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Posts posted by rkelly

  1. I got a PM on the first of this month from spc saying:


    "ODST was made as a gift to People who are in the Military as a thanks. The Original Work was donated and it was edited so it could be used

    in fallout."


    but a while before that some time in October I got a pm from him saying:


    "Well it is my plan to release the armor, my custom character/ Race...probably not, just because it feels like it is the one thing that is completely mine."


    So What one is it? or is it a case of two different people saying two different things? :unsure:



    well the not sharing bit was more about my custom character/ race.....

    like it was said earlier....I wanna have something that is mine....and a custom race...is really just that.

    as for the armor talking with junin and I hope to get incontact with Jaysus soon again to try

    to get cracking on something new...


    a personal goal is to have something nice (ODST wise) out for the community

    before xmas, once again please be patient as we all have lives and jobs that

    take priority.






    if you need halo weaponry than there maybe something for you at f3underground.

  2. Yet another beautiful project that we may never see.


    are you sure about that?




    Work on this is now back in full swing (very late I know but better late then never!), since this image I modified the armor a bit more and have now split it up ready for UV mapping. Its going to end up with 8 different textures just for the body D:!!!



    hey tyokio also to get you up to speed a new fallout3 mod site is out that some of us nexus goers go to. google f3underground

  3. Junin Has a Version? anyone have screens? :biggrin:



    Here you go.





    holy hell! that is so F-ing EPIC! spectre or junin doesnt which releases there ODST first ill use both. my character will wear one version (or alternate between the 2) and my npc companions will wear both.

  4. talked with him last week and he wasnt sure yet if he wanted it released now that you all beg for it or not, i had the feeling that he was drifting towards releasing it even if its just to stop the email spam :D

    and yes hes somewhere far from his dear badass computer and he cant access nexus from that place either,

    however if he really wanted it released he could just have dropped a note as i still have it lingering around somewhere

    edit: sorry i was wrong, all went to hell with a neat virus back in summer :D i just have an early alpha left... edit2: mmh lol, somehow i still have a game ready version, dunno if its the final one tho :D, i guess not as it doesnt have the explorational corps insignia on it... mmmh...



    if you have one yourself just go on and release it lol, as long as it aint the mod from nathan, me and spectre i dont see why you shouldnt


    teaser :bunny: :



    That looks really nice man. Don’t post any more screenshots or people are going to start harassing you. I’m going to pm spetre again and make sure he doesn’t have a problem with me releasing my version. I don’t want to step on any toes here, know what I mean? Anyway, just curious who actually modeled that armor, (big props to him) that is very accurate? Anyway I’m going to dig up my files and put a mod together, maybe I’ll release some variants like the close quarter combat and recon. By the way, I know you and I know Spetre, but who is Nathan.


    you may have to PM him at f3underground.

  5. does anybody know who did the models? i know munkeenuts rip off the model makers so im trying to find the makers.


    so far the only person i know that had a hand in the creation of some of the models was kitteh. does any body else know the rest of the modelers names or was it just kitteh?

  6. Yes! I think that might have been him... most likely. Munkee, that sounds very familiar. That sucks that he was banned or, not if he was ripping credit from other modders. At least, it sucks that the mods are gone. The shotguns he put up were friggin great and that SIG552 was beautiful. Anyone know if his mods are still accessible somewhere else? I'll do some looking myself. Thanks again.


    i got a link to his armory mod. pm me if you want it. NOTE: the armory mod also modifies the enemies weapons as well and i wish he made a version that did not do that.

  7. Actually the source engine and the gamebryo are pretty different. Source engine is a much heavier modified version of havok as well as a much more stable version.


    Fallout 3 & Oblivion use the Gamebryo Engine, I think the Havok they use is the physics engine. Havok do several engines, including AI and destruction (used in Red Faction Guerrilla) but they DON'T do a base game engine. Regardless, apart from the copyright issue, it depends on what you're trying to import. If it's character models and weapons, you can avoid all the copyright and just make your own - as for gameplay stuff that's hardcoded and probably worth avoiding.


    it would be easier to just go to FPSbananna and use those models for a personal mod or a releasable mod (will need permission for that) since the css models there look better than the original valve ones.

  8. Question to all modders. I want to bring the stuff of Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat in Fallout 3 since they use the same engine (Havok) but I don't really know how to do it. Please reply. It could be a nice mod coming up. :)


    you have to decompile the models first the models are in .mdl format so you have to get a .mdl decompiler for hl2 and decompile the models to .smd but before that you have to extract the .mdls from the games .gcf file (in the steamapps folder). after you get the models into .smd format you need to import them to a model making/ editing program like 3dsmax or blender so you gotta search the nest for a .smd import script for one of the programs. now beyond this point you need a a person that knows how to rig and texture to tell you what to do next.

  9. From what I understand it's not likely to be released except in limited distribution. Though I'm sure someone will port another version... and that person might be me?

    the maker sad 2 versions. one for people that served in the military and another for everybody else.

  10. dude just wait. good things come to those with patience.

    sorry, ive just seen so many pics




    serously, i cant post here without getting chewed out by someone!


    i wasnt being rude. just giving good advice.

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