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Posts posted by rkelly

  1. junins got the MkIV? spartan suit working in game. I think he got his hands on the H3 model somehow. I believe he's also responsible for the odst screenshots trickling out. Junin is best known for getting the Crysis suit in F3. And making a sexy female variant no less, among his other achievements.


    I always thought someone would beat me to it, but hes great so more power to him. The biggest hurdle that stopped me from progressing in this mod was my decision to try to get the H3 models, but that was proving difficult. H2 assets are easy to get, but with no H3 stuff to work with save the demo, which is supposedly all hushed up and hard to get, it was proving difficult.


    By the time i ruined a disc trying to hotswap a 360 disc in my computer dvdram i decided id concentrate on bf2142 for now, since i was able to get quick results ^_^ I havent given up on it, and will still make my own versions of the H3 stuff, even if someone else does it. But not all at once, i only have one of me, and no clones =/


    i did manage to get the packed (and swizzled/encrypted) versions of the assets and textures from H3 discs though via some internet backdoors.... but i didnt look hard enough to see if there was a version of the HaloMod tools that could fully extract them yet. Even if it could preview em that would be enough for a 3drip.... =/


    i also toyed with some Ut2003 stuff and successfully ripped it out, was thinking of putting that in game, but then saw someone did the UT2004 stuff which i was considering to do, but they beat me to that idea lol.


    Im guessing 5 years from now every major shooter game franchise will be ported or recreated in fallout3 somehow lol


    well about the unreal stuff you could always do unreal tournament 3 stuff.

  2. hey jack, looking at that laptop thing on the pool-table, see those angular shadows, those appear when there is agressive triangulation, like from those round shapes that seem to be all tapered off to the corner. If you even out the cuts, perhaps by adding a division or two between each circle that runs through the mesh, then connect your stray edges to that new seam, it will eliminate your angle-shadows that appear. That or its a problem with the surface topology of that region, ie, might not be perfectly flat.


    i put the wepons ingame & am just messing with whatever else i get.


    i think kelly has passed on the wepons to someone else to iron out the sounds & tweek them a bit.


    im messing with my mod now. quite happy how its gomeing along.

    i have not yet. been busy since my lil 17 year old sister has gotten pregnant. so im going to try and pass it on this week. munkeenuts would prolly be the best one to handle it. also jackpack hows the armor coming along.

  3. OK love the armor, but its not matching starcraft marine armor.....





    Not trying to be funny, I can see that it does infact look alot like it and you used it as a base :P



    Im not trying to be smart, but currently it looks traped between being cool and just being nice.


    Either go FULLY starcraft, or add some of your own jazz to it :P

    considering the massive ammount of work your already done I would say goput your own jazz into it.



    Turn it into an extra heavy version for special force marines :P or some crap :P


    rocket pack on a side? :P



    Shoulderpads are one of the most vital areas on armors as downward strikes could bring the most force and deflect off the helmet, then came 40k and thats had tons of games and now its all about the shoudlerpadds.

    Add this to the fact wide shoulders gives impression of a power, same goes for armor.


    an intresting point however.

    Moden armor designs currently are looking at a large shoulder pad with thicker armor on the left side of the body to stop bullets since a person who is right handed normaly aims by puting there left side of body towards the enemy, and likely direction of incomming fire.


    and we still havnt worked out how to cheaply make full body armor that is light enough to actually be used.


    i see from the pic somebody made a starcraft armor for UT3. got a download to it?

  4. brillant.


    i was messing with the wepon holding positions there to look better & am now going to try out diffrent wepon fire effects o see what fits with each wepon.


    some of the meshes have gaps in them that you can see thru so i fixed that by covering them up. also the magazines are stuck to the wepons.


    but in saying that some look real nice where as otheres look a bit supermario instead of f3.


    ill send you then thru mega upload soon for you to try them out :thumbsup:


    ok. do you have any friends that have half-life 2? if you do then ask them to download the eternal silence mod and let you play the mod to see how the weapons are and how they function.

