing support...
    Silki08 wrote: This makes sense.
    Mindprobe24 wrote: second this!

    this is a better idea
  7. In response to post #24572569. #24572664, #24572779, #24573134, #24573299, #24573349 are all replies on the same post.

    phantompally76 wrote:
    IgnacyOrder wrote: Im sure I wont be releasing my mod any more. I jsut keep it for myself because I dotn want someone now to steal it and make money for nothing. Or the fact I did use some stuff from modderss recources. Some people now may force me to pay for reeasing mod even thou its free. Makes me criminal then. I guess many modders wont want that problem

    Youtuber mod showcases will die as well as it will be expensive hobby now
    boulegue wrote: authors just like publishers will send their mods to reviewers for free so they get exposure
    zzjay wrote: Lol you're right...i will never sell a mod...too many problems...of they close free modding ill jusy quit.

    Modding is an hobby...not a job...if bethesda cant make thir own games pretty i dont see why to buy em at all...if i even have to pay for mods...mods are like essential for skyrim...without its worthless...
    phantompally76 wrote: The question is how many of the irate modders out there tonight who are unendorsing chesko and isako's mods out of spite (which I don't condone, but totally understand) will in turn unsubscribe from Brodual, Gopher, and all the other popular mod reviewers that they perceive as being advocates for charging a fee for untested alpha content? So far I've only seen a reaction by Gopher, who was being diplomatically cautious about the whole thing.

    I fear (and I really do hope I'm wrong) that this will also have an adverse affect on the Youtube modding reviews community. I'm not sure how many reviewers will risk losing subscribers, traffic and revenue by reviewing paid mods. Only time will tell.
    boulegue wrote: zzjay you have made some great mods most of which are well up there in the 100,000 downloads so theres no disputing youre a great modder

    but why do you want to take away others freedom to sell their hard work, if you dont want to sell yours thats fine and many think the same as you.... but if isoku and cheesko who are also great modders what to make money of off it why wouldnt you let them? noone is taking away our free mods valve and bethesda just gave us the option to monetize the work people put into their mods

    my question is if mods go paid for than wont they become targets for pirates? in other words wouldn't this make mod piracy becoming a actual thing?
  8. In response to post #24573019. #24573104, #24573304 are all replies on the same post.

    starfis wrote:
    nivea wrote: This.
    JoeyLock wrote: Download most of the most endorsed armour mods. eg stuff made by ZeroFrost and Corvalho1, Corval's stuff is some of the first to be 'pay for' despite the fact that in the Akatosh mod you get the Dragon Tongue sword which is on the Nexus for free anyway. I'm hoping other modders like gechbal doesn't turn to that sort of thing because I love his modding style.

    make a list. no seriously make a list and post it front page.
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