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Posts posted by TobiaszPL

  1. Any1 Anything?


    my onli idea to do it is by:



    but egh :/... its not rly great way in my opinion xD

    i already run so much scripts so my game "freeze" for scripts, i mean game works fine but

    if you use for example Spel that open Menu then you wait around 2/3 seconds before script run xDD


    - Campfire Script

    - Street Light scripts

    - Animal Scripts ( Chicken making eggs, cows producing milk etc. )


    i want to awoid using scripts for loot xD



    but whats my NEW idea: !!


    [ Tobi ] Wild Perks.esp

    Because Ordinator Perks are too simple and stupid in my opinion...


    i want to replace Marksman with Hunting Skill Tree

    Hunting Skill tree will have perks that allow you to gather more items from killed enemies

    just like in my other mod Braverock but Braverock just have a lot of loot from monsters


    Wild Perks will change loot if player have perk for this


    Claws, Tooths, Blood, Fluids, Bowel, Liver, Heart, Eyes, Fur, Stomath, Bones

    There is a lot things you can gather from killed monsters :D !...


    for example Bowel and Stick can be used to create primitive bow :)

    Also we can use Rabbit Bowel or Stomath as Condome :D !...


    Fluids may be use as Alchemy Ingerents

    Heart can be cooked

    Bones can be used to craft Bone Weapons



    i have many more ideas to improve Perks in Skyrim


    few examples:


    Enchanting ( Wild Knowledge )

    - Portals ( By using Soul Gems you can activate Portals all around world for short time )


    Alchemy ( Wild Herbs )

    - Destilation ( By using destilation you can improve your ingerents and craft better potions )


    Sneak ( Wild Stealth )

    - it will be Pickpocketing and Sneak at once, cause:


    Pickpocketing ( WIld Survival )

    - You can build campfires, cut trees etc. to survive !...


    and ofc. many many more :o !...


    Im gonna use IronWork ( my other mod ) to replace Smithing...

    well i write long post here long time ago but i see its already deleted lel... np.




    I was study a lot of ancient knowledge and i want to use it for my Mod :o

    did you know that Best Medieval bows actually had 2 sides?


    one side was made with hard and strong wood to improve bow strenght

    and other side was made with flexible wood to protect bow from breaking :o !...

    also i speak with some ppl who made bows and works as smith :o



    but ofc. my mods are not public so no one will be able to download it anyway xD




    but still i need way to change loot if player have specific perk :c !...

    i don't want to do it by Script because scripts already work slow because of a lot of script s#*! i made xD !...

  2. How to change loot from monsters when player got new perk???


    for example killing wolf gives you 1 meat but with perk 2 meat?




    You can upload up to Uploading is not allowed of files (Max. single file size: 5GB)

    wtf ? xD


    1. i can upload up to Uploading is not allowed

    2. max single file size 5GB????


  3. Then you have to make 1 Unique Horse and place it in small interior cell


    when player want to summon your horse you should use MoveTo() Function to move your horse from

    interior to player and when you want horse to disappear you Move it to your cell again :P


    this way summon and desummon your unique horse



    1. Create Interior Cell

    2. Build little room ( at least floor )

    3. Place XMarker

    4. Place your Unique horse



    1. Create script with OnEffectStart

    2. You will need 2 References - one to your Horse / one to Xmarker in Interior cell

    3. Move Horse reference to player reference when you want to summon horse - you can also play Animation

    4. Move horse reference to Xmarker reference when you want horse to disappear :x...



    ofc. you can also "Activate" your horse to start "Timer" count and disappear horse after time :x...

    <ID> . Activate( <Who> )

  4. My english is bad sorry :c


    in Short what you want to do:

    - Block "Daedric" Artifacts ( "Seal enchant power" )

    - Give Player Artifact power as Enchant Power


    "Enchant Stones" ????

