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Everything posted by DarkDominion

  1. I just checked, Gamebanana.com is just another pirate site where people upload other people's work :mad:
  2. again : Select a mod, CTRL + A to select all ( white bar pops up ) , then click REMOVE in the while bar... not that hard people
  3. And still the admins report back as this being a "holiday traffic problem" :confused:
  4. you might want to delete your IP in the pictures, because, well, you never know who sees it :ninja:
  5. In response to post #75910143. #75912008, #75914078 are all replies on the same post. It's a reply to @WakJack87's post. @1ae0bfb8 doesn't know how to properly quote I guess :)
  6. this has nothing to do with Vortex, USSEP was changed and it now conflicts with "Children mods" please visit the USSEP page for a solution good luck -=DD=-
  7. That's all I wanted to know. Thank you :)
  8. I've send another feedback, with log, game, and deployment method
  9. @Tannin42 -where can I find that log ? -Skyrim SE -Deploy mods when enabled Also what game is this referring to? What deployment method do you use? It shouldn't be slower in general and i don't think we even touched the code checking for external changes at all.
  10. Is it me or is the latest version ( 0.18.6 from 29th May ) waaaaay slower than the version before that ? And by way slower I mean like 5-8 seconds per mod ( that's a lot on a 250 mods list :ohmy: ) Looks like it take ages to even check for external changes... Cheers -=DD=-
  11. I think they are revering to "them". . . "the ones that...." :D
  12. Thank you LawrenceFB, finally someone that understands the real issue here. Here's to your second Kudo! Cheers -=DD=-
  13. both of you are jumping to conclusions, but thanks for trying
  14. I set those rules and they were fine, I made a patch according to these rules and it was fine. Now LOOT has done a game changer rule again and all of a sudden it's NOT fine. All of a sudden I need to MANUALLY change the userlist.yaml to make things work again.... I have set some rules that are contradictory ? How about you guys admit it was LOOT that effed up once again ? I'm running the latest version the experimental version...what 0.17 ? or something ? I'm just kind of fed up to have to MANUALLY rework my load order every time LOOT decides it should change something Hope you guys see my complaint for what it is...
  15. This isn't the first time LOOT rules have been changed and now all of a sudden my load order isn't correct anymore ( which it was two days ago ). Something has changed inside the LOOT rules and now I get this : Error: yaml-cpp: error at line 238, column 7: bad conversion: set elements must be unique at c.handleResponse (D:\Vortex\resources\app.asar.unpacked\bundledPlugins\gamebryo-plugin-management\webpack:\gamebryo-plugin-management\node_modules\loot\index.js:167:1) at Socket.handleResponse (D:\Vortex\resources\app.asar.unpacked\bundledPlugins\gamebryo-plugin-management\webpack:\gamebryo-plugin-management\node_modules\loot\index.js:80:1) at emitOne (events.js:116:13) at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7) at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12) at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11) at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:208:10) at Pipe.onread (net.js:594:20) With this "cyclic rules error" ( again worked perfectly two days ago ) SEE BELOW( and no , I can not changed my own rules , it wont let me ) Could you guys please make up your mind over at LOOT and decide on a rule set and stick with and and not change it every few weeks? It will save me a LOT of time SEE SECOND PICTURE : EDIT : now the cyclic rules seem to have disappeared ( I did nothing to make it so , just restarted Vortex ) and now I get this
  16. hope to see the fix soon :) Thanks for all the hard work Tannin42
  17. thanks for the feedback... and yes I also did that @HadToRegister
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