  5. sorry about the top pic. i posted it by mistake "thought i had taklein 2 eternal screens".


    the top 1 is wepons im makeing & messing about with at the moment. the 2nd one relates to this thread.




    brillant kelly.


    i seen you had been messing with this. ill do what i can.


    du you want to co-ordinate this?. i am working on something else but i got time to help you with this.


    ps: i aint got steam & stuff.


    if your downloading & need converting thru max or what not just keep sending me peices as you get then thru megaupload or something.


    i want to help you out but my GECK knowledge is very limited and ninjagaidan1 is also busy. im trying to help him on decompiling the ship models since he is so busy. how about you release just the armor and weaps first then a quest can be done later. me and NG1 already had a idea of a quest story script idea.


    the script for the quest idea was that the vault dweller (the player) would pick up a radio message message from the UTF (united terran forces) where they need help. turns out the enclave got there hands on some new weapons from the NGM (neo galactic militia) and you have to kill the enclave troops. next act you board a UTF transport ship to a UTF capitol ship (the transport ship would act as a teleport or door portal when activated by the use key and will have a ship engine sound during the loading screen). on the UTF ship you will be thanked by the crew for helping the men and they will want you to help in a assault to stop th NGM/enclave arms deal for good. you will be briefed on the mission objectives. so you and a few UTF marines get ready and board a transport ship (works as a door/portal also) which will take you to the NGM space station called "aetra" there you and the transport ship have snuck through the hanger shield so you and your back up will have to hack the hanger shields first so you can allow the rest of the UTF invasion force.


    this is all we both came up with so far. the enemies will be the NGM and enclave troops on the station as well.


    also another person that can help on decompiling is munkeenuts since he released a lot of weapons that came from counter-strike source weapon replacments so he knows how to decompile as well.

  6. good work jackpack but you dont have to do a quest with the models just yet. you should wait till the capitol ship models from the mod (which are also interiers and exterior levels in the mod) are all decompled and ready to be converted to fallout 3 readable model files. im trying to work on decompiling but i will need some help on it. whats left so far from what ninjagaidan1 says is the ships, capitol ships and the props. if some one wants to help decompile the rest of whats left instructions are HERE at the bottom of the page.
  7. I believe the model is, the but texture doesn't appear to be.


    was this post intended in the Mod Request forum? i didnt really think going into other peoples mod threads and try to recruit for help in a different mods was the best course of action, but i could be wrong


    ehh :mellow:


    both the model & texture are by me & not from halo or anyother game "unless you can state there not?" & sorry you feel that way skroo.


    i was only postin a pic of a rifle hear as i thought it fitted into this thread, not to hijack it & sorry for asking if anyone wanted to help me. it just rolled of my keyboard. :thumbsup:


    are you still going to upload the gun?

  8. had this for a while. i put it in to show it off as i was testing a new wepon "on the right". looks good ingame. althought i dont think i can upload it due to the rules or whatnot :(.


    ps: i had a buddy helping with a mod but i think hes vanished "thinking of puting a missing poster up haha" "dukedude where are you :P"


    anyone want to help out with a mod?






    depends. if the models are DIRECTLY from halo than you cant upload it here. if the models are made by a modder then its ok to upload. so if its from halo you have to upload it to a different site like facepunch studios or upload to to junins site where his crysis nano suit is at.


    looking at the model of the ma5b in your pics shows that that model is NOT from halo so it should be fine to upload.

  9. Skree, how about an early christmas present.. release one of the armors. :biggrin:















    Seriously.... NOW!


    just be patient. good things come to those who wait.

  10. im looking at the right arm of the armor with the little shield guard on the arm shouldnt that be rotated a lil more around the arm? if im looking at the pics right it sits on the back of your lower arms in stead of it being on the outer-side of your arm. also can you also include a version with out the shield guard as well? not as a seperate download but to be included with the shield version as well.
  11. Correct me if im wrong, but isnt this guy in Classic Fallout Weapons made seperate bullpup animations for some guns? :whistling:

    Don't see his tag in the credits, though maybe he is incognito due to modesty.



    Sorry for my poor English, i was just saying that the creator of Classic Fallout Weapons have added seperate bullpup reload animation, and guys have said that this impossible. Or im wrong?


    im hearing it MAY be possible with FOSE to add new reloads.

  12. No suggestions? :ninja:



    im looking at the fet and im think of something but im not sure how to put it in words. i keep thinking about adding gundam style legs or armored core style legs.

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