    Create new item, for example armor - You can use Soul Stone as Mesh and Texture, and give this stone enchant

    and then give this Enchant Stone to Player via script :tongue: QPlayer.AddItem( XX, 1 );




    I could remove the artifacts from the player's inventory duri


    Create misc item with Artifact Mesh and Textures and replace real artifact with MISC artifact

    you can also change name to for example "Sealed Razor" instead of "Merheneus Razor"


    Yes i dont remember his name but it was somthing like merhenues or merzeneus xD


    when you will want to "Unlock" artifact power you can again replace items

    this time you delete MISC item and give player WEAPON item

  5. I wanted to improve my Ironwork Mod

    old description: ( no need to read, just if any one want to know what Ironwork is )



    Tobias Iron Works !...
    Items you need:
    Furnance - Heating materials
    Anvil - Shaping materials
    Hammer - Tool to shape material
    Tongs - Tool to hold heat material
    Gloves - Protection
    How to craft Sword?
    1) You will need Clay Form
    Craft it with: ( Use Bucket )
    12 Clay
    2 Rocks
    6 Leather Strips
    2) Get any Material You want
    Craft it with: ( Use Smelter )
    12 Ores
    4 Coal
    3) Make "Cast"
    Craft it with: ( Use Hot Pot )
    1 Clay Form
    3 Material
    6 Coal
    4) Heat you Cast and Forge at Anvil
    a) Make sword shape
    b) Clear your sword
    c) Make blade shape
    d) Clear Blade
    e) Grind edges
    5) Fluid bath ##! OPTIONAL !##
    a) Make Fluid
    b) Bath sword for 24h
    c) Clear sword in water
    6) Hand ##! OPTIONAL !##
    a) Use leather stripts or Fur
    7) Detail ##! OPTIONAL !##
    a) add more details :smile:
    :cool: Sharp ##! OPTIONAL !##
    a) just sharp blade :smile:
    If Material Got cold, heat it again,
    hitting cold material broke final sword.
    Heating material too much make it Fragile
    do Your work quick or Your got worse stats.
    Keep You forge at good temparature
    too much for material is too bad
    cold forge have no heat power
    Here you have Heat for materials:
    Start at: 600
    Best at: 800
    Melt at: 1000
    Fluit at: 2000
    Weight: 11.000 Kg/m3
    Fragile: 11%
    Start at: 700
    Best at: 900
    Melt at: 1200
    Fluit at: 2500
    Weight: 9.000 Kg/m3
    Fragile: 19%
    Start at: 900
    Best at: 1600
    Melt at: 1700
    Fluit at: 2800
    Weight: 7.900 Kg/m3
    Fragile: 15%
    Start at: 1200
    Best at: 1400
    Melt at: 1700
    Fluit at: 2900
    Weight: 9.000 Kg/m3
    Fragile: 8%
    Start at: 1200
    Best at: 1600
    Melt at: 2000
    Fluit at: 3200
    Weight: 4.500 Kg/m3
    Fragile: 5%
    Start at: 1300
    Best at: 1700
    Melt at: 2200
    Fluit at: 4000
    Weight: 20.000 Kg/m3
    Fragile: 12%
    Start at: 1600
    Best at: 2400
    Melt at: 3000
    Fluid at: 4500
    Weight: 22.000 Kg/m3
    Fragile: 24%
    Start at: 2100
    Best at: 2900
    Melt at: 5000
    Fluid at: 14.000
    Weight: 9.000 Kg/m3
    Fragile: 1%
    Acid: protected
    Royal Water: Weak
    Here you have heat power:
    Leather: 90 ( 10 / 10 sec )
    Wood: 170 ( 14 / 10 sec )
    Coal: 640 ( 19 / 10 sec )
    Rich Coal: 1650 ( 25 / 10 sec )
    Ifirium: 8900 ( 33 / 10 sec )
    Prilirium: 18200 ( 50 / 10 sec )
    Here you have possible Furance:
    this Value is Heat Isolation !...
    Primitive: 82%
    Stone: 6
    Clay: 12
    Wood: 4
    Stone: 84%
    Stone: 24
    Clay: 20
    Wood: 12
    Leather: 4
    Iron: 85%
    Stone: 24
    Clay: 12
    Wood: 6
    Iron Strings: 4
    Iron Plates: 2
    Heat Stone: 89%
    Stone: 42
    Iron String: 4
    Iron Plates: 6
    Iron Dust: 12
    Glass: 92%
    Glass: 12
    Iron Plates: 24
    Iron String: 12
    Iron Dust: 6
    Concrete: 12
    Obsidian: 95%
    Obsidian: 24
    Concrete: 24
    Prilitium: 97%
    Obsidian: 24
    Prilitium: 12
    Mystic: 99%
    Obsidian: 96
    Prilitium: 96
    Ifirium: 96




