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Posts posted by templeofninpo

  1. So far having issues with turning a whole interior cell into green.

    Have a 512x512 green texture on copy of the eastempire sign. Can be scaled easily to x10. Has no collision (can be walked through). Will make a large 'warehouse'.

    The thing is, any modder could easily do this and it can only really be used in the kit itself. I could make different plausible sets (ex. A late night variety show set, or a news room), but the thing I'm going to research is how to make a customizable greenscreen in game... I once turned a helmet into a 2d picture that used every body slot. It was like a large bobbing photo that clipped into the ground and turned with every headtrack.

    Is it possible to turn a building-sized static object into a havoked/placeable object that you can put in your pocket?

  2. Appreciate your work. Cheers, and patience be with you.


    I very often liken all society gender issues with that of roosters and hens (ex. the best hens love a rooster who would rather be sad than psychotic).


    also got 3 robobrain chickens in the garbage guru mod... (was that a plug... whatever... just saying "yay, chickens" )


    cheers and good luck... also, if ever I'm given the opportunity to make a garbage guru mod for FO4 I'd be honoured by your consideration to help (gonna make vicoria, bc and in lore friendly fashion explain how the right to sleep was won... omg i need friends i can talk to about this stuff. .. I mean, would it be possible to make a 'holographic lounger pod' game where, in that game you could be given a preset character with its own voice?... anyhoo


    what were we talking about... oh you, sorry.


    anyhoo the giddyup mod is really pretty. cheers

  3. Umm, ok. For me it was because Deadly Dragons had Important NPCs set as essential. So far... worked once anyway... Fired follower. Set deadly dragon to not essentual npcs. Seems to work.


    Don't know if the first forcegreet and the identical speech that happens when you talk before the forcegreet (Arngier) are messing something.


    Edit- nevermind.... Trying it with notsofast main quest delayer uninstalled.... Nope... Maybe a mod to add the greybeards to player/follower faction? So dragons wouldn't be affected by adding the player to the grey beard faction? Tired now. Good night.



    EDIT02- ok thinl i got the fix. Open console, click on Arngeir, type 'sifh 1' to toggle whether an actor will react to friendly fire., then speak to him for the first time and try not to hit any of the others.

  4. Ok. So far.


    I had to make an 'outfit' so my test npc could use it. Now, I figure I can make it the picture smaller using a different mesh, but turning it to face forward I'm at a loss.... Ideally, I would place it right on the shoulders and only have it a little longer and wider than a head.

    edit- very funny. not wearable (picture comes straight out of middle of sight)

    bottom picture I occupied all slots, body, hands, etc.

  5. I found this- http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1274926-ugridstoload-skyrimini-comparisons-and-explanation-default-57911/


    Explains uGrids setup pretty well (for skyrim) but nothing about a setting of 3.


    Tried 3 with my oblivion install but didn't notice a change. I am running 640x480 with view distance all the way up with tree fade to 0, and fps averages to 17ish for both 3 and 5. So maybe a setting of three just reverts to 5.


    This fellow claims 3 is functional for skyrim-

  6. Cluttering and world building would be ridiculously fun with ingame mechanics.


    Of course its all theoretical, if effort was put into it im sure people could figure out things like grouping textures and such.


    And just to make clear, im talking about PCs.


    Heck, voice command activations would be efficient as well.

  7. - could have AI guides walk you through process


    -I think building sets with the settlement crafting interface would be awesome.


    -I'm also not saying that it has to be exclusive. Heck, could probably use third-party extensions re photoshop, or nifscope or the original geck/ Heck, it could probably all be done though mod organizer...

    - could do voice recording, heck you could make an in-game recording studio.

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