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Posts posted by templeofninpo

  1. Does anyone know the work-around for making more than the 4 or 5 (don't quite remember exactly how many but there's not a lot) 'extra' custom spell effects that the CS allows? Is it an OBSE thing?


    For example, maybe I would like to have more than 5 summonable armors/weapons... I remember it was also impossible to make a different colored fireball without changing all fireballs.


    I am thinking of redoing my mod The Lady (a colorful quest mod... Summonable pink glass armor and an electric pink bow that shocks the target... anyhoo... :)) and knowing i had a bit more freedom with effects could be inspiring.



  2. Fallout 4 inspired the idea and I put it on that forum first though in retrospect I think Witcher would be much more suited for it.


    A 'reality-esque infra-vision-ish' filter moving and adjusting at each motion of the head everywhere but in the line of sight of the player character.


    Can't know something is there without sensing it first. Everything we can't see is unknown or presumption. ... Ninjas train their presumptions to be accurate... I digress...


    Just a mod I'd like to see.

  3. Imagine a filter that changes all the player character cannot see, in 3rd person mode, to a slightly warbled intuition of 'presumption of reality' image. You couldn't know something was there without sensing it first.... just throwin it out there for immersion people.


    "Eyes are flashlights that shine on reality, all else is presumption. It's why we train, to 'know without seeing'. Patience be with us."


    Is something like that even possible? I can sort of see it in my head.... would be more of a thing for Witcher maybe. A reality-esque infravision moving and adjusting at each motion of the head everywhere but in the line of sight... maybe no 1st person application... anyhoo...

  4. I wish for opportunity to make a Fallout 4 version of Garbage Guru Hauling and Free Store (re: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/58996/? ). I have unusual circumstances and cannot conventionally put together a rig and a space to do it, essentially waiting for God to place it all in my lap.


    Anyhoo, given opportunity, it would become the most important thing in the world to me and my dedication would reflect that.



  5. Afforded opportunity (a rig, boarding and a dedicated year) I would recreate the story of my mod (Garbage Guru Hauling and Free Store- http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/58996/? ) with new and updated gardening, psychedelic/dream and politeness/mindfulness quests. As well as augmenting the lore to challenge the noble sentiment given to the term 'Commonwealth'.


    Just putting it out there. Oh, and I would like to do it all without money as the medium of exchange. Aaaanyhoo...




    David Arthur Johnston (templeofninpo)

    Victoria, BC, Canada

    [email protected]

  6. Install order- Fook and Factions Reloaded (merged)?


    For that matter, Fook and Project Nevada. What is best to install first? I'd also include Cirosan's Character Overhaul (no perk rebalancing), jsawyer and realistic weapons damage. (Ill also be adding EVE and WME).


    Do the Monster mod and iws work together? AND is the monster mod a detrimental hit to fps?


    If I just wanted all these mods what order should I install them? All DLCs and pre-order packs are already installed.


    Any ideas?

  7. For that matter, Fook and Project Nevada. What is best to install first? I'd also include Cirosan's Character Overhaul (no perk rebalancing), jsawyer and realistic weapons damage. (Ill also be adding EVE and WME).




    If I just wanted all these mods what order should I install them? All DLCs and pre-order packs are already installed.


    Any ideas?

  8. I made this with my mod (Garbage Guru Hauling and Free Store) in mind, though it'll work in general as well.

    Extremely Basic GECK Voice Addon Instruction (for New Vegas)


    New Vegas installed.
    GECK or GECK Power-up installed.
    winrar (or other compression software)

    1. From desktop- run the GECK (from here on in I'll refer to the GECK and the GECK Power-up as just the GECK- they do the same thing as far as voice recording is concerned).

    2. Load up/open the Fallout esm and the mod you want to make an addon for (in this case it will be AAAGG.esp). Do not set either as the 'active file'.

    3. After loaded when you first save it will ask you what you want to name the file and where you want to put it (I suggest giving it the prefix AAAGG- for all the files you might make) and it must be saved in the Data folder in the NV game folder (the one containing the game exe).

    4. Go to 'Quests' in the Object Window and double click on the one you want to make voice for (one character can have dialog in multiple quests- hence the AAAGG prefix comes in handy because all the voices in this mod exist in quest files prefixed with AAAGG... that is, you'll have to manually check each one to see if a character has lines there). After double-clicking on a quest the quest window will open.