    so i wanted to improve my mod by adding buildable structures


    ATM, player is able to use my Mod only in Riverwood where Crafting Furniture Objects are

    but i want give player spells that spawn new Crafting Furnitures where player use spell


    i have 2 TEST scripts and i have no f***g idea why its not working =_=


    Script 1:



    Scriptname QLG_SimpleScript_Build extends ActiveMagicEffect  
    { Script created mostly for Ironwork Mod
    	This script place object at build marker }
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-08-01
     ;Update: 2019-08-01
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<1>
    ;===- Var. setup -===========================================;
    	ObjectReference Property QTarget Auto
    	{ ... }
    	FormList Property QForm Auto
    	{ Ref. to object that have to move }
    ;===- Main Script -=============================;
    Event OnEffectStart( Actor QTar, Actor QCas )
    	If( ( QTar == Game.GetPlayer() ) )
    		Debug.Notification(" DEBUG " )
    		QTarget.PlaceAtMe( QForm.GetAt(0) as ObjectReference )
    ; The End 




    Script 2:



    Scriptname QLG_SimpleScript_MarkLocation extends ActiveMagicEffect  
    { Script created mostly for Ironwork Mod
    	This script simply move build marker to player :)... }
    ;===- Base Info. -===;
     ;Created: 2019-08-01
     ;Update: 2019-08-01
     ;Author: TobiPL
     ;Unit: M.PC<1>
    ;===- Var. setup -===========================================;
    	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
    	{ Player Ref. }
    	ObjectReference Property QTarget Auto
    	{ Ref. to object that have to move }
    ;===- Main Script -=============================;
    Event OnEffectStart( Actor QTar, Actor QCas )
    	If( ( QTar == Game.GetPlayer() ) )
    		QTarget.MoveTo( QPlayer )
    ; The End 





    idk but posting here helps me a lot...

    cause after i post new topic i finaly read my Code xDDD


    idk why i can't do it without posting new topic but i think i know what is wrong

    Scriptname QLG_SimpleScript_MarkLocation extends ActiveMagicEffect


    Extends ActiveMagicEffect


    let's see what will happend if i change it to ObjectReference...



    No its not working... also it dont even show "DEBUG" notification sometimes...


    My "Rage" S*** xD



    if i restart game sometimes DEBUG message shows sometimes after restart dont...


    im using... almost vanilla skyrim i have only few Racemenu mods and AlternaeStart - Modding Skyrim Version xD



    but i think im done for now with this broken game and im gonna take break again...

    =____= i said it many many many times...


    I HAD NEVER SO MANY problems with Unity, Unreal or C++ like i have with CK...

    CK is most broken Game Engine in human history...


