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Posts posted by templeofninpo

  1. Alright.

    I have a couple guys hanging up there properly, but when it comes to getting them down I'm at a loss.


    I've taken the script from the NPC 'hostages' in Nelson...


    scn VNelsonHostageRestrain2

    float timer
    Short Freed
    Short DoOnce
    Short Button
    Short iCount ; Counter to enable Legion enemies if hostages are rescued
    Short bBooneReacted;
    Short Home

    BEGIN GameMode
    ;forces to check restrain
    ;getfurnituremarkerid == 26

    if DoOnce == 0
    if GetSitting == 3
    IgnoreCrime 1
    setRestrained 1
    set DoOnce to 1

    ; Too many NPCs in the area
    ;If VNelson.bLegionSpawned != 1
    ; If Freed == 1
    ; If iCount < 1
    ; NelsonLegion01REF.Enable 1
    ; Set iCount to 1
    ; Return
    ; Elseif iCount == 1
    ; NelsonLegion02REF.Enable 1
    ; Set iCount to 2
    ; Return
    ; Elseif iCount == 2
    ; NelsonLegion03REF.Enable 1
    ; Set iCount to 3
    ; Set VNelson.bLegionSpawned to 1
    ; Endif
    ; Endif


    BEGIN OnLoad
    IgnoreCrime 1
    ;Cripples both legs for all three
    NelsonNCRHostage01REF.DamageActorValue LeftMobilityCondition 5
    NelsonNCRHostage01REF.DamageActorValue RightMobilityCondition 5

    NelsonNCRHostage02REF.DamageActorValue LeftMobilityCondition 5
    NelsonNCRHostage02REF.DamageActorValue RightMobilityCondition 5

    NelsonNCRHostage03REF.DamageActorValue LeftMobilityCondition 5
    NelsonNCRHostage03REF.DamageActorValue RightMobilityCondition 5

    Begin onhit player
    setenemy caesarslegionnelsonfaction playerfaction

    BEGIN OnActivate

    If IsActionRef Player == 1
    if ( GetDead == 0 )
    if ( freed == 0 )
    if ( IsActionRef player == 1 )
    ;if ( Player.IsInCombat == 0 ) **
    ShowMessage TecMineHostageMSG
    elseIf ( GetDead == 1 ) || ( Freed == 1 )

    BEGIN Menumode 1001

    if ( freed == 0 )
    set button to GetButtonPressed
    if ( button == 1 )
    SetRestrained 0
    ignoreCrime 0
    ;Addtofaction NCRFactionNV 1
    ;setenemy caesarslegionnelsonfaction playerfaction
    setpcenemyoffaction caesarslegionnelsonfaction 1
    set VNelson.NumHostages to VNelson.NumHostages + 1
    set VNelson.HostagesFreedTotal to VNelson.HostagesFreedTotal + 1;
    if VNelson.NumHostages == 3
    set VNelson.HostagesFreed to 1
    if GetObjectiveDisplayed VNelson 10 == 1 && GetQuestCompleted VNelson == 0 ; <<< (Added 7_27_10) Added conditions to address issue where during VMS30: Restoring Hope...
    SetObjectiveDisplayed VNelson 15 1 ; <<< ...this objective would be set even though the Player had not started VNelson quest yet.
    endif ; <<< (7_29_10) Changed first condition from "GetQuestRunning" to "GetObjectiveDisplayed" -ETB
    if (VNPCFollowers.bBooneHired == 1 && bBooneReacted == 0 && VNelson.HostagesFreedTotal + VNelson.HostagesKilled >= 3)

    set VDialogueCraigBoone.nOpenness to VDialogueCraigboone.nOpenness + 1;
    if (VNelson.HostagesFreedTotal>= 3) ; bonus for saving all three
    set VDialogueCraigBoone.nOpenness to VDialogueCraigboone.nOpenness + 1;
    set bBooneReacted to 1;
    CraigBooneREF.SayTo player VDialogueCraigBooneNelsonReactSave
    set Freed to 1

    BEGIN OnDeath

    set VNelson.NumHostages to VNelson.NumHostages - 1
    set VNelson.HostagesKilled to VNelson.HostagesKilled + 1

    ; there was previously a check inserted here to see that the Nelson quest was running and incomplete. I don't think that's necessary for Boone to react to the mercy killings,
    ; and have removed it. -EPF 7/29/10
    if (VNPCFollowers.bBooneHired == 1 && bBooneReacted == 0 && VNelson.HostagesKilled + VNelson.HostagesFreedTotal>= 3)
    CraigBooneREF.SayTo player VDialogueCraigBooneNelsonReactMercyKill
    set VDialogueCraigBoone.nOpenness to VDialogueCraigboone.nOpenness + 1;
    set bBooneReacted to 1;

    if VNelson.HostagesKilled == 3 && NVNelsonRangerMiloREF.getdead == 0
    if GetObjectiveDisplayed VNelson 10 == 1 && GetQuestCompleted VNelson == 0
    setStage VNelson 15



    ... and widdled (sp?) it down to this...


    scn AAAGGShebibCrucifixScript

    Short DoOnce
    short freed

    BEGIN GameMode

    if (DoOnce == 0) && (freed == 0)
    if (getstage AAAGGRescueQuest >= 10) && (getstage AAAGGRescueQuest <= 80)
    setRestrained 1
    set DoOnce to 1

    BEGIN OnActivate

    If (IsActionRef Player == 1) && (getstage AAAGGRescueQuest == 80)
    ShowMessage AAAGGCrucifixReleaseMsg
    SetRestrained 0
    set freed to 1



    I have them set (the npcs) with 'linked references' to the crucifix furniture.

    I have a travel package set to 'near linked ref'. and conditioned with a script variable that will only run when they are freed != 1.

    The message displays when the NPC is activated but nothing else happens.

    Any ideas out there? this is the second last quest in my new 'quaint' multiquest mod and I would like my friends to be rescued.


    PS: is it a faction thing? ... I'll check.



  2. How hard would it be to implement a user friendly page designing interface akin to godaddy's (which could be compared to Indesign's but much more simple). Potentially would be the end of people just pasting in their ReadMes as their mod description.
  3. Having some issue and would rather not abandon the idea. I have the NV Monster Costumes version of a Liberty Prime suit in a dream sequence where the player uses it. I made each of the gloves into their own armor object.

    As I rotate around it being worn the lower torso flickers between different colors that are being reflected from the environment.

    I've seen this phenomenon before on a hanging lamp in front of Prospector's Saloon and in other places I think as well.

    anyhow, cheers. there will be a large dedicatedly quaint multi-quest mod coming out in within the next month (I have said that before...), Keep your eyes open for Garbage Guru Hauling & Free Store. Cheers.http://static-6.nexusmods.com/15/images/130/3680978-1429512642.jpg

  4. duplicated the piece and replaced it- didn't work
    there is something going on we can't see... Is your stove a 'furniture' piece with an attached idle?

    Are those rubber mats? I have those as well, though it doesn't show in my pic.

    I will try pulling the object piece in without duplicating it. I'll remove the furniture stove and the mats, probably get back to you tomorrow.

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