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Everything posted by DarkDominion

  1. Hello :) Just upgraded to the latest version, because, why not. now.... Vortex keeps on sorting and never stops ( see screenshot ) Have -restarted Vortex -restarted my computer still keeps on sorting how to stop it ?
  2. that may be true, but it seems to work on NMM and MO, so it's just Vortex being a little weird about it. unless Tannin42 can convince me that we need to convince Groovtama to make these changes for us, the Vortex users, I say Vortex needs to be fixed.
  3. Error whilst checking for update from 0.15.2 to 0.15.3 ( Windows 10 home ) Any idea what might cause this ?
  4. @HadToRegister: that has nothing to do with this problem. Tannin42 already told me not to run as administrator @ Grestorn: 1)Vortex can write logs into my user path. Next! 2)Admin right are irrelevant, also: THIS IS ABOUT UPDATING VORTEX !!! NEXT! 3)THIS IS ABOUT UPDATING VORTEX !!! NEXT! 4)Where did I say : It doesn't work? I was very detailed in describing my issues Did you even read what the problem was ? @ Tannin42: No, it is not, but since we are on the subject : that topic is about a very different problem... So, care to tell me why I do not have a vortex.exe in my D:\vortex folder after updating ? Again, this happens : to summarize : - I open up Vortex, it says it has an update ( BETA ) - I update clicking the update in the notice bar - Vortex closes. - Vortex updates. - vortex.exe lost - Go to github to get vortex.exe - use .exe, all is good Happens in 0.15.1 and 0.15.2
  5. C:\Users\[your name]\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\loadorder.txt
  6. a ( legal before you ask ) copy of Bitdefender, ever since Vortex came out some months ago. At my end that hasn't changed , Vortex did change though ...
  7. Not true, in Skyrim and Fallout 4 there are .dlls in the DATA folder ( think SKSE or F4SE ) , and .dlls in the GAME folder
  8. do not use Vortex as admin, that's so wrong in many ways.... to summarize : - I open up Vortex, it says it has an update ( BETA ) - I update clicking the update in the notice bar - Vortex closes. - Vortex updates. - vortex.exe lost - Go to github to get vortex.exe - use .exe, all is good Happens in 0.15.1 and 0.15.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win 10 64bit Vortex installed in D: drive ( where steam is located too ) Mods and Archive from Vortex also installed on D: drive
  9. - I open up Vortex, it says it has an update ( BETA ) - I update clicking the update in the notice bar - Vortex closes. - Vortex updates. - vortex.exe lost - Go to github to get vortex.exe - use .exe, all is good Happens in 0.15.1 and 0.15.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win 10 64bit Vortex installed in D: drive ( where steam is located too ) Mods and Archive from Vortex also installed on D: drive
  10. In response to post #60763647. #60788487 is also a reply to the same post. groups
  11. missing the 0.15.2 exe too, grabbing it from github too
  12. lol, that's 015.2 For the second time vortex updated and did not give me a new vortex.exe to use . Previous vortex.exe is nowhere to be found...smh ( I don't have Vortex on my C: drive... ) so, now what ?
  13. It turns out that the installer had failed to actually put Vortex.exe in C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex. Yup, exact Same problem
  14. how ? You have dependencies inside the mods, you yourself need to put the defaults into groups WITHOUT knowing whats inside the mod ( the baked in dependencies ) SO : right now you can have multiple mods inside a group, and ONE mod can eff things up for a whole group, because that mod asks for a different dependency, so you need to turn that around but Vortex wont let you because of reasosns. Are you still following me ? great, because I have lost it.= completely. THIS IS THE SINGLE MOST ANNOYING THING VORTEX HAS COME UP WITH. I WANT MY OLD VORTEX BACK !
  15. I find this quite ridiculous. We need to "patch"a new implementation of LOOT ? Now I need to run through my 146 mod list to solve all the problems which I didn't have before the update. Users need to solve the "default" classification and LOOTS implementation of a new rule set without thinking about those "default" mods and Vortex is just running happily along with LOOT. Again I say : Vortex is WAY to dependent on LOOT EDIT 1 : Realistic Water Two is classified as "Alternate Start" mod, come on !! Skyrim.esm - DEFAULT ???? Seriously ??? EDIT 2 : 13 out of the 146 mods are NOT classified as "default", that means more than 90% of my mods are default, happy sorting ! EDIT 3 : Some mods have dependencies inside the mod ( put there by LOOT ). Put your mods in a group, like your precious weapons, and you'll soon find out ONE of them makes it that the WHOLE group of Weapons can't be placed BEFORE/AFTER one particular other group, but it doesn't say it's the case, it only churns out the almighty "CYCLIC" warning. EDIT 4: Even if the basic groups ( like morrow loot ultimate and alternative start ) are empty, it STILL churns out the CYCLIC warning between those two, and I do not have ONE mod in that group ? This is utterly frustrating
  16. do people who make those rules have ANY idea how many mods use the "default' as group name ? this is quite ridiculous how are we supposed to know which mod goes in what classification ?
  17. In response to post #59131806. #59132596, #59143546, #59153916, #59156576 are all replies on the same post. sorry, been busy... look, my DL also tops a 1.1MB, so your reasoning is wrong. if the 900kB is the new 1MB cap, how come I also get 1.1MB sorry, the average cap is 10% lower than it was with NMM, or that was also a lie ?
  18. In response to post #59131806. #59132596, #59143546, #59153916, #59596286 are all replies on the same post. good tip Tannin42, will use that... More on this later ....
  19. In response to post #58857216. #58922306, #58926716, #58931711, #58954851, #58955056, #58956801, #58958426, #58958736, #58979631, #58987141, #58996341, #58997811, #59030141, #59040336, #59063731, #59132571 are all replies on the same post. @Darklocq : It's always the people who stir up a shitstorm that call the : "I was simply making a tone and a suggestion" line. You were not and you know it ( we all know it, so... ) Don't tell people how to react to a stirred up shitstorm. Just don't stir one up, and people will react accordingly :) So, you had better stuff to do ? Bye then ! :)
  20. In response to post #59131806. #59132596 is also a reply to the same post. 1) You don't have Premium now 2) Hardly anyone uses it it seems : that's says something about Premium, right ? but in all seriousness : I just want my 1Mb/s :)
  21. @Dark0ne, The tin says "Capped at 1Mb/s, go premium if you want faster dl", but it should say "cap at 900kB/s". :) Where NMM gave us non premium-plebs a solid 1Mb, we now get 10% less. Or are you granting us the 1Mb/s limit later on in development ? Thanks for your time :thumbsup: -=DD=-
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