    - When you start Unity or Unreal -> No Errors that you have to ignore ( or disable MessageBox in editor ini file xD )

    - When you load texture to Unity or Unreal, it never crash, ck crash sometimes with no reason


    and ofc. CK allow only NIF XWM DDS files... it that so hard for CK to convert for example PNG to DDS?

    well Unity and Unreal can do it so why Creation Kit can't ?...



    ok im just angry...

    because when i work in C++ or other Engines everything is working fine...

    when i work in CK i have to save and test everything every f***g 15 minutes...



    ok anyway ill be back probably after 5/10 days i need break...

    if any1 want to help, i will answer after those 5 days...


    also WHY loading CK takes so fk**g long time??? WTF

    Loading CK takes like 5 minutes when loading Unity takes around 10 sec and Unreal only 1/2 minutes

    WITH A LOT OF FREE ASSETS !... well im poor so im using free assets :o...


    ok ok ok xD im still in rage mode cause this mod is not working even after 50h of MY work...

    i think im gonna delete everything and make it again...


    or i will just leave Skyrim... xD but its hard i was trying 5 or more times to leave skyrim and modding xD

    Addicted to Modding Skyrim :o


    Time in CK: 2500 ( Steam )

    +Around 10.000h Gimp, Music, Sounds, Textures, Models, Scripting :o


    Time in Game: 1200 ( Steam )

    i have played Skyrim for only 59 Hours :D

    under Saved game you have play time xD thats my only one save :D

    so i was testing Skyrim for around 1100 H :o



    Something probably funny, i have 4 almost 5 hours in SKSE on Steam xD

    SKSE starts for only like 1 or 2 sec xD and i have almost 5 h :D



    Ok bye !...



    i think now i will go to play some game, PLAY TIME ONLY :o

    or maybe work some in C++ i wanted to do Better Version of my Console Game xD


    Old Console Game made by me:



    its only in Polish cause im from Poland :D lol

    but you can try if you want xD


    don't worry its safe to use i also can send src code if any1 want :o lol !...




    hmm... maybe ill try to unlock Legendary Difficult in Titan Quest :o

    Good and Old Game <3 Old games are best xD !!!!






    - Modding Spellforce -> No Problems

    - Modding Titan Quest -> No Problems

    - Modding Gothic 2 -> No Problems

    - Making Maps for Stronghold -> No Problems, but its boring xD


    MODDING SKYRIM, well here is error msg box, here is another and here you have 10 more errors also

    can't find sound file and btw. application crash so you have to restart and start again.


    don't worry it was only 3h of your life... well... wasted time... still you are addicted to skyrim

    so you will do your work again, for free !...



    ohh wait... i lie !...

    i had problems with Stronghold xDDD


    but problems like this: GOOGLE DRIVE IMAGE !



    are not so bad like just crash that wipe all your work...



    egh, ok... bye this time srsl bye xD

    u must be so bored if you read all this :D... lol




  6. Has been tested to death in the past. PlayerRef is 1000x faster


    Is that really suprise?


    Actor Property QPlayer Auto

    { Player Ref. }


    When need in Script what game do:

    - ask to acces for memory




    When need in script what game do:

    - create return and generate self

    - do Function stuff

    - recive pointer to Player

    - return pointer

    - clear stack



    Also when you call Function this function may call even more functions




    ; define just replace this on left with this on right, in short :o

    #define add(a,b) (a) + (b)


    ; new function that make his own return and 2 ints then move them to stack

    ; waste time to create "s***" on stack and also waste memory :x... cause a and b takes 2x more memory than need

    int add(int a,int b){return a+b;}








    want to save memory? -> Use Functions

    want to save power? -> Use Variables


    ALWAYS !...

  7. If you don't have Navmesh NPC will almost never want to move

    only in fight / run etc.


    if you create your own interior / exterior you have to generate navmesh or build it manyaly otherwise NPC wont move

    also if this is interior NPC wont leave this interior until you "Finalize" Navmesh cell under Door Marker




    Maybe next time use "Edit" option instead of "Post" option?

    also Nexus Forum should finaly make Double Post Protection...


    If( Post[ PostAMT -1 ].GetAuthorID == Post[ PostAMT ].GetAuthorID ) SpanPost()



    Video TUT how to create Follower ( not my )




    //Edit: ( i add this "//Edit" for ppl to know where and what i did edit :tongue: )

    See? Editing is better than posting new message :D less spam :smile:...


    more crazy version: xD

    cmp <0a.1 EQU =0a.0 !0x01



    cmp -> compare - you may know it from ASM

    equ -> equal ( this same as == in "normal" language )


    <0a.1 whuts this?

