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Posts posted by rkelly

  1. there is already a halo mod in development iirc.


    jackpack i am seriously drooling over your work, and i am kind of glad my psu is buggered atm so i can't bounce up and down in anticipation.



    p.s need a dogs body you know where i am


    brillant, ill just send over your new armour :whistling: hehe



    lol, but... anyway i was going to upload these as recources as i aint a texture artist by a long shot & thats whats fkd about these models. ithere no textures or need re-textured.


    if you want them ill pass them over & if you do anything with them then its all yours. theres a tut in one of the files uploaded to get them ingame or i cpuld help :thumbsup: .




    lol a gimp suit.

  2. nothing is going anyware untill our mod hits the shelfs.


    however if i reach 20kudos by friday at 12pm, ill let the 1st 5 ppl pic what thay want & ill throw a request for the 1st ;)




    im now working on fear2 to get them wepons in so wish luck that i can make it. i might be working on some armours to.


    can you get the armor as well from fear 1 and 2?

  3. This stuff looks awesome. I'm a big fan of Halo so finding mods for Fallout kix ass.


    I'm not sure if anyone cares but i've been working on a Cortana skin. Should be able to use on all female races but it aint finished yet. Was wondering if you guys might want to look at it or tweak it at all, include with your mods as a pack, anything.


    Keep up the good work


    <Waits with baited breathe


    sweet cortana

  4. Someone needs to read the first page of this thread, I think.


    You mean the admin edit saying "this is for personal use" because you can't upload it to nexus? So upload it somewhere else, also a few posts after that someone pointed out you should be allowed to share the work you've done etc.


    Honestly, I think most of us replied to this thread on the hopes that you'd share the work. ( Despite what the first post said. )


    It'd be a big dissapointment if you didn't since it looks so good. :(

    it could be uploaded were junin has his stuff at.

  5. Hey everybody. I play fallout on the xbox (don't ask) and while surfing on youtube I found and interesting vid. It supposedly showed that u CAN mod FO3 using an Xport 360. The Xport 360's primary use is for transfering data from console mem. card or hard drive to a Pc, (backups, game saves, etc...). So yea I was wondering If this is relly true. Can anyone give me their opinon(s). here's the vid link.


    :thanks: :thumbsup:


    this prolly wont work with mods that use custom models which is like 70-80% of the mods here.

  6. actually there not, the files transfered to nif format are not encrypted or incorporated, they are distrubited with not combined.

    Adding them to a BSA so they require an extraction(reverse engineering) utility instead of just a nif reading utility, would make them legaly useable.


    Most of the makers of the stuff, infact im sure most of them would be happy to see there stuff in a computergame, but its a distrinction that should be made, because as nif the files can be copied by anyone that downloads them, AND they can be used for the exact same stuff they were on the orginal site, and done so without the author getting paid.


    So either he has to contact each author and get permission, or do the easy thing and just include it all in a BSA, so that anyone wishing to use them has to "reverse" engineer the bsa archive, giving JackPack legal protection if one of the authors gets pissed.


    i was talking about mods using stuff from other games.

  7. thats junins work rigging up that mc armor, not me. If i had the time i would have, but... doing 3d art at work kind of soaks up your creativity so when you go home you're a vegetable lol. atleast, lately that is.... =(



    i tried some of that 3d modeling that you do, its hard as hell! You are damn talented if your designing the armor with 3d texturing from scratch. And i know it'll take long but its worth the wait, shouldn't be rushed, anything thats rushed for release shouldn't even be released in the first place. Either someone makes something, or doesn't, rushing it is just horrible.


    I tried Junins mod, its fantastic. 7/10, only reason is cause its got the looks, but not the abilites, i'll understand if its just a quick release to cure the fans obsession with the armor(and to those who don't want to wait for you to finish your ultimate halo mod) but if it had a flashlight on the helmet, and a shield that activates while getting shot at and recharges itself, now THATS a Mjolnir armor! Oh and the visor i noticed doesn't have the weird shape on it and isn't shiny, but the armor looks awesome, lots of detail, more than i expected, its actually lagging my game a little!


    for the shield just use the personal shield generator mod

  8. Every game has their own terms of agreement and I'm sure the fact you bought it does not legally allow you to use its assets and redistribute them. What are the terms of the agreements of those games which assets you use?


    When you bought them and agreed to the terms set by the game publisher, it means that the game assets which somebody else worked hard to create are for your own private use only. I'm sure the copyright law regimes that applies to the game agreements stipulate this.


    Unless you have express written permission from the copyright owners of those assets and reveal them to remove all doubts, it can be a legal infringement. You are using, modifying other people's work without prior consent which can harm their monetary concerns such as being paid for their work. This is the underlying concept of copyright law.


    For instance. I think it would be cool if I can have Blood 2's gravity gun in Fallout 3. but I can't simply import them and publish it for everyone else to use without express consent from its creators or copyright owners. That would be the same as painting myself with bullseye marks as a target for the copyright holders.


    But then again, I'm thinking that copyright procedural law allows you to upload copyrighted material without prior consent as long as the copyright owners don't sue you. Though if they can't, they might sue the owners of the site where you upload your copyrighted files.


    So please, make sure your files are legally safe from litigation. Unless you want to make yourself a target of the copyright holders.


    actually nexus is safe if the actuall files are uploaded offsite. the GOW mod (removed because toxa uploaded a esp to nexus at a later date), the unreal tourney mod and a few others have pages here on nexus BUT they are not actually uploaded on nexus they are uploaded to offsite to a file host or private webpage.

  9. Looking for this armor. If anyone know where I can get it I will be very pleased :)




    Am I the only one who thinks this armor looks awesome? Or is it that everyone else already has it? :(

    it's probably a UT3 retextured armor (Necris or Iron Guard)

    or it's a rip from another game from which a conversion would make the staff here get all righteous and legal about. best thing is to keep it on the low in this case :rolleyes:

    if not that, then keep looking... but I don't find it that cool :P


    might explain why the gears of war mod was removed or clffyB found out and demanded it get removed.

  10. gears of war anyone :P dadadad dada dadadadadaa
















    these are for the supermutants in my mod who have come across an old wepons factory & have decided to make there own wepons instead of useing epons :)


    let toxa use them. do you you have the weapon sounds?

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