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Posts posted by rkelly

  1. I'm using the mod right now, and it has shuriken(throwing stars) in it, trust me.


    For some reason it leaves them off the nexus description, but the description on steam mentions them.

    so is the steam version the most current version of the mod or is nexus?

  2. there are at least 4 different throwing weapon mods (usually knives). which one is really the best of the bunch, or whats the differences or pros and cons of each, or if one mod is geared to ward a different type of warrior(s) than the other (like for example throwing mod A is for thieves or ninjas and throwing mod B is for knights or Vikings or whatever.)?

  3. FYI monster mod is still around just not here. and like i said in the monster mod thread its been reuploaded somewhere else already but the rules say i cant mention the site. but your going to have to search the net (google prolly will help.) actually read this thread linky a site is mentioned thats all i can tell you and thats all i can reveal.
  4. 1. Good luck with kemo and therapy.

    2. What a kick-ass wish!!!!

    3. God bless.



    Pretty mush your list covers everything that i would want. Except mayby some more armor slots: capes, armor slots, and etc. Oh and mayby a more defined class. Such as only warriors can use heavy armor (or a special kind of heavy armor), only mages can use certain spells, and only rouges get armor penetration/better sneak. Also more situations that can be achieved through stealth like trapdoors to more buildings and etc. Well good luck with everything and try to get a playthrough of the demo!!!!!!

    I second these, but also, if you can get really close up to someone, maybe throat slitting or just a good deadly stab in the gut.


    make that a context sensitive sneak attack.

  5. here is 3 new ideas.


    1: to go with my fighting art/fighting style/fighting stance idea the enemys can also use fighting arts as well. enemys/npcs from certain areas or factions or various training will use certain arts. like npcs from the imperial legion will use fencing (if they have a sword) and if unarmed then they will be using brawler fighting. if enemy is from lets say akaviri trained then fighting styles could be either samurai or ninja like depending on art trained in.


    2: some swords and other weapons should fall under both 1 and 2 handed like bastard swords and katanas. the player should be able to decide if they want the weapon to be held with one hand or both.


    3: some more powerful spells should be 2 handed in order to be cast and using (clicking or holding) either the left or right mouse button or both can yield different results and effects.

  6. All well wishes and a swift resolution to your condition. Your consideration to the forums is a selfless act, and I hope everyone here appreciates the gravity of that act.


    I only would have one thing considered. People have been talking about holding weapons differently (i.e., backwards). I think "stances" could be integrated. Each stance could be switched between each other, leading to adaptive combat against a the strengths of the enemy. The best example is archers. A scout and an assasin will hold their bows differently, shoot and redraw their bows differently. An untrained archer will have no advantage over a seasoned hunter or longbowman. Thus, each stance would reflect a way of combat, benefiting the main flows of damage: draw speed, drop range and damage. Assassins would focus on heavy criticals in close range, while longbowmen would focus on heavy accurate damage at long range.

    Each stance would require a certain level of that skill and a trainer.

    The only problem I see is a constant switching of stances which would make for tedious combat.

    I do not expect you to take the idea to heart, but I believe it will diversify the attack styles and reflect the training of individuals.


    Good fortunes for your endeavours, and I hope you enjoy your day when it comes.


    like the stances idea. they could go with my fighting art ideas. stances and fighting arts are not required to finish the game though.

  7. I believe they are readding spears, throwing weapons and I know for a fact that shields are able to be used as weapons.


    and a new idea but as a option in the options menu. TRUE realistic first person veiw (similar to lets say mirriors edge). basically if you get knocked down while in fps view you will see your self on the ground or on your back or if you do a back flip or a spin slash you will see it in fps view (the image of the world through your eyes will spin just like in real life.) and you should be able to see your legs in FPS view.


    and another idea for dual wielding each weapon in each hand will be set for each mouse button (basically left hand = left mouse button and right hand = right mouse button and holding both = block.) and they can each be set to held normal or reverse grip (with the blade facing down like you are going to stab downward or swing upwards with a button press.


    basically this




  8. and more weapon types

    polearms including throwing spears (dragons are in the game so these should be in game)

    bow staffs

    magic staffs for casting


    throwing knives or stars or darts or boomarangs or chakrams

    nunchucku (there is katanas in the game so a few more japanese weapons wont hurt)

    flails and ball and chains

    claws and wrist blades and other fist weapons.


    shelds should be able to be used as weapons as well

    unarmed should allow kicking and technical hits like combinations but only if the character or enemy is taught a fighting art.

    armed melee should also have a art system for combat as well but not required so a knight character might use standard fencing (standard swinging animation) but a akaviri taught warrior (from a master) might know how to use a katana is awesome ways from drawing his blade to the actual art of swinging (ala samurai style) and skills and arts can be changed when ever necessary



    should also be other skills that can be learned like using your sword to send a energy projectile (like a blade beamish attack for example) or using your fist to send a wave of energy to knock the enemy on the ground. quick time or contect sensitive events that can allow certain moves like a combo hit.


    any other weapons i forgot?

  9. here is a few ideas. dual wielding, and weapons that allow both 2 hand and one handed use with a quick switch button, and switching weapons (swords and knives) from standard hold to holding them upside down (for downward stabbing). and some masters teach weapon and unarmed arts like sword based martial arts or unarmed (think jade empire), if throwing knives/ stars and bow/ arrows are added then make them have skill to learn to allow multi throwing/ shootting (like throwing 3 knives at once or shooting 2 arrows at once. and last but not least TRUE ambidexterous characters so characters dont have to be just right handed they can be either left or right.
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