    <MoveOperator> <ObjectPointer> <Move Value >


    Move A pointer to left by 1


    0a = move to left but dont save new position

    1a = move to left and save new position


    !0 - call own function

    0x01 -> Hexadecimal adress to function

    0b01 -> Binary adress to function

    01 -> Decimal adress to function


    #0 - call engine function



    if you read this you have to know one thing,

    this is "Fun" Engine like Brainf*#@ but this engine isn't avilable public :P

    so this knowledge will never help you xD


    but Brainf*#@ is public! TRY: https://esolangs.org/wiki/Brainf*#@

  8. XMarker Script:

    ; Attach to XMarker - or sweetroll
    	KeyWord Property RegisterKey Auto
    	{ Key to register kill }
    	KeyWord Property ShowKey Auto
    	{ Key to show values }
    	Int ValidKill 	= 0
    	int Kill		= 0
    Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )
    	If( QRef.HasKeyWord( RegisterKey )
    		ValidKill += 1
    		ElseIf( QRef. HasKeyWord( ShowKey )
    			Debug.Notification("Valid Kills: " + ValidKill )
    			Debug.Notification("Kills: " + Kills )
    		Kill += 1

    Actor Script:

    ; Attach to Actor
    	ObjectReference Property QCardinal Auto
    	{ Reference to XMarker that hold Kills }
    	; remember to give this actor KeyWord that
    	; make kill valid - otherwise it will be counted as invaild kill
    Event OnDeath()
    	QCardinal.Activate( self )

    i recomend you to create cell where you store all your XMarkers

    Activate will always work even if cell is not loaded...


    well it work for me...



    Actor need to have special KeyWord

    otherwise kill will be counted but as normal Kill


    you can make counter for specific kills for example BossKills, SpecialUnitKills, NormalUnitKills etc.


    also you can always cast "Activate" with Function Call like i show you with "ShowKey"

    so you can use for example kills as power or anything...

    ; example with attaching to Spell
    	ObjectReference Property QCardinal Auto
    	{ Cardinal Ref. - XMarker that hold kills }
    	FormList Property QCommandList Auto
    	{ list of supporting commanad 
    	 - for example:
    	  :: set counter to 0 <ID: 0>
    	  :: show kills <ID: 1>
    	  :: Transform 10 kills to 10 Hp Points <ID: 2>
    Event OnEffectStart( ... can't remember what should be there xD )
     ; caster and target?... idk xD who cares we dont need them anyway
    	QCardinal.Activate( QCommandList.GetAt( 3 ) as ObjectReference )

    sry for my potato english :D

    You can do anything with XMarkers and Activate :)


    well KeyWords and Activate are like Pointers and Functions in C++ :D

    also by using XMarkers and PlaceAtMe you can make C++ Classes and Objects xD





    Once i did really something really stupid :o

    in one of my work administrator block everything on ours computers =_=


    only CMD console works, so when i was bored i start to write programs in CMD console xD

    i made Classes and Objects using ECHO function xD


    Echo function is to show Text in console window but also can be used to create files etc.


    Echo set Value = 5 >> NewFile.bat

    Echo echo %Value% >> NewFile.bat

    Call NewFile.bat


    but that was stupid idea cause once i made game ( 80.000 chars lenght :o )

    and i broke computer xD cause my "game" was creating all time new objects - i just forgot to delete old files

    and it was getting bigger and bigger...


    and after few h of "playing" PC just frezzee xDDDDD

    still not sure why but after this frezze it was hard to restart computer


    maybe because there was only few MB space on disc left??


    thanks god it works ( restart ) and i delete all my work :o

    otherwise i would be forced to pay for broken computer xDDDD




    btw. now i broke my Skyrim, idk what i did but Exterior worlds don't want to load

