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Posts posted by rkelly

  1. they got the M41/a on that list, don't see why the M56 should be too hard,


    also I noticed the DH-17 on there too Jackpack, is there a decent E-11 one too? there WAS an E-11 mod a while back but aside from the bolt effect it was useless, and even then the Bolt had a nasty tendency to pass through targets harmlessly,


    I had to replace the sound with a better one, make it use a Pancor Jackhammer mesh since the mesh and texture it used was crap, too big and didn't even work anyhow, fix the rate of fire, beef up the damage slightly by adding the Eyebot explosion effect to whatever the E-11 hits (though while the eyebot explosion does match the size made by E-11s in the film, it is a much slower blast so it seems bigger or rather the E-11 blast is so quick that it seems smaller, though not that E-11s can't be set to lower power settings to create smaller blasts).


    if somebody does the m56 ill give them the firing sounds for it.

  2. Sorry rkelly I don't have the time to do a full conversion...

    But that mod does look awesome.


    Heres an update:


    Anything I should change to the model before I try and rig this thing?


    I still need to do the knee pads...










    not a conversion i mean like some gear based on that mod.

  3. I wish I could help you with texturing these weapons, but I’ve got too much on my plate right now. My offer to help you guys getting this stuff into the game still stand though.


    BTW that rifle is going to need a custom reload animation, which will be a pain in the ass.

    well it doesnt need the reload to work but to look realistically right it will need it.

  4. hi Baelkin,


    I dont know if it helps you, but the Blender export script splits the models depending on the assigned material/texture for each polygon. Maybe it is in 3dmax the same.


    Just wanted to say that this was indeed the issue and I can't believe I made such a "newbish" mistake. :whistling:


    Anyway, I'm finally done rigging the model to the Fallout male skeleton though I don't really know if I've done it "right". Guess the only thing to do is to test it and see what happens.

    SWEET! if there is something wrong and you need help with anything ask the modders at the main fallout 3 forums at the bethsoft site.

  5. odst marines as well as every mjolnir permutation is/was a long term goal for this mod. Feel free to continue posting ideas and concepts, but in the end, like bf2142, everything will be going in, everything of terran origin that is. No covenant stuff


    what about if covenant models (fanmade or otherwise) can be found will you add them in then?

  6. Found what I was looking for here, luckily I still had it bookmarked and hopefully the method works for a model of this "complexity". Hopefully it won't female dog too much and go smooth like a buttered lightning bolt, because I can feel I do not have the patience for manually laying UVWs. :P


    Edit: Noticed something weird when comparing the low poly to the high poly model. Somewhere along the line I've somehow managed to resize the lower body such that it had become misproportioned to the on the low poly. Kinda' weird as I don't remember that being there from when I last worked on it though it wasn't something that a little resizing couldn't fix.


    in case this gets to hectic for you read my post on the page before this one.

  7. I'm actually thinking of releasing the current models for free use by the community, such that someone else can pick up on it if they feel like it because I can't for the life of me find the desire to finish it. So please refrain from bumping the thread and let the project fall into obscurity until it's either completely forgotten or I or someone else have actually gotten around to making some progress on it. :(


    I'm grateful for the support, but I think it's silly to bump it when it's not being worked seriously on and haven't had a decent update for about two or three months now.


    PS. Yes I'm aware it's ironic to bump a thread with a post asking for it not to be bumped. :P


    if you choose to give the model away please allow tyokio to finish it. he is the guy that made the deep eyes armor.

  8. Glad every ones liking the work in progress : D


    junin: well its a good thing because the arms might not clip through the body as much as it did with the titan armor I made.


    omgwtf666: I'm allready working on a new monster : D you can see him here http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/tyokio/transfer.jpg I made him to test the Xnormals program. Not sure how I'm going to implement them though..


    rkelly: thats the 2nd time I got asked that lol, I may make it but I dunno if I'll be able to texture it though, so if some ones willing to unwrap the UVs and texuture it then I'll certainly attempt to make the model for it.


    SWEET! if you need a texturer guy then ask around. im sure one person will be willing to help. i wont be hard to find somebody either here or at the bethsoft forums.


    and about the monster talk to the guy that made the MMM mod.

  9. Thats the plan, although until I either get a 360 SDK, a 360 emulator or they release halo3 on computer, dont expect the actual Halo 3 ODST armor, so far we will be limited to Halo 2 version =(


    halo 2 ODSTs are fine. a person could just add some textures to makem look like the ones from halo 3.

  10. Whenever anyone releases a mod, they pretty much are distributing everything in the open for anyone to rip up and use on their own, whether they like it or not people will do it.


    Since I cannot lay claim to Bungies creations, everything I produce will be (my augmented versions of) their IP's. Therefore I have no right to say 'dont touch this' hehe. Since (when I finish) this mod seems to be the only one of this level of depth on the matter of Halo asset importing, I would hope people dont just tint the armor some hot pink and then try to re-release it (besides I plan on giving the option of color pallettes anyways with alternate texture loadouts), since then there would be 50 conflicting variants :)


    Therefore I ask that if anyone has any ideas spill em out please, so I can please everyone with 1 mod and do the hard work for you guys so you dont have to fix my failings or inadequacies! :)


    But who am I to make demands anyways :)


    PS. I know, I know, its 'lightish Red'



    The core idea behind this minimod is a set of random encounters. One containing a crashed bumblebee escape pod with dead USMC space marines with fully lootable (and wearable) space marine combat armor (2 variants so far), another encounter containing a crashed pelican with more soldiers, including a dead spartan. Next to the corpse will be Cortana, pleading with the chief to 'Get up chief! Chieef!' (sound bytes from the games) (to add to the humor).


    Added bonus, once you take off the chiefs helmet you get to see his face... I have plans for that too 8-) (either going to make a smaller master-chiefs helmet underneath (LOL) like those dolls that fit inside eachother) or going to make his base body a new race which has a totally burned-to-a-crisp facial area so he is unrecognizable, and will be found face-down, visor smashed on a nearby rock.



    can you add UNSC and ODST NPCs?

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