    5. In that window all of the tabs from 'Topics' to 'Radio' are for dialog (most dialog for this will be in the Topics tab, though there are instances where there are lines in 'Conversation' and 'Combat').

    6. Click on a topic then all the lines in it will be displayed.

    7. Double click on the line you want to do... hold on, wait a second... Ok minimize the geck for a moment and check your Data/Sound/voices/AAAGG.esp folder. In it will be a few folders of the voices of all/some of the character's voices. Delete the characters you intend on making voice for (some may not exist because I uploaded a few of the voices in separate files onto the Nexus and you may not have them, which doesn't matter, if the character you want to do isn't in the Data/Sound/voices/AAAGG.esp folder that's fine and let's just go back into the GECK now.

    8. Ok. After double clicking on a line a dialog window will open, with the text of the line in the top box. Near the bottom is a Record button. (you may have to figure out manually how to best set up your system's recording. I know the numbers 44100 and 16bit are required)

    9. Record yourself reading the line. Let there be the shortest of pauses after starting and before ending recording.

    10. Preview and if it is acceptable, save it (note: when you save a lipfile is also made, so if you want to change a save you already made you'll have to manually delete the lipfile and let the geck make a new one with your new save... so take previewing seriously :).

    11. Then save the file. Also save often.

    12. (Optional) When you are done with all your lines of dialog. They are ready to be compressed into a rar and uploaded, though, if possible, if you have an audio batch file coverter (be good to get one if you're going to be doing this sort of stuff) to convert all the .wav files the geck made to .ogg files- 16bit mono 44100. Then just delete the .wav files.

    13. Packaging the .rar.

    - make a folder named AAAGG[yourfilename]
    - in that folder make a folder named Data
    - in that folder make a folder named Sound (is it sounds with an 's'... manually double check that one)
    - in that folder make a folder named voices (check the 's' thing again)
    - in that folder make a folder named AAAGG.esp
    - now go to the voice/aaagg.esp folder in the game folder and copy the folder(s) you worked on and paste them in your AAAGG.esp folder.
    - now right click on your file folder (the AAAGG[yourfilename] and make an archive of it. You'll have to figure out/get the .rar compression software yourself.

    Once that is done upload it to the Nexus and I can put a link to it in my mod description.

    Hope this helps.

    PS: Just realized saving isn't important unless you are changing the dialog, which is doable but raises complication as then the .esp (your esp in the Data folder) gets put in your .rar's Data folder. Which means it becomes an 'update' that'll potentially need to be upgraded everytime I upgrade the mod.

  9. works now with variable- 'freed'. problem now is the npcs I crucify at the end of the quest are missing (I'm presuming they are being put in the cell at quest start and its entrance isn't enabled yet so I can't even check to see if they are there....

    anyhoo, continuing to plug away...

  10. I've a quaint multi-quest mod that'll be ready in a weekISH.


    I'm wondering if there are people experienced with this process of using volunteer voice actors, how long it can take and the process of transferring/adding the files to the mod (re: do I have to individually rename each sound file). Is .OGG the best file type and such?


    the companions (all will have 60-80ish lines)-


    Arthur, male ghoul wise and philosophical


    Liam, smart ass charming 20 something


    Jonathon, high energy 50 year old hippy


    Andrew, serious, critial and 'to the point' 30 year old


    Steven, practical and generous handyman (would like AC/DC if they we're around) 48ish


    Chelsey, 30ish female sexy psychopath



    Character NPCs-


    David Shebib- 70ish, down to business, smart leader. (15ish lines)


    Louie- 70ish super gardener (12ish lines)


    Joshua- 30ish dubstep music guy (8ish lines)


    Vanessa- Shebib's daughter. Pleasant and pretty single mom of two. 40ish (25ish lines)


    Ava- Vanessa's 8 year old daughter (6ish lines)


    Arrow- Vanessa's 1.8 year old toddler. male.(6ish lines)


    Hilde (Hill-dee)- employee of Crimson Caravan. sexy and ragged street-wise 30ish female (10ish lines)


    a generic male thug voice and a generic female thug voice (10ish lines each)




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