  9. Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )
    	Actor TempActor = FindRandomActorFromRef( QPlayer , 1200.0 )
    	If( TempActor )
    		If( TempActor.IsInFaction( QFaction ) )
    			; NPC is in Faction, do stuff here
    			; NPC is not in Faction, do ELSE stuff here
    		; Can't find NPC
    		; im not sure about this part, but sometimes it works :)

    Version with refreshing every 6 sec:

    Event OnInit()
    	RegisterForUpdate( 6.0 )
    Event OnUpdate()
    	Actor TempActor = FindRandomActorFromRef( QPlayer , 1200.0 )
    	If( TempActor )
    		If( TempActor.IsInFaction( QFaction ) )
    			; NPC is in Faction, do stuff here
    			; NPC is not in Faction, do ELSE stuff here
    		; Can't find NPC
    		; im not sure about this part, but sometimes it works :)

    If you explain what you want using easy english i can help you more,

    however atm, script find actor around player and check if this actor is in selected faction :x...




    i can't test this script so try to compile and show me errors if any erros shows

  10. 1) This is MALE armor...

    2) Ugly armor :x...

    3) probably no1 will waste around 10h of his life for free xD



    - You don't even have meshes, like you said - Mobile Apps ( idk how to steal meshes from them xD )

    Give me armor in TPose and for 10$ i can give you meshes


    but then you will still need HDT textures etc.

    well textures are really simple but HDT, there is no many ppl who know how to build good HDT




    Come back when you will finaly have 3D Model ( mesh )

    Or probably no1 gonna help you :x...

  11. Can't You just install HDT again manualy and owerwrite every single file?



    "Hey i broke something idk what and my game is not working, who know what i broke?"



    only GOD know what you were doing :P lel


    like i said... reinstal everything this time manualy and owerwtire everything !...

    then other mods may stop working but at least HDT will work xD




    You should make "Save" of Your game files before You install new mods :)

  12. Hey... skyrim is boring again...

    i was playing on Legendary and got lvl 106...

    with many many mods that make my game harder and harder...


    but thats not enough :/



    Any1 know any mods that may make my game even harder?


    What i want mostly:

    - change f***ing Jobs of Skyrims... this mod is usless and to simply...

    :: any1 know good mod for jobs?


    - change Deadly Traps to something else

    :: this mod is good... but if you got hit by moving trap it send you to space... its stupid...


    Any mod that change my game to harder :smile:

    Laungage no matter !...

    its no problem for me to use Japan Russian and English mods, send anything you have :D !




    what im using atm:

    - Weapon DMG UI

    :: i set this to 1 hit = 1 kill ( even if player have 1000 hp i sometimes got one shoted )


    - Trade and Barters

    :: very low sell and very high buy prices ( yestarday i sold bow for 12 septims... it was to buy for 42.000 ... )


    - Death Alt.

    :: i don't want to just die... im using DDs Mods and SL mods so they cooperate also SL Defeat


    - Complete Alchemy and Crafting

    :: 15 pickaxe hits = 1 ore // Potions take 15 sec to effect // etc.


    - Treasure hunter prostitute

    :: it just make sleepign outside danger cause you can be kidnaped ( its porno mod )



    Simply mods i use:

    - NO Game Pause

    - NO Fast Travel

    - NO Quick Menu

    - NO UI in Fight

    - Revenge of The Enemies



    And many many more :o




    drop your ideas here to make my game harder cause now its boring and easy xD


    way too easy :c



    also... any1 know good mod to make Trading... more normal but still hard?

    cause something like this:


    - "Hey, i want to sell this BOW!..."

    - "Sure, i can give you 12 septims, is that ok?"

    - "Yee take it" <Bow Sold>

    - "Anything more?"

    - "Hmm... after thingking i think i will need this bow, here are your 12 septims can you give me my bow back?"

    - "Sure, but it will be 43.000 septims so you need 42.982 septims more"

    - "But you bought this bow from me 5 sec ago... and you gave me only 12 septims"

    - "well... trading my friend"

    - "ok, so how much is your life worth?"

    - "pretty nothing, im randomly generated NPC"

    - " -.- ... ok... "

    - "Hey, companions !... *silent* where is this bow :o"


    lol :o

    sry for my potato english xD

  13. foamyesque

    If you're using a structure like that it is generally best to make it go if-elseif,

    so that all the branches are mutually exclusive and only onewill be chosen.



    my code also chose only one :D after Function find first effects it return with TRUE :)


    It will fire two OnMagicEffectApply() events, both of which will have two successful matches.


    You can protect from duplicating by adding one more If that check if current state is lower than state we want to set :x

    #MyUglyEnglish xD im not sure you will understand me xDDD


    Npdogg have you try my code ? :P

    i want to know it works or not xD

  14. Srsl...

    What do you pref? Golden Shovel or Deep Mine Order?


    Topic created: 2016

    Last Post: 2017


    Create your own Topic why you mine so old topics xDDD


    Here... when you hit Player lost 1 gold coin


    Also... GJ Nexus, 2019 and still no Double Post Span...

    You can edit you post, you have button in right bottom corner Quibblonian101

    Scriptname QLG_SimpleScript_TakeGold extends MagicEffect
    	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
    	{ Player Ref. }
    	MiscObject Property GoldRef Auto
    	{ Reference to Gold ( Item ) }
    Event OnEffectStart( Actor QTar, Actor QCas )
    	If( ( QCas == QPlayer ) && ( QPlayer.GetGoldAmount() >= 1 ) )
    		QPlayer.RemoveItem( GoldRef , 1 )
    		Debug.Notification("Sorry, You don't have gold !...");

    1. Create new script

    2. Copy / Paste

    3. Create new Spell

    4. Attach script to spell

    5. each time you use spell you lose 1 gold coin


    remember to fill properties or script will do nothing...

  15. Script01 ( attached to XMarker )

    ObjectReference ObjA ; Ref to Object 1

    ObjectReference ObjB ; Ref to Object 2

    Event OnActivate( ObjectReference QRef )






    Event ???

    Script01.Activate( self )


    Just use Activate

    Create 3 objects

    Two that you want to delete and XMarker ( last ) that support deleting all objects at once

    then Activate XMarker with any event by Activate() function and done...

    in Script01 if XMarker was activated it delete two References and self...

  16. There is no MOD atm to disable NPCs Bashing

    With this you can find mod that edit your CombatAI:



    you can delete / change it or move to top ( then his changes got overwrite by mods below load order )



    Or you can just create new mod that disable NPCs Bash


    1. Download CK

    2. Load Skyrim.esp

    3. In EVERY SINGLE Combat Class change Bash chance to 0

    // there is around 100 / 200 Combat Classes probably xD lol

    4. Save your mod ( give it name ( just CTRL + S ) )

    5. done


    remember to have your new mod loaded last in load order to overwrite other mods Combat Classes

  17. For me there is no difference between your "proper" and "fast made" normal maps...


    also here is my Normal Map Generated Fast in Browser



    Egh... why this .bmp is only for download? xD also why i have 250kb limit xd

    its too small T_T cant upload small PNG file !... T_T








    in my opinion looks pretty close to your... maybe less smooth but who cares... i dont xD

    im using this Online Normal Map Generator for last 3 years and im happy with effects :D


    " i don't need to copy paste anything from anyone... "

    Then why 3Ds Max is writen with white color and Blender with gray? :D


    White color is when you copy / paste things from other posts/websites


    i don't need to copy paste anything from anyone...

    see? white :D

  18. I need to create a script that opens a locked door when a specific shout hits it. For example the shouts I had in mind were Unrelenting Force, Fire breath and Dragonrend.


    Event OnHit()

    Here: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=OnHit_-_ObjectReference

    	Spell Property QSpell Auto
    	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
    Event OnHit( ObjectReference QRef, Form QSrc, Projectile Proj, bool A, bool A, bool B, bool C )
    	If( QRef == QPlayer )
    		If( QSrc == QSpell )
    			; Player hit this with QSpell ; do stuff here

    im not sure how it will work on Static objects, not sure it will even work on static


    you can create MovableStatic... they work for sure but idk how OnHit will work with Static Static :tongue:

    By door you mean something that block way that you can push with Fus Ro Dah or normal door that you can teleport with?




    And also, I'd like to know how to make events happen once the player is within a certain radius, because I can't find anything in the list of Papyrus Functions.

    Scriptname QLG_Script_TriggerInRange extends ObjectReference
    	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
    	{ Player Ref. }
    Event OnTriggerEnter( ObjectReference QRef )
    	If( QRef == QPlayer )
    		; Do stuff here
    		; Do stuff here ( activated but by follower / NPC / Enemy etc. )

    Video tutorial: ( SKIP TO 5:20 - Yes long useless video xD its not my bad, CK just load like forever :c )


  19. You mean her cheeks?

    Thats because her face, sry but thats true :x...


    you can change NormalMaps if you want to keep face and remove shadow


    her cheeks looks like they look cause... idk what you did but bottom cheecks are in middle part of face instead of bottom




    what exacly you mean by "ugly blocky shadow"?

    can you point area with red circle? also maybe use fov 15 to zoom...

    ~ ( console ) type: fov 15 ( zoom - kind of xD )

  20. Maxarturo nice Copy / Paste :D ( you forgott to remove styles :tongue: )


    Nhozoni you already have everything you need but


    for Blender you will need Nif Plugin if you don't have it already

    here: https://github.com/niftools/blender_nif_plugin


    for Gimp you will need DDS Plugin if you don't have it already

    here: https://code.google.com/archive/p/gimp-dds/downloads




    Im not sure how they did this but Sjel Blad Castle already have custom horses

    you can ride on Bear Spider Sabrecat and many many more


    Sjel Blad Castle:





    Open this Plugin in CK and watch how they did custom mounts :tongue:

    maybe if i will have some time ill download this mod and help you more :D


    atm you can just download this and try by yourself :smile:



    about Normal Maps im using this: https://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/

    and its working fine Maxarturo :)

  21. Fixed:

    Scriptname QLG_Script_Tests extends MagicEffect
    FormList Property QEffectList Auto
    int Property QStage auto
    Quest Property QQuest auto
    Event OnMagicEffectApply( ObjectReference QCaster, MagicEffect QEffect )
    	If( EffectFC( QEffect ) )
    		QQuest.SetStage( QStage )
    Bool Function EffectFC( MagicEffect QEffect)
    	int i	 = 0
    	int Size = QEffectList.GetSize()
    		While( i < Size )
    			If( QEffect == QEffectList.GetAt( i ) )
    				Return true
    			i += 1
    	Return False

    This code compile for me fine...




    Show full code that you try to compile...

  22. Scriptname QLG_Script_Tests extends ObjectReference
    FormList Property QEffectList Auto
    int Property QStage auto
    Quest Property QQuest auto
    Event OnMagicEffectApply( ObjectReference QCaster, MagicEffect QEffect )
    	If( EffectFC() )
    		QQuest.SetStage( QStage )
    Bool Function EffectFC()
    	int i	 = 0
    	int Size = QEffectList.GetSize()
    		While( i < Size )
    			If( QEffect == QEffectList.GetAt( i ) )
    				Return true
    			i += 1
    	Return False

    NOT TESTED !...


    Bad because:
    - Form List are slow
    - anything more?
    Good because:
    - in any time you can expand Form List with new effects
    - less code... but who cares about how long code is :x...
    if you don't want many lines of If If If If If you can use loop and Arrays / FormLists
    Arrays are much faster but you need to convert FormList to Array first :x...
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